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Tagged With "Pushkin State Museum of fine art"


Re: The Biggest Plane You've Never Seen

DrFumblefinger ·
Looks rather like a stuffed goose trying to take flight. The kind of aircraft that belongs in an aviation museum, not in the sky.

Re: The Empire Strikes Back: McDonalds sues Florence

GarryRF ·
And rightly so too ! The smell of a fast food establishment hits you before the visuals. The litter it creates and the smell of people who insist on eating - on the hoof - as they visit palaces of art is an abomination !!

Re: Can free hotel rooms give Italy a baby boom?

GarryRF ·
"Mario - the room's fine - but the mattress is struggling to get it's breath back"

Re: November 30, 2016: The Guggenheim Museum, New York

Paul Heymont ·
I'm not a big fan of the Guggenheim's collection, but i do love the building, and wonder why it hasn't become the template for many others. Quite aside from its own beauty, it seems one of the best ways to display art. I'm often frustrated in museums by a labyrinth of rooms, not always well laid out, that keep me from back-tracking to reconsider a painting I'd passed in light of ones I saw further on. The spiral solves that brilliantly. In 1962, my uncle, a painter, took me there to see an...

Re: Frankfurt: Not Just for Business

George G. ·
I liked your description of the Rubens exhibit that tied together his inspirational objects and sketches. Adds so much more to an art exhibit instead of just hanging a painting with the title. I also fell into the trap of not visiting Frankfurt when I only lived about 20 miles away for about six years. I did really enjoy the Frankfurt Zoo and their Christmas Market.

Re: Huntingdon, Pennsylvania: Peaceful Holiday Getaway

George G. ·
Nicely done Stephanie ! The Swigart Car Museum was on my list for a future travel blog since I travel Route 22 but go east from I-99 to my brothers' residences in Punxsutawney and Parker, PA. I always seemed to be short on time to take the detour to go west on Route 22. Your Swigart photos whetted my appetite to now take that detour and visit that place. Loved the automobile photos and the stories behind some of them.

Re: Huntingdon, Pennsylvania: Peaceful Holiday Getaway

Stephanie Kalina-Metzger ·
Thank you George. They close in the winter, so call first to be sure so that it's not a wasted trip.

Re: Small Brooklyn: Three small but fascinating museums

George G. ·
Jonathan ... Would like to see a blog on your NYC Museum of the American Gangster if you ever get the itch.

Re: Small Brooklyn: Three small but fascinating museums

Jonathan L ·
I will put it on my list

Re: Fotografiska, New York's new photography museum

Jonathan L ·
Yup, it is pricey. On the other hand, Museum prices have been going up in NYC.

Re: Sweden jumps into night-train market

Paul Heymont ·
I'd agree on the Amtrak experience: fine trip, but not sleep-friendly on the Sunset Limited or the Coast Starlight. But I also found the Catania-to-Naples night train not the smoothest either, but it did come with the excitement of the entire train being loaded onto the ferry for the crossing to the mainland!

Re: Norwegian bank is out of cash, on purpose

HistoryDigger ·
Although I don't use cash every day, I sure want it when I need it. After living through Hurricane Katrina and the LONG power outage of the aftermath, I recognize when cash is crucial. And yes, DrFumblefinger poses a good question about the lack of cash during cyber warfare, which goes on regularly even if we choose to ignore it. Maybe we should go back to bartering for everything. But most of us have lost the art.

Re: Heidelberg Castle: Where Gumbo Was (#135)

DrFumblefinger ·
Nice memories of a fun place to visit. I seem to recall there's an interesting old pharmacy/pharmacist museum in the Castle. Not exactly the kind of thing you find often.

Re: Museum of Fine Arts, Boston MA: Where Gumbo Was (#226)

DrFumblefinger ·
It's a great museum! Well worth at least a day when visiting Boston. Thanks, Jonathan.

Re: Whitby - North Yorkshire Coastal Town

Amateuremigrant ·
Camping on the pig farm beyond the abbey in the sixties �� But loved it. A fine wee nugget of a port town that never seems to lose its charm - there's no room, unlike sprawling cousins of Scarboro, Brid and Filey

Re: Al Fahidi Historical District

valentinasdestinations ·
In this area there's a really cool museum that we visited - the Museum of Illusions. Also, make sure to eat at the Arabian Teahouse 5 minutes walking from this neighborhood!

Re: Brooklyn Museum: Depth, Variety, Whimsy

GarryRF ·
This looks like a World Class Museum. Worthy of a few days - at least. How lucky you are to be on the doorstep of such a magnificent collection of American History.

Re: Money Savings Tips, for your Big Trip - Part 1

DrFumblefinger ·
These are all good tips and add up to quite a bit of coin. I've also never had luck with renegotiating cable rates. But I did give up my coffee stop and just brew my own and take it along to work. Works fine for me. Looking forward to the rest of your tips. Thanks, Samantha!

Re: September 3, 2016: Rainbow(s) over the Kootenay Rockies

GarryRF ·
An ever changing canvas of art. Sometimes you just have to stop - and take in the beauty of nature. As the sun was setting last week - the sky turned a shade of purple. And the cars that were white - had a UV look to them. Spooky - never seen it before. Probably pollution in the distance. Taken by a friend: Pier Head, Liverpool, England 29 Aug '16

Re: Money Savings Tips, for your Big Trip - Part 1

Samantha ·
Thanks DrFumblefinger. Glad you enjoyed the post and the second part will be out this week!

Re: Berlin's Museum Island

George G. ·
Great Blog Story. I was at the Pergammon years ago and your story caused me to dig out the old photo album from the basement archives and relive our stay at Alexanderplatz and the museum visit. Thanks.

Re: Berlin's Museum Island

Jonathan L ·
Glad you liked the story. I hope you enjoy my next pieces on Berlin

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#288)

Travel Rob ·
Does the art work on the train help?

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Jan, 21, 2014: Raccoon, Vancouver, British Columbia

Paul Heymont ·
And they are smart. When my kids were young, we used to camp every summer in Maine, at a site where raccoons came every night to feast at the cans. One year I decided I'd had enough, and brought chain tethers to keep the lids on. Worked fine, the lids stayed quiet all night. But in the morning, when we left our tents, we found that our two stryofoam coolers (which were not in use) had been shredded, all the implements from the table were on the ground, and the ropes securing our storage tarp...

Re: Where Gumbo Was #12. Brasov, Romania

DrFumblefinger ·
Originally Posted by Andredeya: I can make it possible It would be our pleasure at TravelGumbo to give that fine piece a home, Andredeya!

Re: Where Gumbo Was #12. Brasov, Romania

Former Member ·
Wait for it this time i promise i will do it just fine

Re: Canadian Museum of History (Civilization): Ottawa (Gatineau), Canada

Travel Rob ·
The museum contacted TG and informed us the name has been changed to the Canadian Museum of History.

Re: Canadian Museum of History (Civilization): Ottawa (Gatineau), Canada

DrFumblefinger ·
Originally Posted by Travel Rob: The museum contacted TG and informed us the name has been changed to the Canadian Museum of History. How dare they change human Civilization to "History"! But so noted and post edited accordingly

Re: Where Gumbo Was #14: A Sewer Journey

TravelandNature ·
How people have solved civil engineering problems is of great interest to many persons. I have visited the Egouts several times over the years. It is very interesting to see how the engineers went about providing - and continue to do provide - this important service for the growing city. A related infrastructure challenge for developing areas is always how to provide clean water for the populace. In Istanbul, it is possible to visit one of the ancient cisterns to see how this feat was...

Re: Your Favourite Travel Camera (or 2)

DrFumblefinger ·
Those are all good pieces of advice, GarryRF! I too have the Fuji XP for wet days, beach, rafting, canoeing, etc. Nice not to have to worry if it will get wet. Usually I travel with two cameras, one a digital Canon pocket camera (fits into my shirt pocket). Handy to have at hand and shoots nice HD video, too. And when I want to take serious photos, I use a bulkier Canon Digital Rebel . It is a DSLR. Reason I like it is because of the large lens size (over 70 mm diameter). It lets you pick up...

Re: "Mind Your Manners!" VisitBritain Warns Hoteliers

Paul Heymont ·
No, no one is hacking them...and the "advice" was picked up by all the major British papers...usually with an air of slight derision. You won't find it on the public website, which is devoted to getting us to visit; it was distributed as guidance to hotel operators, and as a press release. Originally Posted by TatToo: It is not the author's list. The cited articles and various others on the Internet state that the list was originally published on VisitBritain's website. However, I am not...

Re: Portland, Maine: The World's Longest Lobster Roll...and so much more!

Former Member ·
I can truly say that I will never think of lobster rolls in quite the same innocent way again. This was a fine tour of Portland, Maine. Thank you so much.

Re: Where Gumbo Was, #6: The Japanese Covered Bridge, Hoi An, Vietnam

PortMoresby ·
JohnT, over the years Asia has become more & more a favorite part of the planet for me to wander and hang out. I think the reason may be, in part, because it's much more in a state of flux than, say, Europe and as a result has more to offer someone who likes a bit of edge to their travels. I fear Europe has become somewhat more of the same wherever I go these days while Asia offers more of what I seem to need. Not to say there aren't parts of Europe to which I still enjoy returning. But...

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo? 21.0

Former Member ·
It is an art deco nautical building?? It's possible to be in America... i think

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo? 21.0

Paul Heymont ·
Speaking of's another puzzle: Which state is Hawaii's nearest U.S. neighbor?

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo? 21.0

Paul Heymont ·
Well, I didn't expect anyone to twig it quite that fast, and it's not just because of a polar route. Although we usually don't think of Hawaii extending north of Kauai, in fact the state includes the entire Hawaiian Ridge/Emperor Seamount chain, running up to the Aleutian trench, just off Alaska's Aleutian islands. Mostly underwater, mostly administered by Federal agencies as a preservation/conservation area. Kure Atoll and Green Island is the northernmost habitable place in Hawaii, and it's...

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo? #33

DrFumblefinger ·
Believe it's time for a clue. This photo was taken in the Beehive state.

Re: Tampa Bay Automobile Museum: 1) Museum Overview and its Czech collection

Travel Rob ·
Thank you Drfumblefinger! I had no clue about this museum and his unique collection. I am especially fond of cars I don't see everywhere, and some of those Czech models, I didn't even existed I've been to car museums in Sarasota and the Tallahassee area, so Florida does have its share of good car museums

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Oct. 30: Monet's Gardens at Giverny

DrFumblefinger ·
You wonder how many times Monet actually used these gardens as inspiration for his art -- likely hundreds. Perhaps his most spectacular pieces are the huge canvases he painted on display in Paris' Orangeria museum. These were the works of an old man loosing his eyesight to cataracts, but are truly spectacular!

Re: Frommer's New EasyGuides: A Future for Print

GarryRF ·
I know Paul - I'm just being a bad traveller ! It's like folks go to France and complain that Parisians don't smile! But they do when they know you! I just find big cities much the same. Like Havana is the same as any other overgrown City in the Caribbean! Crumbling Spanish Architecture. Dominican Republic is another good example. I must be getting Claustrophobic Paul ! Give me the wide open spaces of Delaware State Park and I'm in heaven. Some days I have the whole Park to myself. Solitude...

Re: The Worst Train in the World

GarryRF ·
It isn't cool to travel on a train where you get thrown around in the carriage because the tracks are warped with age John ! Many journeys take 24 hours of hanging on like a Roller Coaster ! That's just in Asia. You'll be fine in Europe.

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo? #7.0

WorkerBee ·
It's the capitol building. Well, not THE capitol building but A capitol building. One of fifty scattered around the United States. One with a dome. One in which the building is very similar to THE capitol building in Washington, D.C. Gumbo is in Salt Lake City standing in front of the Utah State Capitol building!

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo? #7.0

WorkerBee ·
Originally Posted by DrFumblefinger: Canadian legislative buildings are of similar design as well. Sure it's not one of those? Hmmm. It is snowy enough. And there are also several other snow belt states' capitol buildings that have similar domes. However, since Utah is the beehive state I will stick with my original guess.

Re: The Tulou of Fujian Province

PortMoresby ·
HistoryDigger, I'll explain. At the end of the first day of tulou visits, the large tour bus rendezvoused with a small van and it was indicated that I should bring my things and come with a young man. Since no one could explain, I had to simply trust and go along, an interesting sensation. I later realized that I was the only one who had opted for the second day. The young man drove me to a very basic village of mostly new buildings built, I suspect but of course don't know, for...

Re: Mercedes-Benz Museum in Stuttgart

GarryRF ·
This display of beautiful cars is a modern day "Work of Art" They require no adornment by mannequins from the Kmart. I'd compare it to the Ad's we see at Bus Stops where some gorgeous model has had a Moustache added by some "Wag" with a Sharpie pen ! Or maybe adding some "Christmas Tinsel" to the Mona Lisa to improve her good looks ! "A place for everything - and everything in it's place!" (A Bimbo - over here - is a Lady with stunning looks - but lower than average IQ)

Re: World's most dangerous airport? Would you land here? Lukla, Nepal

PortMoresby ·
Your pictures remind me very much of the Shimla Airport, same end of runway in space, same commitment required by pilot and passengers alike. The plane was tiny, I sat immediately behind the pilot, a Sikh with headphones perched atop his turban rather than over his ears, unique in my experience. The view was a bit too immediate for my liking but we made it off just fine and bounced in the heat all the way to Delhi. Thanks for the memory, DrF.

Re: Capital of Culture Series: Liverpool

Paul Heymont ·
No, not thinking of mills and chimneys, necessarily--note my very pre-Industrial Revolution examples--but certainly industrial, and by the nature of sizable cities with people living in close quarters and with the side-products of their industry, an argument can be made for dirty. It's not a's just the condition of cities that are alive. Here's a quotation, by the way, from the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health: The industrial revolution in England had by the beginning...

Re: Capital of Culture Series: Liverpool

PortMoresby ·
Originally Posted by PHeymont: According to JECH, there is an exhibit of reconstructed "back houses" at the Liverpool Museum of Liverpool Life. That must be a fascinating museum! And the author mentioned that while most of the back houses were town down in urban renewal, the few that remain have been turned into luxury housing! I visited a block of "back to backs" in Birmingham, the last left after thousands were demolished in the move to urban renewal in the city center. They've been...

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Nov. 27, 2013: Ravenna, Italy

DrFumblefinger ·
Reminds me somewhat of the interior of St. Mark's basilica in Venice. Beautiful photos, PHeymont. Love the detailed art on these old churches.

Re: Buddy, Can You Spare 5.3 Million Dimes?

Former Member ·
Yes, some facilities have no space for reassembly. The least they could do is hand people clear plastic bags for all of their little stuff at the beginning. Toss coins, keys, cell phone etc into clear plastic bag. Toss belt and shoes into clear plastic bag. Slam plastic bags into bin with your luggage items. Grab your plastic bags and luggage items out of bin at the exit and run for your gate, shoeless. At least people would not be fumbling around, trying to get their small odds and ends out...