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Tagged With "Early Valet"


Re: Yes, Winter's coming: France gets first snow

DrFumblefinger ·
We almost got snowed in as we were leaving Krakow, Poland. Yes, it's that time of year when winter is letting us know it's coming.

Re: Yes, Winter's coming: France gets first snow

GarryRF ·
Hurricane Joaquin crossed the Atlantic and got split in two by the jet stream. France got trapped in the middle of the two. Allowing cold air from Siberia to blow across northern Europe. So the Geese have arrived here on the wind too. 3 Weeks too early. Its what the remnants of Hurricanes do.

Re: Do you Like these Hotel Tipping Tips ?

Dave B. ·
Before I retired, I traveled quite a bit on business, both inside the U.S. and abroad. I still travel frequently to racing and club events, but almost all are in the U.S. or Canada. That said, here’s my take on tipping: Restaurants – According to the sources I checked, in the U.S. the Federal minimum wage for tipped employees is $2.13. Most states have set higher amounts, but food service workers are still generally paid much lower wages that other ‘minimum wage’ employees. Unless the...

Re: United Campaign: Enforce carry-on limits, reduce complaints and crowding

PortMoresby ·
I hope this effort is a real and continuing one and that other companies follow. Carrying everything onto the plane, to my way of thinking, is like any trend where if enough people say it's a good idea, even when it's not, hoards fall right into step, like lemmings. If I was offered valet service for a nominal fee to have someone carry my suitcase for me and I wouldn't have to touch it from the time I arrived at the airport until the time I was leaving at my destination, I'd jump at the...
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Delta tries 'May we carry on your carry-on?"

Paul Heymont ·
Delta is trying a new idea this summer, on a trial basis: Speeding up boarding by having airline staff load passengers' carry-ons in the overhead before passengers board. They're calling it 'Early Valet' and will test it on a number of flights from...
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Yes, Winter's coming: France gets first snow

Paul Heymont ·
Massif de Sancy in this week's snow.                          Photo: Sancy Tourism Bureau After a summer of scorching temperatures all over Europe, central France has gotten its first...
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A Quick Philly Jaunt to a Few Philly Haunts

Stephanie Kalina-Metzger ·
Stephanie Kalina-Metzger shares a visit to Philadelphia, highlighted by the terrific views from from the One Liberty Observation Deck.

Start Planning Your Summer Vacation Now!

ArronHidd ·
Will you be going on a vacation this summer? If the answer is yes, then you should already start making plans. Even though January is far from June, July, and August, time is flying when you’re having fun, and not to mention that the prices are rising at a rapid pace. Vague plans made in March will be much more difficult to put into action in summer, and if you prepare for your vacation in time, you will benefit from it more than you might realize at first. Choices, choices everywhere ‘Early...
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Bringit app: 'hands-free' baggage

Paul Heymont ·
A new service that will take your bags to the airport or deliver them to your hotel starts up in Miami, will add New York this month.
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RV’s vs. Hotels: Which Is Better?

Naman S. (Guest) ·
Looking for a private alternative to a hotel room based roadtrip? Check out this interesting option (sponsored content)
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East Sacramento in the Early Morning

Jonathan L ·
Jonathan L took his camera out early one day in East Sacramento
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Victoria Falls: The Zambian Side

DrFumblefinger ·
Our journey took us from the magical place that is Chobe National Park, across the Chobe River and into Zambia.  Here we were to encounter one of the most amazing natural sites in the world.
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A Cruise for Marie Antoinette

Paul Heymont ·
A luxury round-the-world cruise is offering its top accommodations for $1.7 million per couple
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Have We Seen This Before? A Supercar, a Valet and a Mystery

Travel Rob ·
Details have not been released as the cause of the accident, but it's hard not to think of the famous valet scene in Ferris Bueller's Day Off.