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Tagged With "Airport"


Re: One 'Ghost Airport' in China Plans to Expand Again

Paul Heymont ·
Seems as if someone really believes "if you build it, they will come."

Re: TSA, American testing automated security screens

DrFumblefinger ·
This sounds like a nice idea. A modernization of a tedious process. Hope it works!

Re: TSA strands 450 overnight: could it get worse?

DrFumblefinger ·
What a mess. The very agency that is to protect citizens from terrorist activity is creating an environment wherein "tent communities" are springing up at America's airports. How embarrassing is that. Talk about a target rich environment for the bad guys. The TSA's funding, even with "cuts", is about US$ 7.3 billion for 2016. In contrast, Canada, which has 1/10th the population of the USA, has an airport screening budget of about CDN $0.56 billion, and Transport Canada acknowledges it has...

Re: TSA strands 450 overnight: could it get worse?

GarryRF ·
Most countries around the world exchange ideas and processes to fulfil the common good. But some countries refuse to enter into a dialogue and share ideas. Russia is another one.

Re: TSA strands 450 overnight: could it get worse?

Paul Heymont ·
To be fair to the TSA (which I find hard to do), the $7.3 billion is not all for screening, only about half is. That said, while airports are looking to outsource the screening, maybe they should hire Transport Canada! As for the PreCheck point: TSA can't seem to make up its mind. When it started, they semi-randomly selected 'extra' people to go through it, on the theory that they would like it enough to buy it—and some did, but not enough. Then the people who had paid for it started to...

Re: TSA strands 450 overnight: could it get worse?

Travel Rob ·
The few US airports that have private security companies handling the screening are reporting good results and I think that's a good option for the airports. My guess is for liability reasons, airports are scared to dump the TSA. After seeing the comments by DrFumblinger and PHeymont, I do think we can learn from Canada on this. I did a little more reading on Canada's airport security. It seems all major airports in Canada have private screening. The airports give out three year contracts.

Re: Is bad PreCheck planning responsible for TSA delays?

Travel Rob ·
I don't like the whole concept of PreCheck because when they started this added security at airports, they insisted terrorists could be anyone and that's why we need to check everyone. We enter trains, buses and metros without a PreCheck, and it doesn't take forever. There is a history of attacks on those means of transportation too. And now attacks could just as easily happen at the ticket counter at the airport as on the plane.

Re: U.S. taxes on flying among world's highest

PortMoresby ·
Oh, darn. I thought this was about paying a fee to sit in a section with our fellow stoned passengers.

Re: U.S. taxes on flying among world's highest

Paul Heymont ·
That comes free with a stopover in Denver...

Re: Robots and Therapy Dogs: the latest airport amenities

DrFumblefinger ·
Dogs are the best! I'd never trade a friendly dog for a robot.

Re: Paris to set flat-rate airport cab fares

DrFumblefinger ·
I like these set taxi prices because there are so many dishonest cabbies in the world. I don't mind taking train or bus if I'm not to tired, but sometimes at the end of a long journey I like to splurge on a cab to get us directly to our hotel. Much more pleasant that way and to me often worth the extra few Euros.

Re: NYC's Laguardia gets builder for new terminal

DrFumblefinger ·
Estimated construction costs of $3.6 billion.... Shall we start a pool on what the real costs will end up being? I'd guess double that.

Re: NYC's Laguardia gets builder for new terminal

Paul Heymont ·
So you're taking the low end of the pool? LOL! Actually, there is a smallish incentive to keep the cost low as possible, because the consortium's $2.5 billion share is meant to be made back out of operating profits once the terminal is open. So, if they run the cost up, it will take them longer to get their money back. On the other hand, my guess at the scenario is that they'll have arranged for most of any overrun to come from PA or state funds...

Re: Wrong Airport: Help, I've landed and I can't get up!

DrFumblefinger ·
There are few stories more embarrassing for a pilot than the old "landed at the wrong airport one". Wonder how often this happens? This particular story is news because it couldn't take off easily without special clearance. In this era of modern flight navigation, one has to wonder how it could happen at all.

Re: Wrong Airport: Help, I've landed and I can't get up!

PortMoresby ·
Years ago, flying with a friend into Montreal in a private plane and later than expected, after dark, we'd have been happy to see ANY airport. After a chat with controllers they flashed the runway lights for us and we made it in, safe & sound. Maybe that's the solution for everyone, there needs to be more light flashing for the confused at the right airport.

Re: Wrong Airport: Help, I've landed and I can't get up!

DrFumblefinger ·
If there are confusing runways nearby, PortMoresby's idea of flashing lights is good. Different airports could have different colored lights. Today I land at the green light airport. Tomorrow it is the red light airport (to be distinguished form the red light areas in different cities).

Re: If you're happy and you know here, please!

GarryRF ·
The reason most airports don't ask is because they don't care ! JFK and Heathrow continue to increase their passenger numbers without the need for customer satisfaction. So by some misguided indicator they presume all is well down on the farm. A captive audience doesn't attract an acceptable service level. A penny saved is a penny earned.

Re: If you're happy and you know here, please!

Paul Heymont ·
It certainly has seemed to me that Heathrow doesn't care (it's probably true for JFK, too, but I'm not a stranger there). In fact, I go out of my way to avoid Heathrow. Between the airport experience itself (especially with a T3-T5 transfer) and BA's high surcharges, I've taken to trying to make all my transfers through Madrid or Barcelona. In fact, on my trip this month, I save a good bit by taking American on award tickets to Barcelona and paying my way on Vueling to Marseille. I could...

Re: Eat 'Healthy' at DFW ?

DrFumblefinger ·
No question that the quality and variety of airport foods has increased tremendously these past 10-15 years. The more choice, the better.

Re: Eat 'Healthy' at DFW ?

GarryRF ·
Serious question. Bread. In the US a "store bought" loaf of bread has no "Sell By" date. And it never ages like European Bread. We get 7 days on the date tag before bread starts breeding Penicillin and goes in the trash. We're not fans of Preservative in food - is that the only difference ? Just wondering!

Re: Eat 'Healthy' at DFW ?

DrFumblefinger ·
GarryRF, if you leave that bread outside of a plastic bag, it will never grow mold. It will be hard as a rock, but you don't need to worry about the penicillin. I figure consumption of preservatives is good! If it keeps the food lasting longer, it should do the same for those of us who eat it, right? A way to prolong our time on this planet?!

Re: Eat 'Healthy' at DFW ?

GarryRF ·
Years ago a friend worked in a Flour Mill. There was a big advertising campaign on about "Our New White Unbleached Flour" from Millers. Sounded much nicer ! The new method of whitening flour was spraying during the milling process with a gas. Not a bleach but it did melt the metal blades! I don't trust any food now until I've read the contents !

Re: Billy Bishop Airport, Toronto. Where Gumbo was #77

Roderick Simpson ·
Thank you very much for the informative post. I have only been to Toronto once. I went up the CN Tower and took this picture of the Billy Bishop Airport.

Re: Billy Bishop Airport, Toronto. Where Gumbo was #77

DrFumblefinger ·
That's a great and very orienting photo, Roderick! Thanks for sharing it.

Re: Billy Bishop Airport, Toronto. Where Gumbo was #77

DrFumblefinger ·
In case you were curious, the pedestrian tunnel between Toronto and the island airport has been completed and is now open. It eliminates the waits for the ferry services for passengers who want to get to their departure gates. More on that story from Frequent Business Traveler at this link .
Blog Post

Houston Bush Intercontinental Airport Adds Another International Route

Travel Rob ·
Eva Air is the latest to announce new service to Houston's Airport. The new route will go to Evas's base go in Taipei. ANA,Korean Air,SAS, United, & Spirit all have added or announced new routes to Houston in 2014. Read More:
Blog Post

The "Noah's Ark" airport

DrFumblefinger ·
We normally think of airports as people places, but Frankfurt's airport handles twice as many animals as people each year, and it's a very busy people airport!  Everything from horses to fish to rare exotic creatures.  An interesting piece...
Blog Post

World's best airport? You have to leave home to find it!

Paul Heymont ·
Skytrax has released its ratings of the world's top airports, and the line-up at the very top has no representatives from North or South America. Six of the top 10 were in Asia, and the rest in Europe. Topping the list again is Singapore's Changi...
Blog Post

"Lactation Station" joining airport amenities

Paul Heymont ·
Milwaukee's General Mitchell airport has become the first to install free standing pods for nursing mothers. They are self-contained pods with comfortable furniture, outlets for breast pumps, and space for nursing on the go. Three have been installed...
Blog Post

Airport playgrounds take off for kids

Paul Heymont ·
The GO Group supplies limos and shared shuttles at airports, but they've also taken a look at what goes on inside the airports, and found what they call the Top Five Airport Playgrounds for Kids, including the "Kids on the Fly" shown below at...
Blog Post

Airports, Airlines battle over passenger fees

Paul Heymont ·
It's hard for a traveler to tell what's going on sometimes in the pot-calling-the-kettle-black wars of the air travel industry. We've covered elsewhere the dispute between the legacy airlines and the Gulf carriers over subsidies and "Open Skies."...
Blog Post

Tiny tugs in the future for airports?

Paul Heymont ·
  You've probably never heard of a μtug (yes, that's a Greek letter) but you might, soon. It's a class of tiny robot that borrows abilities from gekkos and inchworms to pull weights 2000 times its own weight on any surface it can stick...
Blog Post

Zipcar adds more airports; tests one-way rentals

Paul Heymont ·
Zipcar, which rents cars by the hour to its members for short-term use, is expanding its on-airport locations, adding seven more for a total of over 50. The new ones include Orlando and Tampa.   For those who aren't familiar with Zipcar, it works...
Blog Post

She believes she can ticket needed!

Paul Heymont ·
Marilyn Hartman seems to have a need to fly, and no intention of bothering with mundane issues such as tickets or security. The 63-year-old California woman has a long history as a serial stowaway, and a number of arrests while trying. Considering how...
Blog Post

Mixed messages in the air: chocolate and healthy fruit

Paul Heymont ·
We're getting mixed signals again from the airlines, on the snack front this time. On the one hand, sweet Valentine's Day chocolates, on the other an offer of fresh healthy fruit.   First the chocolate: The topper is a chocolate lava cake offered...
Blog Post

Sleep Pods at Helsinki Airport

Travel Rob ·
Blog Post

Spain's "ghost airport" will come to life with Ryanair

Paul Heymont ·
Spain's embarrassingly-empty Castellon-Costa Azahar airport, unused since it was opened with great ceremony nearly five years ago, will finally get passengers. Ryanair will announce a schedule of flights from U.K. and northern Europe today, according...
Blog Post

Boston Gains More International Routes

Paul Heymont ·
Boston's Logan Airport is becoming more of an international hub, with 13 new international routes in past couple of years. The latest is an El Al-operated route to Tel Aviv that will begin this summer. Other recent additions include a Dreamliner...
Blog Post

Billy Bishop Airport, Toronto. Where Gumbo was #77

DrFumblefinger ·
Gumbo's heading out to Toronto's Billy Bishop Airport (YTZ), sometimes also called Toronto Island Airport.  Congratulations to ace travel sleuths  Roderick Simpson and PortMoresby (by email) for being the first to correctly...
Blog Post

NYC airports set records for busy...

Paul Heymont ·
The five airports operated by the Port Authority of NY and NJ (JFK, Laguardia, Newark, Stewart/Newburgh and Atlantic City) set a record for passenger traffic last year, with 117.1 million passengers, up 3 million from the year before.   And,...
Blog Post

Airlines, Airports split over new fees

Paul Heymont ·
You'd think the airlines had never heard of a fee they didn't like, but now they've found one. Maybe what they don't like about it is that the money goes to airports, not airlines. The charge, which the airlines call a "tax" is the Passenger Facility...
Blog Post

U.S. plans big increase in "pre-clearance" sites

Paul Heymont ·
If you've ever flown into the U.S. from overseas and missed a connection because of a long line at Customs, or had to collect and re-check your bags, you'll be cheering at the announcement that U.S. Customs and Border Protection is negotiating to add...
Blog Post

Where are flights most often delayed? Now you know.

Paul Heymont ·
It's not a trick question, and the answer is not "At the airport."   The Telegraph (UK) has collected delay figures for summer flights involving popular holiday destinations, and fond that Portugal had the worst record last year, with 51 percent...
Blog Post

Lactation rooms for airports proposed in House bill

Paul Heymont ·
Private lactation rooms for nursing and pumping mothers would be required in all large- and medium-sized commercial airports under a bill introduced in Congress this week by Rep. Tammy Duckworth and 13 co-sponsors.   Duckworth, a first-time...
Blog Post

Orlando gets ready for even more visitors

Paul Heymont ·
Orlando's preparing for the ever-proliferating line of visitors to the ever-proliferating line of theme parks and other attractions in the area—the board of Orlando International has voted on a nearly $2 billion plan to add a new south terminal...
Blog Post

NYC's Laguardia gets builder for new terminal

Paul Heymont ·
New York's Laguardia Airport, my favorite (but it don't get no respect) has taken a big step toward its major upgrade with the selection of a developer consortium that will design, build and operate a new terminal to handle double the passengers with...
Blog Post

7-Eleven goes 6-Midnight for Airport Debut

Paul Heymont ·
7-Eleven, the iconic American convenience store that's actually owned by a Japanese corporation, is bringing Slurpees and more to a U.S. airport terminal for the first time, with a store slated to open June 24 in the International Terminal at Los...
Blog Post

Frontier quits; Delaware only state with no flights

Paul Heymont ·
Now departing...and not returning. Frontier leaves Wilmington flightless.      Delaware is now the only U.S. state with no scheduled air service, as ultra-low-cost carrier Frontier Airlines pulled the plug on its last (and already...
Blog Post

Fiumicino, Italy. Where Gumbo was #123

DrFumblefinger ·
  Gumbo was visiting a small city many people travel through, but few people stop to visit.  Gumbo was in Fiumicino, Italy.  Rome's main airport, Leonardo da Vinci-Fiumicino (FCO) is situated a few kilometers from downtown...
Blog Post

Fewer U.S. airports have real competition

Paul Heymont ·
Lots of planes, little competition. Scene at Newark Liberty, where United controls nearly 70% of the traffic   As the U.S. airline industry has consolidated, competitive options at U.S. airports have shrunk. With 80% of U.S. domestic air traffic...