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Tagged With "Selfie"


Re: Bread, Heidelberg Bismarckplatz

Travel Rob ·
I agree. I love German bakeries and their prices too!

Re: Holiday Inn Express to Offer Selfies on Pancakes

Paul Heymont ·
OMG. The end of the world must be very near.

Re: Holiday Inn Express to Offer Selfies on Pancakes

DrFumblefinger ·
PHeymont -- the end will definitely be near if that pancake is delivered at the end of a selfie-stick.

Re: Holiday Inn Express to Offer Selfies on Pancakes

Travel Rob ·
I'm not an ad executive, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express recently, so that qualifies me to tell them. This is a horrible campaign. Couldn't they of come up with a selfie free breakfast campaign instead?
Blog Post

Is the Selfie Stick a selfish tool?

Paul Heymont ·
First came asking someone to take your picture with your camera. Then came the selfie—holding the phone or camera at arm's length and trying to get your shot without your arm. Front-facing cameras on phones helped with that, but angles were...
Blog Post

Keep it to yourself! Selfie-stick bans spread

Paul Heymont ·
Selfie sticks, those extensions that let you photograph yourself at arms' length—and possibly poke your neighbor in the eye, have been banned from a number of museums and concert halls in the past year. Now, two major U.S. music festivals have...
Blog Post

President Obama to Trek Through the Alaskan Wilderness

Travel Rob ·
          President's Obama's Selfie: Instagram During President Obama's trip to Alaska, he will go through the wilderness with TV  reality show survivalist Bear Grylls for a future episode of "Running...
Blog Post

Selfies: not just selfish, but dangerous!

Paul Heymont ·
  If you're thinking that's a bit overblown, think again. Not only the relatively minor issue of having someone's selfie-stick stuck in front of you (or in your eye) but the danger to the subject of the selfie who may be oblivious to the dangers...
Blog Post

Holiday Inn Express to Offer Selfies on Pancakes

Travel Rob ·
  This fall, selected Holiday Inn Express locations will launch the “Pancake Selfie Express.” It will give people the chance to snap a selfie and then have it laser-imprinted on a pancake.   Read More:...
Blog Post

Leave Your Drones & Selfie Sticks at Home if Attending a Papal Visit Event

Travel Rob ·
                                 No Drone Sign, Wako City Park , Japan   Pope Francis...
Blog Post

Don't play Russian Roulette with your cellphone selfie!

Paul Heymont ·
Alright, the headline is a bit of a strain, and the graphic above, prepared by the Russian Interior Ministry, has almost nothing to do with playing with pistols.   But Russia has noticed a growing number of deaths caused by people doing stupid...
Blog Post

Selfie sticks booted from Disney parks

Paul Heymont ·
You won't see this at Disney anymore!     Photo: Marco Verch / Wikimedia   Starting Tuesday, June 30, selfie sticks are out of the picture at Disney's theme parks, world-wide. Out of your picture, and out of your...

Re: Keep it to yourself! Selfie-stick bans spread

TravelGirlJenn ·
I'm on board with this ban! In fact, I wish selfies themselves would get banned altogether. My most recent favorite examples are the two girls in Rome who took a selfie after vandalizing the Coliseum and the tourist who took a smiling selfie at Auschwitz last year. Alas, narcissism wins out apparently. I still have never understood this craze. Doesn't help that I absolutely despise my picture being taken--I'm not about to do it to myself willingly!

Re: Keep it to yourself! Selfie-stick bans spread

Paul Heymont ·
I think I'm not against selfies, per se, since in a way they're not so different from a smiling picture of a couple at the Eiffel Tower or London Bridge (although, asking someone to please take our picture together is an added bit of human contact). It's less the idea of a picture of one's self than the intrusion of the stick and the habit of taking dozens of selfies. I've seen people who appear to take no pictures in which they are not the center....

Re: Keep it to yourself! Selfie-stick bans spread

TravelGirlJenn ·
Right. I guess that's what irks me the most. On my trip two years ago I watched people enter sites just to take a selfie and leave. I suppose its their money, but it seemed so wasteful. While yes, before people would go to the Eiffel Tower, have someone take their picture and may or may not call it "done!" but they seemed to linger longer, too. Now it almost is like, "Pic-done! Post to Facebook/Instagram/Twitter/Pinterest/All of the Above--done! Now we must leave!" It is changing travel, I...

Re: Keep it to yourself! Selfie-stick bans spread

PortMoresby ·
"I still have never understood this craze." While I cannot be sure either, 2 words come to mind, self-absorbed lemmings. And though self-absorption may not necessarily be a sin, combined with lack of creativity, it becomes dire.

Re: Keep it to yourself! Selfie-stick bans spread

DrFumblefinger ·
I do find the sticks waving with iPhones attached slightly annoying, but not nearly as bothersome as those trying to sell them. While in Rome last month, this was the latest thing that the guys on the street were trying to sell. We must have been approached 100 times in one day by folks insisting we get a selfie stick from them. Your life can not possibly continue unless you buy their selfie-stick! Gets to be incredibly tiresome and very much was straining my patience by the end of the day.

Re: Keep it to yourself! Selfie-stick bans spread

Travel Rob ·
DrFumblefinger -See there is a good purpose for getting one and carrying it! It keeps all the other selfie stick salespeople away!

Re: Keep it to yourself! Selfie-stick bans spread

DrFumblefinger ·
Originally Posted by Travel Rob: DrFumblefinger -See there is a good purpose for getting one and carrying it! It keeps all the other selfie stick salespeople away! I never thought of it Rob, but a selfie-stick would be great to beat back all those hustlers with!
Image Featured

Mr. Selfie is everywhere

Paul Heymont ·
Mr. Selfie is everywhere
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Altstadt and Alte Brucke, Heidelberg

Paul Heymont ·
Altstadt and Alte Brucke, Heidelberg
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Heidelberg Castle

Paul Heymont ·
Heidelberg Castle
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Bread, Heidelberg Bismarckplatz

Paul Heymont ·
Bread, Heidelberg Bismarckplatz
Blog Post

The ultimate round-the-world selfie

Paul Heymont ·
Traveling the world, one second at a time, and posting the daily second to YouTube (above) and at   This is the story of Jordan Simons...a man for whom it's almost pointless to cite a nationality, because, as he...
Blog Post

Gotta be a first: Elephant takes a selfie!

Paul Heymont ·
No, it's not a joke. Christian Leblanc visited an elephant sanctuary in Thailand a couple of months ago, fed the elephants bananas, and found the elephant grabbing his Go-Pro camera, which was set on time lapse.  

Re: Gotta be a first: Elephant takes a selfie!

DrFumblefinger ·
That's a PRO quality photo. Someone should have hired that elephant.
Blog Post

Vienna Zoo: Selfie sticks danger to animals

Paul Heymont ·
Vienna's zoo has a problem with selfie sticks and has banned their use in large areas of the zoo. The problem is visitors who poke them into cages to get close-ups of animals or who get too close themselves.