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Tagged With "Delta"


Re: Birds of the Okavango Delta

Travel Rob ·
Thanks for those pics!Incredible, all the variety of birds in one spot.

Re: Birds of the Okavango Delta

Dr.Y ·
Wonderful photo shoots! Incredible birds I wish you can name some of them for me

Re: Birds of the Okavango Delta

DrFumblefinger ·
thank you, DrY! If you click on the small thumbnail photos above the comments, you'll see the photos are labeled as to name of the birds which are illustrated. Once open, you can scroll through the photos as a slide show and see all the names!

Re: Birds of the Okavango Delta

Dr.Y ·
That's fantastic! Thanks Dr. Fumblefinger.

Re: Birds of the Okavango Delta

IslandMan ·
amazing pics, DrF. You've taken bird watching to new heights!

Re: Delta Hangs Up on Inflight Calling

DrFumblefinger ·
Delta just moved up on my list of preferred airlines! I can see it coming -- calling and non-calling sections in planes.

Re: Delta Hangs Up on Inflight Calling

PortMoresby ·
Times change and along the way, behavior once deemed unacceptable, often becomes the norm. I've noticed this principle at work especially where phones are concerned. I'm so pleased to see a CEO take a stand for simple courtesy, even when it seems to fly in the face of popular notions of what's acceptable. I hope now other airlines' managements have the gumption to follow Delta's lead.

Re: Fast Start for New Inflight Device Rules

Former Member ·
This is ironic. Electronic devices which, themselves, become rapidly obsolete are making videos about them obsolete simply by the popularity of the devices.

Re: Beautiful collection of mate cups at the Puerto de Frutos market, El Tigre Argentina. Mate is the national drink of Argentina, a type of tea

PortMoresby ·
Mate' is very high in caffeine and has a lovely smokey flavor. If we look closely at the cups, I believe they are the traditional sort, made from embellished gourds. It's drunk using the "straws". There's a nice version available in the US, 'Morning Thunder' which is combined with black tea, 'Celestial Seasonings' brand. I've even seen mate' available loose at my local natural foods store where they also sell the cups. Fun to see them in situ, DrF.

Re: Club de Regatas La Marina, El Tigre, Argentina

PortMoresby ·
Two of my favorites, beautiful buildings and palm trees, twice as good when seen together!

Re: Club de Regatas La Marina, El Tigre, Argentina

DrFumblefinger ·
El Tigre was one of our favorite places around Buenos Aires. Cool breezes, interesting architecture (as you can see), and a great day trip from the city. And I agree about palm trees and cool old buildings. Here with a boat cruising down one of the river's many channels.

Re: Beautiful collection of mate cups at the Puerto de Frutos market, El Tigre Argentina. Mate is the national drink of Argentina, a type of tea

DrFumblefinger ·
Yes, those are gourds that are decorated (among the nicer ones we saw). You cal pick from all kinds of cups, though, ranging from cow horns to hooves to porcelain cups to whatever. Drinking mate is a social event, to be shared among friends. You never use more than one straw (everyone sips from the same) and saying "thank you" means you've finished. I'll have more on mate in the future, PM, as you might have guessed

Re: Beautiful collection of mate cups at the Puerto de Frutos market, El Tigre Argentina. Mate is the national drink of Argentina, a type of tea

Travel Rob ·
I guess you have to make sure none of your friends have the flu before going out ! Although the drink sounds like a good thing to drink if you are sick.

Re: El Tigre and the Parana Delta, Argentina (Where Gumbo was #158)

GarryRF ·
Interesting blog and very educational DrF. Close to Buenos Aires - but not close enough ! I'll sharpen my pencil.

Re: Up, Up and Away: Airline miles cards with big bonuses

PortMoresby ·
I LOVE my airline credit card, but it's great to have all this information in one place to see if I could do better. Probably not without some whopping fees, but whopping bonuses, too. Thank you sir, for showing us all these choices!

Re: Up, Up and Away: Airline miles cards with big bonuses

rbciao ·
I have a Delta American Express Platinum card that has served us well. The fee is higher than the gold card, but we can check two bags free, priority boarding, and a free companion pass yearly. We fly two or three times a year and the value of the waived baggage fee and the companion pass far exceed the $150 annual fee. The card also accrues one mile for each dollar spent and lately has offered cash back incentives. For example: spend $15 at Panera's using the card and receive $5 credit on...

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, January 26, 2015: Breakfast on the Okavango Delta

Mac ·
What an excellent trip to have taken! Another unforgettable experience to add to your collection. Breakfast looks good too :-)

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, January 26, 2015: Breakfast on the Okavango Delta

DrFumblefinger ·
Breakfast was great, Mac, but you can't beat the view! Fortunately no large carnivores found us while we were enjoying this break.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, January 26, 2015: Breakfast on the Okavango Delta

Pam Petersen · I am hungry....Thanks, as always, for sharing Dr.Anders. It makes my day even more "ducky"! Miss you!

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, January 26, 2015: Breakfast on the Okavango Delta

DrFumblefinger ·
Originally Posted by Pam Petersen: I am hungry....Thanks, as always, for sharing Dr.Anders. It makes my day even more "ducky"! Miss you! So nice to hear from you, "Ducky"! It was a special trip. You likely recognize the Oscar in one of the photos, digging in. Miss you and the gang in Spokane as well, but life in Calgary is nice and the nearby Rockies incredible!

Re: Economy Ticket, Private Jet!

PortMoresby ·
In the spirit of one-upmanship, same number of passengers, bigger plane, I was once one of 2 passengers on a Lufthansa flight from Frankfurt to San Francisco. It wasn't the advantage I thought it might be as all the flight attendants just went to sleep, so no service rather than personal service. It was a long time ago but memorable enough that I still remember the airline.

Re: Delta makes its 20-minute bag guarantee permanent

DrFumblefinger ·
Nice to hear of something positive for consumers. As you know Alaska Airlines sparked this, as they've done this for at least a decade. But less waiting for a bag is a positive thing for travelers and I applaud them for doing so.

Re: Airline scheduling: Hurry up and wait, or run like crazy?

Marilyn Jones ·
Excellent and informative article!!

Re: Airline scheduling: Hurry up and wait, or run like crazy?

Jonathan L ·
Of course the king of "Banking" for years has been Icelandic Air. They have made their whole business plan around bringing planes from 10 different North American cities in the morning and having those same planes fly out to 10 different European cities 1-2 hours after landing. This allows 10 plane loads of passengers the ability to mix and match origins and destinations. Then in the afternoon they do the reverse run. For 2-4 hours a day the terminal is full as passengers switch planes, the...

Re: Airline scheduling: Hurry up and wait, or run like crazy?

Paul Heymont ·
Thanks for reminding me of that, Jonathan...since it's where I first noticed it. It's actually so bunched that most of the terminal employees work two short shifts a day, with a gap between.

Re: Airline scheduling: Hurry up and wait, or run like crazy?

DrFumblefinger ·
Fascinating piece, PHeymont. And I've noticed how tight they are making these connections. For example, in Europe we had connections scheduled 50 minutes from the plane's landing, assuming it was on time. We were definitely running, and it seemed everyone else at Schipol was as well. We made the connection, but I'd rather have an extra hour for a more relaxed transfer. I'm like you -- book a direct flight if possible, even with a premium, and look carefully at where and how long those...

Re: Airline scheduling: Hurry up and wait, or run like crazy?

IslandMan ·
very informative and useful article, PHeymont. Yes, I can relate with most of this, especially trying to make connections with only minutes to spare. We've now taken to seeking alternative forms of transport like trains and buses just to avoid airports!

Re: Feud Starts Up Again Between Delta and American for Haneda Airport Route

Paul Heymont ·
Playground rivalry, anyone? Looks like a couple of airlines need to grow up!

Re: Feud Starts Up Again Between Delta and American for Haneda Airport Route

Travel Rob ·
It does sound that way ! The airlines want the route but they are not anxious to use it certain times of the air.

Re: Delta likes its 'basic economy,' will expand it

DrFumblefinger ·
I like choice, so this is overall good news for consumers. On a somewhat unrelated topic, we've covered Canadian jet manufacturer Bombardier on our pages. It seems the company is very near agreement with Delta to sell it 125 of its new C series jets. It would be a big boost to Bombardier and might allow Delta extra basic economy seats and new routes on which to sell them. More on that story at this link .

Re: Delta likes its 'basic economy,' will expand it

Travel Rob ·
I'm excited to fly in a C-Series and will go out of my way to buy a ticket when they start appearing! I also like the trend of one way tickets being less because that opens up lot's a route opportunities

Re: Delta buys a fleet of Bombardier CS100s

Travel Rob ·
We've been following Bombardier closely and this is good news for them. And the upgrade is good for Delta too.

Re: NYC's Laguardia gets builder for new terminal

DrFumblefinger ·
Estimated construction costs of $3.6 billion.... Shall we start a pool on what the real costs will end up being? I'd guess double that.

Re: NYC's Laguardia gets builder for new terminal

Paul Heymont ·
So you're taking the low end of the pool? LOL! Actually, there is a smallish incentive to keep the cost low as possible, because the consortium's $2.5 billion share is meant to be made back out of operating profits once the terminal is open. So, if they run the cost up, it will take them longer to get their money back. On the other hand, my guess at the scenario is that they'll have arranged for most of any overrun to come from PA or state funds...

Re: Delta: Cheap inflight WiFi for Smartphones

PortMoresby ·
It seems to me the smart thing for all the airlines to do would be to offer free wifi for any device, any flight, any distance. Southwest has stood out from the crowd by continuing to offer a free checked bag when others haven't and have gained loyalty as a result. May it continue. I understand that baggage fees have added a huge amount to the bottom lines but brand loyalty is worth a lot too. By giving away a $2 item and thereby correcting the notion, to a certain degree, that airlines mean...

Re: Delta: Cheap inflight WiFi for Smartphones

DrFumblefinger ·
I do think currently there are some band-width limitations to the wi-fi on planes. For example, there's not enough capability to support 200 people being on their mobile devices at any given time (remember this requires two way connectivity). So the cost may be just a barrier to limit access to the technology. But I like the idea. Costs will come down, technology will improve bandwidth, and offering it free will be a perk that may help people favor one airline over another.

Re: Delta: Cheap inflight WiFi for Smartphones

PortMoresby ·
Originally Posted by DrFumblefinger: "... Costs will come down, technology will improve bandwidth, and offering it free will be a perk that may help people favor one airline over another." Indeed. As we know, with airlines as with travel in general, where there's a will there's a way.

Re: Delta: Cheap inflight WiFi for Smartphones

Paul Heymont ·
Actually, the new technology that we've reported earlier here, and which is being implemented by most carriers, vastly increases both speed and bandwidth. I suspect offering a bit of it like this will help them sell what had previously been a fairly unsatisfactory commodity...
Blog Post

More Frequent Flier changes in the air

Paul Heymont ·
The world of award travel and elite perks continues to shake and shift.   Delta, which like United, has switched for next year to awarding flight miles based not on distance but on price paid for ticket—a move that hurts many frequent...
Blog Post

Buffalo-ed by the snow? Airlines waiving change fees

Paul Heymont ·
Each with its own set of rules, but American, Delta, Southwest and JetBlue are all adjusting rules on schedule and flight changes for passengers affected by the huge snows in the Great Lakes region. The USA Today article has more  DETAILS and...
Blog Post

Delta joins the mixed fleets with big Airbus order

Paul Heymont ·
The days of all-Boeing domestic fleets seem over as Delta joins American and United in mixing Airbus into its fleet. In Delta's case, this is reflected in a new nearly $15 billion order for 50 A350 and A330neo widebody planes. The A350 is Airbus's...
Blog Post

Update: Loyalty Programs and Credit Cards

Paul Heymont ·
For some of us, credit cards are more than a convenient way to pay—they are the lifeline to free travel through loyalty programs. Between points for purchases and bonuses for opening or upgrading credit card accounts, it's possible to get quite...
Blog Post

WiFi in the air spreads on regional jets

Paul Heymont ·
The networks of regional flights that connect the major airline hubs to smaller cities are getting wired...or rather, wirelessed. Delta has already added some, United recently announced plans, and yesterday, American put in its bid, announcing that...
Blog Post

Economy Ticket, Private Jet!

Paul Heymont ·
Weather can really scramble airline schedules, and this week was no exception with hundreds of flights cancelled or delayed, and thousands of passengers rebooked on other flights. But for two lucky Delta passengers enroute from Cleveland to New York,...
Blog Post

I hear you knockin'––but pilot can't get in!

Paul Heymont ·
Yesterday's Delta 1651 from Minneapolis to Las Vegas landed safely, but with the pilot locked out of the cockpit in a freak mechanical failure. The captain had left the cockpit to use a restroom, and found on his return that the cockpit door had...
Blog Post

Delta upgrades West Coast shuttle with more seats, amenities

Paul Heymont ·
Delta's West Coast shuttle that links Los Angeles to San Francisco—Silicon Beach to Silicon Valley—is getting an upgrade with larger planes on most of its flights. Eight of the daily 15 flights will now be on Boeing 717s, with more seats,...
Blog Post

Hats off to Judy! Alaska employee rescues stranded Delta passenger

Paul Heymont ·
If this customer service story had been made up by Alaska Airlines to embarrass West Coast rival and also codeshare partner Delta, it would have been unbelievable...but they didn't, and it happened. USA Today reports on a Delta business traveler who...
Blog Post

Delta, Aeromexico look to join operations

Paul Heymont ·
Delta and Aeromexico, already alliance partners, are asking the two governments for antitrust immunity to form a joint venture allowing them to coordinate schedules, fares and routes between the U.S. and Mexico.   It would be similar to the joint...
Blog Post

Delta makes its 20-minute bag guarantee permanent

Paul Heymont ·
Delta's guarantee that your bags will hit the conveyor belt in the terminal within 20 minutes of landing, announced as a test a few months ago, is now permanent. Delta passengers whose bags don't appear in time are eligible to fill out an online form...
Blog Post

Delta adds Medellin and Cartagena to S.A. service

Paul Heymont ·
Delta, which is working with Aeromexico to expand its reach in Mexico, is also extending its route network to include two more cities in Colombia, Medellin and Cartagena. Flights to the two cities from Atlanta will start in December, with a daily...