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Tagged With "African safari is a fun family"


Re: Tacoma: Making your own Christmas ornaments

Marilyn Jones ·
I've done this's a lot of fun!! Great article!

Re: On Safari, Panna Tiger Reserve, India

Marilyn Jones ·
I too went on a tiger safari in India. What a thrill to see one of these magnificent cats. Your photos are excellent!

Re: On Safari, Panna Tiger Reserve, India

DrFumblefinger ·
Thanks for the comment, Marilyn. Tigers sure are magnificent any place you see them. But to watch them hunt was a very special experience.

Re: Boston in the fall - suggestions please!

HistoryDigger ·
Glad you're traveling again, Mac. Boston is my home town, and October is THE BEST MONTH. Where are you staying in the city? I'd walk the Freedom Trail if you're feeling up to it. Go down to the waterfront. Boston Common and Charles Street are fun places to hang out. Newbury Street is fancy shopping and also has a few fun bistros and coffee shops. The Science Museum is excellent. Plenty of seafood to be had. New England clam chowder is great if you have sweater-weather. Go whale-watching...

Re: Interview: Orion Travel Tech's Gary German

Travel Rob ·
The part I like most about Gary's ads on luggage plan, is the bags will be distinctive. I've really had a hard time of late distinguishing my luggage from everyone else's and these bags should stand out. As for all of Orion's plans , I can't think of a company that has so many different startups planned for the next few year. It will be fun to watch and I thank Gary for the interview.

Re: Floating hotel set to anchor in Seine

PortMoresby ·
I haven't booked my last night yet and looked but their website isn't up yet. I'm going to keep checking though. Wouldn't THAT be fun.

Re: Heidelberg Castle: Where Gumbo Was (#135)

DrFumblefinger ·
Nice memories of a fun place to visit. I seem to recall there's an interesting old pharmacy/pharmacist museum in the Castle. Not exactly the kind of thing you find often.

Re: WestJet Unveils 'Frozen' Themed Plane

DrFumblefinger ·
Westjet also released a video about the unveiling of the plane, which might be fun if you're a "Frozen" fan.

Re: Swimming with Galápagos Sea Lions (S. America, pt 2)

DrFumblefinger ·
What a fun adventure! I had no idea sea lions had such a sexist culture. Thanks, Kirsten.

Re: Oct. 21, 2016: Canoeing Low Force, River Tees, County Durham.

DrFumblefinger ·
Looks like great fun! Superb action photos, Ian.

Re: Shunpiking Through Northern Pennsylvania

Marilyn Jones ·
What fun! I love a good road trip and I enjoyed reading about your...great photos!

Re: Belfast: An Uneasy City

Paul Heymont ·
Garry, I'll live with judgemental, but without taking it as a bad thing. Travel and observation involves judgement, even at the simplest level (am I having fun? would I come back here?), but sometimes the circumstances require a deeper look and thought. In that way, for instance (and perhaps unfairly) it is possible to visit Dublin, and have only a historic thought to 1690 and 1916; they're woven into history and customs, but only at a level that does not consciously intrude—but to visit...

Re: Controversy in What City is #1 in Foreign Tourists

Travel Rob ·
This feud is now drawing comparisons on which city is better. The London Telegraph did a fun photo chart.Of course London won on their chart lol. To me its like comparing apples and oranges. Both great cities. And only Megabus ride apart!

Re: On Safari in Africa -- wildlife gallery

DrFumblefinger ·
Thank you for your comments PortMoresby and GarryRF!. Yes, we got quite close to the animals Garry, although you definitely need to have a telephoto lens and best to have a camera with a quick shutter speed. I used my digital SLR on these and shot photos in bursts of 5-6, picking out the one I like best. You need to be very careful about where you eat in Africa, maybe more so than in most places. But we traveled with a quality safari outfit (And Beyond), which not only prepared great meals,...

Re: Crashing the geocache

Janine ·
Your welcome. I wish them a lot of fun. Of course dogs don't find geocaches but they are a good excuse to look on things in or on the ground

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo? #11

Paul Heymont ·
PortMoresby put the finger on what made this one hard. It was the ancient-days equivalent of being asked to identify a free-standing Barnes and Noble store, or an Exxon station. Easy to know what it is, not so easy to know where . What's been fun in these is watching people dig out bits and pieces that then fuel other folks' guesses. WorkerBee has done that a number of times; in this case, even though T&N doesn't play as a guesser, the geological analysis of the stones was a stunning...

Re: "Mind Your Manners!" VisitBritain Warns Hoteliers

Paul Heymont ·
No, no one is hacking them...and the "advice" was picked up by all the major British papers...usually with an air of slight derision. You won't find it on the public website, which is devoted to getting us to visit; it was distributed as guidance to hotel operators, and as a press release. Originally Posted by TatToo: It is not the author's list. The cited articles and various others on the Internet state that the list was originally published on VisitBritain's website. However, I am not...

Re: Everglades raccoon

TravelandNature ·
Invasive species cause havoc not just with cute native species, but also agriculture, people's health and livelihoods. The Park Service has a number of interesting management programs, including a parntership with Florida Fish and Wildlife. Fish and Wildlife has a Pet Amnesty Program so that people can rehome unwanted exotic pets, rather than thoughtlessly placing them in the wild. The exotic animals are offered to adopters, who are given instructions on proper care. Fish and Wildlife offers...

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, April 5, 2014: Brocante

DrFumblefinger ·
I wonder if this was what the Beach Boys had in mind with their song, " Little Deux Coupe ?" Don't think so, but I understand the fondness for a car. Mine was the 1974 Dodge Charger SE.... never owned it,, but my brother did and it was a lot of fun to ride in. And I think Winnie would have relished the moment as much as you...

Re: Laughter Set in Stone: Fun with Statues

DrFumblefinger ·
That's a fun piece, PHeymont! I, too, have noticed larger numbers of whimsical statues. The city this struck me in the most was Bratislava, in Slovakia. For example, here's their "Men at Work" And here's one that's a tribute to shutterbugs like you and me.

Re: Films that affected your Travel destinations

DrFumblefinger ·
I enjoyed the Bob Hope/Bing Crosby road pictures too. I remember watching them on TV as a family. Lots of fun! I understand what you mean Dan, about Casablanca and Ingrid Bergman. I felt the same way about Catch a Thief and Grace Kelly.

Re: Finishing college. Need help planning trip to U.K,

Travel Rob ·
Hi Hank, I've actually found the UK a pretty reasonable destination in recent years, especially outside of London.(My budget was way under yours for a month long trip to Europe last June.)A lot of museums are free. Transportation costs within the country can be reasonable too.Not only do they have advance cheap train tickets but they have bus and budget air choices.And of course there are some good budget hotel chains as well, such as Travelodge and the Tune Hotel Have fun and keep watching...

Re: Finishing college. Need help planning trip to U.K,

GarryRF ·
Its been a pleasure helping you Hank ! We all want you to do well in your Education first. Come back anytime - its been fun sharing your plans ! PS. Say Hi to Mom for us and say "We can work it out" She may just sing it for you !

Re: So cool ! MicroTheater !

Former Member ·
15 minutes of theater sounds like fun. Get in, soak it up, get out. Very cool.

Re: Sri Lanka: A Land Like No Other. (Part 5) The Elephants of Pinnawala

DrFumblefinger ·
Thanks, PortMoresby! And we've not even been to the sacred tooth relic in Kandy, the medieval ruins of Polonnaruwa, the beautiful hill country filled with tea plantations and "The World's End", a wildlife safari at Yala National Park, nor any of the nice beaches (but keep reading -- reports on these are coming). Sri Lanka is a great destination, especially now that the civil war is over. I was doubly lucky to not only be able to visit a dear friend there but to have time to leisurely explore...

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Dec. 17, 2013: Olympic Stadium, Montreal, Quebec

vivie ·
Yes Montreal is great. Wish I could go back more often. The fun thing about these attractions is while they are all near one another, there is also a metro station nearby. Cheaper than the taxi and an experience in itself. This is only the tip of the much more to see and experience.

Re: Minneapolis in the winter

Former Member ·
You would not be disappointed in a visit to the Minneapolis Institute of Arts. They have free admission to a giant collection over all periods and styles. The Mill City Museum displays the flour milling history of the city. The American Swedish Museum is really neat - all about the unique Swedish heritage of that area. Ja, sure, you betcha. have fun

Re: Kids with castanets, Cordoba Spain, by John T

DrFumblefinger ·
Such fun! I can hear them now! Thanks for sharing.

Re: Kids with castanets, Cordoba Spain, by John T

Former Member ·
They look as if they are having a ball. The fun is contagious. Thanks

Re: Minneapolis in the winter

Theodore Behr ·
Thanks for all the info, guys! That helps. I think if it's really cold out, I'll just go to that big mall and hang for awhile. Especially with the metro going there from near where I'm staying. I do like to see movies (hey, its my job, but I love it!) and that aquarium sounds like fun. I'm less of a museum guy, Chatterbox2, but if they have some of those blonde Scandanavian ladies working there I just might need to become one!

Re: Visit Canada! Kiss a Canadian

DrFumblefinger ·
I think there are three main problems Canadian tourism faces. 1) The weather. Very limited season, unless you want to ski. 2) Expensive airfares. In the last 5 years, air fares went from being competitive to being very expensive -- overly taxed, I guess. And predictably, when you charge more for something you get less of that activity. 3) Heightened border security between Canadian and US border can cause long delays and has greatly reduced cross border crossings in the past 15 years. It's...

Re: Canal Saint-Martin: Where Gumbo Was

PortMoresby ·
I imagine this is a tough one to formulate - to make it possible to be guessed/known by someone but difficult enough to be fun. Maybe the balance for those who have gotten one right is to wait until the last day to post and then, as you say DrF, only if we don't know.

Re: Canal Saint-Martin: Where Gumbo Was

DrFumblefinger ·
My inclination is that if some one knows, they shouldn't hold back, but post. Some will be easy, some will be tougher. But making the brain work is the fun part. PHeymont is sort of running these, as much as anyone runs anything here. We'll see what his take is.

Re: Airbus Survey: 41% Willing to Pay for More Space

DrFumblefinger ·
Good for Airbus! It seems the airline industry may have reached a tipping point where people will pay a little more for a little comfort. I hope that's the case and that they listen and provide options. I always look for a good airfare, but I also look at what kind of comfort that airfare buys me and am willing to pay a little more for a little more. 8-12 hours on a plane is not great fun, although I can divert my attention usually. But it's made infinitely more pleasant by a few extra...

Re: Airbus Survey: 41% Willing to Pay for More Space

Former Member ·
Wonder what an airline would charge me to NOT take their flight at all ? Sometimes, that would be the best value, IMHO. The airlines have made it SO not fun in recent years. Just whack me on the head and let me know when we land. Thanks. Wish that someone would hurry up and invent the StarTrek transporter. Beam me up !

Re: WiFi on the way for international flights

GarryRF ·
Last time I went from Mexico to Philadelphia they had no Coffee. So we received free WiFi for the flight. Was great fun saying Hello to friends. They would all ask where are you ? "I'll look out the window - somewhere above the clouds in the Gulf of Mexico!" Beat that !! And Facetime on the IPad was a hoot!

Re: Tour in a BMW Isetta?

Former Member ·
TRob It would be fun to watch a demo derby with only the Imperial and Isettas. What do you think would happen ? One Chrysler takes out - boom boom bam bam - 4 Isettas and makes for the infield ?! Look at the bomber roll ! She's gunning for another isetta, a red one this time.....Ooooh ! That makes it 5-0 !

Re: Thanksgiving Flyers: More than 25 Million!

Travel Luver ·
Sadly, I'll be one of the throng. My least favorite time of the year to travel, but the most fun weekend of the year to be with family. Makes it all worthwhile All it will take is a bad snowstorm somewhere and things will really come undone. Expect all flights to be completely full, so good luck rescheduling. There's probably more people flying over the Christmas and New Year period, but this travel is spread out over 2 weeks, rather than just 4-5 days.

Re: Hi Everybody! I'm new here.

DrFumblefinger ·
I'd like to add my welcome, too, Ted! To you and all of our members, thanks for joining and for visiting TravelGumbo, and for your contributions to this website. Spread the word! We want T.G. to be a fun and interesting place for people who love to travel!

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, March 18th, 2014: Chihuahua Man of Marsaxlokk

PortMoresby ·
Island Man, just over a year ago I landed on Malta after my freighter trip from Singapore. I stayed first in Marsaxlokk for several days, at Duncan Accommodations, above the bar of the same name, which it appears Chihuahua Man is looking right at! I loved the town, especially fun on market day. Thanks for the memory.

Re: Family Friendly Attractions in Malta

IslandMan ·
Hello Jason and thanks for the interesting and informative post about family Malta. I am resident here myself and I agree with the family attraction side of the island. It's a fun place to visit and I do notice many families enjoying their time together.

Re: Put Stuttgart on Your Travel List

Travel Rob ·
Thanks Garry. Stuttgart really is a fun city.The Central Squares in Stuttgart do seem to have a lot going on. I did't get a chance to go to any Art museums there yet . Next trip!

Re: Beautiful collection of mate cups at the Puerto de Frutos market, El Tigre Argentina. Mate is the national drink of Argentina, a type of tea

PortMoresby ·
Mate' is very high in caffeine and has a lovely smokey flavor. If we look closely at the cups, I believe they are the traditional sort, made from embellished gourds. It's drunk using the "straws". There's a nice version available in the US, 'Morning Thunder' which is combined with black tea, 'Celestial Seasonings' brand. I've even seen mate' available loose at my local natural foods store where they also sell the cups. Fun to see them in situ, DrF.

Re: Lighthouses of Lake Havasu – Part 2 of 3

RoadWorrier ·
Cool idea, lighthouses all over. Do boaters on the lake count on them, or just for fun?

Re: Lighthouses of Lake Havasu – Part 2 of 3

Samantha ·
They are cool to see. Some are just for fun, but many of them do actually light up to help the boaters.

Re: July 27, 2016: Bighorn Sheep at Hemenway Park in Boulder City, NV

DrFumblefinger ·
Wow! That's a lot of sheep! I imagine there are few places that offer such succulent moist grass for these desert dwellers. Must have been fun to stop and study them. And good that you didn't let those little dogs out of the car, as the sheep likely would have killed them.

Re: The search for the right-sized airplane

DrFumblefinger ·
I believe that's the best summary of modern jet development I've ever read. Interesting and fun, thanks!

Re: How to not miss a connecting flight

DrFumblefinger ·
There are a lot of good tips in the article about streamlining your connections. While I mostly enjoy flying, travel days are busy and tiring enough that I hate to be rushed. I try to get to the airport early (often I've been grateful that I gave myself that extra time), and I don't take flights that have connections I consider too tight. I like at least 1.5-2 hours between my connections. I've been delayed on arrival often enough that having less time than that is no fun. As planes travel...

Re: New Orleans—Museum Highlights Young Voices of Resilience

Bluragger ·
Great piece! Yes, it is good to hear from our children about what they learned in the past decade living in New Orleans after the storm. So many were impacted, many were harmed and suffered PTSD. Great to hear kids speak about the positive outcomes from their Katrina experiences. I can't wait for the new LA Childrens Museum to open in its new and amazing facility in City Park, another NOLA gem. Ya'll come visit soon and often to experience a city like no other, New Orleans. It has not been...

Re: Intriguing Laumeier Sculpture Park, Saint Louis, Missouri

DrFumblefinger ·
I bet the dogs had more fun than you did!