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Tagged With "Norway in a Nutshell"

Blog Post

Happy Birthday, Finland—your present is a mountain!

Paul Heymont ·
It's not yet a done deal, but a campaign to give Finland a mountain as a gift on the 100th anniversary of its independence is gaining support in Norway. Norway has lots of mountains; Finland is mostly flat. On their common border, Halti rises to 1365 metres, not even one of the top 200 in the country...but one of it spurs, over 40 meters lower, is the highest point in Finland. The proposal, which now has the support of the Norwegian Mapping Authority, would shift the border 20 meters to put...
Blog Post

Nepal's Sherpas help rebuild Norway hiking paths

Paul Heymont ·
Sherpas from Nepal, famed for their high-altitude work, have been rebuilding Norway's network of mountain pathways.
Blog Post

Akershus Fortress, Oslo, Norway (Where Gumbo was #147)

Travel Rob ·
WITW was TravelGumbo this week? He was at Oslo's Akershus Castle and Fortress. Find out some of the history.
Blog Post

Jan. 18, 2016: Mountain Parking in Kragero, Norway

Travel Rob ·
Travel Rob shows us a unique parking lot in Kragero, Norway.
Blog Post

Norway to build 'bicycle expressways' in 10 cities

Paul Heymont ·
Norway will build bicycle expressways in 10 cities to make bicycle commuting more attractive and to reduce urban pollution.

Re: Norway: Are flatulent cows a real climate issue?

DrFumblefinger ·
The Norwegian PM is clearly a fanatic that has not only lost touch with common sense, but is questionably grounded to reality. If the future of the world hangs in the balanced based on the number of times cows fart, then we might as well resign ourselves to Armagadeon. I think the Prime Minister is more full of hot air than the Norwegian cows are.

Re: Norway: Are flatulent cows a real climate issue?

GarryRF ·
In the UK the number of winter related deaths (hypothermia - flu - respiratory) has fell by nearly 6,000 people a year. That's for an average 5'f (2'c) increase in the winter months. And were using less fossil fuel to heat our homes ! In 1814 wine producers in Northern England abandoned growing grapes because the climate was getting colder. I'll be happy when we get back to growing grapes here again. In January 2014 China had a quarter of all its territory under a cloud of smog. That's 600...

Re: Norway: Are flatulent cows a real climate issue?

Paul Heymont ·
Sadly, common sense and science knowledge don’t appear to be requirements for achieving high office. Solberg’s nonsense brings to mind a U.S. president who considered ketchup a school-lunch vegetable and told a campaign audience that "Trees cause more < > pollution than < > automobiles do." On the other hand, Solberg’s not the inventor of the cow fart theory…search the internet and you’ll find that...

Re: Norway: Are flatulent cows a real climate issue?

GarryRF ·
I've heard that cows have as many as 4 stomachs. So I suppose that's to be expected after eating all your greens !

Re: Norway: Are flatulent cows a real climate issue?

DrFumblefinger ·
Yes, GarryRF, they do have a compartmentalized stomach designed to allow them to graze quickly if they need to, then carefully chew and digest their cud when they've time to ruminate. One might argue that a cow is a near perfect biological machine. We know they are useful to humans because of the milk, cheese, butter and meat they provide, but that's not the point. They are vegetarians and drop back on the pastures they graze their waste nitrogen, a wonderful fertilizer. And they exhale lots...

Re: Nepal's Sherpas help rebuild Norway hiking paths

Travel Rob ·
Last Summer we went for a little hike to view Kragero in Norway and the path had a sign on it that it was built by Sherpas, which we really thought was cool. I'm glad to know the rest of the story !

Re: Vikings land in North America ...again!

DrFumblefinger ·
I'm surprised it only took a month! Must have been quite an adventure.

Re: Vikings land in North America ...again!

Paul Heymont ·
The length of time gets less surprising when you look more closely at the "top of the world..." on a globe. Suddenly it becomes clear how close together those lands up there (Norway, Scotland, the islands, Iceland and Greenland) really are!

Re: Svartisdal, Norway, Part 1

Travel Luver ·
That's quite an adventure, Bob! The experience reminds me of a visit to Alaska.

Re: Svartisdal, Norway, Part 1

Amateuremigrant ·
A lot of similarities travel luver - I was there too for 3 months - some pics on my website but yet to write up successes, failures and farragos! Because of the Gulf Stream the Arctic circle is much milder in Norway than AK, until you climb inland ! Catch yer later !

Re: Norway's mountains more popular—but for how long?

GarryRF ·
Since the Jet Stream altered its course in 2010 all of northern Europe has been enjoying warmer winters. We're using less fossil fuel to heat our homes and farmers are enjoying a longer growing season. Fewer people are dying from winter related problems. 6,000 a year lives saved in the UK alone. That's 36,000 since 2010. The prevailing wind in winter now comes up from the Caribbean - instead of down from the Arctic Circle. My heart goes out to the Norwegian Trekkers and their search for snow.

Re: Akershus Fortress, Oslo, Norway (Where Gumbo was #147)

Paul Heymont ·
Kicking myself this morning, because I did actually think of Akershus as the pictures rolled...but there was also enough similarity to Prague Castle to give me doubts. Of course, when you're building a military fortification... And, Travel Rob was clever to keep the ocean out of the picture. It's actually THIS close, adjacent to Oslo's Aker Brygge waterfront: Despite its grim history (which figures in quite a few police procedurals and novels of World War), it can be a peaceful place for an...

Re: Akershus Fortress, Oslo, Norway (Where Gumbo was #147)

PurpleDinner Greg ·
ah! And I currently LIVE in Norway!! So I totally should have gotten this! But I live in the north of Norway (to my own defense). But at least I got the correct latitude based on vegetation, sun angle, and clothing worn! Thanks for the great puzzle! Please post more!
Blog Post

Brekkeparken, Skien, Norway (Where Gumbo was #159)

Travel Rob ·
Travel Rob visits Brekkeparken, a 36-acre open-air museum in Skien, Norway, with 14 heritage buildings and a beautiful Tulip Park.
Blog Post

Bergen: A Smorgasbord of Sights

Barry Barford ·
Barry Barford braves inclement weather to search out the delights of Norway's second-largest city.
Blog Post

Tiger Sighting in Oslo

Judy Barford ·
Norway's capital city lives up to its nickname and provides an unexpected photo opportunity.
Blog Post

Lofoten Islands, Norway

Judy Barford ·
Judy Barford shares photos of a visit to one of Norway’s most picturesque archipelagos.

Re: Lofoten Islands, Norway

Marilyn Jones ·
Awesome photos!!
Blog Post

Gnomes of Norway

Judy Barford ·
Judy Barford continues her tour of Norway and discovers that the country is obsessed with creatures of legend.

Re: Gnomes of Norway

DrFumblefinger ·
They look like all the Norwegians I've met!
Blog Post

Arctic Cathedral, Tromsø, Norway

Judy Barford ·
When darkness falls the unusual outline of this church is clearly visible from all parts of Tromsø, thanks to strip lights.
Blog Post

Inukshuk, Oslo, Norway

Judy Barford ·
While wandering in Oslo, Judy spotted this photogenic figure that hails from the Arctic regions.
Blog Post

Art Under Your Feet

Paul Heymont ·
Every now and then, wandering around a city, I've spotted an interesting, even beautiful manhole cover. Yes, the everyday necessity that keeps us from falling into the utilities.
Blog Post

Skotfoss Church, Telemark, Norway

Travel Rob ·
Travel Rob visits Skotfoss Church, Skein Municipality, Norway
Blog Post

Laughter Set in Stone: Fun with Statues

Paul Heymont ·
This is a hold-up! This fellow (and a companion on the other side of the door) carry the weight at building entrance on Stromgaten, near Bergen, Norway rail station. Historically, statues have served a variety of serious purposes: to honor the...
Blog Post

Arctic Cathedral, Tromsø, Norway

Barry Barford ·
Barry Barford explores a 'cathedral' in northern Norway that reflects its icy surroundings.
Blog Post

Tromsø: Northern Norway’s Standout City

Barry Barford ·
Tromsø's allure lies in its unique blend of natural beauty, cultural heritage and Arctic adventure.

Re: Tromsø: Northern Norway’s Standout City

DrFumblefinger ·
Terrific write-up of a destination I hope to visit some day. Thanks, Barry (and Judy for the photos)!

Re: Tromsø: Northern Norway’s Standout City

Barry Barford ·
Thank you. Our pleasure.