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Tagged With "Ford Model T"


Re: Tips to help with packing no matter where you are going

HistoryDigger ·
I have packing cubes too. Makes things so much easier to find when you are shifting from hotel to hotel or apartment to apartment. I still over pack. I just need to remember how much I love my jeans and t-shirts when I'm on the go. I never bring jewelry except cheap earrings. Simple style feels best on a trip.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Nov. 16, 2015: Franklin Automobiles in Tucson, Arizona

Travel Rob ·
Notice on the 1910 Model G Touring car, it's a right hand drive car. Most early US 1900 cars were because drivers of horse drawn carriages sat on the right. The US only started to change when Ford put a left hand drive on a 1908 Model T so passengers didn't have to enter the car in oncoming traffic.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Oct 20, 2015: Sicilian Fiat

DrFumblefinger ·
Let's also not forget the Volkswagon on the European side. And the Ford Model T, which so greatly dropped the cost of an automobile it became a mass consumer good.

Re: Money for nothing and your chicks for free!

Amateuremigrant ·
Thanks Karl ! I teckon you would have made a model punter ! 😃 Could you put that as a comment on my website ?

Re: Sunlight Chambers, Dublin

GarryRF ·
Rule number 1 - When visiting a city always keep your head up to see it's history. Lever Brothers built a Model Village near Liverpool to house its workers in the Sunlight Soap Factory.

Re: "Spotted On the Road": Everglades City, Florida

WorkerBee ·
It is an MGB. The rubber-covered bumpers first appeared on 1974-1/2 models. The appearance didn't change much after that. The wheels on this car lead me to believe that it is no later than a 1979 model.

Re: "Spotted On the Road": Everglades City, Florida

Paul Heymont ·
"excess baggage?" No, just baggage period! The T basically had room at the back for a few tools and maybe a lunch; there was also a wee bit of space behind the seats. I'm pretty sure there the C had space for an overnighter back there, just that and a spare tire.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, April 5, 2014: Brocante

Paul Heymont ·
I, too, have a fondness for the 2CV, along with the MG T series. I used to hear the story that you could go into a hardware store in France, and come back with parts, a wrench to install them, and change from a 10-franc note... RBCiao, a Gumbo member, has even found a service in Paris that gives tours of the city in a Deux Cheveaux! He posted a picture of himself on the tour a few months ago.

Re: Space Shuttle Atlantis exhibit, Kennedy Space Center

GarryRF ·
Last launch I watched was from the East Coast of Florida - maybe near Cocoa Beach. The Sky was complete darkness, just a few stars and the moon. We were listening to the launch radio station from about T minus 15 minutes - as NASA described the last minute checks. A few seconds before launch time you could see the ground at Cape Canaveral illuminated like a bright white flare. The steam from the launch pad turned into a white cloud and on "Zero" the rocket was moving slowly into the air. For...

Re: Staying In Touch on the Road: Part 1

Mac ·
The RAVPOWER unit that I went for is shown on the following link (a real mouthful): This model has enough power to fully recharge an iPad! Currently available from Amazon for USD 36.00 They also do more powerful packs. (Hope this doesn't cut across any "No Advertising" policies

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Nov. 10, 2013: Banff and the Bow River Valley

Paul Heymont ·
If you hadn't asked, I wouldn't have known! So, from UNESCO's website, here's the word: T he World Heritage List includes 981 properties forming part of the cultural and natural heritage which the World Heritage Committee considers as having outstanding universal value. These include 759 cultural, 193 natural and 29 mixed properties in160 States Parties. As of September 2012, 190 States Parties have ratified the World Heritage Convention. Here's a LINK to more info, including the list.

Re: Mercedes-Benz Museum in Stuttgart

GarryRF ·
This display of beautiful cars is a modern day "Work of Art" They require no adornment by mannequins from the Kmart. I'd compare it to the Ad's we see at Bus Stops where some gorgeous model has had a Moustache added by some "Wag" with a Sharpie pen ! Or maybe adding some "Christmas Tinsel" to the Mona Lisa to improve her good looks ! "A place for everything - and everything in it's place!" (A Bimbo - over here - is a Lady with stunning looks - but lower than average IQ)

Re: controversial architecture? - Parasol Sevilla

TravelandNature ·
Makes an attractive public space. Thanks for the great pics of your Spanish excursion, John T. Now we all want to go for the churros and chocolate.

Re: "Spotted on the Road". Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada

Dave B. ·
The black car is a 1970 Dodge Charger R/T. You can tell it's a '70 by the line across the middle of the grille and the shape of the front-fender running lights. R/Ts only came with two engine choices - the 375 HP 440 cubic inch or the 425 HP 426 Hemi. The second car is a 1969 Camaro. It appears to be an SS, but that's pretty easy to clone. Can't wait to see what you came up with in Cuba!

Re: Cuba - a step back in time !

GarryRF ·
Fell in love with this remarkable example but - no idea of the Make and Model ! If you take too close an interest you cant get a pic without the Owner, Wife and Kids !

Re: Mercedes-Benz Museum in Stuttgart

DrFumblefinger ·
GarryRF, by bimbo selling a car, I presume you mean the guy in the blue t-shirt above, right? The ones in the bottom photo are just mannequins in frilly color coordinated wraps. And a man can dream. No question that the Mercedes product is a top-notch one.

Re: Share Your Budget Tablet and Laptop Picks

Former Member ·
I noticed that there's a whole new iPad model out, and the article said a lot of the people looking to buy right away were people who keep trading up. So, if they're trading in last week's model, do you have any idea where's a good place to buy good used ones? It might be as cheap as the new ones here, if they're OK

Re: Banksy Opens up a Bemusement Park in England

Mac ·
You guys are certainly mirroring all the thoughts that we had yesterday! I hope that my photos (taken in the drizzle) will come out to show you. The views that struck us immediately were the Dismaland logo above the entry (and on the souvenir T shirts), the Mickey Mouse ears worn by all the staff, the dilapidated, iconically-shaped, crumbling fairy tale castle with it's polluted moat - but perhaps the most dramatic is the centrepiece in the castle with the life-sized princess's pumpkin...

Re: From the Shoebox: Germany in the early 60s

George G. ·
I was stationed in Heidelberg with the US Army twice (1971-1973) and (1990-1993). I believe your 2nd photo is the Ehrenfels Castle near the town of Rüdesheim and the grape variety Ehrenfelser is named after the castle. I think the next photo is also near Rüdesheim and I think the thing poking up in the left distance is t he Niederwalddenkmal which is a monument constructed to commemorate the foundation of the German Empire.

Re: Assiniboine Park, Winnipeg, Canada. Where Gumbo Was #36

Paul Heymont ·
Garry, no one doubts Paxton's influence on Olmsted, and on generations of others (as Olmsted influenced those who came after him), but surely there's a vast difference between learning from a master and applying similar ideas to different terrain on the one hand, and "plagiarism" of any sort on the other. That's especially so when we see how fully and publicly Olmsted acknowledged the model!

Re: Do traveling Brits hate kids?

GarryRF ·
Has anyone used noise cancelling headphones or maybe recommend a particular model ?

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#69)

PortMoresby ·
While I do see a certain resemblance to Cappadocia, it doesn't look real to me. More like a model landscape, as you'd have with a model railroad, but seemingly without the railroad. Maybe this is, in fact, what Cappadocia looks like from a hot air balloon, which I understand are popular there. I see no evidence of people in the form of actual people or vehicles, unless that's a person in red in the lower right-hand corner.

Re: "Cruise Night", Thunder Bay, Ontario: The 1940's and 1950's

Paul Heymont ·
Thanks! They're all sweet, but my heart really beats for the MG T series...and that's a beauty!

Re: JetBlue makes its fans blue: Less space, more fees

DrFumblefinger ·
This is very disappointing news. I was hoping JetBlue would stick to its "customers first" mode of business operation, but obviously management has sold us out. That leaves only Southwest in the USA that has a different business model, and hopefully they'll stick to their principles and not succumb to these pressures.

Re: "Cruise Night", Thunder Bay, Ontario: The 1960's (Part 1)

GarryRF ·
Beautiful collection Ottoman ! Wouldn't the pink Mustang look great in an original colour. Cant stop - back for another look - Thanks !

Re: "Cruise Night", Thunder Bay, Ontario: The 1960's (Part 1)

Ottoman ·
Hi GarryRF I totally agree with your comment. Pink would not have been the color I would have chosen for the Mustang, but it still was a beauty to gaze at and admire. On a side note, I had to laugh out loud when I read the license plate on the "Barracuda" which essentially reads "You are fish bait". Yes, viewing these amazing cars is great fun. I hope you enjoy my last two blogs on "Cruise Night" which I believe are to be posted on September 2 (Cars from the 1960's Part 2) and September 9...

Re: "Cruise Night", Thunder Bay, Ontario: The 1960's (Part 1)

GarryRF ·
Yes - I noticed the plates on the Mustang Ottoman. Sometimes you just look at a picture - and think - that's just not right ! Like photos of mans best friend, his dog, Dressed as a cowboy with a bandana and a Stetson hat ! Makes my toes curl up. Cringe worthy ! So I've put Sept 2nd in my diary. "The arrival of Ottomans Masterpieces ... and Hurricane Cristobal" What a fun day !

Re: "Cruise Night", Thunder Bay, Ontario: The 1960's (Part 1)

Ottoman ·
Hi GarryRF! I do hope that by the time Hurricane Cristobal reaches the UK it will be nothing more than a weak tropical storm. Here's hoping Cristobal misses you altogether and that the only thing that should "blow you away" on September 2 is my "Cruise Night" blog (ya ya I know...really bad joke, right?). Take care of yourself and stay safe. Let us know how you weather this looming storm.

Re: Taos NM - Indian, Mexican, and Yarn

DrFumblefinger ·
Enjoyed the article, Jonathan! Like the vibe of the city. About how many days visit would recommend as a good intro for this town? Last question. Is there any significance to the t-shirt having 3 balls on it?

Re: Bones Recreated Using 3D Printer, What Would Richard Have Thought?

DrFumblefinger ·
Re: Bones Recreated Using 3D Printer, What Would Richard Have Thought?

Re: Bones Recreated Using 3D Printer, What Would Richard Have Thought?

DrFumblefinger ·
"Blessed are they who expect nothing, for they shall always be satisfied". - Mark Twain P.S. Even the jaded would have to admit the following intact in situ T-rex skeleton is awesome!!

Re: A stroll through the Betty Ford Alpine Gardens, Vail

GarryRF ·
Does winter arrive early in these gardens ? Is that due to the elevation? Does it remain cool in the Summer too ? I'm thinking of the likes of Mexico City where it should be tropical but its elevation keeps it cool all year. Lovely photos of the Flora and Gardens. Was it really that empty ?

Re: A stroll through the Betty Ford Alpine Gardens, Vail

DrFumblefinger ·
Thanks for the comments, Garry. Yes, winter arrives early because of the very high altitude. Over a mile and a half above sea level. Summers are very nice -- warm (75-80F) dry pleasant days (no humidity to speak off), and it always cools down nicely at night, so most places don't even have air conditioning. It really was that empty. No more than 6 folks in the garden including my wife and I, and of course not counting the hundreds of birds flying about.

Re: Coming soon: Adjustable-width airline seats?

Paul Heymont ·
Keep in mind that the picture is the patent model...tricked out with real upholstery it may look very different. Other than fitting big people better, I think this may mainly be used on smaller airliners that fly as one- or two-class, as British Air does on a lot of European class there is pretty much just empty middle. This would allow flexibility. Be my guess...

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo? (#39)

DrFumblefinger ·
The photo looks too idealized -- almost not real. Is it perhaps something from the land of Thomas Kinkade? Or a model train set?

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo? (#39)

Mac ·
Ah ha! Either an interesting camera technique or it is indeed a wonderfully detailed model train set, I suspect the latter. Oh, but where?? There are many big boys out there in the world who would love to have a Union Pacific loco running around in the loft. I have seen reports of some fantastic layouts in Germany but it could be anywhere methinks.... I tried to take a photo of just such a loco coming towards me in Canada and stood by the track in readiness. Thinking to be friendly, I was...

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo? (#39)

DrFumblefinger ·
PHeymont can be such a tease at times... I'll go out on the limb and suggest these are the "truths" 1) It is a model train set -- very nicely done, by the way 2) It is in a formal display somewhere. Mac said " I have seen reports of some fantastic layouts in Germany". A model trail museum in Europe, possibly Germany? Anyone else have any ideas?

Re: Avoid Airbnb scammers by following the rules

PortMoresby ·
In my experience, as a host with around 100 guest experiences behind me, I know people tend not to read either the listing thoroughly, likely relying on the photos, nor anything in the message threads other than what they're replying to. I just had a look and there is, indeed, a warning on the messaging page as described above. But it's in the same smallish print as the entire page so doesn't stand out, and is on the lower righthand part of the page with nothing to draw one's attention.

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo? (#105)

DrFumblefinger ·
Let me try to get the ball rolling. While they look like owl eyes at first glance, I think it's an aerial photo of a garden or park....or perhaps of a model of a garden or park. Where???? I don't have a clue at the moment.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Mar. 15, 2015: The Tea Lady, Istanbul

GarryRF ·
Think I need to send you some "Tetley Tea Bags " in the post Paul. I have to bring my own T-Bags to the US. Very weak brew you get in Restaurants. One day we'll get you a T Pot to complement your kitchen.... and maybe some fresh tea (not bagged)

Re: How a super-ship manages 12-hour turnaround

DrFumblefinger ·
Sometimes when I'm in Vancouver I head to Canada Place to watch the cruise ships coming and going. You actually get to see the belly of the ship being loaded. The dozens of palates of food that go on is amazing. Would you have thought a cruise ship would consume 3 massive containers of potatoes in a week? 2 of onions? Might even have been more, that's all I saw. It is truly a model of efficiency.

Re: Signs of Boston

GarryRF ·
Lovely walkable city. The trains were a great way to get around too. Just move along one station at a time and pop up out of the underground railway for another look around. Around Quincy Market was very strange. It was St Patricks day and the sun was shining. The sellers were wearing shorts and T-shirts. But around the corner the sun hadn't made any impression. It was still in the shade after a long winter. Snow was everywhere and the market traders wore hats and coats. Around the next...

Re: Eclipse 20 March '15 UK

GarryRF ·
All the Birds came down from the sky. The temperature dropped from 10c/50f to 5c/41f in a few minutes and a wind started to blow. Cars put their lights on and I was freezing cold outside in my T-Shirt. But I'll remember it well. Two total and one partial eclipse so far !

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo? (#137)

DrFumblefinger ·
Thanks for your comments, gentlemen. Yes, Pheymont, it is both specific and generic and with more clues it will definitely be much more specific. John T, as you know I live in Canada and for tonight, I'll add the tidbit that this is not in Canada. Another photo might help.....?

Re: July 19, 2019: Hillbilly Hot Rod, Murdo, South Dakota

GarryRF ·
Nice find ! One careful owner ?

Re: July 19, 2019: Hillbilly Hot Rod, Murdo, South Dakota

DrFumblefinger ·
I would think only one owner, GarryRF. Not many would be interested in buying such a customized work of art.

Re: Last Stop, Chiapa de Corzo

DrFumblefinger ·
Glad you ended the trip in style, but sorry that your journey has ended. I really enjoyed this series -- a model for how all of us should share our travel stories. Thanks!

Re: Lego Store, NYC: Only the Best is Good Enough

GarryRF ·
The Lego Store is becoming a High Street regular. I spent way too long admiring the model of Hogwarts School at a store in Pennsylvania. Lego is something you never grow out of.

Re: EU, UK agree to keep planes in the air

Elite Travels ·
Good Info. T ravel Agency Derby