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Tagged With "Bob Kerrey Pedestrian Bridge"


Re: Signs of the Times, and Smiles

GarryRF ·
A "Raised Zebra Crossing" gives the priority to the pedestrian. They have the "Right of Way" A "Crosswalk" is located at a Junction where Pedestrians must wait until they get the "Walk" Signal (Green Man Illuminated). And stop at the "Don't Walk" Signal (Red Man illuminated) If you treat a Zebra Crossing (Black and White Stripes) and a Crosswalk (Signal Controlled) equally you'll get broken legs ! (Both Signals Illuminated for Display purposes only )

Re: More Art under Your Feet

DrFumblefinger ·
Originally Posted by PHeymont: Those are not just beautiful, but functional in another way...if not as utility covers, then as guides for pedestrians. Do all the streets have them? The streets crossing the main street in Banff (Banff Ave) have them, although I don't believe all the streets in town have them. I expect they're just up on the main pedestrian areas of town. But I agree, they are nicely done.

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo? #37

Paul Heymont ·
Looking sign of a bell, so not a church steeple. When you look closer, too many people (tourists?) for a firewatch station. Long walkway...must connect to some building? Otherwise, why so high off the ground. Can't be a pedestrian bridge; no way down from the walkway level. I'm stumped!

Re: A Busy Weekend in Philadelphia

GarryRF ·
Philly really is a beautiful city. Its best feature is it's pedestrian friendly. I love the Architecture and the people there. The Football (soccer) stadium too. It has a slower feel compared to New York. No one rushing to get there - like they're late. I like the smaller stores closing at 5. Behind the counter those folks have got families to go home to. And in Philly the folks stop and talk when you need directions. Best and friendliest Airport north of Florida too. It's a shame that...

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Aug. 30, 2015: Just don't go...

TravelingCanuck ·
I believe what it means is the end of a traffic-free pedestrian zone.

Re: Germans Reflect on Reunification

DrFumblefinger ·
I was in Berlin on Saturday, the day of the 25th anniversary of reunification. There were tons of people in the city, as crowded as I've ever seen any major city. The main activities were in the Tiergarten, especially around the Brandenburg gate. By the time we made our way there, the police had closed down the area and were not allowing more people in because it was overcrowded. Still, everyone seemed well behaved and having a nice time. I think most Germans feel reunification was a good...

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day. January 14, 2014: Calgary Peace Bridge

Dr.Y ·
The bridge on the bottom right of the picture 3 is called Bow River Pathway. It's a pedestrian/cycling bridge connecting the downtown ore - Prince's Island Park - The North bank of Bow river. The Peace bridge and C-train bridge are further west! Ha Ha Karl, you need get out more

Re: Hawaii: Coping with Hurricane Ana

GarryRF ·
Some of the best long haul flights stop off in interesting places. That's why I love taking a few days in San Francisco. And Hawaii. Mainly because I can walk for miles. So many US cities are not "Pedestrian friendly" I'm off to search the internet for Kona Coffee ! I have noticed that the Islands have the most memorable Flag of all the US States ! Thanks DrF !

Re: Old Fisherman's Wharf, Monterey, California. Where Gumbo Was, #74

GarryRF ·
Looks a bit like the San Francisco Fisherman's Wharf. Lots of tourist attractions to help part you from your savings. But the Sea Lions waving their fins to catch some sunlight make it all worthwhile. Yes - I know - the kids love it - but watching who gets pushed off the floating boards to make room for the big fella is absolute poetry. Then he in turn pushes another Sea Lion off. Fine explanation of the "pecking order" Looks like a great location to spend the day - and pedestrian friendly...

Re: Billy Bishop Airport, Toronto. Where Gumbo was #77

DrFumblefinger ·
In case you were curious, the pedestrian tunnel between Toronto and the island airport has been completed and is now open. It eliminates the waits for the ferry services for passengers who want to get to their departure gates. More on that story from Frequent Business Traveler at this link .
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A Visit to Ireland: Part 1) An overview of the Country and its People

DrFumblefinger ·
I remember being in Wales several times and looking across the sea to the west, thinking that I needed to get to Ireland.  Well I finally made it, completing this journey with my brother on our annual "getaway trip"!  It was a trip we really...
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A Day Among the Ruins

PortMoresby ·
  I chose Ostia Antica for a day trip from Rome, rather than the much longer trek to Pompeii.  Aside from a few school groups, I had this remarkable place almost to myself.     I realized that there’s a different crowd on...
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Gumbo's Pic of the Day, May 14, 2015: Opaekaa Falls, Kauai, Hawaii,

Ottoman ·
  Opaekaa Falls is a waterfall located on the Wailua River in Wailua River State Park on the eastern side of the Hawaiian island of Kauai. It is a 151–foot waterfall that flows over basalt from volcanic eruptions millions of years...
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Billy Bishop Airport, Toronto. Where Gumbo was #77

DrFumblefinger ·
Gumbo's heading out to Toronto's Billy Bishop Airport (YTZ), sometimes also called Toronto Island Airport.  Congratulations to ace travel sleuths  Roderick Simpson and PortMoresby (by email) for being the first to correctly...
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June 26, 2017: Chocolateria San Gines, Madrid

DrFumblefinger ·
DrFumblefinger visits the most famous place to get a hot chocolate in Madrid, usually consumed with churros.
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Venice's Royal Gardens set for restoration

Paul Heymont ·
Napoleon's gardens will be restored with funds from an insurance company, continuing a trend of private funding for landmark preservation in Italy.
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April 22, 2017: Palm Springs, Ca

Travel Rob ·
Travel Rob shows us the famous Palm Springs, CA.
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Berlin's uneasy path to a pedestrian mall

Paul Heymont ·
Berlin has ambitions to follow Paris and New York in creating urban pedestrian spaces, but its plan for Unter den Linden is raising questions.
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Svartisdal, Norway, Part 1

Amateuremigrant ·
Bob Cranwell shares wonderful travel memories of camping in the Norwegian backcountry, in the shadow of a great glacier!
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China's newest wrinkle: Speed bumps for pedestrians

Paul Heymont ·
For reasons that are still the subject of speculation, Chinese officials have put down pedestrian bumps to slow walkers along a scenic canal.
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Paris gets a real car-free day

Paul Heymont ·
This time, the car-free zone is the whole city, as Paris gives up most motor transport for a day
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Eastern Europe Rail Odyssey: Zagreb to Veliko Tărnovo

Wilbur's Travels ·
Wilbur's train journeys around Eastern Europe continue, this week with stops in Zagreb, Split, Sarajevo, Belgrade, Sofia, and Veliko Tărnovo
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Why I never get tired of Monet's gardens

Paul Heymont ·
On my most recent visit, I had to explain why I keep going back, and why it's not really about the 'cult of Monet.'
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World's longest (and scariest) pedestrian bridge opens

Paul Heymont ·
At 494 meters long and 85 meters above the valley floor, this hikers' highway could give some a good fright.
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Milan, post-lockdown: More bike, foot lanes

Paul Heymont ·
Milan is planning a slow exit from lockdown next month; part of its plan is more space for bicycle and pedestrian commuting.
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Prince's Island Park, Calgary

DrFumblefinger ·
DrFumblefinger visits Prince's Island Park, situated on an island in the Bow River just north of downtown Calgary
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Berlin plans a car-free test

Paul Heymont ·
After a number of experiments, Berlin is ready to close a major shopping area to cars for a six-month trial.
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Awash with Excitement

Amateuremigrant ·
Bob Cranwell recounts a visit to Awash National Park in Ethiopia.
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Ramblings in Danville, Virginia

George G. ·
George G wraps up his series on visiting Danville, Virginia, with an interesting look at the city's interesting history and historic architecture.
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Obernai, France: An Alsatian Treasure

George G. ·
George G shares his love for Obernai, in Alsace, and some practical advice for visiting.
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The Original Inca Trail

DrFumblefinger ·
DrFumblefinger recalls hiking the Inca Trail, especially the last two days when you trek on the stone trail created by the Incas hundreds of years ago, characterized by stairs built of hand-laid rocks.
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March 8, 2020: Fatal Restaurant, Budapest

George G. ·
An unusual restaurant name is the focus of George G's Pic of the Day selection.
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A journey around Iceland: 1) Reykjavik

DrFumblefinger ·
  (View of Reykjavik, from Hallsgrimkirkja)   I love visiting places that are rich in scenery, mountains, rivers, waterfalls and hiking; Iceland seemed a good fit for me. Until a few years ago the cost of a trip to Iceland was...
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Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Sept. 21, 2015: Hotel zum Ritter, Heidelberg

Paul Heymont ·
  One of the few opportunities to stay at a top-flight hotel that's been around as long as Heidelberg's Hotel zum Ritter Sankt-George, or Hotel of the Knight Saint George. The building dates to 1592, and its facade is considered one of the...
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Exploring the Baltic Coast. 1) Poland

Linguists on the Loose ·
  If you want to escape the crowded cities of Western Europe (and spend less money) head east! Eastern Europe has much to offer backpackers; cheap lodging, with ever more boutique hostels popping up in major cities, low transport costs, great...
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Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Aug. 1, 2015: Berlin Construction Worker

Paul Heymont ·
It's taken us almost a month to track down what we found, this imposing 20-foot construction worker, standing on a pedestrian path just off buy Karlliebknechstrasse in Berlin's Mitte district.   He gets no attention in guidebooks, but he's been...
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Gumbo's Pic of the Day, October 22, 2015: Ampelmann, the East German Pedestrian Crossing Light Symbol, Berlin, Germany

Ottoman ·
  You may be asking yourself "Why is Ottoman doing a Picture of the Day featuring pedestrian crossing lights?"  Well ladies and gentlemen, these are not just ordinary pedestrian crossing lights...this is Ampelmann.       So...
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St Stephen's Green, Dublin. (Where Gumbo was #137)

DrFumblefinger ·
    (St. Stephen's Green, Dublin, 1899)   Gumbo was visiting the best known city park in Dublin, St. Stephen's Green.  Situated atop the busy pedestrian mall, Grafton street, it's the "green lungs" of the city. ...
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Ian Cook ·
We're happy to have the work of many fine photographers featured on the website, including Ian Cook's. Ian is a superb photographer whose work often focuses on Northumberland in England. This gallery features beautiful monochrome images.
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Discovering Greenville, SC’s West End Historic District

Marilyn Jones ·
  A new visitor to Greenville, SC, I hear of Falls Park on the Reedy, but have no idea where it is located. Walking along Main Street, I stop and ask a young woman for directions. She smiles and says it is right across the street. Indeed, Falls...
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Rochester, NY: City of Re-Invention (Where Gumbo Was #140)

Paul Heymont ·
Gumbo’s location in Puzzle #140, as Travelling Canuck and GarryRF recognized, was the puzzling city of Rochester, New York—a city that has re-invented itself so many times that its nicknames tangle the tongue. It’s been the Young...
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Sardinia mayor: Ban beach towels, blankets

Paul Heymont ·
A beach both beautiful and crowded faces restrictions as the town's mayor wants to ban beach equipment.
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Mar. 6, 2018: Durnstein, Austria

Marilyn Jones ·
A tiny town along the Danube with a long history shows off its charm for veteran traveler Marilyn Jones.
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A Visit to Lovely Lake Orta

George G. ·
George G shares memories and images of a visit to lovely Lake Orta in Northern Italy.
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Ontario's worst road: Have you been on it?

Paul Heymont ·
Canada's Auto Association is holding an (un)popularity contest for bad roads in hopes of spurring repairs and improvements.
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November 16, 2017: Isafjordur Iceland

GarryRF ·
In this small fishing town in Iceland an exciting development in road safety has just popped up. A new pedestrian crossing has been painted in 3D to produce an Optical Illusion.

5 Things You Must Try While In Barcelona

Kaitlyn Angles ·
It's absolutely easy to fall in love with Barcelona after seeing its incredibly beautiful sun-kissed beaches, unforgettable hospitality, and incomparable culture. Barcelona is the city that attracts all kind of tourists. The city has different kind of wines that one can enjoy on a wet beach while enjoying sunsets and sunrises, they have some lost lanes that cane be explored, and masterpiece paintings that can be seen. In this city, you can find the Roman ruins, some modern homes, extremely...
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Flight 93 National Memorial, Pennsylvania (Where Gumbo was #253)

George G. ·
The solution to last week's travel puzzle was the Fight 93 Memorial, which commemorates a plane crash on September 11, 2001. George G shares photos and memories of his visit.
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Paris braces for worse flooding

Paul Heymont ·
The Seine continues to rise, stopping trains and traffic. Museums and stores are scrambling to clear threatened storage areas.
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Unfortunate elk stops Oslo Metro

Paul Heymont ·
In an accident possibly unprecedented for urban transit, Oslo's Line 3 was closed by a falling elk.