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Exploring Liverpool's 300 years as a port

Exploring Liverpool's 300 years as a port
The Merseyside Maritime Museum, housed on several floors of historic dock warehouses, takes a deep look at the trade that made Liverpool rich, but also included slave-trading.

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Another one of Liverpool's great museums with free entrance! I learned a lot about slavery from that museum and later from GarryRF as he showed me some more sights in town .

When I was in Charleston, SC,  I asked at the Slavery museum if they had any slaves coming to Charleston that had a  Liverpool connection. I was basically made fun of for asking the question. The worker was totally  unaware of the  Triangular Trade that Liverpool was doing.   

The BBC describes it:
"In Liverpool ships were loaded with cottons and woollens, guns, iron, alcohol and tobacco.
They went to Africa where they traded these goods for slaves, ivory and gold.
They then went on the middle passage to America or the West Indies where the slaves were sold for money, colonial produce or bills of exchange. "
Also, in that same museum complex I learned a lot about emigration to the US.

If you want a thing done, ask a busy man.

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