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Tagged With "airlines"


Re: Airlines defend holding onto fuel surcharges

Paul Heymont ·
Or, alternately, if it’s a time-limited charge to pay for specific capital costs of improvement, call it that—and take it off when the work is done. Although those of us who live with bridges and tunnels that were supposed to become free after they were paid off…good luck!

Re: Airlines defend holding onto fuel surcharges

GarryRF ·
Yes Paul. We've been paying for the 3 mile tunnel under the River Mersey for 50 years. It was supposed to be free 2 years ago - fully paid for. We're still paying now - with an increase to subsidise better public transport. Again - I smell a rat in the kitchen. A greedy one as well

Re: Airline scheduling: Hurry up and wait, or run like crazy?

Jonathan L ·
Of course the king of "Banking" for years has been Icelandic Air. They have made their whole business plan around bringing planes from 10 different North American cities in the morning and having those same planes fly out to 10 different European cities 1-2 hours after landing. This allows 10 plane loads of passengers the ability to mix and match origins and destinations. Then in the afternoon they do the reverse run. For 2-4 hours a day the terminal is full as passengers switch planes, the...

Re: Airline scheduling: Hurry up and wait, or run like crazy?

Paul Heymont ·
Thanks for reminding me of that, Jonathan...since it's where I first noticed it. It's actually so bunched that most of the terminal employees work two short shifts a day, with a gap between.

Re: In-flight refueling for airliners? Worth a look!

DrFumblefinger ·
Existing planes can travel half way around the world now, without refueling. For example, from Texas to Singapore. I'm not sure I see the point to this. Having a plane full of fuel flying around waiting to refuel another craft has to be expensive, and while the low risk of fire and such for the military might be acceptable, I'm not sure it is for commercial aviation. I'd rather have my plane refueled in the usual manner.

Re: In-flight refueling for airliners? Worth a look!

Paul Heymont ·
I agree on the preference for not being refueled that way...I'm not going to be sitting in an ejection seat with a parachute attached. But the reason they're interested in doing this is not without merit. The idea is that the plane that flies that long route could take off on a shorter runway (reduce load on existing airports, more operations per hour, use other airports that are not now long enough), or replace fuel weight with payload (cargo or passengers). The tankers, obviously, wouldn't...

Re: United Economy to Offer 3 Course Meals, Free Beer & Wine on Some Flights

DrFumblefinger ·
Alaska has been offering free microbrewery beer and local wine on its Horizon flights for years. So Kudos to United for expanding their economy services. We need to acknowledge their service improvements when they occur

Re: Airline scheduling: Hurry up and wait, or run like crazy?

DrFumblefinger ·
Fascinating piece, PHeymont. And I've noticed how tight they are making these connections. For example, in Europe we had connections scheduled 50 minutes from the plane's landing, assuming it was on time. We were definitely running, and it seemed everyone else at Schipol was as well. We made the connection, but I'd rather have an extra hour for a more relaxed transfer. I'm like you -- book a direct flight if possible, even with a premium, and look carefully at where and how long those...

Re: Airline scheduling: Hurry up and wait, or run like crazy?

IslandMan ·
very informative and useful article, PHeymont. Yes, I can relate with most of this, especially trying to make connections with only minutes to spare. We've now taken to seeking alternative forms of transport like trains and buses just to avoid airports!

Re: Discounts top all in passenger perks survey

DrFumblefinger ·
Everything has relative value -- a hungry person would pick the free meal, for instance -- but at some point people pay for comfort. Many already pay a little extra for legroom by sitting in the exit row (or use points to do so). There comes a point where, especially on longer flights, you want to be comfortable and are willing to pay a little more to achieve that. I definitely consider the pitch and width of airline seats when making purchases, especially overseas purchases. I'll pay a...

Re: Discounts top all in passenger perks survey

Paul Heymont ·
I'd fact, the issue of space is what keeps me from considering some longer flights...and I have been known to change flights for the possibility of a 2-seat row rather than 3...better an aisle and a window without a middle!

Re: March 28, 2019: World's Largest Airplane Weathervane, Whitehorse

Elite Travels ·
Awesome Capturing This airline is really big and amazing to see.

Re: New routes give Denmark big tourism boost

Travel Rob ·
It's good news for travelers and for Denmark. It shows budget travelers do contribute too. I haven't been to Denmark yet but I thought Sweden was very reasonable. Now Norway is pricey, but its so well worth seeing.

Re: TSA, American testing automated security screens

DrFumblefinger ·
This sounds like a nice idea. A modernization of a tedious process. Hope it works!

Re: TSA: More lines, delayed flights

Travel Rob ·
European airlines have taken a big hit this year with Europeans staying home more. It was because of terrorism before airport security and also in public places in Brussels and Paris. Isn't that more of a risk now? We have accepted that minor risk on other forms of transportation and still go about our lives. I'd vote to cut back on scanning 100% of the people in airports to occasionally, like we did a few years ago. We can still walk through metal detectors. I guess the added carry-on bags...

Re: TSA: More lines, delayed flights

Paul Heymont ·
Several Senators suggested last week that the airlines kill the bag fees to speed up the lines, but there was an audible silence on that... Meanwhile, in Paris the lines have been growing, too, and causing delays at CDG; the airport authority is calling for more staff to speed up border controls.

Re: TSA: More lines, delayed flights

DrFumblefinger ·
I hate the bag fees, but they're not the problem. The TSA is. Everyone would still have a carry-on bag, albeit a smaller one if they could check a suitcase for free. My experiences in Calgary, Frankfurt and Spain in the past month. Waiting times were never more than 10 minutes and usually less than 5 minutes to be screened. You just need enough of and a motivated staff that gets people through quickly

Re: TSA strands 450 overnight: could it get worse?

DrFumblefinger ·
What a mess. The very agency that is to protect citizens from terrorist activity is creating an environment wherein "tent communities" are springing up at America's airports. How embarrassing is that. Talk about a target rich environment for the bad guys. The TSA's funding, even with "cuts", is about US$ 7.3 billion for 2016. In contrast, Canada, which has 1/10th the population of the USA, has an airport screening budget of about CDN $0.56 billion, and Transport Canada acknowledges it has...

Re: TSA strands 450 overnight: could it get worse?

GarryRF ·
Most countries around the world exchange ideas and processes to fulfil the common good. But some countries refuse to enter into a dialogue and share ideas. Russia is another one.

Re: TSA strands 450 overnight: could it get worse?

Paul Heymont ·
To be fair to the TSA (which I find hard to do), the $7.3 billion is not all for screening, only about half is. That said, while airports are looking to outsource the screening, maybe they should hire Transport Canada! As for the PreCheck point: TSA can't seem to make up its mind. When it started, they semi-randomly selected 'extra' people to go through it, on the theory that they would like it enough to buy it—and some did, but not enough. Then the people who had paid for it started to...

Re: TSA strands 450 overnight: could it get worse?

Travel Rob ·
The few US airports that have private security companies handling the screening are reporting good results and I think that's a good option for the airports. My guess is for liability reasons, airports are scared to dump the TSA. After seeing the comments by DrFumblinger and PHeymont, I do think we can learn from Canada on this. I did a little more reading on Canada's airport security. It seems all major airports in Canada have private screening. The airports give out three year contracts.

Re: Delta likes its 'basic economy,' will expand it

DrFumblefinger ·
I like choice, so this is overall good news for consumers. On a somewhat unrelated topic, we've covered Canadian jet manufacturer Bombardier on our pages. It seems the company is very near agreement with Delta to sell it 125 of its new C series jets. It would be a big boost to Bombardier and might allow Delta extra basic economy seats and new routes on which to sell them. More on that story at this link .

Re: Delta likes its 'basic economy,' will expand it

Travel Rob ·
I'm excited to fly in a C-Series and will go out of my way to buy a ticket when they start appearing! I also like the trend of one way tickets being less because that opens up lot's a route opportunities

Re: Norwegian Air to finally get U.S. license

Travel Rob ·
This is great news! And this license should really have an impact on trans-Atlantic prices.

Re: Why your airline chose your plane

Jonathan L ·
I rode a 747 to and from China a few months ago. It was the first time in years that I had been on one, and it reminded me that not all coach flights have to be like a sardine can. The wide body had room to walk and stretch on the 13 hour flight, and toilets were actually comfortable. I wish they were still using them on cross country flights.

Re: Why your airline chose your plane

DrFumblefinger ·
Thanks for the bit of history, Pheymont. Nicely written and I, for one, found it very interesting. Looking forward to part II.

Re: Are airline alliances costing you $$$ on flights to Europe?

Travel Rob ·
Basically Norwegian Air told us the same thing and it's true. If the public supports Norwegian and other airlines that attempt to break the alliances trans-Atlantic hold, lower prices will follow.

Re: White-hat hackers get million-mile bonus from United

Jonathan L ·
And then United's systems crashed last week.

Re: Cost of Japan flights to plummet in 2016

GarryRF ·
With fuel charges at a 12 year low all the Air carriers should stop gouging the public and give us all a refund.

Re: U.S. Airlines put in their bids for Cuba flights

Paul Heymont ·
UPDATE: USA Today has published a complete list of the airline filings .

Re: U.S. Airlines put in their bids for Cuba flights

GarryRF ·
It's unfortunate you still cant take a short flight to Cuba to enjoy some winter sun on the white sands it has to offer. But on the positive side, it keeps prices down for us Brits and Canadians.

Re: Mediation for AA/US Airways Merger

Former Member ·
This case seems very peculiar to me. I have never understood why what is acceptable for some large airlines - Delta and United - is considered unfair competition for others. The airlines have been growing and merging since the Pan Am Clipper days. Why is this transaction any different ?

Re: Mediation for AA/US Airways Merger

Paul Heymont ·
In a nutshell: AA and USAir are making exactly the argument you are, and the Justice Dept. is saying, in effect, "We shoulda stopped them, too." Obviously a lot of issues (both in terms of fares and of maintaining service to smaller cities), but not clear why the line's been drawn here. Meanwhile, Texas pulled out of the suit, Florida may follow, mayors of cities with AA and USAir hubs have backed the merger, airport operators are chiming the mediation may end up being Justice's way...

Re: Emirates Adds a 3rd US Frequent Flier Partner

Former Member ·
There are a lot of possibilities with these airlines to both have budget flights and earn lots of miles. The combined route maps must be interesting.

Re: Mediation for AA/US Airways Merger

Former Member ·
the Justice Dept. is saying, in effect, "We shoulda stopped them, too." A stronger, healthier Delta and United is a bad thing because ?

Re: Mediation for AA/US Airways Merger

Paul Heymont ·
Anti-merger views generally argue that the mergers reduce competition, raise fares, and cut service to smaller cities. Others might reply that the key to these new large carriers' survival is not so much that they got larger as that all of the carriers involved passed through bankruptcy, shedding workers, benefits, contracts and perhaps maintenance standards as they went...

Re: Spirit's New Plan: Higher 'Rush Hour' Bag Fees!

PortMoresby ·
New Yorker cartoon, flight attendant announcing, "In case of a loss of cabin pressure, oxygen masks will drop down in front of you for two dollars".

Re: Spirit's New Plan: Higher 'Rush Hour' Bag Fees!

Paul Heymont ·
Thanks...that's definitely the "spirit!"

Re: "New AA" Details Dates for Alliance, Loyalty Change-overs

PortMoresby ·
Thanks for the update. It's already been useful. I have a few thousand USAir miles, not a lot but still enough to not let lapse. I've been making the occasional purchase of gifts through their site to keep them alive. After reading the article and the miles merge date I just bought my mother's gift through the AA site instead, the better to see them added to the bigger pile sooner. Thanks!

Re: I get to Boomerang to Spain ! Cheap !

Former Member ·
Wow ! That is a good deal. I need to drill down through those redeem mileage programs and see what I can learn. Thanks for this valuable lesson.

Re: I get to Boomerang to Spain ! Cheap !

Paul Heymont ·
Thanks for pointing this out! By the way, it is also possible to take a free stopover on the international end. For example, a couple of years ago, we flew from NYC to Copenhagen (the routing) but with a week stopover in Stockholm along the way. We've used that kind of routing a number of times. Adding to your point about Britain: Many of AA's European cities are actually served by their closely-tied partners, British Air and Iberia. With a little persistence, you can find flights that don't...

Re: I get to Boomerang to Spain ! Cheap !

PortMoresby ·
So, PHeymont, when you stopped for the week in Stockholm which airline was it and what fees were you charged for the stopover? You mention Madrid. Presumably that was a different trip, so same questions on that one. Also, can these stopovers be scheduled on the AA website or must you speak to an AAdvantage customer service person and pay the ($25?) fee?

Re: I get to Boomerang to Spain ! Cheap !

WorkerBee ·
Originally Posted by PortMoresby: .... can these stopovers be scheduled on the AA website or must you speak to an AAdvantage customer service person and pay the ($25?) fee? I scheduled my flights using the website. When you go to the AAdvantage booking site there are three choices: round-trip, one-way and multi-city. When you choose your flights you see boxes showing the number of miles per leg. The leg between Dallas and San Francisco showed no miles. There was also some kind of comment to...

Re: I get to Boomerang to Spain ! Cheap !

Paul Heymont ·
Similar to WorkerBee's experience, I've done these bookings using the Multi-City function, which allows you to specify a date for each segment. It didn't require assistance. Actually I've never had to pay a fee for help when booking something that could not be done on line, but who knows these days. I've done these stopover trips a number of times (NY-Budapest/open jaw/Prague-London w/stopover and then back to NY, etc.) The AAdvantage desk agents, by the way, are some of their best and can...

Re: I get to Boomerang to Spain ! Cheap !

PortMoresby ·
All potentially very useful information. Many thanks, Gurus.

Re: I get to Boomerang to Spain ! Cheap !

Paul Heymont ·
All things to be watched closely, by the way; by January the new AA will start rolling out updated program rules and procedures for what will be a merged program. We'll need to watch closely to see what changes!

Re: I get to Boomerang to Spain ! Cheap !

Paul Heymont ·
WorkerBee, how long will you be in Spain, and when? We're going for 8 days (not counting the travel days) in February. We'll be in Seville, Cordoba and Granada. Gumbo fans would love to hear how your trip is going and to see pictures along the way!

Re: I get to Boomerang to Spain ! Cheap !

WorkerBee ·
I will be there about a month, from February 12 to March 12. I will be in Madrid for a few days after I arrive and then off to Girona and environs for a few weeks. I may wander into southeast France for a few days as well before I return to Madrid for a couple of days before I fly out.

Re: I get to Boomerang to Spain ! Cheap !

Paul Heymont ·
I envy your trip! We'll overlap in time, but not in place. If you do add France to the itinerary, you might want to look into the new TGV service from Barcelona to Paris that starts this month. I'm not sure of its route as it leaves Spain, but it might go where you want to!

Re: I get to Boomerang to Spain ! Cheap !

WorkerBee ·
Originally Posted by PHeymont: I envy your trip! We'll overlap in time, but not in place. If you do add France to the itinerary, you might want to look into the new TGV service from Barcelona to Paris that starts this month. I'm not sure of its route as it leaves Spain, but it might go where you want to! For some time the AVE has run from Madrid to Figueres which is north of Barcelona and Girona. The TGV has been running from Figueres to Paris for some time as well. I'm told that it takes...