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Quaint English customs - a village scarecrow exhibition


The magnificent Travel Gumbo caters for all travelers travelling from everywhere to everywhere else, so it is in the vein of trying to attract visitors to my own country that I use this as an excuse to (request) publication of this selection of very quaint scarecrows that I recently came across in a small beautiful village nestled on the steep slopes of the valleys of the English Cotswolds. The village, named Chalford, was able to make the proud boast that this is their 10th annual scarecrow exhibition and it was an enjoyable marathon of trying to track down most of the 30+ scarecrows hidden up and down the sides of the steep slopes. Great fun! Come and join us for the 11th exhibition.

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Images (15)
  • Chalford Scarecrows-1: A very scary scarecrow personifies the words "scare" and "crow" - black and white is the best for this beast!
  • Chalford Scarecrows-4: a beautiful re-use of broken glass and twigs
  • Chalford Scarecrows-5: A tribute to the ever-popular Wallace and Grommit from nearby Bristol.
  • Chalford Scarecrows-6: But they don't taste very good...
  • Chalford Scarecrows-7: Winnie the Pooh - a favourite children's book character
  • Chalford Scarecrows-8: Nursing scarecrow?
  • Chalford Scarecrows-9: Ah, the chattering vegetables.
  • Chalford Scarecrows-10: A simple favourite...
  • Chalford Scarecrows-11: A very large frog.
  • Chalford Scarecrows-12: Youth culture, complete with mobile phone, "whatever" is the popular saying here.
  • Chalford Scarecrows-13: I just want to live here to have this address!
  • Chalford Scarecrows-14: Scarecrow togetherness.
  • Chalford Scarecrows-15: Our real traditional favourite.
  • Chalford Scarecrows-16: Boasting a cat and company transport?
  • Chalford Scarecrows-17: An invader, I suspect!

One’s destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things."  Henry Miller

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Love the piece Mac, and love the scarecrows.


Most everyone loves traveling to the UK (especially with the improvements in food these past few decades!), and I enjoy few things more than going to less commonly visited places and scenes like this.  


We want more!!

Twitter: @DrFumblefinger

"We do not take a trip, a trip takes us".  John Steinbeck, from Travels with Charlie

Looks like a lot of fun for adults and children...were these mostly made by individual families, or by community groups?


Dr. F, I do think English food has been given a bad rep that it never really deserved. Different, but not less good than the Continent!

The best part of every trip is realizing that it has upset your expectations

PHeymont, suffice it to say that British food has greatly improved in the last 25 years.  I could share with you tales about our 3 weeks there in the 1980s, but that's neither here nor there.  


But there's so much good stuff to see in the UK that everyone should visit it at least once in their lifetime.  

Twitter: @DrFumblefinger

"We do not take a trip, a trip takes us".  John Steinbeck, from Travels with Charlie

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