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Tagged With "Hillside Living"


Re: SkyMall's Business Dwindles With Increased Internet Usage In-Flight

DrFumblefinger ·
It would be a shame if they went out of business. I've always found looking at their catalog of things I can live without, but which are highly entertaining, make a long flight pass by.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, January 27, 2015: Breaking the winter blues at the Calgary Zoo

DrFumblefinger ·
That's a good point, GarryRF! People who live in places with cold climates do adapt and most involve their kids in out door activities -- winter or summer. For example, downhill skiing is very popular. But that walk with the penguins intrigues me. I've never heard of this except, of course, in Antarctica. Need to go by and check it out sometime.

Re: Six Reasons Why Lisbon Made Me Nostalgic for San Francisco

Paul Heymont ·
Thanks for this really special blog that links two cities I've only visited but have come to love. Of course, San Francisco can't live up to my description of Lisbon as "steep, but cheap!"

Re: No place like home? 41% of Americans stayed there!

PortMoresby ·
Is there a difference between those who can't afford to travel and those who believe they can't afford it, but could? I cannot tell you how many times those with far greater resources than I have said to me that they wished they could travel. The obvious reason is priorities, not lack of funds. To tell you the truth, I'm surprised it wasn't higher than 41%. I'm also surprised at what they describe as "the other end of the spectrum", those who took more than 20 days. A measly 20 days being...

Re: "World's scariest walkway" re-opens; may be safer

DrFumblefinger ·
There are some experiences in life I can live without trying. This would be near the top of that list.

Re: Family kicked off flight

PortMoresby ·
I think all children should be buckled in, just as the law requires them to be in cars where I live, in car seats when small. There have been a number of cases where children have been among the only survivors of air crashes, the theory being their more elastic bodies withstand trauma better. But a baby (or 3 year old) sitting unrestrained or on its mother's lap would likely not. I know of no seat belt laws that give an exemption for stupidity. The airline was right to remove the family.

Re: Airbnb's stunt: floating a house on the Thames

PortMoresby ·
Enter here, if you live in the UK, care to write an essay, have an Airbnb account and can stay in the house on May 22nd.

Re: Airlines defend holding onto fuel surcharges

Paul Heymont ·
Or, alternately, if it’s a time-limited charge to pay for specific capital costs of improvement, call it that—and take it off when the work is done. Although those of us who live with bridges and tunnels that were supposed to become free after they were paid off…good luck!

Re: Aw shucks. Danes are no longer the World's Happiest People

DrFumblefinger ·
I do know that the further north people live, the less daylight they have in the winter, the higher the rate of depression. For example, Alaska has a high winter suicide rate at least in part because it is so gloomy there half of the year. The same, I would think, is true of the Nordic folks. My perception of these sorts of lists is that they represent things that "should make you happy", much like our friends, the Eloi. What are some of the things that make me happy? An evening with good...

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo? (#137)

DrFumblefinger ·
Thanks for your comments, gentlemen. Yes, Pheymont, it is both specific and generic and with more clues it will definitely be much more specific. John T, as you know I live in Canada and for tonight, I'll add the tidbit that this is not in Canada. Another photo might help.....?

Re: Denmark ransoms last circus elephants

PortMoresby ·
"So far, there's no decision on where Ramboline, Lara, Djunga and Jenny will live out their days;" Someplace warm year-round if they really want to implement "anti-cruelty".

Re: It's Euro-official: No more time switches

GarryRF ·
Where I live in Northern England it's light around 3am in Summer. Which is pretty useless to most. Much better to move the clock one hour and have the daylight in the evening when we can go out with our Family after work. Like wise in the Winter months. We take the Hour off so we can take the kids to school and go to work in the daylight. The kids can come home before its dark at 4pm. The European Parliament is very slow to learn that "One size does NOT fit all"

Re: Swiss storks silence church bells

PortMoresby ·
More humans lending a hand to wildlife, our California utility, PG&E, hosting peregrine falcons on the 33rd floor of their San Francisco headquarters building. Have a look at the live webcam, we have chicks !!!

Re: Dole Plantation, Oahu, Hawaii (Where Gumbo was #169)

DrFumblefinger ·
I just discovered a useful website for information on visit Oahu, including on the best tourist attractions, called " Live your Aloha ". Check out their link.

Re: Has anyone used their Enhanced Drivers License to travel to Canada or Mexico?

DrFumblefinger ·
Most of the people I know who have this license are those who don't want to travel internationally and who live near the Canada-US border. There are a number of town literally split by the border and people migrate across daily to visit friends or work. I think these licenses are intended for them. Same for the Mexico USA border. If you travel internationally and have a passport, no point paying extra for the license for most folks. Passports have become more sophisticated and if you read...

Re: Exploring the Baltic Coast. 1) Poland

Travel Rob ·
Thank you for this. Poland really is wonderful and the people are some of the most generous in the world. I spent some time there in the 1980's, and at that time a tourist, could live on a dollar a day, although the government forced tourists to exchange more. Even though it was so cheap for me, my Polish friends insisted on paying and life there for them was expensive.

Re: Campaigners ask: Can the QE2 be saved?

PortMoresby ·
There must certainly be profit to the company, International Shipbreaking, that was paid 1 penny US by the Navy to tow Ranger to Texas where they do the work and, presumably, don't do in WA. I toured Ranger but, even so, it's hard to comprehend the size of a ship where 6,000 men (and a few women) work and live, plus 2 decks for airplanes. Lots of steel there, lots of razor blades. I saw an amazing piece, probably on 60 Minutes, about the place in Bangladesh where the work you mention is done...

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo? (#116)

DrFumblefinger ·
Time for another clue -- The place featured in this puzzle is well known to those who live in the city in which it's located. And another perspective of this place....

Re: Jan. 29: Hillside Living, Santiago de Cuba

Travel Rob ·
The second photo is really scary to me. I hope Cuba is not hit by a big earthquake before they reinforce their buildings.

Re: Jan. 29: Hillside Living, Santiago de Cuba

DrFumblefinger ·
Yes, Rob, that bottom image is scary because you just know a strong wind will knock those homes down. Poor people using what they can find to create a shelter and home. Part of the triumph of a half century of Castro rule.

Re: Jan. 29: Hillside Living, Santiago de Cuba

Paul Heymont ·
Actually, that collapsed group (Sandy damage, I believe) is not endangering the rest. No one's living in that; it appears to be in the process of being scavenged for materials.

Re: Jan. 29: Hillside Living, Santiago de Cuba

GarryRF ·
Part of the triumph of a half century of American embargo. "This boycott provides that no vessel, be it US flagged or foreign that calls at Cuba may thereafter call at a US port"

Re: Weaker 'loonie' good and bad news for Canada travel

DrFumblefinger ·
With the fall especially of oil prices (and other natural resources, which Canada is a major producer of), the loonie has indeed fallen compared to the US dollar but kept its relative value with most other currencies, including the pound and Euro. It seems despite a reasonably healthy economic profile, including until recently an almost balanced federal budget and low debt-to-GDP ratio, the value of the Canadian dollar is pegged to its natural resource valuation. With the pullback in the...

Re: Subyard-Okhla Market, Delhi

TravelingCanuck ·
One of my favourite parts of travel is experiencing the customs and lifestyle of where you are, away from the tourist areas. People tend to think of things from the perspective of how things are "back home". That is never the case and it is what makes travelling so wonderful. You get to experience the whole mosaic of humanity, see the differences in how others live and learn that we are all more similar than different. Thanks for a small look at one aspect of daily life in Delhi.





Travel Luver

Travel Luver

Jill's Scene

Jill's Scene



Re: Liverpool - What do you mean. It has a Beach ?

DrFumblefinger ·
I live in Calgary now and people often have the impression it's a cowboy town -- which it is, but it's really a modern oil-economy based city as well. A view of the city's skyline. How far away are those beaches from Liverpool itself, Garry? What I most like about them is how uncrowded they are. Is the water warm enough to swim in or only for those with a strong constitution?

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Nov 1, 2013: Sadhus - India's Hindu Holy Wandering Monks

DrFumblefinger ·
I think the guy on the right is a Trekkie. Looks like he's trying to form Spock's "Live long and prosper" hand symbol.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Nov. 7, 2013: Bicycle taxi, Santa Clara, Cuba.

DrFumblefinger ·
A fascinating snapshot of life in Cuba, GarryRF! I am heartened by the spirit of the people, and their pragmatic innovations given the oppressive world in which they live.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Nov. 7, 2013: Bicycle taxi, Santa Clara, Cuba.

GarryRF ·
Thanks for the link T&N. Bill Gates funds the School of Tropical Medicine here in Liverpool in its search for better treatment and a cure for Malaria. But tales of Save the Planet are all Hogwash. People who live in cool climates - like me - cant wait for the climate to warm up. When the Vikings discovered Greenland a thousand years ago they described it as a "Green and pleasant land with pastures and animals" - and now its just a frozen waste again ! Turn up the CO2 !

Re: Need help planning Morocco trip

Mac ·
We used to live in Casablanca, Morocco for around 4 years a while back. Yes, mid-Feb is still the back end of the cool period but is close to Spring depending on altitude - so think positive and enjoy this lovely country! 9 days is brief for all that can be seen. The "Royal Triangle" that is all within reasonably easy reach is Marrakech, Meknes and Fez and those 3 would happily fill your days (and nights) with fascinating insights into Morocco. An optional stop on the coast at El Jadida...

Re: RV rental for road trip

Theodore Behr ·
It is cost effective, but RV is not for everyone. I don't suggest you try it with 2 kids on a long trip for the first time. Rent one where you live for a weekend and see how much you like it. If you like it, rent one for the trip above. But if you end up hating it, you'll have a bad time from Denver to Cali.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Dec. 25 2013: Holiday Windows

DrFumblefinger ·
A neat window display, PHeymont. But it seems the Parisians have forgotten that penguins and Eskimos live on opposite poles.

Re: Road Trip: The Movies and the Cars

WorkerBee ·
Originally Posted by Dan Carter: So: I'm down to a bunch of questions. How real are the movie cars (obviously not talking about Batmobiles)? What's with the T-Bird? There is a lot of variation in how "real" cars are in movies. it depends on what the car must survive during filming and, sometimes, who is driving. In the James Bond flick "You Only Live Twice" Sean Connery drives a Toyota 2000 GT convertible. there were only 2 2000GT convertibles built, both for the movie. the primary reason...

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Jan. 26, 2014: Big City, Small Details

Paul Heymont ·
Unbelievable density...unimaginable to me to live in such a tight space. It started a discussion here at home on the viability of cities, whether we could, with Marge Piercy, look forward to a future where cities do not exist—or to a future where, free of some of the economic and political structures of today, we could guarantee cities that are a pleasure to live in. In the meantime...I wish I could be in London to see these pictures at gallery size.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day. January 14, 2014: Calgary Peace Bridge

DrFumblefinger ·
I do need to get out more! Of course, I live south of downtown while you look at this view every day. We'll need to go for a walk there this summer, DrY! Prince's Island is a great place for those visiting Calgary. A lovely island oasis right off downtown. Wonderful escape from bustle of a city and literally just a minute from it all.

Re: Planning a Road Trip

Dan Carter ·
Hey, guys...thanks for a bunch of good ideas! I think the 3-wheel bike is not for me, but the idea of buying an old ragtop and then selling it appeals to me. Not even sure I'll need a car living in Seattle, but don't know yet (job is near the waterfront, but don't know where I can afford to live!) National Parks idea sounds really good to me...I've loved the ones I've been to before. Shunpiking? I didn't make that up! This is from Merriam Webster:

Re: Where is the 6th largest French City ?

GarryRF ·
There are many reasons. London has been an escape from France since the 1700s. Another reason for the current wave is : "Others are escaping from things in France such as family problems, educational problems and areas like Department 93, because people who live in that part of Paris sometimes have trouble finding a job."

Re: A visit to Saudi Arabia: Part I

HistoryDigger ·
My husband and I were invited to live there for two years while he did a medical fellowship in genetics. The challenge for me was that I am a very independent traveler, and I could not imagine how I would deal with the restrictions on women. In the end, those restrictions influenced our decision to go to Germany for two years instead. However, after having seen your photos, I am curious to see more. I regret that I do not know this part of the world.

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo #17

Paul Heymont ·
I'm afraid you must have seen "The Truman Show" too many times! That's Roadrunner and Wiley alright...but it's out in their natural habitat. The non-cartoon versions live here...and there are NO scheduled deliveries from Acme!