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Tagged With "Italy"


Re: Italy joins anti-food-waste movement

GarryRF ·
In my local UK store I can buy a 5 Kilo bag (10 pound) of irregular shaped fruit and veg for £2 ($3) in prime condition. It's to help low income families but there's plenty more where it came from. The photo above looks like fruit that's ready for the trash. That's not the idea behind the scheme that's all across Europe. Wonky Potato !

Re: Italy joins anti-food-waste movement

DrFumblefinger ·
Garry, it looks like the wonky veggies are fresh but misshapen. A good marketing idea to sell them separately. I think the idea behind the law is to prevent food waste. There are many tons of food discarded by restaurants and stores every day, as the article lays out. If this food could be channeled to food banks and such a day or two earlier, it would cut down a lot of waste. That is a noble effort, if it works. I like Italy's law of incentives better than France's. The carrot is more...

Re: Italy joins anti-food-waste movement

GarryRF ·
We've seen so many examples of fields of freshly cropped food getting ploughed back into the land because it doesn't conform to standards. More than enough for the disadvantaged people. So we have a donation point on the way out of food stores too. Then all donations go to Food Banks in the area. Waste is waste. There is so much more food can be saved at source - farms - than the pickings of a few restaurants. Stores in the UK already have a tie-in with a deserving local charity for removing...

Re: La Dolce Vita (Part 6) Murano and Burano

rbciao ·
Dr. Fumblefinger, Nice slideshow with great pics. We were in Venice in 2012 for 6 or 7 days and made an excursion to Burano as a day trip. The first thing we noticed was that tourism has reached the tiny island. There was a new docking station for the vaporetti and all sorts of kiosks selling the usual stuff. The first time we were there was in 2008 and it was a sleepy island that time seemed to forget. In fact, we came across four elderly ladies sitting on a bench gabbing and knitting. I...

Re: La Dolce Vita (Part 6) Murano and Burano

DrFumblefinger ·
Great memories, rbciao! I'd like to head back to Burano some day, maybe spend 2-3 days there, just kicking back and enjoying the ambiance. We were there in May and it was not at all heavily touristed at that time, though certainly the shops were there to lighten the load of your Euro heavy wallet! Their lace was truly beautiful and my wife just couldn't resist!

Re: La Dolce Vita (Part 6) Murano and Burano

rbciao ·
I would like to also stay on Burano if I could find a place with air conditioning.

Re: The Glorious Mosaics of Ravenna

PortMoresby ·

Re: The Glorious Mosaics of Ravenna

DrFumblefinger ·
It is remarkable, PortMoresby! And it reminds me I need to get some new tile in the bathroom soon......

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, October 18, 2014: Ponte Vecchio, Florence

DrFumblefinger ·
Rumor has it that even the deranged Adolph Hitler saw the significance and beauty of the bridge and refused to bomb it as he retreated from Italy. Perhaps the only decent thing that man ever did.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, October 18, 2014: Ponte Vecchio, Florence

rbciao ·
We've been to Florence many, many times and never tire of its amenities. The city will always have a special place in my heart because my oldest son was a souvenir of our last night there in 1980...Pensione Desiree on Via Fiume. When we returned to Florence in 1988 with two children we stayed at Pensione Desiree again. When I explained the circumstances to the owners, Ugo and his wife, she grabbed Tommy and gave him a big kiss. They fussed over us the entire time we were there. We went back...

Re: Park of Monsters, Bomarzo, Italy: Where Gumbo Was #47

Travel Rob ·
What a cool place to take kids to! Or kids of all ages ,because I want to see it too!

Re: Park of Monsters, Bomarzo, Italy: Where Gumbo Was #47

Jonathan L ·
I really enjoyed visiting the whole area around Viterbo. It is a really laid back place. Not like Rome, Florence or other high traffic places in Italy

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Aug. 10, 2014: How DO they DO that?

HistoryDigger ·
Italian meditation levitation. Wow!

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Aug. 10, 2014: How DO they DO that?

DrFumblefinger ·
PHeymont, believe the special trick relates to a magical flying carpet the top one is sitting on....

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Aug. 10, 2014: How DO they DO that?

Travel Rob ·
That was too amazing of a trick for me not to look up how they did it! Although looking up the answer only left me with more questions about the amazing buskers you saw!

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Aug. 10, 2014: How DO they DO that?

rbciao ·
I remember seeing those two buskers during our time in Verona in August, 2012. They did present a very creative look in a land of creative street entertainers. Verona was a fantastic place for us to kick back and do not too much. Piazza Bra in the evening was like watching the Veronese living room in action. Many nights we would take our gelato to the steps across and to the left of the restaurant section and just watch the world pass by. This was during the Opera season, which brought many...
Blog Post

Be careful where you make your mark!

DrFumblefinger ·
  A Russian tourist was recently fined 20,000 Euro for defacing one of Italy's most beloved national symbols, the Colosseum, in Rome.   It's said to be the fifth act of vandalism to that ancient structure this year.   The Russian man...
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Following the European Beer Trail: Oktoberfest to Sorrento

followthelocal ·
To answer your question. Yes, Italians drink beer. It’s not a well-known pastime of Italy, however it is becoming more common. But before we get to Italy let me tell you about my beer adventure that led me to central Italy.   I started the...

Spring Honeymoon Help

Former Member ·
My BF and I are getting married in May, and we're getting a group present from the family--15 days in Italy! We think we want to go in Northern Italy, but is late May too cold for there? Also, we don't want to spend the whole time running around...
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Eurail kicks off new year with new plans

Paul Heymont ·
Eurail has enhanced its offerings for the new year with some new passes and some upgrades to existing ones. One of the best bits for families: children 4-11 now trvel free if accompanied by a pass-holding adult.   Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro...
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Uber loses another UberPop round in Italy

Paul Heymont ·
An Italian court has ordered Uber to shut down its UberPop service which uses non-professional drivers in their own cars, within two weeks. The company may appeal, but even if it does, the service will be shut down until (and unless) it wins the...
Blog Post

Pompeii frescoes, stolen in 1957, return to Italy

Paul Heymont ·
Three frescoes, missing from Pompeii since 1957 have turned up in the U.S., and been returned to Italy. They are part of a larger trove; a number of other pieces have already been recovered.   These three apparently spent the past almost-60 years...
Blog Post

Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Apr 21, 2015: Cefalu, Sicily

IslandMan ·
    I'm a sucker for a picture-postcard location, and the town of Cefalu on the northern coast of Sicily is no exception. A comune in the Province of Palermo on the Tyrrhenian Sea , it's about 70 kilometres (43 mi) east of the provincial...
Blog Post

A Tale of Two Cathedrals - Palermo Italy

Jonathan L ·
Palermo, Sicily has two beautiful cathedrals, less than three miles apart. Jonathan L explores them both and explains their history.
Blog Post

July 21, 2017: Venetian Ports, Lake Garda

Ian Cook ·
Malcesine, on the eastern shore of Lake Garda, is a picturesque town with cobbled lanes and a castle. Today's view by Ian Cook is of its beautiful harbors.
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October 15 2017, Greek Amphitheater - Siracusa Italy

Jonathan L ·
The town of Siracusa on Sicily is home to a large Greek Amphitheater dating back to around 450 BCE. Jonathan L has some beautiful photos.
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New life for Italy's 'ghost towns'

Paul Heymont ·
Italy has numbers of abandoned villages, emptied by earthquakes, landslides or economic losses, and some of them are now being brought back to life as resorts, artists' colonies and more.   A recent article on gave some examples,...
Blog Post

Sweden claims 'best pizza' title. Yes, Sweden!

Paul Heymont ·
Nothing like a culinary controversy to grab some weekend attention. And after a week in which Italy seized the "world's longest pizza" title from Spain and France and Italy nearly came to blows over Nutella, a bizarre pizza seems like just the thing....
Blog Post

Fiumicino, Italy. Where Gumbo was #123

DrFumblefinger ·
  Gumbo was visiting a small city many people travel through, but few people stop to visit.  Gumbo was in Fiumicino, Italy.  Rome's main airport, Leonardo da Vinci-Fiumicino (FCO) is situated a few kilometers from downtown...
Blog Post

Arthur Ave -NYC's Real Little Italy

Jonathan L ·
Just some of the selection at Mike's Deli Tourists will go down to lower Manhattan looking for Little Italy, but those in the know will head to the Bronx. Just west of The Bronx Zoo is the Belmont neighborhood, and the heart of Belmont is Arthur Ave (...
Blog Post

Gumbo's Pic of the Day, September 13, 2015: South of Naples

Non Stop Destination ·
  This summer, I spent 17 sunny days in beautiful Italy. My boyfriend and I travelled from Turin to the Amalfi Coast, stopping in Bologna, Venice, Florence, Pisa, Cinque Terre, Siena, the Tuscan countryside and Rome. Once in the South, we could...
Blog Post

Spain, Italy fight to reverse drop in Russian tourists

Paul Heymont ·
A troupe of Spanish horses will visit Russia to promote tourism A combination of frosty relations between Russia and Europe and the drastic decline in the value of the Russian ruble have seriously cut Russian tourism to Italy and Spain, where Russian...
Blog Post

Italian town bans barking

Paul Heymont ·
Just so you know it's not all going to the dogs, one day after we reported on a Spanish  town that has granted full rights to its "non-human residents," comes news that a town in Italy has restricted the right to...
Blog Post

Rome will rebuild Colosseum floor, may host events

Paul Heymont ·
  Rome's Colosseum, the giant arena where gladiators fought and mock naval battles were staged has been without a floor since the 19th century. That's about to change, as Rome has earmarked over €18 million to restore the floor.   The...
Blog Post

'World's Longest Pizza' title goes home to Italy

Paul Heymont ·
Apparently spurred into action by the shame of having Spain claim the title for an Italian standard, pizza chefs in the town of Rende, in Calabria, worked 16 hours to produce a pizza 1.229km long—more than 3/4 of a mile. Not that we really knew...
Blog Post

Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Jul 6, 2015: Fish Market, Catania

IslandMan ·
The city of Catania is on the south-east coast of Sicily and is known as the "Milan" of the south. Renowned for the its' architecture and Roman history, it's a popular destination for locals and tourists alike. On a recent trip there...
Blog Post

Italian pizza-makers demand license law

Paul Heymont ·
A spinach pizza from Torino                                       Photo: Nova / Wikimedia   Amar, the association of Italian pizza-makers is demanding...
Blog Post

Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Aug 4, 2015: Sicilian Farmhouse

IslandMan ·
      We recently spent a month in Sicily touring around and seeing the sights. For the first 2 weeks we stayed in bed and breakfast style accommodation and the second 2 weeks we actually arranged to do a house-sit for an English...
Blog Post

Want a stamp? Italy is looking to sell the post office!

Paul Heymont ·
In a move mirroring actions by other countries, including Germany and the UK, Italy is planning to sell off its national post office system, Poste Italiane. The goal is to turn an asset into €3.4 billion (about $3.75 billion) in cash to pay down...
Blog Post

Fishing for wild boar in Italian waters

Paul Heymont ·
Yes, that's what the headline says, and what it meant. A group of Italian fishermen were startled to find a wild boar swimming alongside, 6 km off the coast of Puglia in southern Italy.   After filming the video above (who would believe them...
Blog Post

Italy accused of 'fake' restoration in Roman Forum

Paul Heymont ·
The scene of the crime, so to speak: The Roman Forum with worksite    Photo: Corriere della Sera   Hot words are flying over use of "inappropriate" materials in a project to restore a 2000-year-old monument that's part of the Forum in...
Blog Post

Changing the guard at Italy's top museums

Paul Heymont ·
At the Uffizzi in Florence           Photo: Corinasdavide / Wikimedia   Twenty new chiefs for 20 of Italy's museums—including some of the most famous—have been named by the Ministry of Culture, and seven of...
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Top 5 Underwater Destinations

Kathryn Curzon (Guest) ·
Kathryn Curzon shares some of the greatest underwater destinations on the planet, awaiting our exploration and enjoyment!
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A Visit to Lovely Lake Orta

George G. ·
George G shares memories and images of a visit to lovely Lake Orta in Northern Italy.
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November 29, 2017 - Mt. Etna, Sicily

Jonathan L ·
Mt. Etna hovers over the city of Catania in Sicily. Europe's largest active volcano, its presence is always a factor in the city.
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Visiting Catania, the other Sicilian city

Jonathan L ·
Explore Catania and its surroundings with Jonathan L and the Amazing Ms. D
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Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Feb. 17, 2014: San Giorgio Maggiore, Venice, Italy

DrFumblefinger ·
Situated on the island of San Giorgio Maggiore, across the canal from Piazza San Marco, sits this beautiful cathedral, one of the iconic symbols of Venice.  The church was built by the Benedictine order between 1566 and 1610....
Blog Post

Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Jan. 13, 2014: The Colosseum, Rome, Italy

DrFumblefinger ·
 One of the most famous structures of the Roman empire, the Colosseum, still stands some 2000 years after it was built.  It's a truly remarkable feat of architecture, engineering and craftsmanship -- one of the world's great iconic...
Blog Post

Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Sept. 22, 2013: Wandering the Back "Streets" of Venice

Paul Heymont ·
   At night, after the day-trippers leave, Venice takes on a quieter and more mysterious personality. Here, a narrow residential calle connects one of Venice’s small canals, in the Cannaregio district, to a small square with...
Blog Post

La Dolce Vita (Part 1) Rome: Ruins of an Empire

DrFumblefinger ·
(Interior of the Colosseum, revealing tunnels below the floor) One of the challenges in crafting these blog posts is deciding how to best convey my impressions of a travel destination. How to best discuss a city as fascinating and historic as...