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Food and Foodways

Flour and egg battle marks Spanish town's tradition

Ibi, in Eastern Spain's Valencia region, was a battlefield Monday as two "armies" fought each other for control of the town, using flour, eggs and firecrackers as weapons. It's hard to say who won. The mock battle takes place every Dec. 28, which is Dia de los Inocentes, roughly equivalent to April Fools' Day in effect. In the 200-year-old tradition, the insurgents seizing the town under the slogan of "New Justice" served as "Enfarinats," or "flour police," levying fines under a mock system...

Wurst case scenario: hot dog bites supermarket burglar

There's an old saying that it's a bad idea to go shopping when you're hungry. Now we find it's that way for burglary, too. An otherwise successful German burglar has been taken down by a bite of sausage. In February, burglars broke into a supermarket in Anspach by breaking down a door. They tried the office safe and couldn't get in, but they did take €300 worth of cigarettes with them. And one of the burglars, unable to resist a delicious temptation, took a hefty bite out of a pork...
