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Tagged With "outdoor activities"


Re: Ultimate outdoor vacation: a year without walls

DrFumblefinger ·
I love being out of doors, including some time roughing it. But I also love showers, a nice meal and a comfortable bed. Glad to know there's adventuresome folks out there!

Re: JetBlue at JFK: A most unusual rooftop lounge

DrFumblefinger ·
Is it a "frequent flyer" only lounge, or open to all JetBlue passengers?
Blog Post

JetBlue at JFK: A most unusual rooftop lounge

Paul Heymont ·
JetBlue likes to keep up its passenger-friendly image (despite imposing baggage fees this week) so it's not a big surprise that they've blazed a new path in airport amenities: a rooftop lounge on top of their Terminal 5 at JFK.   The space is...
Blog Post

Ultimate outdoor vacation: a year without walls

Paul Heymont ·
Photo: Instagram   A Norwegian couple has just finished the real outdoorfolks' dream: they've spent the last year in Norway's Arctic regions, sleeping in tents and improvised shelters, and living off the land.   The couple, Elise Theoline...
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McNutt Sculpture Garden and Outdoor Sculptures - San Antonio, Texas

Samantha ·
In San Antonio, Samantha and her husband decided to check out the McNutt Sculpture Garden and Outdoor Sculptures at the Briscoe Western Art Museum.
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Mark 2017 calendar: 1st October Saturday events

Paul Heymont ·
Paris and Austria have big late-night events going on today...add them to your trip planning calendar for next year!
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Norway's mountains more popular—but for how long?

Paul Heymont ·
Conflicting trends face Norway: its mountain areas have grown in popularity, but climate change is challenging its future as a winter destination.

Re: McNutt Sculpture Garden and Outdoor Sculptures - San Antonio, Texas

George G. ·
My daughter and her family enjoy sculpture gardens. She lives in Texas so I will recommend McNutt to her.

Re: Norway's mountains more popular—but for how long?

GarryRF ·
Since the Jet Stream altered its course in 2010 all of northern Europe has been enjoying warmer winters. We're using less fossil fuel to heat our homes and farmers are enjoying a longer growing season. Fewer people are dying from winter related problems. 6,000 a year lives saved in the UK alone. That's 36,000 since 2010. The prevailing wind in winter now comes up from the Caribbean - instead of down from the Arctic Circle. My heart goes out to the Norwegian Trekkers and their search for snow.
Blog Post

Donauinselfest tonight! Europe's biggest

Paul Heymont ·
Vienna's Donauinselfest is Europe's biggest free outdoor music festival, kicking off tonight for a weekend of music that is expected to attract over 3 million guests.