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Tagged With "swipe to like"


Re: Airbnb's rural listings gain popularity

PortMoresby ·
"...the short-term rental site is clearly not just for urban hipsters anymore." From my own experience I'd put a somewhat different spin on it. Something like "urban hipsters seek rural experience". A good percentage of my guests come from one of the hipster capitols of the universe, San Francisco.

Re: Diamond Head State Monument, Oahu (Where Gumbo Was #230)

GarryRF ·
On my last visit to Diamond Head we left near to the closing time. A large Limousine was waiting to take us back to Waikiki. I hadn't ordered one but the driver insisted we used him to take us back. "I will charge you the same as the Taxi fare you paid to get here" Sounded like an offer too good to refuse ! Before we arrived back in Waikiki another 4 couples had joined our Taxi ride. Had to admire the driver for ingenuity. Very good earner !

Re: Escape from Disney: Tiber-Butler Preserve

George G. ·
I'm with you. Disney World fractured my nerves after the first 10 minutes and my wife and I could have used a far more tranquil setting like the Nature Preserve.

Re: Top of the World! A visit to Burj Khalif

Professorabe ·
Thanks - I had been wondering what the views would be like. Now I know. (I'm far too mean to pay for such things myself!)

Re: Brampton – Gelt Woods

DrFumblefinger ·
I love historic sites like this historic quarry, and can't imagine a prettier place to find it. Beautiful piece, Ian, thanks!

Re: The Samariá Gorge, Crete

DrFumblefinger ·
Looks like a wonderful walk, but in the hot weather very challenging!

Re: Lower Fort Garry National Historic Site, Manitoba (Where Gumbo Was #184)

GarryRF ·
It was an extra surprise when I discovered the answer. Finally - I've found a Garry spelt with 2 R's - like in my name. Another well researched destination for travellers and history lovers alike. And for those Garry's with 2 R's who need to explain the 2 differing origins of the name. Excellent presentation !

Re: South America, part 3 - Nesting Leatherback Sea Turtles

DrFumblefinger ·
Fascinating! I was just visiting Cape Breton Island in Nova Scotia today and discovered that leatherbacks like to spend their summers off the coast feasting on jellyfish. Amazing what long journeys they make to lay their eggs.

Re: Oct. 3, 2016: Old Store & Post Office, Evinston, FL

DrFumblefinger ·
A very cool destination! I love old places like this, especially ones that still work! You don't stress it, but they have a nice display of Elvis memorabilia. Makes me wonder if he stopped by long ago when he was touring the southeastern USA>

Re: Sept. 30, 2016: Autumn in Chicago

GarryRF ·
It's good to see a row of non-conformist trees. Like houses or Shopping Malls. The one that sticks out from the status quo is the one that gets my attention. Probably one of the reasons I like old small towns. Where the architecture spans 3,4 or 5 generations. All in a short walk.

Re: New book celebrates Yellowstone, National Parks Centennial

DrFumblefinger ·
That looks like a must read book about my favorite US National Park! Thanks for bringing it to our attention.

Re: Oct. 21, 2016: Canoeing Low Force, River Tees, County Durham.

DrFumblefinger ·
Looks like great fun! Superb action photos, Ian.

Re: Nothing sacred: Swiss chalets aren't Swiss!

GarryRF ·
It's like finding your Jeep Renegade was constructed in Italy at the Fiat factory. Or worse still in Guangzhou, China.

Re: Sept 1, 2016: Wild Roses on the River Side.

GarryRF ·
WILD ROSES Wild Fruit - before the birds eat them ! I've been told by other walkers that further along you can only smell wild Jasmine. On the waters edge - where these grow - can best be described as a cool climate. With the onshore breeze off the river it rarely passes above 21c / 70f. So about the same climate as your Mountain rose. The smell really takes you by surprise - like walking into a small room holding a large "Women's Institute"meeting ! Perfume overload !

Re: September 3, 2016: Rainbow(s) over the Kootenay Rockies

sarcee ·
Great shots/....doubles and the ones that look like the borealis are really nice.

Re: Sept. 10, 2016: Farewell to an era?

DrFumblefinger ·
What I like best about the Downton Abbey series is not its portrayal of class struggles, but of how beautifully characters of all types are developed and how their appreciation of people of all types is portrayed. The estate owners genuinely like and looked after their employees. The employees were loyal and genuinely like and looked after their employers.

Re: Rodeo Drive, Beverly Hills, California

California Girl ·
Great report. Good to hear that the sales people were not like those portrayed in Pretty Woman! Did you spot any movie stars?

Re: Flights to Cuba: lots of planes, not so many passengers

GarryRF ·
Many returning tourists will be telling their American friends that life in a third world country - like Cuba - is worse than just having only one flavour of Ice Cream.

Re: Shunpiking Through Northern Ohio

GarryRF ·
I enjoy your journeys around " Small Town USA". The US has such a wealth of history. You should write a book so that Brits like me know where to search for new ventures - ready for my next trip across the pond. Thank You.

Re: Oct. 31, 2018: Dia de los Muertos, Cozumel, Mexico

PortMoresby ·
Currently in San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas. Today was full of action all around town but especially in the zocalo with students dressing up the square and themselves. Tomorrow I’m off to a couple of villages and we’ll see what a Zapatista Dia de los Muertos looks like.

Re: New cable car offers 'roof terrace'

DrFumblefinger ·
Might be a little frosty, but those of us who like to take photos on such journeys would relish the chance to sit on top. Every bit as safe as in the cage underneath.

Re: Art and Survival in the Tassili Plateau

George G. ·
Excellent ! Like a fascinating novel I had to keep reading, then looking back and reading it again.

Re: Art and Survival in the Tassili Plateau

Amateuremigrant ·
Really glad it's gone down well with you George; I only do factual stuff though, I haven't got the deviousness of a good novelist 🤣

Re: Notes and Noticings from the road

Professorabe ·
The Schwab card sounds like a good deal. I have a (UK) Halifax Clarity card, which also gives me a reasonable deal on credit card transactions - no fees/commission and the actual market rate for the currency conversion. It's a significant saving compared to other credit cards.

Re: Belfast: An Uneasy City

GarryRF ·
Very true George ! Like taking your Honeymoon on the San Andreas fault. Then asking your Bride if she felt the Earth move.

Re: July 14, 2018: Amsterdam's Dapper Market

GarryRF ·
The sounds - smells and colours of an open air market. I like the one's that do a taste sampling. And the fur coat you get on your teeth after eating Rhubarb. Stewed and served with custard. Is it true that Rhubarb is the only food that pigs wont eat ?

Re: What's the Best City in the World to Eat in?

GarryRF ·
The Restaurants in London have Chefs and Staff from the country they represent. They're not 2nd or 3rd generation French or Indonesian people. They have mostly arrived in the UK after learning their trade. Even in Liverpool I can taste the authentic food of 30 or more countries, So in a Cosmopolitan Capital like London I'm sure I could eat genuine food from anywhere in the world !

Re: Controversy in What City is #1 in Foreign Tourists

Travel Rob ·
This feud is now drawing comparisons on which city is better. The London Telegraph did a fun photo chart.Of course London won on their chart lol. To me its like comparing apples and oranges. Both great cities. And only Megabus ride apart!

Re: Slim airline seats unpopular

Paul Heymont ·
That's an interesting article...especially the part about United finding that passengers like the new seats better as time goes on. I have very limited experience with this (one flight on TAP with them installed) and frankly, they didn't feel more or less cushiony than any others. I just don't think thickness has anything to do with comfort; it's the density of the material used. And frankly, two extra inches for legs...that's a win. At least until the airlines start moving the slim-line...

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo #14

Theodore Behr ·
That sure looks like a sewer to me to. I know they have sewer tours in London and Paris because my bro's been on them, but not sure how you'd tell one from the other. Not sure about other cities in Europe. New York is supposed to have interesting sewers, what with all those crocodiles and snakes and gators people have flushed down their drains .

Re: Canadian Museum of History (Civilization): Ottawa (Gatineau), Canada

DrFumblefinger ·
Ottawa is a perfect spring and fall getaway destination, PortMoresby. Like many things Canadian it's pleasant and understated. You don't really get the impression when here that one of the world's most successful economies is governed in this peaceful small city. Summers can be hot and humid, but May and late Sept/Oct are special. I'd probably head there late Sept/early Oct to enjoy the colorful tree displays.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Feb. 25, 2014: Wat Pho, Bangkok, Thailand

GarryRF ·
I was surprised to see that Buddhist bibles are placed in the bedside draw. Just like a Gideon's bible. Really is an amazing read ! Full of proverbs like : "A man who commits adultery likes licking jam off a sharp knife !"

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Mar. 26, 2014: A Window in Paris

DrFumblefinger ·
Nothing like a room with a view!!

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, July 13, 2015: Gettysburg at dusk

DrFumblefinger ·
Thanks for the tip, Jonathan. Another interesting stop is to President Eisenhower's home, which adjoins Gettysburg. Like stepping back into the era of MadMen.

Re: Macaroons in a Paris bakery

DrFumblefinger ·
I just wanted to make sure someone was looking, PHeymont! The strawberry was my favorite. Which one did you like best?

Re: Gallery: Fuli Town Market, Guangxi, China

GarryRF ·
First visit to Bondi Beach in Sydney they had a stall at the side of the road. "Freshly Made Smoothies" The fruit was uncut and drinks were made to order. The display looked so amazing -but what were they all ! Even when someone tells you its Starfruit - you've no idea what it tastes like. So I had the best smoothie - ever. Fresh sliced Pineapple and Root Ginger. With extra Ginger. Nothing else added. Heaven in a glass ! Been to so many countries since that insist you have to have Yoghurt or...

Re: On Safari in Africa -- wildlife gallery

DrFumblefinger ·
Thank you for your comments PortMoresby and GarryRF!. Yes, we got quite close to the animals Garry, although you definitely need to have a telephoto lens and best to have a camera with a quick shutter speed. I used my digital SLR on these and shot photos in bursts of 5-6, picking out the one I like best. You need to be very careful about where you eat in Africa, maybe more so than in most places. But we traveled with a quality safari outfit (And Beyond), which not only prepared great meals,...

Re: Where Gumbo Was #14: A Sewer Journey

TravelandNature ·
IslandMan - Good one ! Your island home of Malta is an interesting case in point of modern water and wastewater management. The limestone and clay geology there leads to rapid groundwater runoff during the winter rains. Because of this, precious water is reused after treatment in one of the two above ground sewer plants. Water has always been a very valuable resource on the island. Perhaps you might like to make a report sometime about the natural springs and history of the Maqluba doline in...

Re: Luxembourg, Old City

PortMoresby ·
It looks like rhubarb to me, too. I'd call it a tart but where do they call it a clafouti? I've never heard the word.

Re: Luxembourg, Old City

DrFumblefinger ·
That does look like rhubarb, doesn't it? It was sitting right beside the ham and mushroom quiche. But rhubarb sounds appealing right now.....

Re: Luxembourg, Old City

Paul Heymont ·
Clafoutis (I lost an s in typing) is a French dessert that is essentially a tart with fruit (the most traditional is cherries) in a flan-like custard. Usually you bake part of the custard a bit, add the fruit and more custard. I always thought it was from Normandy, because I first encountered it there, and then in a Norman restaurant in Paris, but it turns out the food historians say it comes from Limousin, and the name is from the Occitan "clafotis" which means "filled." So what probably...

Re: Gallery: A Beautiful Building in Bangkok

DrFumblefinger ·
What an elegant building. Like stepping back in time 100 years! Thanks for sharing this special place with everyone!

Re: India Easing Visa Requirements

PortMoresby ·
Advance visas have always been something of a bother for potential visitors to any country but the last year or so residents of the US have been plagued by difficulties trying to obtain visas to visit India. Originally processed by the consulates, of late the process has been subcontracted to a private operator, BLS, and it's been a nightmare for many. Visas have been delayed beyond the proposed departure dates and numbers of passports have even been lost entirely. Forums are rife with...

Re: Herculaneum, 79 A.D.

IslandMan ·
Thanks for the trip, PortMoresby, it looks like a fascinating place to visit. Those Romans certainly knew how to build a city..

Re: Gallery: Transport, Rural South China

Paul Heymont ·
What an amazing variety! I like to look around in Europe for "oddballs" like small pedal-powered trucks and other small delivery vehicles, but these take the cake. I'm especially fascinated by the front-wheel drive truck that appears to be friction-driven (power applied to the surface of the tire, rather than to the axle).

Re: Crashing the geocache

Former Member ·
RU thinking that we should ask in the Craigslist Community section for each town where they want to geocache ? Do the kids use that Craigslist section a lot ? That is an interesting idea. Thanks for that. Like your selfie avatar

Re: The Maltese Islands – Underrated gems or best kept secret ?

Former Member ·
It does not seem fair that one place should have so much going on. Worse, it is less fair that I am not there ! Thanks for the great pics and a bit of history. What are the good months to visit for water sports like paragliding ? Is it winder or the surf stronger some months than others ?

Re: The Maltese Islands – Underrated gems or best kept secret ?

Travel Rob ·
Thanks IslandMan! Your history insights and photos do make it look like an ideal travel destination.

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo? #11

Paul Heymont ·
Ah, let's see what tomorrow brings... I'm always amused when people try to guess where something is based on what I have liked...because I've liked nearly everywhere I've been (Halifax excepted). In any case, I'm always hunting for puzzling images, like or not!

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day: Jan. 16, 2014: Liverpool Victoria Gallery

GarryRF ·
My favourite time to visit attractions is May-June-July. Before the little monsters are released on school vacation. Liverpool has hundreds of things to do - no exaggeration ! Here's 128 to go on with Liverpool makes a good hub for visiting nearby Chester with its 2,000 year old Roman Walls and Tudor Buildings. The River Dee and North Wales. All using local public transport - mostly trains. You can get a flight, Liverpool - Dublin from...