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Tagged With "snack food"


Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, February 14, 2015: Maple Leaf Gardens, Toronto

GarryRF ·
All that wonderful wholesome food ! Then....." Death by Chocolate " I think you have to be raised on Hockey to feel a need to watch it. Like Football ( that's non-US ) Cricket or Rugby !

Re: Old San Juan: Beautiful...and not all old

Jonathan L ·
Plaza de Armas is NOT the premier pigeon feeding spot in San Juan. The honor goes to the near by Plaza de las Palomas (Plaza of the Doves). This park has a wall with literal Pigeon holes and is the home to hundreds of the birds. There are machine to buy food and if you stand real still they will land on your hands and arms to eat.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, July 30, 2014: Vegetables in Formal Garden, Musee Carnavalet

PortMoresby ·
If you like beautiful food gardens, I think you'd love this one in Versailles: I spent a good part of a day there, not long after the restored garden opened to the public, taking pictures in a drizzly rain. Not what you'd think of for a garden in Versailles, but wonderful.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Oct 21, 2014: Maltese Bread

GarryRF ·
Walking the narrow streets of Valletta - past the small shops that sell freshly cooked food and cakes. The smell of Coffee from the Cafes and Restaurants. And the smell of new leather. Brings back all the memories of wonderful Malta.

Re: Memphis, Tennessee 3) The rest of the city

DrFumblefinger ·
Thanks for your comment, Mimiadventures! Good food, great music, nice people -- always something great to return to. I really didn't get into the great local food very much, but Memphis is reknowned for its "soul" style cooking and, of course, its BBQ.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, November 27, 2014: The Feast!

Travel Rob ·
Wow, Ottoman! Don't know if I've ever said this especially with desserts,but that food looks too good to eat. It should be displayed in a museum!

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, November 27, 2014: The Feast!

Ottoman ·
Hello everyone DrFumblefinger, you are so right about the chocolate fountain. If it wouldn't have been for my family holding me back, I would've done the dive. Travel Rob and GarryRF, you are so right when you say the food looked too good to eat. I was rather conflicted when it came time to enjoy these stomach said "This is making me so hungry, eat it!!" but my brain said "Don't eat it for these creations are works of art!!" Eventually my stomach won the battle.

Re: And life was never the same again: How Barcelona stole my heart

Jonathan L ·
I love Barcelona. It is one of the few cities that I feel I could live in, if I were to leave NYC. Large enough to have an active cultural and social life that is not dependent on tourists, small enough to be able to get around and do things without a car. Lovely things to look at. Great food.

Re: And life was never the same again: How Barcelona stole my heart

thepoormadonna ·
It was a pleasure to write. Glad you enjoyed it! Yes you simply must check out Taller De Tapas - the atmosphere is amazing and the food is to die for!

Re: Cruising down the Nile (part 2)

Mac ·
Hi Karl - sorry for a delayed reply. We booked onto a Thompson Holidays trip out of London and were very satisfied with the whole experience, including value for money. We chose the "all inclusive" option and were very pleased with the quality of their wines etc. The boat was very clean and well maintained, all the crew cheery and pleasant, the food good and plentiful (buffets). There were a good number of "included" trips to temples whilst other trips were extras (Abu Simbel and Cairo for...

Re: The Reason To Love Cambodia

Travel Rob ·
Very cool! I love the sights and the food but it's meeting people that is my favorite part of travel

Re: Happy Easter with Romanian Traditional food

Travel Rob ·
Thanks so much for bringing back some good food memories. I especially like the sarmale- stuffed grape leaves but also like the stuffed cabbage too. Could you please share also about the Romanian staple Mamaliga?

Re: Quaint English customs - a village scarecrow exhibition

DrFumblefinger ·
Love the piece Mac, and love the scarecrows. Most everyone loves traveling to the UK (especially with the improvements in food these past few decades!), and I enjoy few things more than going to less commonly visited places and scenes like this. We want more!!

Re: Quaint English customs - a village scarecrow exhibition

Paul Heymont ·
Looks like a lot of fun for adults and children...were these mostly made by individual families, or by community groups? Dr. F, I do think English food has been given a bad rep that it never really deserved. Different, but not less good than the Continent!

Re: Quaint English customs - a village scarecrow exhibition

DrFumblefinger ·
PHeymont, suffice it to say that British food has greatly improved in the last 25 years. I could share with you tales about our 3 weeks there in the 1980s, but that's neither here nor there. But there's so much good stuff to see in the UK that everyone should visit it at least once in their lifetime.

Re: The Royal Palace in Phnom Penh, Cambodia

GarryRF ·
It's always good to see the art and beauty of emerging nations. Far from the images that we had in our minds if we remember recent history. My Daughter has travelled extensively in Cambodia, Vietnam and Thailand and tells amazing stories of some of the local food. Which completely deters my wife from venturing into this part of the world. When we were in Bali and Singapore she survived on McDonalds ! Give me Fish Head soup and Chicken Porage any day !

Re: Gallery: Borneo, Market in Sibu

Paul Heymont ·
You can always get me with a market, but this one was especially interesting because of the display of canned goods. Living in a neighborhood with many Caribbean, Asian and South Asian neighbors, I see some of those brands and products in our local fruit stands and small groceries. Truly "world food!"

Re: Signs of Aspen, Colorado

DrFumblefinger ·
Originally Posted by Travel Rob: Nice of the Bear to tell us to fight back if attacked He is a nice bear to tell us, and that's good advice with BLACK bears only. There are no grizzlies left in Colorado, but the general advice for them is to "play dead" and not fight back. If a black bear attacks you he likely wants to eat you. If a grizzly attacks you he likely wants to dominate you. Of course, you need to use your judgement on the spot, if you've time to assess. A thin wasted grizzly might...

Re: Rose Hall Great House, Jamaica

GarryRF ·
Thanks Paul. A good story and some interesting photos to accompany it. In my visits to the various Caribbean Islands I have seen voodoo is still in practice. "my son had a stomach ache and the Doctor came to visit. He rubbed his legs with grass and the pain went away. He said the words too. He told me it was caused by not chewing his food enough before swollowing it" Going horse riding at first light I've seen burials on the beach. All ceremony gone home before the tourists arrive to sun...

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, June 18th, 2014: Bears

Paul Heymont ·
I haven't really "lived" with bears, but I've experienced their resourcefulness, both in campgrounds where we had to store our food up high and away from trees, and at a summer rental. At that house, they kept opening the steel container for the garbage cans. I weighted the lids with stones, and they brushed them aside. I put even larger and heavier rocks on the next time (making it truly inconvenient for me), and they simply pushed over the whole container. My wife wisely advised me to...

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, June 18th, 2014: Bears

DrFumblefinger ·
The black bears in Yosemite NP are among the most aggressive and clever in the world. They've been known to pull down a locked closed car door to get at a picnic hamper or cooler in the back seat. They are amazingly strong -- imagine the power needed to peel a locked steel car door off its hinges. And they share this knowledge from generation to generation! Once a bear has eaten human feed, they are "spoiled" forever and often become more aggressive in their hunt for food and may even need...

Re: Iran: Friendliness, Culture, Modernity - So Far Away From The Clichés!

Grand Escapades ·
Hello Dr. Fumblefinger, Thank you for your Feedback! To answer your questions: 1) The infrastructure is good to very good, and it is extremely easy to travel within Iran: there are lots of buses and excellent trains, there is a wide range of hotels, from simple guesthouses to world-class 5 stars hotels, restaurants going from street food stalls to fine dining, ... I have read that with the very fast development of tourism, the high-end category of hotels is the one that might get overbooked...

Re: Mary's Hash House, Las Vegas

Ottoman ·
Been to this restaurant...loved it! Great home made food, great service, good portions and reasonable prices. Not to mention going there is a nice getaway from the hustle and bustle from the huge Vegas casinos. The next time I'm in Las Vegas, I will definitely be going back there. Thanks for this blog Fumblefinger.

Re: Thinking Cuba? Tickets not so easy yet!

GarryRF ·
Many Americans travel to the Capital - Havana. Its a big - overgrown and mostly poor city. Not really a flavour of the real Cuba and its people. Wherever you go on the Island they do 2-3 day trips to Havana. The stores are mostly empty and food is strictly rationed to the locals. So you'll be better going to one of the hundreds of All Inclusive Hotels that line the coast. Inclusive vacations fly from Toronto to Resorts all around the Island. Very much like Dominican Republic - without the...

Re: How a super-ship manages 12-hour turnaround

DrFumblefinger ·
Sometimes when I'm in Vancouver I head to Canada Place to watch the cruise ships coming and going. You actually get to see the belly of the ship being loaded. The dozens of palates of food that go on is amazing. Would you have thought a cruise ship would consume 3 massive containers of potatoes in a week? 2 of onions? Might even have been more, that's all I saw. It is truly a model of efficiency.

Re: Budget airlines pushing seat squeeze on new planes

GarryRF ·
Thomas Cook do charter flights - they sell you a complete vacation. Hotel, food, car rental, adventure tours from your hotel and flights. Probably find something in there that's not up to scratch. But complain ? No... not I. I'm looking forward to your report from Berlin. Maybe we'll do a long weekend from Liverpool to Schoenefeld (nr. Berlin) Easy Jet do it for £25 - £45 each way. And for that price I'll sit on the wing for 2 hours !! Would TravelGumbo sponsor you to write a report on this...

Re: Calgary Farmers' Market

Jonathan L ·
Wonderful pics. Is this the market on the former military base? That was one of our favorite reasons to drive into Calgary when we were in Canmore! The was a wonderful pit shop in the food court - best savory pies around!

Re: Our 3 Favorite Beaches on Philipsburg, St. Martin

DangTravelers ·
We fell in love with St. Martin! The beaches and food on the beach were amazing. Great post. Love the pics!

Re: July 10, 2019: Zippy's Plate Lunch, Oahu

Paul Heymont ·
On our one trip to Hawaii, we ate in a few top-shelf listed-in-food-mags places, but in the end, my only real culinary memories of Hawaii are all the plate lunches and one incredible loco moco in Hilo... Thanks for bringing back pleasant memories!

Re: Are goats the answer to Portugal's wildfires?

Amateuremigrant ·
I can see benefits in this, provided regulation is encouraged to retain deeper rooted vegetation that stabilises slopes. Continuous grazing to maximise food would be a longer term disaster, giving rise to soil erosion at high rates and inability of reforestation to redress because only subsoil survives. Everything has a place, in moderation.

Re: Carnival ending free room service

Paul Heymont ·
UPDATE: Carnival announced on January 7 that it has canceled plans to charge for room service for items ordered before 10 pm. A Carnival spokesperson said the line is "making some adjustments to that plan to balance the interests of our guests with our efforts to reduce food waste costs. For the time being, there will be no changes until we finalize a plan that will be communicated to guests and travel agency partners alike."

Re: Cruisers told: Leave your water home!

GarryRF ·
Looks like I'm back to Vodka in a Listerine Mouthwash Bottle then. 1 drop of green and 2 drops of blue food colouring.

Re: Cruisers told: Leave your water home!

DrFumblefinger ·
You're a crafty fellow, GarryRF! Resourceful and sly -- features we like about you.

Re: Possible second Viking site found in Newfoundland

GarryRF ·
History tells us that the first English settlers in North America would not have survived the first winter without food from the indigenous tribes. The winters in England and Europe are warmer than what was waiting for them in Newfoundland. There is a weather history from about the year 1150. If you look at records kept by French wine makers it notes the date the first shoots appear. The date when the grapes are set, then harvested and the quality and size of the fruit. All good indicators...

Re: Food tour in Kuala Lumpur

DrFumblefinger ·
Everything looks delicious! Like you, I love to take food tours. It's a great combination of exploration and dining. Thanks for sharing this one in Kuala Lumpur!

Re: Food tour in Kuala Lumpur

Travel Rob ·
Thank you! What a great food tour!

Re: Apr. 7, 2016: Budget Vacation in France

GarryRF ·
We enjoy camping here. And we have our own equipment. And we can put it up in 10 minutes too. But going to an area of Europe and getting budget accommodation that's central to exploring Paris - Berlin - Munich - Marseilles - St Tropez - Brussels - the Spanish Costa's etc and all at a budget price. With toilets - showers - hairdryers - on site stores for wine and food - then even the Ladies can't complain. And a car park so you can be off touring the caves and vineyards. Staying in a Budget...

Re: Catalunya: What to Know Before You Go

RoadWorrier ·
Hey, really beautiful pix! Love to hear more about food and all!

Re: Turbulence: Is change in the air?

Paul Heymont ·
I wish it were as simple as that, but it's actually not. Yes, much turbulence can be predicted and charted, but it can't all be avoided, as anyone knows who's flown as much as you and I have! Much of the minor turbulence requires only that people buckle up and wait for the captain to say it's over, but the issue here is that incidences, and severity of incidents are increasing. It's not a huge safety issue for the plane, which is built to take it. It can be serious in the cabin, especially...

Re: Getting to know Canada's hidden gems

DrFumblefinger ·
There are ruins of a Viking settlement in the northwest corner of Newfoundland. Admittedly a remote hard to get to place, but I'd like to see them someday. Indian tribes tended just to bunker down in the winter in a place they knew would be safe for them. Sheltered somewhat from the wind, wood and fresh water supply nearby, etc. Food was generally harvested in the summer and consumed during the cold winter months. Their tents were constructed of hides (as were their clothes) and are...

Re: Vienna's Naschmarkt: 500 years of food

DrFumblefinger ·
It is a great market. I've only visited it once, and it's enormous and hard to get your head around, although there is a fair bit of repetition among the stalls. There are several excellent restaurants at the market. I've forgotten the name of the place, but there was a southeastern Asian restaurant that we ate at which provided us with one of the best meals we ate in Vienna, a city known for its great food. One of the Austrians at a table beside us began a conversation and told us he...

Re: Anatomy of a Trip, Oaxaca: Getting Acquainted

DrFumblefinger ·
I like the VWs, the street art, and am especially looking forward to learning about the food you enjoyed.

Re: Anatomy of a Trip, Oaxaca: Food

Paul Heymont ·
I wish it were possible to quick two 'Likes' up at the top! Sometimes reading about food leaves you hungry...this is so good I feel as if I've eaten it and am now full!

Re: Anatomy of a Trip, Oaxaca: Food

DrFumblefinger ·
That was a delicious piece -- my favorite in this series so far --and your photos of your food made me want to eat Mexican tonight. Sadly, Canadians just don't know how to cook Mexican food.

Re: Portland, Oregon — Part I - Eating

HistoryDigger ·
Jonathan, thanks for your kind comments. Glad to know you, like thousands of others, are a Voodoo Doughnut fan. I laughed when I heard the shop employee tell the people in line, "You think you're at the end of a long line, but you're really at the beginning of a great food adventure!" Then he revealed the line would take 45 minutes (in the heat). But those fans stayed in line. Gotta love it.

Re: easyJet's founder launches cut-rate food store

GarryRF ·
Stelios is a clever man. Lots of free advertising for a new cut price food store. Many basic items such as sugar - tea - canned drinks - bottled water - beer - vegetables and milk can be found below 25 pence / 35 cents in lo-cost stores in the UK already. And next month when it all goes to 50 pence he'll once again be on a winner !

Re: easyJet's founder launches cut-rate food store

Travel Rob ·
I really do like this idea because a lot of people are too proud to go to food banks if they are in need and at least they can get a few things there. Also , if it spreads its a good way for travelers to pick up a few snacks for the road. Here are the items for sale listed on the site : Tea Ground Coffee Chicken Curry Sugar Orangeade Pasta Mushroom Sauce Digestives Chick Peas Sardines and Sauce Cream Crackers Pasta Sauce Flour Tomato Ketchup Variety Pack Cereal Potatoes Jaffa Cakes Fruit...

Re: Italy joins anti-food-waste movement

DrFumblefinger ·
Garry, it looks like the wonky veggies are fresh but misshapen. A good marketing idea to sell them separately. I think the idea behind the law is to prevent food waste. There are many tons of food discarded by restaurants and stores every day, as the article lays out. If this food could be channeled to food banks and such a day or two earlier, it would cut down a lot of waste. That is a noble effort, if it works. I like Italy's law of incentives better than France's. The carrot is more...

Re: Italy joins anti-food-waste movement

GarryRF ·
We've seen so many examples of fields of freshly cropped food getting ploughed back into the land because it doesn't conform to standards. More than enough for the disadvantaged people. So we have a donation point on the way out of food stores too. Then all donations go to Food Banks in the area. Waste is waste. There is so much more food can be saved at source - farms - than the pickings of a few restaurants. Stores in the UK already have a tie-in with a deserving local charity for removing...

Re: Quebec — A Walled European Fortress In America

DrFumblefinger ·
Thanks for the note, Chatterbot2. Yes, Quebec is relatively under-touristed, especially when compared to Europe. If you want to visit a 400 year old European stype fortress, don't want to fly across the Atlantic, want to go to place where French is the dominant language, want great food and friendly folks, then Quebec City should be at the top of your travel list.