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Tagged With "Vero Beach Museum of Art"


Re: The Biggest Plane You've Never Seen

DrFumblefinger ·
Looks rather like a stuffed goose trying to take flight. The kind of aircraft that belongs in an aviation museum, not in the sky.

Re: The Empire Strikes Back: McDonalds sues Florence

GarryRF ·
And rightly so too ! The smell of a fast food establishment hits you before the visuals. The litter it creates and the smell of people who insist on eating - on the hoof - as they visit palaces of art is an abomination !!

Re: Dec 15, 2016: Kamloops, BC, Canada

GarryRF ·
BC has many exiled folks from Liverpool. Like many other cities around the world. I have relatives in Fraser Lake. They have the most beautiful beach too, if you're into cryogenics. Many Canadians have a wonderful "Cheeky" humour too !

Re: November 30, 2016: The Guggenheim Museum, New York

Paul Heymont ·
I'm not a big fan of the Guggenheim's collection, but i do love the building, and wonder why it hasn't become the template for many others. Quite aside from its own beauty, it seems one of the best ways to display art. I'm often frustrated in museums by a labyrinth of rooms, not always well laid out, that keep me from back-tracking to reconsider a painting I'd passed in light of ones I saw further on. The spiral solves that brilliantly. In 1962, my uncle, a painter, took me there to see an...

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo? (#195)

DrFumblefinger ·
To help you better define our locale, here are a few more clues before we look at the specific site tomorrow. You can buy these near the entrance to our site.... And see sunsets like these from a nearby beach....

Re: The World, Space and Explorers

Neil McAleer ·

Re: Frankfurt: Not Just for Business

George G. ·
I liked your description of the Rubens exhibit that tied together his inspirational objects and sketches. Adds so much more to an art exhibit instead of just hanging a painting with the title. I also fell into the trap of not visiting Frankfurt when I only lived about 20 miles away for about six years. I did really enjoy the Frankfurt Zoo and their Christmas Market.

Re: Huntingdon, Pennsylvania: Peaceful Holiday Getaway

George G. ·
Nicely done Stephanie ! The Swigart Car Museum was on my list for a future travel blog since I travel Route 22 but go east from I-99 to my brothers' residences in Punxsutawney and Parker, PA. I always seemed to be short on time to take the detour to go west on Route 22. Your Swigart photos whetted my appetite to now take that detour and visit that place. Loved the automobile photos and the stories behind some of them.

Re: Huntingdon, Pennsylvania: Peaceful Holiday Getaway

Stephanie Kalina-Metzger ·
Thank you George. They close in the winter, so call first to be sure so that it's not a wasted trip.

Re: Canadian snowbirds: Don't clip our wings!

PortMoresby ·
I have a hard time feeling sorry for those snowbirds, generally retirees with the wherewithall to escape the winter. I suspect subsidizing lying on a beach for weeks or months wasn't something meant to be built into the system.

Re: Canadian snowbirds: Don't clip our wings!

Paul Heymont ·
And yet, the right to emergency medical care, no matter what beach you're lying on, is supposedly guaranteed under CHA. And every other province honors it, as did Ontario until Doug Ford (brother of the late bizarre Toronto mayor) was elected.

Re: Canadian snowbirds: Don't clip our wings!

PortMoresby ·
I believe one may have a right but still be thought presumptuous for taking advantage of, I suspect, unintended benefits. I think there are more equitable ways of spending taxpayer money. Maybe rather than re-include Ontarians(?) they might cut off everyone else. If it means fewer Canadians in the Caribbean as a result, so be it. I don't think beach is a right either.

Re: Small Brooklyn: Three small but fascinating museums

George G. ·
Jonathan ... Would like to see a blog on your NYC Museum of the American Gangster if you ever get the itch.

Re: Small Brooklyn: Three small but fascinating museums

Jonathan L ·
I will put it on my list

Re: Fotografiska, New York's new photography museum

Jonathan L ·
Yup, it is pricey. On the other hand, Museum prices have been going up in NYC.

Re: Boston in the fall - suggestions please!

HistoryDigger ·
Glad you're traveling again, Mac. Boston is my home town, and October is THE BEST MONTH. Where are you staying in the city? I'd walk the Freedom Trail if you're feeling up to it. Go down to the waterfront. Boston Common and Charles Street are fun places to hang out. Newbury Street is fancy shopping and also has a few fun bistros and coffee shops. The Science Museum is excellent. Plenty of seafood to be had. New England clam chowder is great if you have sweater-weather. Go whale-watching...

Re: Boston in the fall - suggestions please!

DrFumblefinger ·
Regarding hotels, Mac, I think I'd spend a few days in Boston to begin with, presuming that's where you are flying into. This will let you get over your jet lag and also give you a chance to see the state of the colors and plot out where you want to go. I would NOT go without having at least a night's reservation booked ahead because you'll waste too much time looking for a place to stay and will end up paying rack rate. Things will be busy and pretty filled up in the small towns of New...

Re: Norwegian bank is out of cash, on purpose

HistoryDigger ·
Although I don't use cash every day, I sure want it when I need it. After living through Hurricane Katrina and the LONG power outage of the aftermath, I recognize when cash is crucial. And yes, DrFumblefinger poses a good question about the lack of cash during cyber warfare, which goes on regularly even if we choose to ignore it. Maybe we should go back to bartering for everything. But most of us have lost the art.

Re: Heidelberg Castle: Where Gumbo Was (#135)

DrFumblefinger ·
Nice memories of a fun place to visit. I seem to recall there's an interesting old pharmacy/pharmacist museum in the Castle. Not exactly the kind of thing you find often.

Re: Museum of Fine Arts, Boston MA: Where Gumbo Was (#226)

DrFumblefinger ·
It's a great museum! Well worth at least a day when visiting Boston. Thanks, Jonathan.

Re: Al Fahidi Historical District

valentinasdestinations ·
In this area there's a really cool museum that we visited - the Museum of Illusions. Also, make sure to eat at the Arabian Teahouse 5 minutes walking from this neighborhood!

Re: Portland, Maine: A Big Little City

seesaw ·
Lovely photos! I haven't been to Portland since I was a little kid on summer vacations...we often combined Portland, Old Orchard Beach and Kennebunkport. Maine looks just as pretty as I remember.

Re: Brooklyn Museum: Depth, Variety, Whimsy

GarryRF ·
This looks like a World Class Museum. Worthy of a few days - at least. How lucky you are to be on the doorstep of such a magnificent collection of American History.

Re: September 3, 2016: Rainbow(s) over the Kootenay Rockies

GarryRF ·
An ever changing canvas of art. Sometimes you just have to stop - and take in the beauty of nature. As the sun was setting last week - the sky turned a shade of purple. And the cars that were white - had a UV look to them. Spooky - never seen it before. Probably pollution in the distance. Taken by a friend: Pier Head, Liverpool, England 29 Aug '16

Re: Berlin's Museum Island

George G. ·
Great Blog Story. I was at the Pergammon years ago and your story caused me to dig out the old photo album from the basement archives and relive our stay at Alexanderplatz and the museum visit. Thanks.

Re: Berlin's Museum Island

Jonathan L ·
Glad you liked the story. I hope you enjoy my next pieces on Berlin

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#288)

Travel Rob ·
Does the art work on the train help?

Re: Aug. 2, 2018: Beach Lawn, Waterloo, Liverpool

GarryRF ·
Another view from Beach Lawn !

Re: Made in Romania-Beauties from Romania

Former Member ·
Yes here is the description: 0:00- 0:04- Apuseni Mountains 0:04-0:14- Dragan Valey 0:14-0:24- Danube Delta 0:24- 0:31- Sighisoara City 0:31- Danube River 0:48- Constantin Brancusi's art- "Coloana Infintitului" 1:05- Sibiu county 1:44- Bran Castle- Brasov County 2:06- Huniazilor Castle- Hunedoara 2:22- Peles Castle 2:30- Brasov County- Central Square, and The Black Church 3:14- Sarmizegetusa- The Capital of antique Dacia 3:24- Bucharest- the capital of Romania I think that's it

Re: Canadian Museum of History (Civilization): Ottawa (Gatineau), Canada

Travel Rob ·
The museum contacted TG and informed us the name has been changed to the Canadian Museum of History.

Re: Canadian Museum of History (Civilization): Ottawa (Gatineau), Canada

DrFumblefinger ·
Originally Posted by Travel Rob: The museum contacted TG and informed us the name has been changed to the Canadian Museum of History. How dare they change human Civilization to "History"! But so noted and post edited accordingly

Re: Gallery: Fuli Town Market, Guangxi, China

GarryRF ·
First visit to Bondi Beach in Sydney they had a stall at the side of the road. "Freshly Made Smoothies" The fruit was uncut and drinks were made to order. The display looked so amazing -but what were they all ! Even when someone tells you its Starfruit - you've no idea what it tastes like. So I had the best smoothie - ever. Fresh sliced Pineapple and Root Ginger. With extra Ginger. Nothing else added. Heaven in a glass ! Been to so many countries since that insist you have to have Yoghurt or...

Re: Where Gumbo Was #14: A Sewer Journey

TravelandNature ·
How people have solved civil engineering problems is of great interest to many persons. I have visited the Egouts several times over the years. It is very interesting to see how the engineers went about providing - and continue to do provide - this important service for the growing city. A related infrastructure challenge for developing areas is always how to provide clean water for the populace. In Istanbul, it is possible to visit one of the ancient cisterns to see how this feat was...

Re: London In 1927, Recreated Shot For Shot.

PortMoresby ·
It's possible that the images are hand colored, an art with which I have some experience although still photos only. One would have to dig deeper to find out the timing of the use of color stock. I suspect there were a number of phases so it would depend on one's definition. Read here while I go watch a movie:

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day: Jan. 16, 2014: Liverpool Victoria Gallery

GarryRF ·
My favourite time to visit attractions is May-June-July. Before the little monsters are released on school vacation. Liverpool has hundreds of things to do - no exaggeration ! Here's 128 to go on with Liverpool makes a good hub for visiting nearby Chester with its 2,000 year old Roman Walls and Tudor Buildings. The River Dee and North Wales. All using local public transport - mostly trains. You can get a flight, Liverpool - Dublin from...

Re: Your Favourite Travel Camera (or 2)

DrFumblefinger ·
Those are all good pieces of advice, GarryRF! I too have the Fuji XP for wet days, beach, rafting, canoeing, etc. Nice not to have to worry if it will get wet. Usually I travel with two cameras, one a digital Canon pocket camera (fits into my shirt pocket). Handy to have at hand and shoots nice HD video, too. And when I want to take serious photos, I use a bulkier Canon Digital Rebel . It is a DSLR. Reason I like it is because of the large lens size (over 70 mm diameter). It lets you pick up...

Re: World's scariest hiking trail?

Dr.Y ·
Actually, the Hua Shan (Mountain Hua) is close to the city of Xi'an (where Terracotta warriors museum is located). I visited both in a same trip few years ago. Regarding to the Hua Shan trial, there was a local advise "if you want to climb to the tea house, better do it during night, because you do not see what is around you, ha ha! ". Of course, now a days, you can get there comfortably by riding a Gondola.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, April 5, 2014: Brocante

DrFumblefinger ·
I wonder if this was what the Beach Boys had in mind with their song, " Little Deux Coupe ?" Don't think so, but I understand the fondness for a car. Mine was the 1974 Dodge Charger SE.... never owned it,, but my brother did and it was a lot of fun to ride in. And I think Winnie would have relished the moment as much as you...

Re: Space Shuttle Atlantis exhibit, Kennedy Space Center

GarryRF ·
Last launch I watched was from the East Coast of Florida - maybe near Cocoa Beach. The Sky was complete darkness, just a few stars and the moon. We were listening to the launch radio station from about T minus 15 minutes - as NASA described the last minute checks. A few seconds before launch time you could see the ground at Cape Canaveral illuminated like a bright white flare. The steam from the launch pad turned into a white cloud and on "Zero" the rocket was moving slowly into the air. For...

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo? 21.0

Former Member ·
It is an art deco nautical building?? It's possible to be in America... i think

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo? 21.0

DrFumblefinger ·
So far we've only had one stab at the solution, by member Andredeya ( Florida- Miami Design Preservation League- Beach Patrol Headquarters Building). Appreciate the effort, Andredeya, but that is not the correct solution. So I'm offering up two additional clues today: This is a view of the interior of the hotel, again with strong nautical influence And this is the view south from the hotel's pool. The next piece of real estate to the south is Antarctica. So, where in the world is Gumbo?

Re: Tampa Bay Automobile Museum: 1) Museum Overview and its Czech collection

Travel Rob ·
Thank you Drfumblefinger! I had no clue about this museum and his unique collection. I am especially fond of cars I don't see everywhere, and some of those Czech models, I didn't even existed I've been to car museums in Sarasota and the Tallahassee area, so Florida does have its share of good car museums

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Jan. 2, 2014

DrFumblefinger ·
Those are the words of a wise man, GarryRF!! However, you need to learn how to use the zoom function of your camera when the scenery dictates it, as was obviously the case in some of your beach photos.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Oct. 30: Monet's Gardens at Giverny

DrFumblefinger ·
You wonder how many times Monet actually used these gardens as inspiration for his art -- likely hundreds. Perhaps his most spectacular pieces are the huge canvases he painted on display in Paris' Orangeria museum. These were the works of an old man loosing his eyesight to cataracts, but are truly spectacular!

Re: Finishing college. Need help planning trip to U.K,

GarryRF ·
Starting to get things planned now Hank ! You have the choice of flying into Edinburgh in Scotland. Manchester in the North of England. Or Gatwick / Heathrow which both serve the London area in the South of England. You can get a Train to Paris to end your tour with a few days of Culture in a foreign language ! Fly back to the US from Paris will save you hundreds of Dollars because you wont pay the UK "Departure Tax" but not vital ! Liverpool is less than an hour on the Train from...

Re: Spring Honeymoon Help

DrFumblefinger ·
Congratulations SueZee! We're delighted in your marriage, and you've picked a great country in which to honeymoon. May is not too early to go to Italy, although pack a light jacket just in case. The crowds won't be there yet and you'll save some money when compared to the peak summer season. Where to go is very much a matter of taste. Most definitely you need to go to Venice and I'd say spend at least 5 days here, maybe with a day trip or two (such as to the glass making island of Murano or...

Re: Finishing college. Need help planning trip to U.K,

Travel Rob ·
Hi Hank, In my opinion Manchester is really worthwhile to see and I loved it.Two libraries are really cool there,John Rylands and Chetham Library, in the School of Music.Also the Manchester Art Gallery and the Museum of Science and Industry are well done and free. Manchester has an area of town,the Northern Quarter,that has independant stores and cafes with no chains allowed that's also worth a walk around Liverpool has some excellent sights as well ,but I'll let the expert GarryRF tell you...

Re: Finishing college. Need help planning trip to U.K,

GarryRF ·
Hank, While you're in London you can get a Coach (Bus) Tour that will show you Stonehenge and Bath and The Cotswold Villages - very pretty and very old. Leeds Castle (not in Leeds, close to London). Stonehenge is not an overnight stop - remember what I said about distances in the UK being smaller? If you need to fill a gap take the Train (or Bus) to York. Very old - lots of History and a Museum that will take you back 150 years walking the streets of Victorian England. Go into Old Shops and...

Re: Finishing college. Need help planning trip to U.K,

GarryRF ·
England is only as big as Florida ! I haven't seen a Guide book that sub-divides us! Wales is full of Castles, Mountains and Lakes. Tourists often divide England between the North and South. The North is often cooler and wetter than further South. But your Dollar will go twice as far up here in the North! And we're much friendlier. Have a look at places you'd like to visit. York (the old one) will keep you busy for 2 days. Train or Bus from Liverpool. Or a day or two in Europe from Liverpool...

Re: Happy Thanksgiving, from all of us at TravelGumbo!

GarryRF ·
Yes DrF.... Those Ozzies have some strange habits ! First time in Coogee Bay Hotel Sydney I ordered Steak and Chips (Fries) Guy showed me a Tupperware Picnic Box full of raw steak. You choose, then he puts it on a plate for you. You take it outside to the "Barbee" (BBQ). You cook it how you like it. Then come back in for your Chips and salad ! I stopped at a Restaurant in Bondi Beach and the waiter asked me if I would like a bottle of wine with the meal. "Yes please" I said. "Well git ya...