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Tagged With "village"


Re: Kedgwick Forestry Village and Museum, New Brunswick

PortMoresby ·
I love museums that show how people lived their lives and why I love visiting historic houses, grand & modest. This is another good one. Thanks, Rob.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Oct 21, 2014: Maltese Bread

Paul Heymont ·
My wife sometimes believes that my main photo subjects are bread, fruit and veg, and birds perched on statues, so it's nice to know someone else appreciates how beautiful bread is, and how easy it is to smell it and taste just by looking at a great picture like this!

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Oct 21, 2014: Maltese Bread

PortMoresby ·
Maltese bread is something special. I'd certainly use it as an excuse, if you need one PHeymont, to visit Malta. Wonderful photo, IslandMan.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Oct 21, 2014: Maltese Bread

DrFumblefinger ·
I also love a fresh loaf of bread. When it's just right, it's easy to make a meal of just bread and butter. I have great sympathy for those who can't eat gluten. I'm not sure I'd find life worth living without fresh baked goods.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Oct 21, 2014: Maltese Bread

GarryRF ·
Walking the narrow streets of Valletta - past the small shops that sell freshly cooked food and cakes. The smell of Coffee from the Cafes and Restaurants. And the smell of new leather. Brings back all the memories of wonderful Malta.

Re: Gallery: Springtime at Ananda

Dgems ·
Yes, this is truly a beautiful place. Here is a photo I took when we were there. It is called Peace Flame.

Re: Gallery: Springtime at Ananda

PortMoresby ·
Dgems, thanks so much for the addition. Just so everyone knows, Dgems was part of our group and we were taking pictures at the same time. I hadn't noticed the 'Peace Flame' tulip and she pointed it out to me, I believe shortly after she took this picture. It was a very good day!

Re: Gallery: Springtime at Ananda

DrFumblefinger ·
Thanks for this lovely piece, PortMoresby. And for the gift of the Peace Flame, Dgems!

Re: Jiuxian Ancient Village, Guangxi, China

DrFumblefinger ·
Your images create the feeling of a ghost-town. Fascinating old place!

Re: Jiuxian Ancient Village, Guangxi, China

PortMoresby ·
I have a habit of photographing places empty of people, even when there are people around. I wait. But in this case, there were very few, that I saw anyway, compared with the number of buildings. The reason may, in part, be that it's in an agricultural area so residents may have been off working somewhere. But I'm sure it is an underpopulated place and the disrepair of some buildings adds to the impression. I loved the place.

Re: Jiuxian Ancient Village, Guangxi, China

DrFumblefinger ·
I tend to like photos with fewer people in it -- preferably none, although sometimes people add a sense of scale and color to an image. I can see why you loved the place. It has a real (as opposed to fake) charm to it. Thanks for sharing the photos!

Re: Jiuxian Ancient Village, Guangxi, China

PortMoresby ·
This conversation reminds me of a day I was photographing a very popular garden in England and I was waiting for one woman to get out of the frame. What I hadn't noticed as I watched her was that a group was forming behind me, not impatient with me, but waiting with me. Finally, a woman said "come on, move along" to the woman taking her time, who was too far away to hear, and we all laughed. It was a very nice moment with a group of very nice people, as garden people tend to be. I did...

Re: Jiuxian Ancient Village, Guangxi, China

DrFumblefinger ·
I hope I would have turned around and snapped a photo of that patient group of people waiting! A colorful collection of flowers, I suspect!

Re: Jiuxian Ancient Village, Guangxi, China

PortMoresby ·
Colorful they may have been but my film was black & white.

Re: The Acadian Village in Caraquet, New Brunswick,Canada

vivie ·
I am glad you enjoyed your visit Rob. It was a pleasure to finally meet you. You are welcomed back anytime and when you do, we'll have Dixie Lee chicken for dinner, promise

Re: The Acadian Village in Caraquet, New Brunswick,Canada

DrFumblefinger ·
That's a great destination, Rob, and I'm so glad you got to experience it and share it with us! Kind people and Dixie Lee chicken -- seems New Brunswick is a-calling! I've traveled extensively thoughout North America but have never made it to the Maritime provinces. Need to rectify that sometime soon.

Re: The Acadian Village in Caraquet, New Brunswick,Canada

vivie ·
DrFumblefinger, it would be my pleasure to show you around if you ever come this way!

Re: The Acadian Village in Caraquet, New Brunswick,Canada

DrFumblefinger ·
Thank you, Vivie, you're very kind and I will be there someday. Not sure when, yet, but it is definitely a "must seen" for me. Nothing like a local expert to bring a place to life, so I'll let you know when that happens.

Re: The Acadian Village in Caraquet, New Brunswick,Canada

Travel Rob ·
The Acadian Village really is a special place and so is the whole area. I'll definitely return and take Vivie up on her Dixie Lee dinner offer! For those of you that missed my clip about Dixie Lee, here's the famous chicken! Sides are shown in the comment section. Besides the sights , the area also has a great restaurant, Chez Raymond, with an amazing Poutine !

Re: The Acadian Village in Caraquet, New Brunswick,Canada

HistoryDigger ·
Thanks for posting this interesting story, Rob. I'd love to go. Now I need to look it up on a map and start planning. As you said, Acadians spread their history all the way down to Louisiana. Cajuns make New Orleans and Louisiana what it is today.

Re: The Acadian Village in Caraquet, New Brunswick,Canada

Travel Rob ·
Thank you History Digger! I'm sure that you will enjoy your visit when you go. I'd really recommend staying a night at that hotel in the village if you can. I didn't but it seems like it would be a neat experience.

Re: The Acadian Village in Caraquet, New Brunswick,Canada

Jonathan L ·
This is a great piece. The last time I visited New Brunswick was 41 years ago. I am not sure if we stopped here or at other historical sights, but we did enjoy our time there.

Re: Strasbourg & Route Du Vin

Paul Heymont ·
We had a two-day flying visit to Strasbourg (pre-TGV) a few years ago and loved it...and now you've pushed it way high up the re-visit list! Thanks...

Re: Strasbourg & Route Du Vin

Travel Rob ·
Wonderful photos and descriptions! I'll be adding Strasbourg to my travel list!

Re: Strasbourg & Route Du Vin

DrFumblefinger ·
What a beautiful and great destination! I've also not visited it before but it's definitely on my radar. How much time would you recommend for a first time visit?

Re: Strasbourg & Route Du Vin

HistoryDigger ·
DrFumblefinger— A few days could be enough in Strasbourg itself, but if you want to tour the vineyards, I'd stay a week in the area. You could stay two nights in Strasbourg and then a night or two in Riquewihr and beyond. And I'd suggest renting a car to go at your own pace. For my next trip, I will plan at least full week in the region because I want to stop at the vineyards and visit more of the museums. And don't forget Chateau Haut Koenigsburg.

Re: A Walk in Greenwich Village

Paul Heymont ·
As an even earlier 8th street walker (from the early 60s on) I also remember the wonderful 8th Street Bookshop, and numbers of artisan leather and jewelry was where you went for sandals...sad now, but nice to see Washington Square alive again, even if somewhat sanitized... The seemingly unstoppable expansion of NYU, like that of Columbia uptown, has changed the character of the area profoundly.
Blog Post

Skedans, Haida Gwaii, British Colombia (Where Gumbo was #106)

DrFumblefinger ·
    Gumbo was visiting the "misty isles", Haida Gwaii, in British Columbia.  Specifically, the remnants of the Haida village of Skedans.  Sadly, not much remains of the village, captured at its prime in the above image (1878), rich...
Blog Post

Kedgwick Forestry Village and Museum, New Brunswick

Travel Rob ·
Travel Rob shows us some history of logging at the Kedgwick Forestry Village and Museum in New Brunswick
Blog Post

July 16, 2017: Spinning the Cube - Greenwich Village

Jonathan L ·
A large public sculpture in New York City inspires many passers-by to give it their best efforts.
Blog Post

The Acadian Village in Caraquet, New Brunswick,Canada

Travel Rob ·
  I love visiting historical villages and living folk museums whenever I travel but nothing prepared me for just how special and moving the Historical Acadian Village in Caraquet, New Brunswick, Canada was.      What makes...
Blog Post

February 27, 2016: Craster village, Northumberland

Ian Cook ·
Aerial views of the small fishing village of Craster, Northumberland, England
Blog Post

Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Oct 6, 2015: Dutch Cheeses

IslandMan ·
    On a visit to the Netherlands we stayed in the seaside village of Wijk aan Zee on the North Sea, just north of Amsterdam . The village is small and quaint and is known for its wide beaches, bars and hotels and is popular as a holiday...
Blog Post

Gallery: Springtime at Ananda

PortMoresby ·
  During April, an astonishing display of tulips and other spring blooms is open to the public at the Crystal Hermitage Gardens , part of the 800 acre  Ananda Village community, 16 miles north of Nevada City, in Northern California's Gold...
Blog Post

A Walk in Greenwich Village

Jonathan L ·
I had the chance to walk around Greenwich Village  (see map)  for the first time in several years. I know that this is going to sound like a "grandpa is complaining about change again" blog, but I was really disappointed in what I found....
Blog Post

Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Oct 21, 2014: Maltese Bread

IslandMan ·
    The aroma of freshly baked bread is a special treat for the senses. Wherever we travel we usually track down the local bakery or cafe seeking something delectable for our morning sustenance. A favorite of mine is the traditional Maltese...
Blog Post

The NY State Fair - My Favorite Things

Jonathan L ·
There are many things to do and see when you visit the NY State Fair. Here are some of Jonathan L's favorites
Blog Post

Sept. 5, 2016: Gaspesian British Heritage Village

vivie ·
Vivie stops at the Gaspesian British Heritage Village and shares the houses and antiques there that take us on a journey down memory lane.
Blog Post

Four Days in Columbus, Ohio

Stephanie Kalina-Metzger ·
From its famous zoo to an old German village, Stephanie Kalina-Metzger has excellent suggestions for spending some time in historic Columbus.
Blog Post

Amish Country: Luxury Inn, Over-the-top Meal

Stephanie Kalina-Metzger ·
Stephanie Kalina-Metzger shares a very memorable dinner and hotel stay from Valentine's Day.
Blog Post

Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Nov. 24, 2013 : Plantation Village, Hawaii

Paul Heymont ·
Not the glamorous tourist Hawaii; no dramatic coastline here, no glitzy hotels, no surf. This building, the Waipahu Cultural Heritage Center on Oahu, is part of Hawaii’s Plantation Village, a living history museum that tells the story of...
Blog Post

Jan. 17, 2016: Hundertwasser House, Vienna

Paul Heymont ·
PHeymont shows us the Hundertwasser House, a colorful attempt to provide livable housing for the masses.

Re: Enchanted Village: a hotel for hobbits?

PortMoresby ·
As if England wasn't genuinely cute enough. Where IS that "don't like" button!

Re: Enchanted Village: a hotel for hobbits?

Paul Heymont ·
I thought strongly of Disney as I prepared the post… I’d bet that somewhere within reasonable driving distance of Alton Towers one might find the archetype for these “enchanted” dwellings…but without the hot tubs and luxury fittings.

Re: Sept. 5, 2016: Gaspesian British Heritage Village

Travel Rob ·
Spectacular photos Vivie! I'd love to there next visit

Re: Amish Country: Luxury Inn, Over-the-top Meal

DrFumblefinger ·
What a terrific experience! Thanks for sharing it with us. Your husband is gem (and he obviously thinks you are, too!)

Re: Merry Christmas from Knott's Berry Farm

Paul Heymont ·
Looks like a lot of a place without the snowy weather we get in the north. We were just in Chile, where it is summer, but Santa Claus is everywhere...along with American carols! 'Bad' weather just can't stop the holidays!

Re: Merry Christmas from Knott's Berry Farm

Marilyn Jones ·
What fun!! Thank you for sharing!

Re: Merry Christmas from Knott's Berry Farm

GarryRF ·
What a fabulous fun day !

Re: Merry Christmas from Knott's Berry Farm

DrFumblefinger ·
Your post brought back many wonderful memories of past visits to Knott's. We also lived in California years ago (and have since moved away, as have so many) and made a point of visit Knott's every Holiday season because our kids enjoyed it so much. The place is busy, but not nearly as crowded as Disneyland and the admission much more reasonable (probably about half or even less). The park is wonderfully decorated and there were unexpected treats for the kids -- their first toboggan ride down...