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Tagged With "Saint Martin"


Re: Canal St-Martin in Paris/Where Locals and Travelers Mix

Paul Heymont ·
The Canal St.-Martin area is also good for food. One of the best-regarded new bakeries, Des Idees et du Pain is on its edge, and there's a great twice-a-week open-air market between the point where it goes underground and Bastille.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Oct. 27: Paris's Stravinsky Fountain

Former Member ·
Absolutely wonderful. You can almost hear the music and the splashing water. Thanks for the lovely photos.

Re: Canal Saint-Martin: Where Gumbo Was

PortMoresby ·
Well, now, am I disqualified from future participation in "Where in the World..."? I'd hate to have to cash out after an easy one like that. Tell me I can still play please.

Re: Canal Saint-Martin: Where Gumbo Was

DrFumblefinger ·
I say Port Moresby can only play if he/she doesn't know where where in the world is. LOL.

Re: Canal Saint-Martin: Where Gumbo Was

PortMoresby ·
I imagine this is a tough one to formulate - to make it possible to be guessed/known by someone but difficult enough to be fun. Maybe the balance for those who have gotten one right is to wait until the last day to post and then, as you say DrF, only if we don't know.

Re: Canal Saint-Martin: Where Gumbo Was

DrFumblefinger ·
My inclination is that if some one knows, they shouldn't hold back, but post. Some will be easy, some will be tougher. But making the brain work is the fun part. PHeymont is sort of running these, as much as anyone runs anything here. We'll see what his take is.

Re: Canal Saint-Martin: Where Gumbo Was

Paul Heymont ·
My answer would be that of course, PM can play...but if he's right too often, he'll have to start selecting and posting the new ones!

Re: Tidal Basin Memorials, Washington D.C.

DrFumblefinger ·
I just visited these memorials a few weeks ago. I was especially impressed by the Martin Luther King Memorial, which you photos do a nice job capturing the spirit of. Thanks, George!

Re: Majorelle Garden - Marrakech

DrFumblefinger ·
Wow! The colors just pop right off the computer screen! An amazingly beautiful place and again you've given us another reason to follow in your footsteps.

Re: Majorelle Garden - Marrakech

GarryRF ·
You certainly have caught the gardens at their most colourful Mac. What time of year was it ?

Re: Majorelle Garden - Marrakech

Mac ·
The visit was just 3 weeks ago, so mid-October, when the temperatures are pretty nice day and night (mind, the swimming pools get pretty cold....). It's more about the magic time of day GarryRF generally between 4 - 5 pm when the light is at it's best.

Re: Gumbo’s Pic of the Day, January 23, 2015: Postcard from Morocco: A long and winding road...

DrFumblefinger ·
Mac, your photo reminds me a lot of the Hiram Bingham highway which winds its way up to Machu Picchu. We walked in to Machu Picchu on the Inca trail the first day we were there, but the second morning took the bus up from Agua Calientes. It was definitely a ride to remember.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Feb 11, 2015: Fruit of the Vine

GarryRF ·
Hi Paul. Just curious. Would an outdoor wine tasting be permissible in the US? I always find events like this to be so civilised. Folks just mixing and tasting locally produced food and wine. No one over indulging and a beautiful way to enjoy a summers day making new friends.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Feb 11, 2015: Fruit of the Vine

Paul Heymont ·
We have a lot of different state and local laws, so, as they say, Your Mileage May Vary. Since New York is a significant wine-producer, it may be a bit easier here, and in summer there are several wine producers sampling at our local Greenmarket

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Feb 11, 2015: Fruit of the Vine

GarryRF ·
I never knew that New York was a wine producer. I'll add that to my shopping list in August. Blossom Hill of California is a big seller here in the UK. Thank You !!

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Feb 11, 2015: Fruit of the Vine

Paul Heymont ·
The Finger Lakes area in the center of the state has long been a big white-wine producer; Taylor is originally from there. There's been a growing industry on Long Island in recent years, where sandy soil in some areas has been good to the grapes. On the whole, NY wines range from extraordinary to oversweet. And, of course, it's home to one of my guilty favorites: Manishewitz Concord Grape wine, kosher for Passover!

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Feb 11, 2015: Fruit of the Vine

GarryRF ·
Must look into this. I prefer sweet wines. Hate dry wines. Which I know is very unfashionable. But I do love asking guests to try my Italian "Martini. Asti Spumante. Sparkling Wine". I do enjoy converting people with an attitude to sweet wines !

Re: Mont-Saint-Michel: Like no other (Pt. 1)

IslandMan ·
Thanks PH, great pictures and journey. This has been on my wish list for many years. Your informative article has pushed it up that little more....

Re: Mont-Saint-Michel: Like no other (Pt. 2)

PortMoresby ·
A visit to this church, almost exactly 30 years ago, is one of my fondest travel memories. I stayed on the island and went to mass, it was a dark and stormy night (really), the wind howled, we were welcomed in English, the only visitors present in the small congregation and I've never felt so included as a traveler. Part of what I remember was a distinct dip worn into the stone of the stairs on the climb into the church. It appears from the beautiful photo at the top of this page that the...

Re: Mont-Saint-Michel: Like no other (Pt. 2)

Paul Heymont ·
I'd not be surprised if the stones have been renewed; there is construction and reconstruction going on constantly (as it must have also in the Middle Ages). I cropped most of it out, but you can see some of the scaffolding in one of the pictures above.

Re: Mont-Saint-Michel: Like no other (Pt. 1)

My Thatched Hut ·
This is definitely on my list of places to go within the next couple of years. Good story, thanks. Tom

Re: Mont-Saint-Michel: Like no other (Pt. 1)

Jonathan L ·
These are great and Mt. St. Michel is deifnitly on my bucket list.

Re: Super-tide at Mont-Saint-Michel: High water and 30K viewers

GarryRF ·
It's amazing to see that nature can be predicted. We can prepare for it and enjoy its wonder.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Apr. 29, 2015: L'Écoute at Les Halles

DrFumblefinger ·
I can easily see you sitting on top of that "rock", PHeymont.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Apr. 29, 2015: L'Écoute at Les Halles

PortMoresby ·
Is that one of those repurposed shipping container housing projects in the background of the bottom picture? Or what, I wonder.

Re: Our 3 Favorite Beaches on Philipsburg, St. Martin

Marilyn Jones ·
Beautiful photos of Philipsburg, St. Martin beachs and great information!!! Thank you for sharing...I'd love to visit there.

Re: Our 3 Favorite Beaches on Philipsburg, St. Martin

DangTravelers ·
We fell in love with St. Martin! The beaches and food on the beach were amazing. Great post. Love the pics!

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Oct. 18, 2015: Olive Grove, Saint-Remy

GarryRF ·
I always thought picking olives would be a labour intensive task. I watched as the farmers wife placed a round blanket ( with a split in it ) on the ground under the tree. Then the tractor had a claw attachment that gripped the tree. Then it shook the tree for 10 seconds. All the olives fell on the blanket. Job done - 1 minute a tree !

Re: Barcelona Cathedral (Where Gumbo Was #309)

George G. ·
Great photos of The Choir.

Re: Memories of Dijon, France

DrFumblefinger ·
Great post, George, thanks! Makes me want to go to Dijon, rather than be self-isolating.

Re: January 21, 2019: Saint John City Market, New Brunswick, Canada

George G. ·
Terrific photos of color and texture. The fresh produce is appetizingly displayed.

Re: Butterflies Everywhere at the Butterfly Farm in St. Martin

DrFumblefinger ·
I love watching butterflies fly about and land on everyone -- especially children. It's such a simple pleasure! Never knew about this place, and it's always good to add another stop to one's (evergrowing) bucketlist. Thanks, Samantha!

Re: Butterflies Everywhere at the Butterfly Farm in St. Martin

Samantha ·
Thanks for the message DrFumblefinger. You are right. I really enjoyed watching the kids get so excited when one would land on them. Of course that scared them off, but it was still fun. Glad you enjoyed the post and was able to add to your bucket list. I know mine is huge and keeps getting longer and longer, lol.

Re: The Stravinsky Fountain, Paris

Paul Heymont ·
Not only children play in the fountain in the summer; looking through older pictures I found this intrepid canine happily splashing about.

Re: Ringo Starr's boyhood home in Liverpool sells for £70,000

GarryRF ·
Hi Rob. That's just the going price for those properties. No sentimental value. Ringo isn't flavour of the month with many people now. We don't like "stars" who forget their roots here in Liverpool. John, George and Paul often returned. Paul still makes frequent appearances helping our younger folks into making a career of arts and music. In a recent TV interview Ringo was asked what he missed about Liverpool. "Nothing" was his reply. Bold statement for a drummer who was evicted from...

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo? (11/20/13)

DrFumblefinger ·
Your last clue. Martin Cruz Smith has a new book out (Arkady Reinko series -- among my favorites). Might it be tied into that or can't you say?

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo? (11/20/13)

DrFumblefinger ·
A summary of Amazon from on the new Martin Cruz Smith Novel, TATIANA (see latest clues(. " Arkady Renko, one of the iconic inves­tigators of contemporary fiction, has survived the cultural journey from the Soviet Union to the New Russia..... The trail leads to Kaliningrad , a Cold War “secret city”......" TravelandNature, I believe we may have an answer!

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo? (11/20/13)

Paul Heymont ·
It's been a great game, Gumbo fans, and you've now pinned it to the wall. Tuesday morning's post will confirm your correct answer, with more details. It was fun playing with the group. In answer to the question: I've only been to Kaliningrad twice, both times on paper. Most recently, I was reading Tatiana, and was struck by Smith's comments on the rebuilding of churches, partly as vanity projects of the new capitalist class. When I came to the chapter in which Renko is attacked at the...

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo? (11/14/13)

PortMoresby ·
Canal St. Martin, Paris.

Re: Wednesday Market, Saint-Remy-de-Provence

HistoryDigger ·
Oh yum! Makes me hungry for great French products. Let us know how the AirBnB apartment is.

Re: Wednesday Market, Saint-Remy-de-Provence

Paul Heymont ·
Thanks! The produce was great, indeed. The apartment was also fine; a nice bedroom and living room with kitchenette in a building I believe Is 18th century but modernized. Two flights up, with an air conditioner, washer, dryer and a view directly into the market, and across to the main church in town. It’s two steps off the boulevards, inside the old town. For anyone who’s interested, here’s a link: . It's listed at 40€ a night.

Re: Wednesday Market, Saint-Remy-de-Provence

Marilyn Jones ·
A wonderful narrative and your photos are brilliant. I felt like I was there as I looked at all the different pictures of people, produce and products!

Re: Wednesday Market, Saint-Remy-de-Provence

IslandMan ·
I love a good market, especially a French one!

Re: A Farm Visit in Normandy

Travel Rob ·
What a bargain for such a wonderful experience!

Re: A Farm Visit in Normandy

DrFumblefinger ·
Did you bring that little gray cat back with you, PHeymont?

Re: A Farm Visit in Normandy

Paul Heymont ·
Definitely no! Our kids are all grown, and we have no animal dependents to keep us off the road!

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Jan. 4, 2015: Stairway to Heaven

IslandMan ·
Beautiful lighting, PH, well captured...

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Jan. 4, 2015: Stairway to Heaven

Mac ·
Oooh I like that shot PH, strong lines and good lighting!! Nice one, thanks.

Re: Saint-Remy's Fête du Vin

DrFumblefinger ·
What a great day! Thanks for sharing it with us. And the snail will be rubbery next time, too. Guess you need to develop an affinity for rubber!