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Tagged With "Standley Lake Regional Park"


Re: Dec 15, 2016: Kamloops, BC, Canada

GarryRF ·
BC has many exiled folks from Liverpool. Like many other cities around the world. I have relatives in Fraser Lake. They have the most beautiful beach too, if you're into cryogenics. Many Canadians have a wonderful "Cheeky" humour too !

Re: April 8, 2020: Standley Lake Regional Park, Colorado

DrFumblefinger ·
I'm glad you found a nice place to escape to, Samantha. I'm hoping this government imposed isolation ends soon.

Re: April 8, 2020: Standley Lake Regional Park, Colorado

Samantha ·
Thank you DrFumbleFinger. This whole no travel thing is making me insane, l We've missed two trips already, one because of sickness over Valentines Day and one one because of this irritating virus issue. We also have two more (2+ week road trip through 11 states for our anniversary, and a trip to Atlanta for a convention) before the end of June that will prob not happen. Just so frustrating. I am also worried about a trip to AZ in Sept, NH, VT, and ME in Oct and CA in Nov. Not knowing when...

Re: Top 10 Most Beautiful Gardens In The World

Paul Heymont ·
I think that's one of the problems with so much travel journalism: Top-Tenism, the urge to line things up in order and crown a winner. That means, often, directing attention away from wonderful things that 'didn't make the list.' I'd much rather see lists of 'Ten wonderful gardens you might enjoy' or 'ten restaurants I've enjoyed.' As for gardens: Some are quite formal, others either informal or with the goal of showing nature rather than decor. Some are large, others small. Some are...

Re: Maybe Canada was right on closing parks

GarryRF ·
Police add black dye to a clear Blue Lake in Buxton England to deter visitors. This is why we dont give guns to our Local Police. If you went into that Lake the cold would kill you anyway.

Re: Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument

Jonathan L ·
Thanks. this article brings back memories of my visit in 2005. The tour led by the Park Ranger was fascinating and very even handed. I had a great time.

Re: March 3, 2020: St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands

George G. ·
Booked a wedding anniversary trip to St. Thomas and we had a fabulous romantic time. If you get the chance, take the Red Hook ferry to Cruz Bay at St. John's and explore the Virgin Island National Park. Lots of plantation ruins from back in the day when Denmark ruled the Virgin Islands. We had a wonderful lunch and view from the Caneel Bay Resort, which I understand has not reopened after being pummeled by two hurricanes.

Re: The Floating Reed Islands of the Uros People, Lake Titicaca. (Where Gumbo was #139)

Mytraveledroad ·
Lake Titicaca is a beautiful place unfortunately didn't make it to the floating islands. Next time I make it there definitely will have to go for that experience.

Re: Sea World gives up its killer whale shows

DrFumblefinger ·
I grow weary of political correctness. Orcas are highly intelligent animals, no doubt -- and have the "cruelty" we expect of intelligent animals (anyone who's seen them hunt a baby gray whale for hours, only to kill it, eat its tongue and let the rest go to waste knows what I mean). I never saw Blackfish, but I do recall at the old Marineland park in Southern California. The park was closed for a number of months, and the orcas got depressed. Listless, didn't eat, didn't look good. Someone...

Re: Wonders of the Modern World

DrFumblefinger ·
The Soviets have never been completely transparent about Chernobyl, but this is the story as best as I was able to synthesize it: It seems that the alarm system was malfunctioning (going off all the time) so it was turned off by the tech monitoring the system. He had the fuel rods pulled out of their cooling chambers for maintenance work, was distracted (remember, the alarms are off), then by the time he focused back on the task at hand the rods had begun to melt and couldn't be reinserted...

Re: St Stephen's Green, Dublin. (Where Gumbo was #137)

Paul Heymont ·
I have to admit that the first clue reminded me, in succession, of a spot in Parc des Buttes-Chaumont in Paris, of Prospect Park in Brooklyn and of Frogness Park in was only when the clues got more specific that I could rule them out, and only when the Fusiliers Arch appeared and I could search its text that I could find the answer. That arch, by the way, provoked a lot of controversy when erected in 1907; it memorializes a regiment in England's colonial war against the Dutch Boers...

Re: New book celebrates Yellowstone, National Parks Centennial

DrFumblefinger ·
That looks like a must read book about my favorite US National Park! Thanks for bringing it to our attention.

Re: Visiting My Backyard—Riverside Park

Travel Rob ·
Glad kids are still using the park. I also think I going to parks is an important part of growing up and in most cases very safe. A few years ago FBI statistics showed crime was at a 40 year low in a lot places in the US, but perception was crime was the highest its ever been. The rates might of gone higher a bit in the last few years but crime is still at historic lows.

Re: Suggestions wanted: Andalusia

PortMoresby ·
Will you have a car? I ask, because if you will, you might consider stopping at one or more of the White Towns between Seville & Granada. I stayed a week in a house just outside Iznajar, a lovely little place, and visited a bigger town, Antequera, worth a stop. For a brief stop I'd recommend the smaller town, one of a number in the area, millions of olive trees everywhere. There is no train there although Antequera has a station, but outside the town. Below the town of Iznajar, beside...

Re: Thai Tourism Blossoming

PortMoresby ·
I think of travel in Thailand as "Asia Lite". In a good way. It was the first place I ventured in Asia and have continued to go back, combined with more challenging destinations. So I'm not surprised. It's also my destination of choice for recuperation when the food elsewhere does me in. It's pretty much in the middle of the region with flights in from all over and that, combined with the fresh & delicious food, makes it a relaxing and beneficial spot to forget one's food woes. It's high...

Re: See Them While You Can: 10 Wins for Historic Preservation

PortMoresby ·
Note that the National Trust for Historic Preservation is a private organization. I think that's key in this era of government cutbacks and a congress unable to accomplish anything to speak of. If the National Park Service is unable to maintain it's infrastructure then one can only imagine how little care might go into preserving bits of our cultural heritage lacking big names, such as those on the list above. Commercial interests also have a place in accomplishing what government and...

Re: World's scariest hiking trail?

Dr.Y ·
To be precise, the Hua Shan trial has two sections. The longer scarier section with local advise to be done during night is now equipped with Gondola. Only the hard core climber will try that section now. There are park ranger standing by the entrance to screen if some one is really fit for the climb (after seeing the trial in person, i realized that the screen is not just for increasing the Gondola revenue! ). Not be too relaxed yet, even after the Gondola ride, to reach the tea house, one...

Re: Everglades raccoon

TravelandNature ·
The snake is doing the job that he was designed to do. Unfortunately, he is doing so far from his native habitat and finds the native south Florida species easy prey. This python is in the park as the result of accidental or intentional release. Yes, people take their hungry, unwanted pets to the park. The National Park Service is working hard to try to manage the situation. h ttp://

Re: Everglades raccoon

DrFumblefinger ·
The park rangers have told me that (unofficially) they have given up all hope of eradicating the Burmese python from the ecosystem. They're here to stay.

Re: Everglades raccoon

TravelandNature ·
Invasive species cause havoc not just with cute native species, but also agriculture, people's health and livelihoods. The Park Service has a number of interesting management programs, including a parntership with Florida Fish and Wildlife. Fish and Wildlife has a Pet Amnesty Program so that people can rehome unwanted exotic pets, rather than thoughtlessly placing them in the wild. The exotic animals are offered to adopters, who are given instructions on proper care. Fish and Wildlife offers...

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo? 7.5

PortMoresby ·
It seems to be "Leopold", a symbolic 1890's photographer, by David Clemons, Higgins Point, Lake Coeur d'Alene in northern Idaho.

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo? 7.5

WorkerBee ·
Originally Posted by PortMoresby: It seems to be "Leopold", a symbolic 1890's photographer, by David Clemons, Higgins Point, Lake Coeur d'Alene in northern Idaho. Well done Port Moresby. However there is a minor point about the location. Higgens Point (yes, this is the correct spelling) is about 0.2 mile southeast of the location of the statue. The statue is actually located on the 34 acre Coeur d'Alene Parkway, a thin strip of park land running along the Centennial Trail for about 1/2 mile...

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo? #33

Andre Pur ·
I don't have a clue... it's a national park?

Re: La Dolce Vita (Part 5) Venezia (Venice)

DrFumblefinger ·
Thanks for your comments, PHeymont. The cruise ships are BIG business in Venice, and certainly allow a lot of people to enjoy the destination if only for a day. But there are easily places the ships could park that wouldn't hurt the delicate lagoon, then shuttle people into the city.

Re: Spring Honeymoon Help

DrFumblefinger ·
Congratulations SueZee! We're delighted in your marriage, and you've picked a great country in which to honeymoon. May is not too early to go to Italy, although pack a light jacket just in case. The crowds won't be there yet and you'll save some money when compared to the peak summer season. Where to go is very much a matter of taste. Most definitely you need to go to Venice and I'd say spend at least 5 days here, maybe with a day trip or two (such as to the glass making island of Murano or...

Re: Frommer's New EasyGuides: A Future for Print

GarryRF ·
I know Paul - I'm just being a bad traveller ! It's like folks go to France and complain that Parisians don't smile! But they do when they know you! I just find big cities much the same. Like Havana is the same as any other overgrown City in the Caribbean! Crumbling Spanish Architecture. Dominican Republic is another good example. I must be getting Claustrophobic Paul ! Give me the wide open spaces of Delaware State Park and I'm in heaven. Some days I have the whole Park to myself. Solitude...

Re: The Valley Island of Maui: 2) Haleakala National Park

DrFumblefinger ·
US Immigration is a bit of a hassle, although most Canadians receive about a smooth a ride as possible. In most Canadian airports, you can actually clear immigration within Canada, rather than the USA (infinitely preferable because the lines are so much shorter). Not sure if that's true of Montreal, though. Thank you for your kind words about the Hawaii blogs. Hawaii is a special place. I've always gone and explored it by myself, so in this setting I tend to drift to isolated places that are...

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Nov. 10, 2013: Banff and the Bow River Valley

Former Member ·
There are a lot of fabulous places to visit. I need to get busy. The list is handily sorted by countries. I will bookmark this and consult it when planning a trip to a particular country or region. Thanks for the information.

Re: The Worst Train in the World

PortMoresby ·
Thanks FlashFlyer. The thing about adventures like this is you have no idea what an adventure it'll be until it happens and you can't get out of it even if you want to. So, no guts required. Yes, Burma will certainly change, has already. Currently not enough infrastructure for those wanting to visit but if you've traveled in Asia you know the entrepreneurial spirit is alive & well and it won't be long, I suspect, before it will come to resemble other parts of the region. So, good news as...

Re: Sri Lanka: A Land Like No Other. (Part 5) The Elephants of Pinnawala

DrFumblefinger ·
Thanks, PortMoresby! And we've not even been to the sacred tooth relic in Kandy, the medieval ruins of Polonnaruwa, the beautiful hill country filled with tea plantations and "The World's End", a wildlife safari at Yala National Park, nor any of the nice beaches (but keep reading -- reports on these are coming). Sri Lanka is a great destination, especially now that the civil war is over. I was doubly lucky to not only be able to visit a dear friend there but to have time to leisurely explore...

Re: Finishing college. Need help planning trip to U.K,

Hank ·
Hi guys, hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. It was good to be with my family again. Visiting and catching up with everyone took longer than I'd thought, but did do a little research into the trip and came out with this plan. Basically, with GarryRF's advice, I think I'll focus my time in the north to save money cause my budget is limited. After that I'll finish my vacation in London and Paris. I need to find places to stay but more important now just to frame the trip. The details I...

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo? #7.0

WorkerBee ·
It's the capitol building. Well, not THE capitol building but A capitol building. One of fifty scattered around the United States. One with a dome. One in which the building is very similar to THE capitol building in Washington, D.C. Gumbo is in Salt Lake City standing in front of the Utah State Capitol building!

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo? #15

DrFumblefinger ·
Here's another clue. If gumbo were to turn around 180 degrees, Gumbo would be looking at an extremely busy highway and a lake. And other things, but that's all the clues for now. So, where is Gumbo?

Re: Idaho's Craters of the Moon National Monument

DrFumblefinger ·
Thanks for reading the piece and for your comment, GarryRF! The "Yellowstone" hot spot has migrated over the past thousands of years from eastern Oregon, across southern Idaho and now sits right under Yellowstone National Park. Actually the hot spot hasn't move at all, the earth's places move away from the hot spot, but it's just another way of thinking about it. I'd be careful about being around an active volcano but don't mind hanging around places like this or much of the Hawaiian...

Re: Idaho's Craters of the Moon National Monument

GarryRF ·
Yellowstone National Park has over 500 Geyser's - so I guess that counts as a "Hot Spot" (I just Googled it) I remember the smell of sulphur being one of the giveaways to a live site so I'll sniff my way about! Thanks for the info DrF.

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo? #36

GarryRF ·
Could it be in a theme park ?

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo? #36

DrFumblefinger ·
Time for a little more information. 1) GarryRF, it is not a theme park in the sense of Disneyland or SeaWorld. But it is part of a park that covers over 1000 acres 2) I was teasing about the flag. It is a Canadian flag, and it is flying in Canada (although I've seem them fly in embassies and theme parks (Epcot for example) in other countries. Does this help us figure out where Gumbo is?

Re: Minneapolis in the winter

Ottoman ·
Hi Theodore! I am a Mall of America fan. You can easily spend an entire weekend (or many evenings) at the Mall of America. First of all, the mall is very easy to get to by train from downtown (CICAK did a wonderful job explaining that), and fares are quite cheap (fares go for about $1.75 to $2.25 one way depending on what time of day you ride). As CICAK also mentioned, there is something for everybody at the mall. If you just want to find a warm dry place to walk and people watch, I believe...

Re: Finally some good news! Whistler or Banff

DrFumblefinger ·
I don't ski either (bad knees), but I've visited both of these destinations. There are pros and cons to each. Both is a little over an hour's drive from their closest major airport, Vancouver for Whistler and Calgary for Canmore. Whistler is close to the coast, but high up. So they usually have good snow, but depending on the year, it can get soggy by spring and sometimes ice crusted. Banff area is far more likely to have nice light powder during the spring break season. Some people swear by...

Re: Arches National Park — One of America’s Finest

Travel Luver ·
I need to get to this Park. It is simply amazing! Besides Arches, what else can one do around the Moab area?

Re: Arches National Park — One of America’s Finest

DrFumblefinger ·
There's a ton of stuff to do around Moab, Travel Luver. There's also scenic Canyonlands National Park nearby, well worth exploring. Off-road biking (bicycle, not motorcycle) is extremely popular. Hiking in the cooler seasons. Whitewater rafting is excellent in the summer. And you're less than a day's drive from your next Utah destination, such as Bryce, Zion, or Monument Valley. One of my favorite spots in the US!

Re: 1000's Drawn to North Dakota

Former Member ·
A lot of people who went there are now packing out. The Salvation Army is trying to help people - who cannot afford the cost of living in these places - "escape" from boomtown. I see ads in the Indianapolis Craigslist for people wanting RVs and travel trailers to take the Dakotas and Montana. Makes me wonder where they will park them when they arrive, how they will stand the winter, and if they did any research into the cost of living...

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Mar. 20, 2014: Spring - at last!

GarryRF ·
It has been a tradition for 30 years now Rob. Many requests are made to leave their ashes there too. And no one builds a Car Park there !!

Re: The Beautiful Pools and Geysers of Yellowstone National Park

Andre Pur ·
Wow amazing pictures, beautiful colors, i love the ones with the yellow and orange colors. Is it true that under the Yellowstone Park is a giant vulcano and if it will be an eruption the whole America will be extinguished ?

Re: The Beautiful Pools and Geysers of Yellowstone National Park

DrFumblefinger ·
Hi Andre, and welcome. As DrY is away on vacation, I'll try to answer your question before he gets back. Yellowstone National Park does sit on what is known as the "Yellowstone Hot Spot". You see this in its geysirs and hot water pools. This does have the potential to become a massive volcano and cause a tremendous eruption. As big as any volcano in recorded history and then some. The jet stream would carry the ash and smoke mostly east (towards the Atlantic Ocean), so those areas would be...

Re: Sanssouci Park, Potsdam, Germany

Professorabe ·
Agreed - there is plenty more to see in the park than is covered here. The Roman Baths and the Belvedere are further examples. The website below provides some further information and photos:

Re: Lighthouses of Lake Havasu – Part 2 of 3

RoadWorrier ·
Cool idea, lighthouses all over. Do boaters on the lake count on them, or just for fun?

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#178)

Travel Rob ·
This is a tough one. It looks like a National Park in the US, but as we know from TG there are a lot of them . Still unsure of even that fact and if it was a park in US, we still don't know where in the park Gumbo's going. I thought I saw a cemetery in one of the pics. I'll have to wait for more clues.

Re: A Rambler in Strasbourg

George G. ·
Alsace was our favorite destination for relaxing, taking the Rue de Vin for picnics, and enjoying the cuisine and slow pace of life. Colorful timber houses and festivals added to the richness of this region. A couple of our photos. My wife Diane with a local policeman, the cathedral and a canal.

Re: 'Dude, Where's My Car?' for real!

DrFumblefinger ·
One hates to be cruel, but forgetting where you park can also be an early sign of dementia. And not finding your car for three weeks, well....need I say more.