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Tagged With "Richmond upon Thames"


Re: Beating Jet Lag

TravelGirlJenn ·
My method is similar--get on the local schedule as best as I can. I do not nap upon arrival. Fortunately, I am usually so dang excited that adrenaline takes over and am usually fairly alert until after dinner time. Unfortunately, that also means I have nearly an impossible time sleeping on planes. Even with a sleep aid. I've read of people adjusting their schedule for up to two weeks ahead of time to make up for the change in the schedule, making their sleep rhythms in tune with the local...

Re: The Legend of Vlad the Impaler (Dracula)

Travel Rob ·
Andredeya, thanks for sharing ! Have perceptions changed now of Vlad Tepes in Romania?When I was there ,he still was looked upon as a cruel but heroic figure in Romania

Re: Replacing iPhone Abroad

HistoryDigger ·
UPDATE: We went to GRAVIS on Ehrensrasse 2 : They told us that nobody will repair a wet a iPhone. So, upon their advice, we booked a genius appointment at the Apple Store in the suburbs of Cologne: There, we can exchange our wet phone with a refurbished iPhone 5 for 250 euros. Not cheap, but we can put my husband's SIM card into the refurbished phone, and he'll be on his way. We're trying not to think...

Making Connections For Connecting Flights

rbciao ·
The other day we bought tickets on Delta from "da Burgh" -JFK-Paris-Vienna. We have a 1 hour 35 minute layover at CDG to make the connection with Air France to Vienna. After extensive travel in Europe this is the first time to make a connection onto...

TripAdvisor's Halloween Best

DrFumblefinger ·
With Halloween upon us, Tripadvisor has again come out with some spooky stuff.   Check it out!   1)   Best Ghost Tours   2)   Best Haunted Hotels   3)   Scary abandoned places

Experience the Magic of Unforgettable Hassle-free Trip and Rejuvenate your Senses

Harrisonella77 ·
In recent times, the most promising and flourishing industry is the tourism industry which plays a vital role in the development of the country's economy by bringing revenues. Some people travel because they have a passion for exploring new places and some people travel because they want to get rid of their monotonous life and having a desire to bring rejuvenate their life. By exploring new places one can restore the childhood memories. With the tourism industry, many other aspects of our...

Best Ways To Save Money During Your Travels

Beatrix Potter ·
It’s definitely very possible to live life to the fullest. You can travel the world while you are young – don’t wait for you pension. You can see everywhere and everything you want to, following some intuitive money-saving tips. This article gives you the best advice, including some tips from experts! Talk to locals Locals have the best advice on what the best and most affordable attractions are in town. Making friends with locals is even better, as it secures connections across borders.

Things you should do in Singapore

khush ·
Singapore is a tiny island and may be smaller than many major cities around the world, but this country has succeeded to create a high level of discipline among its people and is today being looked up upon across the world. However, don’t let the country’s inclination for law frighten you. Singapore can promise can extraordinary vacation, as long as you follow certain simple tips that will make your tour much more enjoyable. 1. Throw your litter into the bin Though this is quite a basic...

How To Plan Your Travel Systematically

Joseph Nicholls ·
Figure out how to design your excursion efficiently: Peruse your underlying considerations: Prompt plans don't permit heaps of pressing and arranging. In this way, begin gathering things once beginning arrangement hits your brain, and you began computing or realized where to go during the current end of the week. This will help you in understanding your get-away better and plan as indicated by the climate you are going in for the host nation. Beginning contemplations will help you in...

Historical temples of Rajasthan that bless you with the spiritual ecstasy

Rekha Bisht ·
Rajasthan has a special place in the history of India. Splendid forts, royal palaces, Rajputana legends, and even the temples in Rajasthan lure the history lovers to the royal state. The historical temples in Rajasthan deserve a special mention when planning a holiday in India. The masterpieces of extravagant architecture and many legends of mythology are certainly interesting to explore. Blessed with healing powers to divine aura, historical tells to legends, take a tour to best temples.

Guide To Pack Well For An Overnight Hike

Ruby Daub ·
An overnight hike is an interesting and exciting experience. Whether its a group of friends or some unknown fellows, you get to learn so much from such trips. First hikes are always the difficult ones and when it is about packing the right hiking gear and essentials then it gets really tough to figure out what to pack and what not.Well, it basically depends upon the situation. Are you going to the forest or just near the roads? What are the dangers that you can face there? How many days does...

Most Popular Churches In Goa

Sunil Kumar ·
What is Goa most popular for? Its beaches of course. Those lovely stretches of sand that are great for spending a day in complete relaxation or enjoying various water sports in Goa. However, what most tourists forget is that Goa has a lot to offer besides its beaches, like its forts, spice plantations, casinos, and such other stuff that make for a memorable vacation. Goa is also home to a number of churches, some of which are UNESCO World Heritage Sites and are repositories of heritage and...

The List Of Ultimate Destinations For An Amazing Stag-Do

John Peter ·
Planning for a stag do destination may seem daunting, but exciting at the same time. Be it just for the night or the weekend, there are many options to choose from and have a blast just the same. If you have the budget (and the time), you can plan a month long getaway because it’s not every day that your buddy gets hitched. Since it's the last chance for the groom-to-be to enjoy his singledom, it falls upon his friends to throw him a stag party that he will remember forever! And because you...

Walk your way to a new you on the Camino de Santiago

Rebecca Brown ·
If you would have told me two years ago that I would be telling story upon story about going on a walking holiday – a pilgrimage at that – and claiming it has been the best holiday ever (even better than our week in the Bahamas the year before), I would most certainly not have believed you. Today, I am planning my next Camino as we speak – writing this has taken me back to some of the best moments on the road, and you will most likely see me on the Camino Frances again in 2018. To make a...

Selecting Best Minibus Travel Company for Transit

ukminibusestravel ·
When you have to go with the group on some place then rather than taking individual cars you must book the minibus. It would be an ideal thing for 20-30 people. A minibus really makes everyone feel great as the group can be together and spend time with frolic. If you are in need of the mini bus then Book Minibus Online Birmingham and get the perfect picnic like experience. A good minibus has a good chauffer and amazing interiors so that you can feel great. How to finalize on to which minibus...

Looking for Amazing People Who love to Travel To Share Their Story

Outchemy Travels ·
My name is Dominique. I have always loved to travel, seek adventures at new places, learn about other cultures, and meet people very different from me. I have been fortunate enough to be able to do extensive traveling whilst I was living in Paris, through my international studies at my university. It transformed how I see the world in more ways than I can possibly describe. And I am sure, if any of you have done some extensive traveling time faraway from home, at some other corner of the...

5 tips for travelling abroad with your iphone

Loganathan ·
Almost anywhere you travel in the world these days—especially to any First World country or popular tourist destination—a strong cellular signal and Wi-Fi hotspots in hotels, restaurants, Internet cafes, shopping centers, and airports are readily available. So even though you may be on the opposite side of the world from where you live, your iPhone or iPad can still serve as a powerful communication, organization, and productivity tool, as well as an interactive entertainment device. The...

Why Beirut is the best city to visit in the Middle East

mahendralink ·
Sitting there on the edge of the cliff and overlooking the sea, the charming mermaid welcomes all visitors flocking in from all places around the world offering them a warm stay with the authentic Arabian generosity and unforgettable moments despite its sufferings. Beirut has always been a cultural and financial capital of the whole Arab region, each and every corner of the city carries loads of memories reflecting the story of people who struggled and managed to withhold a series of deadly...

Benefits of Self-Drive Cars on Rentals over Taxis & Cabs

Mary ·
With the rising awareness among average Indians, the demand for improved services is on the rise these days than in the past. Nothing exemplifies this phenomenon or the new trend in a better way than the choice of rental cars among people in India. Though the cab culture in India has undergone some changes in recent years, it is still quite a distance away from accepting the idea of self-driven cars. That said, the joys of self-driven cars far exceed the experience of sitting in a passenger...

How to go from Los Angeles airport to the city

Tiffy ·
Up to 7 airports are located in Los Angeles. Here's a tip: If you plan to take an internal flight, leaving or going to Los Angeles, look carefully at the airport code. LAX is the international airport of Los Angeles, but you can also see codes like LGB for Long Beach or SNA. Beware of the airport you are going to, since not all are equally well connected. If upon arrival you plan to pick up a rental car and there’s an office there, great, but if not, sometimes private transport becomes...

Why I Choose Short Term Over Long Term Travel

TillsLovesTravel ·
There was a long held view in my household that short term travel was more economical, sustainable and even more fun than the long term options, and I stand by it. I have watched many friends head off on their year long travel journeys only to return home a little disappointed that their adventure has ended. I have watched a few of them become disheartened by joining the rat race once more. But that isn’t me... I have, like most Brits, opted for the annual holiday to feed my travel thrist.

Points to Consider before Apply for Temporary Graduate Visa Subclass 485

Migration Agent Perth ·
You must in a deliberate confusion as a non-native student graduated in Australia in deciding your future plan: to top up and earn a livelihood in the nation or go for higher education. To make things simpler for you, Temporary Graduate Visa Subclass 485 can suffice both your requirements. This visa has been particularly introduced for non-native scholars from Australian study institutes. The 485 visa incorporates the following classifications: Graduate Work Stream (legitimate for one and...

Tips for female backpackers in India

Neeraj panchal ·
Traveling in India is one of the most fascinating and overwhelming experiences you can experience in Asia. Thanks to the many highlights, the delicious food, and the special culture, the country are high on the list of many travelers. It is a somewhat 'more difficult' country to travel through, you face more challenges than countries such as Thailand and Indonesia. Women in particular often skip India. With some good preparations, traveling here should not be a big problem. Therefore, view...

Healthy tips for busy people

SaundraCampos ·
We understand that you are too busy with your daily routine, and there is nothing much you can do in order to get out of your routine. However, don't let it be an excuse that will force you to live a life full of diseases and problems. Remember that the choices will be yours and it will stick with you for a long time. So, every decision you take will have a considerable impact on your health. You may choose to pick the options that are not healthy or smart and choose healthy options even...

Time To Visit Srinagar Kashmir

Jonhrobinson ·
Silk-sunset, appreciative reminder white, tar concerning the roads, gloom on the far away away side the kerosine lamp free on pinnacle of the lake, ripples within the water, fog upon the mirror, garden of the spring, the palace of the fairies, subject of the poems, emptiness within the eyes, non-attendance of words, for all time in passable things and plus the recent roses upon a breeze, wherever remodel a pedestal arrives in recollections of continuously to liberate us into cartoon...

How to Travel Thailand like Royalty on a Budget

dzhingarova ·
People the world over come to Thailand for its miles upon miles of beautiful beaches, friendly people, ancient temples, and natural beauty. Another reason why Thailand is such a great place to be is that you have all the advantages of a world class destination, without the costs. With a little bit of savoir faire, you could have a VIP experience even if you’re on a budget. Here are a few tips on how to get the most out of your Thailand trip without breaking the bank. Enjoy the Scrumptious...

Different Types of Travel Visas

Krimamiller ·
When you consider traveling to a new country, there are a few things you require to think about beforehand. The first thing you should do is apply for a Visa. It is necessary for traveling outside of your country. Most common types of visa include travel, work, migration, and business. The first time you to figure out which type of visa you need. Every individual country has a different process for various people when applying for a visa or if it requires a visa at all. The following is an...

Ice Fishing 101: A Quick Overview For First Timers

Jacob William ·
Ice fishing is a very unique type of sport. It entails sitting on the ice, over a hole in the middle of winter. The conditions are miserable and you have to constantly keep your hole from freezing up. It might sound overwhelming to some people. However, for others, it is heaven on earth. Some anglers enjoy and prefer ice fishing. If you are looking to engage in this unique fishing experience, here is a quick overview for you. The basic factors which you need to know before going for ice...

Migration agents in Brisbane - One of the best immigration agents in Australia

Jacob William ·
Introduction Nowadays people are migrating from one place to another in search of job, shelter and a better living environment, many people even migrate from one country to another in search of better living opportunities but this is not at all an easy task as it requires a lot of official procedures and formalities. Here comes the job of a migration agent who not only help the people in getting their visas but also clarifies all the official proceedings. The migration agents in Brisbane are...

4 Amazing Rewards of Performing Umrah That Every Muslim Needs to Know

Ayan Asad ·
Umrah is one of the most beautiful Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him). This is a particular act of worship that now millions of Muslims do throughout the year. Rewards of Umrah are endless! Subhan Allah! Perform Umrah with intensity, love, desire and gratitude. Umrah is a spiritual journey to the house of Allah and in return there are rewards for the travelers. The journey will be one of the most beloved journeys of your life. This is guaranteed. It is such a blessed journey...

9 Delicious Foods Named After Places Around the Globe

Joanne ·
Some of the delicious dishes we love are named after cities and countries in different parts of the world. French toast, California roll, English muffins and Yorkshire pudding are just some notable examples. While these toponyms or 'place names' are usually associated with the origin of the dish, in some cases, they don't reveal the true origin of the food. Read on to discover the origin of some mouth-watering dishes named after famous places. 1 Worcestershire Sauce Worcestershire sauce was...

Best Traveling Tips to Consider While Visiting Tamarindo Costa Rica

Earl Whitton ·
Travelling and holiday planning are one of those aspects which helps you take a break from your routine life. The relaxing atmosphere at the beachside hotel and all the amenities at your service isn’t any less of a tour to heaven. Most of the people look upon a calm and relaxed atmosphere to shred away the stress of life. Tamarindo Costa Rica is one of the exotic places to spend a relaxing yet adventures holiday with your family. The town speaks for an all-beach location, where you shall...

Base Tendriling Travel Expenses

Shamail Tariq ·
As business travel costs nose upward, organizations are understanding that better cost-administration strategies can have any kind of effect The US. corporate travel costs soared to more than $143 billion of every 1994, as per American Express's latest study on business travel the executives. Private-area bosses spend an expected $2,484 per representative on travel and diversion, a 17 percent expansion in the course of recent years.Visit . Corporate T&E costs, presently the...

Kayak Garage storage ideas

tripztour ·
Kayak garage storage ideas also include rack ideas and you can position your racks and store the kayaks. A bunker – you can buy a bunker rack for the kayaks to keep in the garage. This bunker can be used even to keep gear and the paddles. It is very useful if you have more than one kayak. It gives more stability to the kayak and ensures it doesn’t bend from any side. Ceiling mounted racks – you can find tray like racks that can be attached to the ceiling and the kayaks can be placed parallel...

Seychelles reopening to tourists this month

Barry Barford ·
The Seychelles Tourism Board has reported that the country will reopen to tourists, regardless of whether they have been vaccinated or not, from March 25. However, visitors from South Africa will remain barred from entry, with this decision set to be reviewed in the coming weeks. Visitors will now only be required to present a negative PCR test taken 72 hours prior to departure. There will be no quarantine requirement or restriction on movement upon entry into the Seychelles. The minimum...

10 Things to Consider When Planning a Family Trip

Tracie Johnson ·
There are many things to consider when planning a family trip, from choosing the right destination to budgeting and packing. Here are some tips to help you make the most of your next family vacation. 1. Mode of Transportation Transport depends upon your spending plan and the place you wish to opt for your kids for the family getaway vacation. 2. Weather Check what the weather is supposed to be like before you decide on a destination for sure. You might want to go when the weather is most...

Pondicherry Eats

Jayita ·
It’s been less than a month since I relocated from my former hometown of Pondicherry, where I spent more than a decade, to my ancestral hometown Kolkata. I have been busy catching up with friends and family after ages, but I know soon enough memories of my beautiful beachside town will come back to haunt me. I believe the best, and in many ways the worst, years of my life were spent there. So, for whatever it’s worth, I also believe that food not only unites but also heals. Food abides and...