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Tagged With "hiking"


Re: A visit to Great Basin National Park

Paul Heymont ·
No, I'm painfully aware of the past and present cuts...but I see more ahead. My concern is that there are loud voices (my own included) to speak out against cuts to parks that have a big "fan base," including Gateway here in the NY area. Because so many speak out for those parks, I fear that NPS will increasingly "hide the damage" by even more drastic cuts to others--perhaps even outright abandonment. And that's not so far-fetched an idea. For some 20 or more years here in New York, Prospect...

Re: A visit to Great Basin National Park

DrFumblefinger ·
PHeymont, I don't believe we disagree. I think the problem is that the park system relies on "federal handouts" and when a government is broke, there's less to hand out. As I said, I sort of favor them being self-funded by their user and concession fees. That's a lot of money already (if it was all kept in the parks) and people would be willing to pay more IF they knew the money stayed in the parks and didn't get diverted back into the Washington's general budget. Orphan parks would be...

Re: Sri Lanka: A Land Like No Other (Part 9) Horton Plains

Former Member ·
It is hard to absorb all of this information. This truly is a land like no other. Thanks for telling us about Sri Lanka.

Re: Capital of Culture Series: Marseilles

Former Member ·
The pictures are so nice. We never thought that Marseilles looked like this. We thought it was a dreary port town. This makes us rethink any trips to the south of France. If we were to go hiking, how many days would be good there ? 2 ? 3 ? Thanks.

Re: A Walk through Florida's Everglades: Big Cypress Bend boardwalk at Fakahatchee Strand Preserve State Park

Paul Heymont ·
Looks like a great place for a walk and a learn! You might just be putting Florida on my map...

Re: A Walk through Florida's Everglades: Big Cypress Bend boardwalk at Fakahatchee Strand Preserve State Park

Travel Rob ·
What a great walk.I really enjoy the boardwalks that are all over Florida.Really let's you get on top of some interesting things that you don't want to walk through.

Re: Pesuta Shipwreck, Naikoon Provincial Park, Haida-Gwaii, British Columbia

Former Member ·
These photos are evocative. Makes me very glad not to be a sailor back in the day. I have seen some of the many trees washed up on the beaches of the Pacific Northwest. Those are also very impressive. Did you find any glass floats ? I used to have a number of the ones used by Japanese fisherman to hold up their nets. You never know what will turn up.

Re: Pesuta Shipwreck, Naikoon Provincial Park, Haida-Gwaii, British Columbia

DrFumblefinger ·
The glass floats tend to wash up on the west (windward) side of the Pacific. This hike was on the leeward (eastern) side, where these floats tend not to come. But there were a gazillion trees, like these.

Re: Pesuta Shipwreck, Naikoon Provincial Park, Haida-Gwaii, British Columbia

Former Member ·
Like the tree pics. I picked up all of my glass floats a bit farther south - on the seaward side of Vancouver Island and on the western shore of the Olympic Peninsula. I think it was always in the summer. Maybe the tides and winds bring different material at different times of the year.

Re: Where Gumbo Was #13. Mount Assiniboine Provincial Park, British Columbia

Former Member ·
Hehe thank you for the praises i'm so proud Beautful mountains by the way

Re: Where Gumbo Was #13. Mount Assiniboine Provincial Park, British Columbia

Jonathan L ·
It is beautiful. I thought it was Lake Louise.

Re: Where Gumbo Was #13. Mount Assiniboine Provincial Park, British Columbia

DrFumblefinger ·
Similar, but different. Some photos of Lake Louise and the Plain of Six Glaciers hike, one of my favorites.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, August 12, 2014: Volcanoes National Park, Hawaii

MsK ·
Wow, that would be something to see. Thank for sharing.

Re: A fall visit to Highwood Pass and hike in the alpine meadow of Ptarmigan Cirque

GarryRF ·
Looks like a great hike DrF. I have taken a liking to the circular trail that keeps offering new vistas rather than the "there and back" routes. 6k sounds just right for a lazy day stroll in the sun. And so much to see too ! I'm looking forward to all these trails when I retire ! But I'm always aware of the old adage "The mind is willing - but the flesh is weak" So I'll keep training - ready to rumble !

Re: A fall visit to Highwood Pass and hike in the alpine meadow of Ptarmigan Cirque

DrFumblefinger ·
Thanks for your note, Garry. I also prefer loop hiking trails. This particular place would be great to hike in the spring (which comes late this high up) because of its large numbers of wildflowers. The only time I was up here during that season the trail was closed because a grizzly bear was hovering over a carcass. But the fall colours are also lovely. And get out there and hike before you can't. Would love for you to share a hike from the Liverpool region with all of us.

Re: Yosemite National Park: A walk among Giants. Hiking in the Mariposa Grove

Dr.Y ·
Amazing! Next on the list! Thanks DrFumblefinger!

Re: Yosemite National Park: A walk among Giants. Hiking in the Mariposa Grove

Paul Heymont ·
These days, I think of myself as a walker rather than a hiker—although I'm hard-put to really define the difference—but I love the accessible or easier walks you've been featuring...and one of these days, I really HAVE to get to Yosemite. Thanks!

Re: Yosemite National Park: A walk among Giants. Hiking in the Mariposa Grove

Jessica Meddows ·
I'm so jealous you got to see deer! We were there a couple of weeks ago and the most wildlife we saw were some birds and adventurous squirrels. I was hoping for a bear or deer. Random question - I've been trying to find out the temperature of the water in Yosemite. Mirror Lake in particularly. You don't happen to know, do you? I went swimming in Mirror Lake and everyone looked at me like I'd spontaneously sprouted a second head.

Re: Yosemite National Park: A walk among Giants. Hiking in the Mariposa Grove

DrFumblefinger ·
Thanks for all your comments. Followup: DrY. Yes, you and your family should see this sometime. You would love it! We need to plan out a trip to California for you that includes its best parks and some city sites. PHeymont. Yes, you must DO Yosemite. I recommend mid to late May as the best time to go as the waterfalls are brimming with meltwater. I like hikes of all types and can still do "moderate" hikes, though no longer take on "challenging" ones. But the Mariposa grove is doable by...

Re: Banff National Park: Hiking Johnson Lake

Paul Heymont ·
Fascinating to see that a hike in such rugged scenery can actually be an easy walk! There must be many more like that, that compare to a serious city walk and not to mountain-climbing. Good!

Re: My Secret Place

MmGood ·
I want to do this hike with you! It's beautiful!!!!

Re: My Secret Place

DrFumblefinger ·
It is a beautiful place and I think you've got it right. Like you, I love to explore. Take my time, soak it all in, and capture what I can with my camera. Thanks for sharing this! And welcome to TravelGumbo!

Re: Takakkaw Falls, Yoho National Park, British Columbia

Lestertheinvestor ·
I certainly remember these falls and this area with fond memories.

Re: Takakkaw Falls, Yoho National Park, British Columbia

DrFumblefinger ·
LestertheInvestor -- If you look closely at the photo of the four shadows in the river, you may recognize one of them as yours!

Re: Takakkaw Falls, Yoho National Park, British Columbia

GarryRF ·
Really good quality photos DrF. I love looking at frozen landscapes - on a screen ! Your words about reflection jogged my memory. Ever been walking through a store and see someone you think you recognise in the distance ? And as you get closer you realise its a mirror you're walking towards ! My wife says I need glasses - but its OK - I stop before I get into a conversation !

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, July 29, 2014. Shira Plateau, Tanzania

GarryRF ·
Was this part of a guided tour DrF. ? A safari ? The further I get from civilisation - I get more concerned for safety. Wild animals, clean water and getting lost ! Was this a family vacation ? You must be a "hardened traveller"

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, July 29, 2014. Shira Plateau, Tanzania

DrFumblefinger ·
Hi Garry, By law, you can not climb or go on Mount Kilimanjaro without hiring a local "crew", which would include guide, cooks, porters. Most people do this as part of a travel package, as did I, which for me also included a week of wildlife viewing on the Tanzanian savanna. They take good care of you -- show you the way, warn you of dangers (mostly the altitude and dehydration), carry most of your gear and boil your water and prepare your food. So while remote, it was not a really tough...

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, July 29, 2014. Shira Plateau, Tanzania

GarryRF ·
I think I'd go to the Zoo with your family Dr.F. Cola and some popcorn ! I believe if you join the Army you can run up these mountains for free ! I'm taking an easy seat until my pension starts. Take my hat off to you for this one !

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, July 29, 2014. Shira Plateau, Tanzania

DrFumblefinger ·
Garry -- that's like saying stay at home with the kids and play in their kiddy pool instead of taking them to see the ocean. It was a hard but most fascinating trip. Standing on the roof of Africa, watching the sun rise above the clouds (which are thousands of feet below you) is an experience I'll never forget! But having done it once, I'm not going back anytime soon.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, July 29, 2014. Shira Plateau, Tanzania

GarryRF ·
We live near the ocean ! But yes - I take your point. Reminder - must buy a kiddy pool for all these Grandkids !

Re: Banff National Park: Hiking in the Subalpine Splendor of Sunshine Meadows

MsNomadica ·
Those photographs are wonderful, they're really giving me the itch to be there in person again. My visit to Banff and Lake Louise many years ago is one of my fondest travel memories. Imo, Lake Louise is one of the most beautiful, majestic and peaceful places to spend time. Recently, I've been considering going back, but I'm not one for cold weather. So it's gone on my list for next summer and I'm really looking forward to it. The last time I went, we drove from Seattle, and the drive through...

Re: Banff National Park: Hiking in the Subalpine Splendor of Sunshine Meadows

DrFumblefinger ·
Thanks for the nice comment, MsNomadica, and welcome to TravelGumbo! The Canadian Rockies are a very special place and perhaps no place is this better demonstrated than in Lake Louise. If you're traveling from Seattle, a trip up through Victoria and Vancouver, up and north from Whistler towards Jasper, then down the Rockies through Lake Louise, Banff, Canmore. I'd recommend making a loop drive, down through the Crowsnest Pass, Fernie, Cranbrook, Bonners Ferry, Sandpoint, Couer d'alene and...

Re: Banff National Park: Hiking in the Subalpine Splendor of Sunshine Meadows

MsNomadica ·
Hi, Yes, that is exactly the route we planned to get there, though the trip will actually begin in San Diego this time and be preceded by a trip up the U.S. west coast. But coming back, we are thinking of going to Calgary then dropping all the way down to Montana and Wyoming, and heading back to San Diego via Las Vegas, where we have family. We spent a nice little time thinking about it and planning, even though it won't be until next summer, all because of your post! So thanks for giving us...

Re: Banff National Park: Hiking in the Subalpine Splendor of Sunshine Meadows

Travel Rob ·
MsNomadica, I'd love to read more about your road trip from San Diego to Key West! I've been thinking about a similar road trip the last few years.

Re: Banff National Park: Hiking in the Subalpine Splendor of Sunshine Meadows

DrFumblefinger ·
Sounds like you've got a great road-trip planned, MsNomadica! I'm ready to come along!!

Re: Banff National Park: Hiking in the Subalpine Splendor of Sunshine Meadows

MsNomadica ·
Travel Rob, You can read about the San Diego to Key West road trip on . It's on the posts from last July & August. They weren't really meant as a travel blog so much as a record of my sister and I trying to decide where we were going to live once we leave New Orleans. In any case, I can tell you that we basically loved San Diego, Disney and Key West, while Austin and Fort Lauderdale were both a bit of a let down. We've loved living in New Orleans, but it's been just...

Re: Banff National Park: Hiking in the Subalpine Splendor of Sunshine Meadows

MsNomadica ·
Actually, make that July and August of last year, not the ones just past.

Re: Sequoia National Park: Hiking to Pear Lake (The Lakes Trail)

Paul Heymont ·
You get closer each time to getting me into non-urban hiking...but how difficult is a hike like this for someone used to that kind of distance, but in (sometimes hilly) cities, but not to much off-path hiking?

Re: Sequoia National Park: Hiking to Pear Lake (The Lakes Trail)

DrFumblefinger ·
The challenge of this particular trail is getting up to the lakes. Once there, the trail is not that hard, although rocky so you have to watch your footing. There are easier places to get into the subalpine zone of some great mountains, PHeymont. Both in California and in the Rockies. When you're ready, we'll pick one and head out there. Likely for a day hike. My knees don't like the weight of a full backpack anymore.

Re: Sequoia National Park: Hiking to Pear Lake (The Lakes Trail)

Paul Heymont ·
My knees are part of my concern; they love walking (helps them!) but don't do well twisted or weighted. Have you any suggestions for the Hudson Valley/Lower Catskills area?

Re: Sequoia National Park: Hiking to Pear Lake (The Lakes Trail)

DrFumblefinger ·
I've never hiked in the Catskills, though would like to some day. My suggestion: 1) Go to your local library. They definitely will have hiking books on areas of interest (or request them in advance so they can be delivered from other branches). Check out some trails that are convenient and look doable. Most hiking books give great details. 2) If you find a great book, it's worth buying to have as a reference at home and take with you on the trail. For example, though I haven't read it, this...

Re: Sequoia National Park: Hiking to Pear Lake (The Lakes Trail)

GutterPup ·
Spectacular views and sequoia's - what more does one need?? A wonderful article that really brought to life this wonderful national park.
Blog Post

A springtime hike on the Yakima Rim Skyline Trail

DrFumblefinger ·
After a rather long winter I was ready for a pleasant dayhike.  While I’d rather head up to the mountains for a stroll in an alpine meadow, there’s way too much snow up there in April.  Fortunately in the Northwest there are some...
Blog Post

Steamboat Rock, Washington — Wildflowers and Vistas galore!

DrFumblefinger ·
 The large basalt mass of Steamboat Rock is a distinct landmark in Central Washington state.  Steamboat Rock State Park is a dozen miles southwest of the massive Grand Coulee Dam on the Columbia River. The Park is on a peninsula...
Blog Post

Tahquitz Canyon, Palm Springs

DrFumblefinger ·
        It's a great time of year to be visiting the desert regions of the Southwestern USA.  The weather is warm and pleasant, the wildflowers  are starting to bloom, and the oppressive heat of summer is a distant...
Blog Post

Visiting Western Greenland. Part II – Western Greenland on Foot!

Racing_snake ·
Part I covered three Greenlandic towns I have visited but my real passion is being out in West Greenland’s wilderness.  So this part is about what it has to offer those willing to get out there on foot and under canvas!    I...
Blog Post

Hiking Angel's Landing in Zion National Park

Nate Alger ·
Nate shares one of his favorite hikes, the famous Angel's Landing trail in beautiful Zion National Park.
Blog Post

Kumano Kodo Pilgrimage (Part 1)

Lisa Day ·
Lisa Day presents the first in a two part series on hiking and experience the Kumano Koda, a pilgrimage trail in Japan.
Blog Post

Out-Of-The-Box Last Minute Weekend Getaway Ideas

Andrew Lowen ·
After a long week of fast life and pressure at work, you just want to unwind. Andrew Lowen has some ideas for how you can do it.
Blog Post

Masca, Tenerife, Canary Island

Ian Cook ·
Ian Cook's hike through a dramatic gorge on the Canary Island of Tenerife is featured today.