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Tagged With "surplus food"


Re: Crashing the geocache

Former Member ·
guten abend, Janine - That is reassuring. Thanks so much ! He had also been wondering about how to use his mobile in Europe. No problem downloading some apps - too many ! - while in the uS. I think his buddies said that they have GPS on their devices. So the dogs are really good at finding the geocaches ? Our dog only finds old shoes and icky trash. I was in Germany in my college days and loved it. They say a lot has changed. The food and the beer is probably better than ever, though. Thanks...

Re: Finishing college. Need help planning trip to U.K,

GarryRF ·
Starting to get things planned now Hank ! You have the choice of flying into Edinburgh in Scotland. Manchester in the North of England. Or Gatwick / Heathrow which both serve the London area in the South of England. You can get a Train to Paris to end your tour with a few days of Culture in a foreign language ! Fly back to the US from Paris will save you hundreds of Dollars because you wont pay the UK "Departure Tax" but not vital ! Liverpool is less than an hour on the Train from...

Re: Traveling for Local Food

DrFumblefinger ·
The best resource for good "american food" while on the road that I know of is . The website focus on quality non-chain restaurants, often mom and pop places, with good and often unique menu selections. Check it out. Not only can they help you in Colorado, they're useful throughout the USA. Just about the best tip to give someone traveling in the USA.

Re: How to not miss a connecting flight

DrFumblefinger ·
There are a lot of good tips in the article about streamlining your connections. While I mostly enjoy flying, travel days are busy and tiring enough that I hate to be rushed. I try to get to the airport early (often I've been grateful that I gave myself that extra time), and I don't take flights that have connections I consider too tight. I like at least 1.5-2 hours between my connections. I've been delayed on arrival often enough that having less time than that is no fun. As planes travel...

Re: Flower Sunday and the Beautiful churches in Romania

Andre Pur ·
My favourite ones are: Voronet Monastery for its beautiful blue painting and the Black Church because is near my living place . About the Easter Holiday yes it is a wonderful time in my country, almost because we cook a lot of great and tasty food specific for this time of the year. I will post another article later these days with our food traditions maybe you would like it

Re: Four Days in Berlin

Paul Heymont ·
I'll be posting some Berlin blogs in the next few weeks, since we visited last month...but for the moment, I'll start with one of our best experiences—a food walking tour. It's a great way to meet other visitors and to experience local foods and their history. We started at a small cafe/sweetshop and ate our way through breads and meats and pastries and ended up at a beer garden run by a small artisanal brewery, where the owner/brewmaster sat with us and then took us on a tour of his...

Re: Four Days in Berlin

DrFumblefinger ·
Thanks for the food info tour. Will definitely look into that. Did you do a cruise on the Spree and do you think it worthwhile in your opinion given the 4 day limit of our trip?

Re: Beating Jet Lag

JetLagCalc ·
Originally Posted by DrFumblefinger: Do you find hydration matters? Can you drink a lot of water? Yes, hydration is in fact quite important. You should drink as much water as you like. Also, 16 hours without food is a long time, so we recommend that you have some light snacks along the way, like some fruit.

Re: How to Travel Thailand like Royalty on a Budget

Happyzip ·
During my visit to Thailand in 20 days, I just spent $500 for everything here, from food, accommodation, and exploration by bikes. I recommend renting scooters here to explore our own way, cheap rate and lots of fun in the North

Re: Neighborhoods in Santiago de Cuba

GarryRF ·
I'm not familiar with Santiago de Cuba. Casa particulares will provide you with meals and drinks. Stores and Restaurants are hard to find and most food is still rationed to the Cubans. Cuban water is safe for the locals but carries a high mineral content, which may cause gastro problems. Bottled "Montero" water is available and low cost. Quite nice too. Santiago de Cuba is not on the tourist lists for us Brits. Most Cuban food uses - Rice -Beans - Eggs - Chicken - Pork (No Beef) - Fish...

Re: Visiting great places -- before they're gone

PortMoresby ·
Many times the fact that people feel the need to "visit places before they're gone" is the very reason they'll be gone or at least diminished to such an extent that they are vestiges of what made them great to begin with. This is particularly true of such naturally wonderful sites as you mention in your post above. Mt. Everest is a particularly glaring example of a wilderness reduced to a freeway of tourists with their ever-increasing demands on the environment forming lines to have their...

Re: Provence Help

Former Member ·
There's a food writer, Pater Mayle, who had a book on food and his life there called A Year in Provence. It was also made into a mini-series on BBC and I just looked it up and you can get it on Netflix!

Re: California road trip ideas

Former Member ·
My kids want to do Hollywood and all that stuff, so I guess we have to start or end up there. Me and my husband aren't too interested in that stuff, but nature is appealing, like redwoods and the ocean and stuff. Is Hwy 101 the one that goes along the coast? I think we could plan on getting to San Fran, too, because I think if you go to California and you don't everyone will tell you you should have...and I hear it's got lots of interesting food, too. And kind of quirky museums if there are ...

Re: The Legend of Vlad the Impaler (Dracula)

DrFumblefinger ·
Thank you so very much for this fascinating piece on Dracula!! I grew up scared of vampires as a small boy because I''d watched Bela Lugosi when I was a little to young to understand. But at least I knew I was safe in the day, as vampires could not come into the sunlight. Amazing what an industry Vampires have become, with hundreds of movies, television series and books written about them. You've give us yet another reason to visit Romania. The country moves further and further up my list of...

Re: The Legend of Vlad the Impaler (Dracula)

Former Member ·
Well first thank you for reading my post:d I just want to share what my country can offer I'll start with the wine cuz' you know we talk here about vampires and stuff. Our land can provide fine wines also, because we have a vast grapevine crops, the most in the land Dobrogea, which starts from the near field of Bucharest and goes all the way through the country and reach its fullest near the Constanta county (the county near the sea). Also we have a some wine tours, which you can follow if...

Re: The Legend of Vlad the Impaler (Dracula)

DrFumblefinger ·
It all sounds excellent! I'm looking forward to hearing about Romanian food and to visiting your beautiful country, Andredeya!

Re: Chattanooga & Paris?

Paul Heymont ·
Not that I read Conde Nast's newsletter often...but I'm ready for the Chattanooga choo-choo sometime. It's on my "southern road-trip bucket list" for someday...along with Charleston, Memphis and revisits to Nashville and Savannah. Maybe we could all get together and get Food Network to fund us... And here's a softball: What do Nashville and Athens have in common?

Should a budget traveler "splurge" sometimes?

DrFumblefinger ·
I read an interesting post written by Rick Steves, discussing the importance of splurging a little even when you're on a tight travel budget.  Rick Steves is somewhat of a travel icon these days, and a very wealthy man who can spend as much or as...

Traveling for Local Food

Former Member ·
Hi...I'm in Atlanta, home of some great food (including barbecue, soul and MaryMac's Tea Room which you've all got to get to someday). Anyway, right after New Years, I'm packing my family (2 of us and 2 kids) and driving to Denver for my parents'...

Finishing college. Need help planning trip to U.K,

Hank ·
Just found this website and I hope you guys can help me out. I'm finishing my Masters (Architecture) this spring and have a job lined up starting July 1.  The job has little holiday time (2 weeks first 2 years), so I want to make a trip to...

Provence Help

Former Member ·
I'm going to my cousin's wedding in London in June, and I've got 10 days to play with after. I saw a crazy book...Provence 1970...full of great cooks and how they changed food here, so I want to go there. What's the best ways to spend 10 days in...

Best Restaurants

Former Member ·
I read a lot of food magazines (Saveur, Bon Appetit, etc.) and they are always on top of what's trendy in food and wine...but I'm a little along, and not so interested in the newest thing, because mostly it's a lot of fuss and soon gone. I'd like...

Flight Attendants favorite foods

DrFumblefinger ·
  Most of us don't normally think of airline food as fine dining but that's likely because we usually sit at the back of the plane and not at front.  (rumor has it food in business and first class can be quite good!)  Flight attendants...

Road trip advice: NYC to Chicago

Paul Heymont ·
We haven't done a real road trip in years, although we used to enjoy getting in the car with no real obligation except to get to our destination. In October, we're going to a wedding in Chicago, and we'll have time to make a two-way road trip of it....

October - A perfect month to explore Udaipur and nearby sites

Pratap Singh ·
Udaipur, which is also known as the lake city of India, is a beautiful and romantic tourist destination, in the state of Rajasthan (INDIA). Udaipur has been the home of the Mewar Kingdom, which has built a strong empire from 11th to 20th century and has not surrender to major empires in India like the Delhi Sultanate, Mughal, etc. Now as said in the title, October is the best month for a couple (or family traveler) to explore Udaipur, as the weather is quite good (not hot or too cold). And...

Now this is how you explore the sites of New Delhi

Pratap Singh ·
Around 7 million travelers from all over the world visit India every year. Most of them land at New Delhi Airport (Indira Gandhi International Airport), and from here they hire cabs or catch a train to starts their holidays in India. Along with this many travelers also give a day or two in Delhi to explore the tourist monuments of the city and observe the life at India's capital. In this post, I've tried to present a typical tour itinerary on how a traveler can enjoy a fantastic week (or max...

Five outdoor activities to enjoy in Rajasthan

Pratap Singh ·
The monotonous routine life is full of boredom and stress. Outdoor adventurous activities are ultimate stress busters and fill your life with fun and excitement. Just slather your skin with a suntan and enjoy the out life under the open sky and sun. Rajasthan is a popular outdoor activity destination, and the major attractions are hot air balloon rides, paragliding, water sports, desert and camel safari. A few favorite destinations are: Desert safari at the Thar Desert The sand dunes in...

Top 5 island destinations to revisit in 2017

Rebecca Brown ·
Dreaming of distant oceans, white, sandy beaches, a Mojito in your hand, while a gentle breeze is just ruffling the waters lounging a few feet from your feet? Waking with the sounds of exotic beats trumpeting the air while you lie in a hammock, munch on a coconut and daydream the day away? Might be it’s high time to take a vacation. If you equate vacation with island , paradise and offline , stick with us. We know there are about seven hundred and forty one thousand articles on the best...

Scary Truth About 5 Haunted Places in Goa

Abhishek Mathur ·
Just like every coin Goa is also having its’ another side which is still intact, mysterious and Haunted. Yes! Haunted, you read it right. Place filled with a plethora of people round the year is hard to believe is filled with haunted places. Here is this post we are going to discuss about the Haunted Places in Goa , knowing about which will going to be a different experience. 1. Three Kings Church Three Kings Church Church is the integral part of Goa’s culture and traditions. Filled with...

Tips For A Perfect Summer season Tour

Humboldt Tours Berlin ·
Summertime’s have struck one of the most of the plain areas with the intense warm days; every passing day is getting hotter. The heat is making is harder for everybody to head out specifically in day time. Summer season breaks in the schools all across the country are almost to start, that makes it an ideal time for the family trip to go for Berlin Wall Tour . This is the time when kids are already set for a daring summertime vacation and they anticipate you to plan a trip to some hill...

Visiting and Then Moving to Sunny Brisbane

ArronHidd ·
A couple years back when I was first planning this simple vacation, I never thought it would be as life changing as it was. But life is unpredictable that way, and this story is definitely one for the grandkids. My husband and I were planning a short trip to Brisbane to get away from our 9 to 5 lives, so we booked a room in a hotel and went there for a few days. It was impossible not to fall in love with the atmosphere of the city on the very first day. My husband is a nature lover, so he...

6 Ways to Save Money on Food While on Vacation

Ryan Holman ·
Are you planning a trip to Monterey, California? You will want to make the most of your vacation and see all the sights. Eating out three meals a day can be a huge expense. Don't worry. There are ways you can save money and enjoy your trip while staying on budget. Here are a few tips that can help. Choose a Place with Cooking Facilities : Many hotels have kitchenettes or even full kitchens. Renting an apartment, a condo, or a vacation home will offer the benefit of a kitchen where you can...

Know Everything About Goa Travel Information

Abhishek Mathur ·
Why Goa? India is one of the countries which have always fascinated different countries. Some invade it while some ruled it. Some brought blunders to this heritage country while some others made such wonders which made their names immortal with their works. The state of Goa is part of India and is situated at the west coast of the country. The state is rich with the Portuguese’s culture, heritage and history. Goa and the Tourism Goa is listed among the best tourist destinations in India.

Motorhomes: A Rising Trend That You Must Know

John Peter ·
We have all seen it in many movies, in different towns and maybe some neighbors. Motorhomes have been there blinking at us, trying to convince us they are the best option. Imagine, living in a place and at the same time living in every place. Your house goes with you; it does not matter where you are you will feel like home. RV's, recreational vehicles, were designed as the name says for recreational purposes, a trip to the mountain with the benefits and comfort of being still at home.

The Best 7 Healthy Foodie Lunches in London

John Peter ·
While there are many healthy options in the form of coffee shops and restaurants in London, few are mouthwatering. Healthy eating does not need to be boring, especially when you are paying to have it made for you! Here is a hit list of restaurants that are serving healthy food which doesn’t negate your morning workout. 1. Ottolenghi – Notting Hill, Belgravia, Islington, Spitalfields Mouthwatering Middle Eastern food My husband is Israeli and as a result, we have long been paying homage to...

8 Tips To Actually Relax On Family Vacation And More

John Peter ·
Traveling has many benefits in terms of both physical and mental health, which is an effective way to improve mood. However, the feeling of traveling alone or with friends is not the same as when you go with the family members. It will be the most precious moments to help the members closer. You are looking forward to your family holiday and you really need a vacation, but at the same time you fear the packing, children’s behavior, their potential sickness and unpacking all over again? You...

5 Top Destinations to Check Out When Visiting Sydney

Candice Larson ·
Sydney is the oldest and biggest city of Australia. It lies in between the intermingling of land and sea. In 1788, commander of the First Fleet Captain Arthur Phillip established the first British colony in Sydney Cove of Australia. Tourists can no visit Sydney's fabled history in the narrow cobbled laneways and historic buildings surrounding the area. After booking your flight and choosing the best hotel such as Four Seasons and Holiday Inn accommodation , it is time to explore the various...

The 3 Best Markets in France

Jacob William ·
The city of fashion, Paris is the place where you can enjoy the real meaning of fashion. Not only fashion for which Paris is known for, its rich history, mesmerizing tourist spots and exotic heritage site make Paris a prominent tourist destination in the world which can be explored once you obtain your visa to france . Seeing the popularity of the place we have brought to you the list of best markets in Paris that will offer you best and ultimate things during your visit to Paris – 1. Food...

Best Ways To Save Money During Your Travels

Beatrix Potter ·
It’s definitely very possible to live life to the fullest. You can travel the world while you are young – don’t wait for you pension. You can see everywhere and everything you want to, following some intuitive money-saving tips. This article gives you the best advice, including some tips from experts! Talk to locals Locals have the best advice on what the best and most affordable attractions are in town. Making friends with locals is even better, as it secures connections across borders.

10 reasons why you should visit Bali

aristotle ·
A blessed land of tropical paradise where there are so many trails for you to choose from. The heart of Indonesian culture, vibrant people, stunning landscapes and breathtaking beaches. Name it, I'm sure bali has it all. Wanna go trekking? Check, Wanna engage in some thrilling adventures or water sports? Check. You can do so many things here, partying till the sun comes up is just a part of it all. With so many cultural checkpoints and monuments, you will be fascinated to know more about...

Things you should do in Singapore

khush ·
Singapore is a tiny island and may be smaller than many major cities around the world, but this country has succeeded to create a high level of discipline among its people and is today being looked up upon across the world. However, don’t let the country’s inclination for law frighten you. Singapore can promise can extraordinary vacation, as long as you follow certain simple tips that will make your tour much more enjoyable. 1. Throw your litter into the bin Though this is quite a basic...

The Value of Traveling to Where Your Ancestors Came From

pitter beraton ·
America is the melting pot of the world. There are people here from every area on the planet. It's what makes this country so great. However, when all cultures mix together, it can dim the light on what makes each culture so unique and special. Some people don't even know their heritage. Luckily, there are ways to get this information. For instance, you can use the 1840 census to learn where your ancestors came from. Once you have this information, you may want to explore your main country...

Adventurous places to visit in India

Kerry ·
Life itself is a fun-filled adventure where we come across alternate twists and turns. Travelling is the best activity that helps us to find quick relief from our hectic schedules. India being blessed with an extensive land diversity, planning an adventurous trip here is something you should never miss on. Indian adventurous locations are characterized by high peaks, fascinating rivers, arduous mountain ranges, exotic wildlife. So, if you are ready to ditch in the boredom of your 9 to 5...

Spain or Portugal?

Travel Luver ·
Hi!  I've got a two week vacation coming up in a few months, and have always wanted to visit Spain and Portugal.  How might I get the best out my time?  Should I do Spain only?  Portugal only?  A combination of the two? ...

Four Days in Berlin

DrFumblefinger ·
In October I'm heading to Berlin for the first time.  Been to Germany on four or five previous visits, but this is the first time in this historic city.   Obviously with four days we'll not be able to see it all and need to be selective....

Hanoi Street Food Tour

Travel2Vietnam ·
Hanoi gathers all best dishes from the northern provinces in Vietnam. There are lots of specialities to taste such as Banh Cuon (rices pates), Bun Cha ( rice noodles with grilled porc meat), Bia Hoi (draught beer) ... You can find food and drink at...

Neighborhoods in Santiago de Cuba

Paul Heymont ·
I'm looking for advice for a stay in Santiago de Cuba in January. I'm primarily interested in casas particulares, and would appreciate suggestions of what parts of Santiago might be best to look in. We'd prefer an area which is reasonably quiet but...

All of Europes countries rated - Food for thought

Jonathan L ·
I like that the ratings were not based on general popularity. I agree with some, not with others, but I not saying until other comment with their thoughts about the list.   Rating Europe from Thrillist.

Most Popular River Cruises in India

Sunil Kumar ·
A river cruise provides an escape from the constant commotion surrounding our everyday lives. As you sail along the river at a leisurely pace, with lovely sights greeting your eyes, you realize there is much to appreciate in this unhurried journey. India, with its impressive inland waterways, provides wonderful opportunities for river cruising. From the backwaters of Kerala to the might waters of Brahmaputra, every cruise gifts you with a memory to be cherished or a moment to be valued.

10 fun things to do in Goa that you might have missed

Sunil Kumar ·
Think of Goa and you think of unlimited fun. The smallest state in India is titled as the most fun destination in the country. Blessed with a myriad of options for excitement, every holiday in Goa is memorable, no matter the number of times you have visited. From frolicking in blue waters to basking in the golden shores, from the secrets of the waters to excitements of the tropical land, Goa excites, surprises and tempts you each time. For your next holiday in Goa, we have the checklist of...