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Tagged With "Flowers at the Window"


Re: United, Delta ready to retire 'Queen of the Skies'

GarryRF ·
I'm afraid to say that the changing modes of transport are a yard stick to measure your life-span. I remember with great affection travelling on a steam train. But fail to recall the hot ash that went into your eye through the open window. My favourite childhood vehicle .....

Re: November 24, 2016: Enger Tower, Duluth, Minnesota

Ottoman ·
Hi Garry I never thought of counting the number of steps to the top of Enger Tower for I was too preoccupied with the beautiful scenery; However, thanks to your question I did some internet investigating and discovered that apparently there are 105 steps you must walk to get to the top of Enger Tower (therefore 210 steps in total to get up and down the tower). You really don't need to be an Olympian to get to the top of Enger Tower. Although the number of steps sounds like a lot, and the...

Re: Top 10 Most Beautiful Gardens In The World

Professorabe ·
Any such list would be contentious, of course. However, this one doesn't contain a single garden in Africa and this, in my opinion, is a serious omission. The Majorelle Garden in Marrakesh and the Kirstenbosch Gardens in Cape Town would be obvious contenders. There are also many more fantastic gardens in Asia - e.g. the Royal Botanical Gardens at Peradeniya, Sri Lanka.

Re: Top 10 Most Beautiful Gardens In The World

Paul Heymont ·
I think that's one of the problems with so much travel journalism: Top-Tenism, the urge to line things up in order and crown a winner. That means, often, directing attention away from wonderful things that 'didn't make the list.' I'd much rather see lists of 'Ten wonderful gardens you might enjoy' or 'ten restaurants I've enjoyed.' As for gardens: Some are quite formal, others either informal or with the goal of showing nature rather than decor. Some are large, others small. Some are...

Re: Top 10 Most Beautiful Gardens In The World

Marilyn Jones ·
Excellent article and glorious photography!!

Re: Butterfly World, Florida

Marilyn Jones ·
Such an enjoyable article and beautiful photos! Thank you for sharing!

Re: Lunar Eclipse at Lowell Observatory, Arizona

Roderick Simpson ·
In Calgary this time the Supermoon was obscured by super clouds. However, the sky was clear in April and I took this from my bedroom window.

Re: St. Michael's Church, Charleston

George G. ·
Beautiful stained glass window photos. Charleston is known as the Holy City because of the many churches of many faiths. An acquaintance of mine, Andy Brack is the author of the Charleston Currents web page that weekly reports political, educational, nature, and people issues for the city of Charleston. He also runs a mystery photo once a week and St. Michael's was once used in that contest.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Jan. 8, 2014: Blue Sky, Over Me

DrFumblefinger ·
Amazing photos PHeymont and GarryRF! I love sitting at the window and watching clouds -- especially distant storms.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Oct 8, 2013: Cologne, Germany

DrFumblefinger ·
Thanks for the note, Pheymont. I saw the main BANK OF IRELAND building in Dublin a few days, which is windowless. All the window spaces were filled in with rock (in a tasteful manner). Seems the government decided to levy a window tax. The company responded in kind.

Re: Finishing college. Need help planning trip to U.K,

GarryRF ·
Getting around the UK is very easy using Public Transport. Students travel around the country all the time - going to Uni and back home for the weekend. Friends going to weddings and folks going to London. London - like big Cities in the US - is a Traffic Nightmare ! Fortunately the UK is about the same size as a US State. Maybe Florida ? So its only a few hours by road. Trains are much faster - but more expensive, You're choice. So... look at They're...

Re: Sunrise over Mt. Rainier, Washington

DrFumblefinger ·
Taken from the plane window this morning as I was flying into and out of Seattle.

Re: Sunrise over Mt. Rainier(L) and Mt. St. Helens (R background). Washington state

DrFumblefinger ·
Taken from the plane window this morning as I was flying into and out of Seattle.

Re: Greenland from six miles high!

Former Member ·
Exactly the sort of thing that I am talking about on this other thread Please Don't Shut the Shade ! The view out the window beats the movie, every time.

Re: Sleeping with the fishes--an underwater hotel room!

Former Member ·
When I saw the picture with the fish in the window, I thought--I wonder if lots of fish and other creatures will come to stare at the strange beings in the box. Will they make faces and try to attract attention?

Re: Capital of Culture Series: Liverpool

GarryRF ·
Here's a good quote Paul PORTRAIT OF AN UNHEALTHY CITY - NEW YORK INTHE 1800'S by David Rosner Columbia University When a horse died, its carcass would be left to rot until it had disintegrated enough for someone to pick up the pieces. Children would play with dead horses lying on the streets. In addition to lacking street cleaning, the city also had no sewage system and no flush toilets. Garbage--which included both human and animal waste--was basically thrown out windows and onto city...

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Dec. 4, 2013: Patterns from the Air

DrFumblefinger ·
Hi Louie Louie, It has happened to me once, but usually it's not an issue. I have a small pocket camera I keep at hand when flying. When I see something that interests me, I pull it out and take a photo. (remember to turn the flash off, it won't help and will cause a big bright spot on the window) So long as you don't send or receive a signal, it isn't a problem. With the softening of TSA inflight electronic requirements, this should be even less of an issue in the future.

Re: WiFi on the way for international flights

GarryRF ·
Last time I went from Mexico to Philadelphia they had no Coffee. So we received free WiFi for the flight. Was great fun saying Hello to friends. They would all ask where are you ? "I'll look out the window - somewhere above the clouds in the Gulf of Mexico!" Beat that !! And Facetime on the IPad was a hoot!

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Mar. 30, 2014: Jean Cocteau on Wine

Paul Heymont ·
Well, borders change and Jerez is no longer "on the edge" of anything. Aside from the sherry houses, it seemed a pleasant mid-size city with nice parks and squares, a gorgeous tiled rail station and an Alcazar with an interesting history. The last two are featured in a blog here on TravelGumbo. See

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo #297

George G. ·
Friday's clues...two more days to go! Two brothers built mirror image houses side by side until one brother’s house was demolished so his other neighbor could expand their home and build a carriage house. This house has Italian and French Renaissance influences with a gothic window. The other house has a blend of Italianate and Georgian Revival which is currently a B&B.

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#128)

PortMoresby ·
Had no idea who John Portman was and now discover that I stayed in his first atrium hotel, the Atlanta Hyatt Regency, within a year of it's opening '67 or '68. Then at the one at Chicago O'Hare, which I assume was his too, in 1971. I sat in front of a window in our room in one of the silos, which looked out over the runways, amusing myself counting the planes back to infinity as they lined up to land, while I cared for my infant son. Thanks for the memories, John.

Re: It's a loooong way to the tip of the wing!

DrFumblefinger ·
The photo reminds me of that famous episode of the "Twilight Zone" series. When a young William Shatner is a passenger on the window seat, looking out at the wing, while a gremlin starts tearing pieces from it. No one can see the Gremlin except for Shatner.... But that doesn't mean the Gremlin isn't there. You didn't happen to see a Gremlin, did you PHeymont?

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#125)

Paul Heymont ·
The Puzzler really hopes to hear more today from the guessers...this usually works best when folks trade questions, hints and more. Today's clue shows another side of the church that is the answr to "Where in the World is TravelGumbo?" It's a stained glass window that is very modern in style, and contains a significant historic reference (as do several others in the building).

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#125)

HistoryDigger ·
Must be Germany. Old Albert had much to say about war. This reminds me of another stained glass window in the Grace Cathedral. The world was much in need of peace that year.

Re: Banksy Opens up a Bemusement Park in England

Mac ·
You guys are certainly mirroring all the thoughts that we had yesterday! I hope that my photos (taken in the drizzle) will come out to show you. The views that struck us immediately were the Dismaland logo above the entry (and on the souvenir T shirts), the Mickey Mouse ears worn by all the staff, the dilapidated, iconically-shaped, crumbling fairy tale castle with it's polluted moat - but perhaps the most dramatic is the centrepiece in the castle with the life-sized princess's pumpkin...

Re: Aug 17, 2017: Harvest Time - Northern England

GarryRF ·
Thanks for commenting Travel Luver. They are called Katy. They were invented (?) in Sweden for cooler climates. Self pollinating, disease resistant and quite a heavy cropper. Its only a dwarf tree and only 2 years old - when I picked 9 apples. Count is around 40 now so who knows - next year maybe 100 ! I grow them in front of the kitchen window - always admired when visitors call.

Re: March 28, 2018: The Three Sisters

Jonathan L ·
Lovely Photo! I lived in Canmore for a year, with the 3 Sisters out one window, and Mt Rundle out the other. It is a beautiful place.

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#257)

George G. ·
Architectural window details and styles add attributes that will surely lead you to the solution.

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo? #62

Lynn Millar ·
No conversation? Well, it looks limited in the yacht/marina element. Low industrial buildings or shopping center across the water? No signs of big shipping, though larger ships/ferries on other side. Fog bank in the distance. And a somewhat elaborate window from the observer's viewpoint.

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo? #62

Roderick Simpson ·
Reykjavik, Iceland. Images of the port show a building with the same window pattern.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, May 7th, 2014: Bees

DrFumblefinger ·
Some amazing photos here, Still Country Photo! I never realized how hairy bees were, but I can count the hairs on your extremely detailed pictures! Where were these photos taken?

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, May 7th, 2014: Bees

PortMoresby ·
Just wonderful! Would you mind sharing some technical information with us? Maybe what camera and lens you used, for instance?

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, May 7th, 2014: Bees

Still Country Photo ·
Sure PortMoresby, the two cameras I use are a Pentax K10D dSLR with a Pentax DA 55-300 mm f4-5.8 lens and the other is a Panasonic Lumix TS2. The Lumix takes macro pictures like nothing else I have used, I am learning to get better at taking macro with my K10D but am still not as good yet as I am with the Lumix. DrF, the honey bee (the one with no hair) was taken in the lovely flower gardens at Lake Louise, Alberta and the bumble bees were taken on a trip to the Bowden Corn and Sunflower...

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, May 7th, 2014: Bees

PortMoresby ·
Thanks SCP. I'm still a medium format B&W film photographer in my heart but cannot deny the lure of digital in many ways, and it's come so far I may ultimately succumb completely. I appreciate the willingness to share information.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, May 7th, 2014: Bees

Jean ·
Beautiful photo's. I too have not looked so closely at the bees until these photos. Sparks a whole new interest in them. Jean

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, May 7th, 2014: Bees

Dr.Y ·
Nice pictures Still County Photo. Sounds like I need to go to that "Bowden Corn and Sunflower Maze" one day! Thanks for shareing.

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo? (#71)

Jonathan L ·
RISOT (above the window to the left) also comes up in Paris

Re: French Designer: Get rid of airplane windows

Travel Rob ·
I hope this doesn't happen anytime soon to commercial airlines.Part of the fun of a trip is looking out the window. I also wonder if airsickness would occur more without windows? I know in a car or bus, if I can't see where I'm going, I feel queasy.

Re: How to Sleep in the Air

Paul Heymont ·
For the rest of us, in "main cabin," my best helpers are loose clothing, moderate liquids before and during, avoid getting sucked into inflight entertainment. And seek your best seat: I sleep best in right-hand window seats, others have different preferences.

Re: New Eurostar Service, London - Provence

GarryRF ·
Sorry Paul but you've lost me ! If you fly to Marseilles and take the 760 mile train journey to London you'll avoid the APD. True. But that will cost you more than the APD and you'll waste a day. You dont see much from the window on a train doing 186 MPH. Be aware that the nation with the most heavily taxed European passengers is France, where over 60% of airport and passenger charges are in the form of state taxes to be paid by the passenger.

Re: Spring Time on Table Mountain

Travel Rob ·
Thanks adventuretime88 , Your blog made me feel like I was taking that hike! California really is an incredible state .

Re: Spring Time on Table Mountain

DrFumblefinger ·
A most beautiful place! I can see why it's special to you. Glad that there are still unspoiled places left like this in California. From your photos it's a little difficult to get a sense of the size and scale of Table mountain. Is it a huge place? A smaller oasis?

Re: View of Mt. Rundle, Bow River and golf course from Tunnel Mountain

Jonathan L ·
I taught at Canmore Collegiate HS. Mt. Rundle was the view outside my classroom window. The Three Sisters was the view out of my living room window.

Re: Spring Time on Table Mountain

adventuretime88 ·
I have spent whole days hiking Table Mountain and haven't even covered half of it. The top of the mountain is divided by the single two lane road that cuts up and over it. This day was spent on the West side of the divide. I couldn't find any information on the square mileage, but as a rough estimate I would say "huge". There are also caves, which I have never found, but then again I have never found Phantom Falls, either. Just North of this spot there is a "ghost town" called Cherokee.

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#85)

Paul Heymont ·
Looking more closely, and noting what seems to be a solid wall/window at the this the outdoor extension of a building whose form we're not actually seeing in the picture?

Re: Las Vegas Celebrates the Chinese New Year!

GarryRF ·
Even for people who don't gamble - like me - Las Vegas puts on such a great show that its an absolute pleasure to visit. The colours and the floral displays are second to none. I do miss the water show at the Bellagio. And so much of it is free. Maybe not as old as some of the exhibits would have you believe. But a thing of beauty is a joy forever !

Re: Las Vegas Celebrates the Chinese New Year!

DrFumblefinger ·
If Vegas relied on gamblers like us, none of those fabulous buildings would exist. I like Vegas in small doses. A long weekend is just about perfect, and usually then to meet with friends or family to catch up some. I agree the best stuff in Vegas is the free or near free, like the floral display at the Bellagio.

Re: Las Vegas Celebrates the Chinese New Year!

GarryRF ·
There are only a few destinations where all the family over in the US and us English can meet. Vegas, Florida and New York. So we all went to Vegas to meet up. Walking along the strip towards NY,NY. 9 Fine Irishmen looked like an attractive bar - so in we all went. They had real "Pint Glasses" - 20 ounce. Not the 16 ounce we've had to suffer ! But after a few minutes we were frozen. They do love AC in Vegas. Too much like Ireland. Freezing cold. So we moved outside and sat in the shade...

Re: Budget airlines pushing seat squeeze on new planes

Paul Heymont ·
Which airline, Garry? I'll be interested to compare in a couple of months; in July we'll be on AirBerlin's A330 NYC to Berlin...and I'm hoping for comfort. My wife's cousin, who's logged more passenger miles than most pilots have flight miles, has advised us to give up our window preference for aisle-and-aisle, across from each other...