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Re: Hamburg concert hall: Overdue, Over Budget, Finished

DrFumblefinger ·
Nothing like inept bureaucrats to run up the budget....Imagine, €300 for a toilet brush! I'm sure an adequate brush could have been purchased for €3. And that's just one example. Beautiful building, but at a cost of nearly $US 1 billion, it does seem a bit pricey.

Re: The Biggest Plane You've Never Seen

DrFumblefinger ·
Looks rather like a stuffed goose trying to take flight. The kind of aircraft that belongs in an aviation museum, not in the sky.

Re: Nov. 15, 2016: Hummingbird, Solola, Guatemala

sarcee ·
Great capture! I love humming birds and when caught like this they are so beautiful to see. Thanks for sharing

Re: Nov. 15, 2016: Hummingbird, Solola, Guatemala

Marilyn Jones ·
Thank you! I love hummingbirds too and this is the first time I was ever able to catch one at a flower. I was thrilled!

Re: Uber has built partnership with the GM’s Maven- a car sharing service

Roopana ·
This article is very informative. Amazing write-up. Thanks and keep sharing. To create on-demand service app like uber visit us:

Re: Pearl Harbor, Hawaii (Where Gumbo was #195)

GarryRF ·
Another reminder of man's inhumanity towards man. Deeply moving moment - like a visit to the gravestones of northern France. Less we forget.

Re: Ryanair, Norwegian near a 'feeder flight' deal

DrFumblefinger ·
Sounds like a good strategic move for both carriers, and should have positive benefits to consumers, at least in the short term.

Re: Dec 15, 2016: Kamloops, BC, Canada

DrFumblefinger ·
That's not unlike what my front yard looks like! And Kamloops is not an obvious choice for someone from the UK to move to. What inspired that?

Re: Dec 15, 2016: Kamloops, BC, Canada

GarryRF ·
BC has many exiled folks from Liverpool. Like many other cities around the world. I have relatives in Fraser Lake. They have the most beautiful beach too, if you're into cryogenics. Many Canadians have a wonderful "Cheeky" humour too !

Re: November 24, 2016: Enger Tower, Duluth, Minnesota

GarryRF ·
Did you count the steps up ? Looks like an Olympian task !

Re: Antarctica, part 3. Antarctica Rocks!

DrFumblefinger ·
Hi Kirsten, Behind in my emails, but did want you to know that the last of your series on Celebrating Nature went live today. I want to personally thank you so very much for sharing your tremendous talents with our audience. I enjoyed reading -- and learned a lot -- from your posts and greatly enjoyed your wonderful photography! I'm sure many others did, too. If you have more material you'd like to post on TravelGumbo in the coming months, it would be our pleasure to host it. Hope you had a...

Re: November 24, 2016: Enger Tower, Duluth, Minnesota

Ottoman ·
Hi Garry I never thought of counting the number of steps to the top of Enger Tower for I was too preoccupied with the beautiful scenery; However, thanks to your question I did some internet investigating and discovered that apparently there are 105 steps you must walk to get to the top of Enger Tower (therefore 210 steps in total to get up and down the tower). You really don't need to be an Olympian to get to the top of Enger Tower. Although the number of steps sounds like a lot, and the...

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo? (#195)

DrFumblefinger ·
To help you better define our locale, here are a few more clues before we look at the specific site tomorrow. You can buy these near the entrance to our site.... And see sunsets like these from a nearby beach....

Re: Sept. 4, 2018: Istanbul's Spice Bazaar

GarryRF ·
The first time I visited a Bazaar like this I was amazed with the colours and sights. Reminded me of the time when after years of black and white TV I saw my first Colour TV - Speechless !!

Re: April 8, 2020: Standley Lake Regional Park, Colorado

Samantha ·
Thank you DrFumbleFinger. This whole no travel thing is making me insane, l We've missed two trips already, one because of sickness over Valentines Day and one one because of this irritating virus issue. We also have two more (2+ week road trip through 11 states for our anniversary, and a trip to Atlanta for a convention) before the end of June that will prob not happen. Just so frustrating. I am also worried about a trip to AZ in Sept, NH, VT, and ME in Oct and CA in Nov. Not knowing when...

Re: Arriving in Venice, 1960

DrFumblefinger ·
Interesting how we remember bumps in our travels so well. Venice is an amazing place to visit. Nothing quite like it anywhere.

Re: Learning More About New CompTIA A+ 220-1001 and 220-1002 Exams and How Exam Labs Practice Tests Can Assist You?

Ceilena Martin ·
I’m pretty sure this would help other people so I’m sharing my success story. As always, preparing for certification exams is nerve-wracking in midst of this chaos of several different resources videos, books, lab exercises none actually guarantee you will perform well or not. So before you tired yourself out completely give a try to Latest 220-1002 Sample Questions. These been designed to reflect the actual exam format is like and in what way they can achieve the most favorable result. This...

Re: January 1, 2020: Arderne Gardens, Cape Town, South Africa

GarryRF ·
It looks like a wonderful way to enjoy nature at its best !

Re: Small Brooklyn: Three small but fascinating museums

George G. ·
Jonathan ... Would like to see a blog on your NYC Museum of the American Gangster if you ever get the itch.

Re: Small Brooklyn: Three small but fascinating museums

Jonathan L ·
I will put it on my list

Re: Free Things to do in Phoenix, Arizona

DrFumblefinger ·
Never knew there was so much free stuff to do in Phoenix. Seems like you could spent the better part of a week seeing and doing things without paying one admission fee. Thanks for sharing these, Samantha.

Re: Chutzpah! Domino Pizza's Italy plans

DrFumblefinger ·
Unless they can figure out a way to deliver superior service (eg. open 24/7, far reaching free delivery), I can't see them winning with this move. Italian pizza is just so much better than Dominos. Perhaps they'd like to open a coal outlet shop in Newcastle as well?

Re: January 20, 2020: Newport Beach, California

Travel Rob ·
Also Garry, unlike countries like Japan, it's common here to get a "doggy bag" for leftover food. A lot of people take that home and reheat it for their lunch at work the next day. I found is its pretty easy finding healthy choices in restaurants in the US in bigger cities. The problem can be in rural areas where sometimes all they have is chain and fast food restaurants.

Re: Tips to help with packing no matter where you are going

Paul Heymont ·
Adding to Mac's point. A big turning point for us was when we started packing for 7 days, no matter how much longer the trip. Usually we have a washer in the apartments we rent, but when not, there's always a laundromat nearby, and usually one that will wash and fold while we tour. We don't often enough change locations to want to keep everything packed (and anyway, I'm a compulsive unpacker) so some of the tools are less useful to us...but I do remind everyone that shoes are actually...

Re: Boston in the fall - suggestions please!

DrFumblefinger ·
Glad that you and the lovely Mrs. are able to hit the road again, Mac! How long will you be in the area and do you just want to "leaf-watch" or are there other things you'd like to sightsee?

Re: Boston in the fall - suggestions please!

DrFumblefinger ·
Agree with PHeymont. Plan your trips around the leaf watching. Lots of pretty small towns around New England, although many will be pretty booked. I'd leave at least 3-4 days for Boston. Lots to see and do there, including many items relating to the rebellious Yankees throwing off the ties with old King George. And great museums and restaurants and such. We can get into more details if you'd like, but you'll definitely want a good guide book. Many people find a day in Salem (famous for its...

Re: Boston in the fall - suggestions please!

HistoryDigger ·
Glad you're traveling again, Mac. Boston is my home town, and October is THE BEST MONTH. Where are you staying in the city? I'd walk the Freedom Trail if you're feeling up to it. Go down to the waterfront. Boston Common and Charles Street are fun places to hang out. Newbury Street is fancy shopping and also has a few fun bistros and coffee shops. The Science Museum is excellent. Plenty of seafood to be had. New England clam chowder is great if you have sweater-weather. Go whale-watching...

Re: Boston in the fall - suggestions please!

DrFumblefinger ·
Regarding hotels, Mac, I think I'd spend a few days in Boston to begin with, presuming that's where you are flying into. This will let you get over your jet lag and also give you a chance to see the state of the colors and plot out where you want to go. I would NOT go without having at least a night's reservation booked ahead because you'll waste too much time looking for a place to stay and will end up paying rack rate. Things will be busy and pretty filled up in the small towns of New...

Re: Interview: Orion Travel Tech's Gary German

DrFumblefinger ·
Great interview and obviously Gary German is a man of vision. I like Gary's ability to come up with win-win situations. One that benefits both consumers and his corporate clients. I expect we'll be hearing a lot more from Orion in the years to come and I wish the company great success!

Re: Interview: Orion Travel Tech's Gary German

Travel Rob ·
The part I like most about Gary's ads on luggage plan, is the bags will be distinctive. I've really had a hard time of late distinguishing my luggage from everyone else's and these bags should stand out. As for all of Orion's plans , I can't think of a company that has so many different startups planned for the next few year. It will be fun to watch and I thank Gary for the interview.

Re: Calabria to Sicily: A bridge too far?

DrFumblefinger ·
I like it when people take on huge tasks and succeed at them. The American Space Program was like that -- expensive, risky, exciting and one of man kind's greatest achievements. This bridge would be a great engineering triump. And I think it would be important to link Sicily more closely to Italy. It would make the island much more accessible and allow freer flow of people. 9 billion Euros is a lot of money, but is probably comparable to the debt the US government runs up in a few days, so...

Re: Sea World gives up its killer whale shows

DrFumblefinger ·
I grow weary of political correctness. Orcas are highly intelligent animals, no doubt -- and have the "cruelty" we expect of intelligent animals (anyone who's seen them hunt a baby gray whale for hours, only to kill it, eat its tongue and let the rest go to waste knows what I mean). I never saw Blackfish, but I do recall at the old Marineland park in Southern California. The park was closed for a number of months, and the orcas got depressed. Listless, didn't eat, didn't look good. Someone...

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, November 13, 2015: Views over Tallinn, Estonia

GarryRF ·
Looks like the aerial shots from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (Gene Wilder) Which was released 44 years ago ! Tempus Fugit.

Re: Wonders of the Modern World

DrFumblefinger ·
The Soviets have never been completely transparent about Chernobyl, but this is the story as best as I was able to synthesize it: It seems that the alarm system was malfunctioning (going off all the time) so it was turned off by the tech monitoring the system. He had the fuel rods pulled out of their cooling chambers for maintenance work, was distracted (remember, the alarms are off), then by the time he focused back on the task at hand the rods had begun to melt and couldn't be reinserted...

Re: Wonders of the Modern World

Paul Heymont ·
The 19th century would like a word with you about its Brooklyn Bridge...

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, November 13, 2015: Views over Tallinn, Estonia

Mac ·
Marilyn, it was lovely and enchanting. I plan to post more pictures of Tallinn and other Baltic destinations in the run-up to Christmas. I'm sure you would like to visit them all.

Re: Crowded Sky: Boeing finds more room overhead

DrFumblefinger ·
I was aware that Boeing was working on this idea and it sounds like a real winner. A carry-on bag is almost a necessity for people who fly. Boeing deserves full credit and thanks from consumers for this innovation.

Re: Heidelberg Castle: Where Gumbo Was (#135)

PortMoresby ·
No, in the lower left of that one, right below the individual tree on the left and below your circle. Put your finger dead center of the top photo and it's there, just above the 2 gothic windows, between the 2 halves of the castle. Looks like a modern construction and appears to be leaning left, 2 chimneys.

Re: Heidelberg Castle: Where Gumbo Was (#135)

Paul Heymont ·
Ah, now I see what you meant. No, nothing esoteric. It's actually part of the roofline of one of the buildings; the black area with the rectangles is just the shadow of part of the windowless wall adjoining it. Here's what it looks like without the shadow...

Re: Auschwitz Concentration Camp, Poland. The infamous 'Arbeit macht frei' sign at the entrance

TravelingCanuck ·
I have not been to Auschwitz but have been to some in Western Europe such as Dachau, Bergen-Belsen and Buchenwald. It is an experience like no other. The atmosphere is oppressive and dark. It is almost like nature knows these are sites of unspeakable horror and you can sense it. When we went to Dachau it was a sunny day walking to the camp but once inside it seemed like everything clouded over and there was an absence of the birds singing that we heard outside the camp.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Oct 20, 2015: Sicilian Fiat

Paul Heymont ·
Belongs in the pantheon of true "people's cars" along with the Citroen 2CV and (dare I say it?) the ugly duckling of the lot...the Trabi, which was advanced over its peers in a number of ways. Ironic, isn't it, to think the original Fiat 300s like this one were banished for smoking, and now we find that VW's "clean diesel" was smoking a pack a day on the road!

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Oct 20, 2015: Sicilian Fiat

IslandMan ·
Looks like a "Noddy" car, Garry....

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Oct 20, 2015: Sicilian Fiat

GarryRF ·
Like this :

Re: Expedia lifts the veil on airline fees

DrFumblefinger ·
I like transparency and think this is welcome news for travel consumers. Also a smart move on the part of Expedia, I think.

Re: WestJet Scraps TV's on Back of Seats for New Routes to London Gatwick

DrFumblefinger ·
I'm a little surprised by this. Westjet has free back-of-seat televisions on virtually all of its planes, and people like that feature a lot. It makes me wonder if this will be their new direction -- streaming to you, instead of providing you their television. If people are prepared, and if they provide charging outlets, I think consumers won't mind about this.

Re: From Brasov to Bran Castle and Rasnov

DrFumblefinger ·
I would like to address Linn's question about the view from Rasnov. It is a spectacular view. You have definitely been spoiled!

Re: Gorge of the River Allen, Northumberland

TravelingCanuck ·
Great photographs. Looks like a very beautiful place to go for a long walk. Thanks for a look at a part of England most don't see.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, October 5, 2015: Stone Gingerbread House

TravelingCanuck ·
I love stone houses like this one. There was one, on a much smaller scale, in my hometown that was right on the waterfront. @PHeymont - it is listed for a mere 11 million. “The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.” – St. Augustine

Re: Dale Chihuly at the New York Botanical Garden

seesaw ·
Looks like a very enchanting exhibit. I really like the rectangles in the reflecting pool...clever design!

Re: So, what’s it worth ?

DrFumblefinger ·
No one spins a travel yarn quite like Robert Cranwell! Enjoyed this one. Podcast is worth listening to as well, everyone.