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Tagged With "mbbs in china for indian students"


Re: Motel 6 freshens its rooms...and its image

DrFumblefinger ·
I used to stay at Motel 6 when I was a poor starving medical student. But I abandoned the chain because of how inconsistent the different sites were. Some a offered a decent room. Others were dives. Hopefully along with the face lift there will be an greater effort to standardize their properties. For example, when I'm I stay at a Courtyard, I know exactly what to expect and am never disappointed.

Re: Limone, Lake Garda, Italy

PortMoresby ·
"Only to be found in the Mediterranean..." Not really. Meyer lemons are native to China and have been grown in the US since 1908. I can find them just about anytime in my ordinary local supermarket in California.

Re: August 5, 2017: The Potter and his Wife

Amateuremigrant ·
An interesting insight garage med by poking around in unexpected places. The caste system is still a blight on Indian society, though breaking down in towns and cities due to the pressures of modern life (sharing transport for example), in rural areas it can be deadly serious when low caste people try to assert democratic rights

Re: Nothing sacred: Swiss chalets aren't Swiss!

GarryRF ·
It's like finding your Jeep Renegade was constructed in Italy at the Fiat factory. Or worse still in Guangzhou, China.

Re: India Easing Visa Requirements

PortMoresby ·
Advance visas have always been something of a bother for potential visitors to any country but the last year or so residents of the US have been plagued by difficulties trying to obtain visas to visit India. Originally processed by the consulates, of late the process has been subcontracted to a private operator, BLS, and it's been a nightmare for many. Visas have been delayed beyond the proposed departure dates and numbers of passports have even been lost entirely. Forums are rife with...

Re: India Easing Visa Requirements

PortMoresby ·
Update: BLS is out, Indian Embassy is taking bids for a new visa facilitator for US travelers. Mention is also made at the bottom of the article about visas on arrival being available now.

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo #6

Travel Luver ·
This is pretty tough. Looks like an old bridge with strong Chinese influence. I've never been there but would favor something in Southern China or maybe Southeast Asia. Anyone besides PortMoresby ever seen this before?

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo #6

WorkerBee ·
Originally Posted by Travel Luver: This is pretty tough. Looks like an old bridge with strong Chinese influence. I've never been there but would favor something in Southern China or maybe Southeast Asia. I agree with Travel Luver. It reminds me of traditional architecture in Thailand. I wonder whether the wooden structure is the same age as the stone supports or a replacement.

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo #6

JohnT ·
"A settlement of people" is interesting. How about trading settlements? There were many European closed settlements. The Dutch in Japan, the British in China (Hong Kong, Shanghai), the Portuguese in Malacca and Macau...there were probably (in fact I'm pretty sure) Arab trading colonies as well... I think we're talking about a bridge into one of these trading settlements.

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo #6

JohnT ·
O.K. So it's not in Japan or probably Malaysia or Indonesia. I think it unlikely that Port Moresby has been to Myanmar (though he certainly appears to be a very intrepid traveller). The more reading I do leads me to believe that it's most likely Port Moresby is referring to European trading within Macau, Canton, Hong Kong or perhaps given that we think the bridge is...well, very old I would be leaning toward the Portuguese or the Dutch as one of the nations involved and China...

Re: The Tulou of Fujian Province

Former Member ·
I'm amazed at seeing this. At first I was thinking, well, communal dwelling, sort of like pueblos, and then I realized that this is much bigger, since you said there are hundreds of these. Do you know if they are in other areas of China, too? Are people still building like that now?

Re: Shipping Container as Your Next Hotel Room or Apartment ?!

Travel Rob ·
I loved the design of the South African Student Housing.It was pretty cool. I hope someone can post their own photos of them on TG. As for the hotel, I'm guessing that would go good in places were there is only a seasonal demand . I imagine local laws might get in the way. I'd try it though if the price is right

Re: June 20, 2018: Beer in a Carton

Amateuremigrant ·
What an odd origin ! Things once embedded seem to take a long time to change, even when it's obvious ! I've always hated drinking straight from a carton anyway. In south India I had a surprise when I heard there was some Indian 'Port' at the store and got a small plastic pouch full of something that bore more resemblance to red wine vinegar.

Re: Uber To Earmark 1 Billion Dollars for India Over Next 9 Months

Paul Heymont ·
I find myself a bit uncomfortable around Uber and its well-oiled connections in the press, which often seems to regard it as the best thing since sliced bread (and what's so good about that, by the way?). All over Europe, Uber has been in trouble for evading rules, taxes and court rulings; in New York, it operates without paying the taxes other operators must, and with insufficient insurance in some cases—and they have a nasty habit of raising its rates whenever demand is high (double or...

Re: How to not miss a connecting flight

Travel Rob ·
Another thing I've noticed is I'm sometimes forced to go through Customs while transiting, even when the airlines tell me that won't be the case. On my last trip, I transited China twice and both times had to go through customs. I almost missed a connection because of that.

Re: Air Miles vs Low Fare Airline

Travel Rob ·
The carry-on limits are posted on the site. Still we were a little worried but there were no problems. We each took a carry-on and a personal bag on for free. A note that my same carry-on was too big for Air China so Norwegian had decent limits.

Re: Signs of Delhi

Amateuremigrant ·
The signage all over India presents marvels of interpretation for visitors and locals alike. Somewhere I have a pic of a sign down an alleyway in Tamil and English "URIN STRICKTLY PROHIBITED" �� - to no apparent effect ! Signage in English is largely because it is the only language understood throughout the country ! When the first Congress convened in 1947, speakers of Hindi, Bengali and Tamil etc eventually agreed proceedings to be held in English - the only common language ! Check out any...

Re: Mall of the Emirates

George G. ·
Unbelievable technology to maintain a ski resort in the desert. I believe the world's largest indoor ski resort just opened last summer which is the Wanda Indoor Ski and Winter Sports Resort in Harbin China.

Re: China now #1 in outbound tourists

Professorabe ·
I presume when they say "while on the road", they refer to the expenditure during travel. Accommodation, food, etc. might be included in the package - booked and pre-paid in China.

Re: Udawalawe National Park, Sri Lanka

Professorabe ·
Sorry about the delay in responding - I have been on an Indian train for what seems like eternity! Yes, George, Sri Lanka is a good-value destination and it is changing fast. So now is a good time to go. As to Udawalawe vs. Yala, we prefer the former. Yala seems to be the one which everyone knows about, but we were a bit disappointed when we went (admittedly a long time ago).

Re: Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar

GarryRF ·
On the 2 nights prior to the massacre, Indian Government buildings had been set on fire. Telegraph poles destroyed and railways attacked. Europeans - including a female English school teacher - had been attacked by mobs on the streets. Stripped naked, beaten and left for dead at the roadside. There were no British soldiers in the town. They were all in the mountains to escape the heat. The Ghurkhas' - Nepalese Soldiers - were trying to enforce the curfew that had been imposed following the...

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo? (#71)

Lynn Millar ·
When I first saw this I thought China or SE Asia. But the kegs are a good spot. There's grafitti too. Eastern Europe?

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#67)

Lynn Millar ·
First thought - China or SE Asia. Not sure about the vegetation though. Doesn't seem it can be too rustic - as the railing on the bridge has some repetitive shapes. Most intriguing.

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#67)

Travel Luver ·
I'm with Lynn. My first thoughts were of China, too.

Re: Travel Bucket List Goals Biggest Motivator for Baby Boomer Travel

GarryRF ·
Never had a "Bucket List" I'm always intrigued when some one makes a find - that's not on everyone's list. I've recently heard that cruising the Baltic Sea is amazing. There's places to avoid and then there's "Must see's" in China. My travel list is constantly changing.

Re: Serra's Church, Mission San Juan Capistrano, California. Where Gumbo Was #46

PortMoresby ·
Somewhere I've got a snapshot of a very young me with a tiny lady holding an object who had insisted my friend take our picture in the garden together. It was in the village of Petra, Majorca and she officiated at the small museum commemorating Junipero Serra's birthplace. I was spending the summer on the island and every student educated in California knows his name almost as well as their own. The address of my high school was El Camino Real, Father Serra's road from mission to mission and...

Re: Has Anyone Traveled With a Folding Bicycle?

PortMoresby ·
I've never traveled with a bicycle myself, but on my last trip to Asia I met an Englishman who travels often on business to China. We met in Yangshuo, in Guangxi, and he was traveling with a folding bicycle. He seemed a very practical sort, a designer of medical instruments and when I saw him off as he left to go to the airport, he seemed quite comfortable with his bag and another with the bicycle, going into the back of the taxi. I know nothing about it except what I observed, a happy...

Re: U.S. on track to record for overseas visitors

Travel Rob ·
It's really amazing because the US dollar has done so well in 2014 compared to most currencies . I'm not surprised at all that Japanese tourists to the US decreased after the hit the Yen been taking, but i guess thats been more than made up in increased travel from travelers from Brazil,Mexico and China

Re: U.S. on track to record for overseas visitors

DrFumblefinger ·
The post indicates the biggest growth comes from China and Brazil. Folks in those countries are used to their governments treating them poorly. The TSA/Immigration probably seems like business as usual to them. Just my humble opinion.

Re: Dublin, Ireland's Trinity College: Where Gumbo Was #29

DrFumblefinger ·
Thanks for the note, Andre. It is a great library, but like many college students those at Trinity College like to party as much as study, so you'll likely not see them there much before the end of the semester either. What you might find even more amazing is that every student has the right to sign out any of those books (with the exception of the ancient ones like the Book of Kells). Despite how historic it looks, it is still a university library for students.

Re: Impression about Perth, Australia

GarryRF ·
" considering they're all descended from convicts " Very cruel DrF ! With the discovery of gold just outside Bathurst in 1851, the nature of Australian migration changed completely. People arrived in far greater numbers and from more varied backgrounds than ever before. Between 1851 and 1861 over 600,000 came and while the majority were from Britain and Ireland, 60,000 came from Continental Europe, 42,000 from China, 10,000 from the United States and just over 5,000 from New Zealand and the...

Re: Road Trip, Day 5: My Birthday in Chinatown

DrFumblefinger ·
What a great way to end a roadtrip. I've visited Chinatown many times in the 20+ years I lived in California, always on the agenda when going to the Bay area. But you saw things in it that I just didn't appreciate. I mostly went for a great meal. You seem to have experienced a genuine slice of China in America. A belated Happy Birthday, PM! Wishing you many more.

Re: United, Air China sign up new codeshares

Travel Rob ·
Good to hear. I just took an Air China flight and the airline has some good points for the longf distance budget traveler, like free meals and free video options.

Re: China amusement park gets full-size Titanic

DrFumblefinger ·
I wonder if there's a "made in China" label on this boat?

Re: Ethiopia Musings: 2) Languages and People

DrFumblefinger ·
Another fascinating look at a rarely visited place, Lester, thanks! I've heard that the Ethiopians send their bureaucrats to China for training. Any evidence of that in your visit?

Re: Visiting Cuba.

HistoryDigger ·
Very helpful. Looking forward to part II. Sounds a bit like traveling to China before the 1990s. I'd like to know the best way to organize an independent trip and what to see and how to get around on your own.

Re: Visiting Cuba.

GarryRF ·
The enthusiasts I've met in the US are looking for genuine cars ! The Cuban guys call these blasts from the past " Frankencars " Like the original Frankenstein's monster these beauties are made of parts from maybe a dozen other cars. Moskvich and Lada engines from Russia. Brakes from China and everything else off the scrap heap! Panel beaters ( now there's a dying trade ) will beat a new wing from the hood of a dead Russian truck in a few hours. You'd be surprised how much these trade for in...

Re: World's most attractive libraries

DrFumblefinger ·
A followup to attractive libraries are great bookstores. Fodors just released 16 of their favorites in the USA, which you can find here . I've visited a number of these and enjoyed them. I would like to add two other stores that I know of. 1) Univ. of Washington bookstore. While mostly a student store aimed at textbooks and supplies and such, it has an excellent collection of fiction and non-fiction as well as frequent author readings and book signings. 2) Auntie's books in Spokane,...

Re: Wadsworth Atheneum - Hartford CT

HistoryDigger ·
I loved going when I was a college student. Recently I discovered that these Wadsworths are in my family tree. So glad my ancestors appreciated beautiful art.

Re: Getting to know Canada's hidden gems

GarryRF ·
I knew the Vikings travelled a thousand years ago. They settled in Greenland too. They wrote that Greenland was a land of cows and meadows and obviously green too. I just wondered if history had further proof of a time when Global Warming was just a natural cycle. The Indian tribes have been nomadic for centuries and I wondered if they could survive a long winter without retreating to a warmer south.

Re: Getting to know Canada's hidden gems

DrFumblefinger ·
There are ruins of a Viking settlement in the northwest corner of Newfoundland. Admittedly a remote hard to get to place, but I'd like to see them someday. Indian tribes tended just to bunker down in the winter in a place they knew would be safe for them. Sheltered somewhat from the wind, wood and fresh water supply nearby, etc. Food was generally harvested in the summer and consumed during the cold winter months. Their tents were constructed of hides (as were their clothes) and are...

Re: Why your airline chose your plane

Jonathan L ·
I rode a 747 to and from China a few months ago. It was the first time in years that I had been on one, and it reminded me that not all coach flights have to be like a sardine can. The wide body had room to walk and stretch on the 13 hour flight, and toilets were actually comfortable. I wish they were still using them on cross country flights.

Re: Most of China's Wall in danger: Can it be saved?

PortMoresby ·
This is old news. Very old. Villages in proximity to the wall have been built from it's bricks for eons and the parts that people love to visit and pretend are historical are nothing of the kind, but completely newly built and Disney-fied versions for the tourists, foreign & domestic. The Chinese government, in its (lack of) wisdom has no more interest in cultural preservation than it does in playing fair in any area of endeavor. History and its artifacts are tools having no value beyond...

Re: How do you buy your travel?

PortMoresby ·
There's been no mention, that I noticed, of consolidators for multi-segment air travel. I've had great success over the years using Airtreks and now, after a number of bookings, have a "relationship" with an agent there. The only job of a consolidator is to find their clients the cheapest fares point to point and string them together to make a unique personalized trip. They use airlines with which they have contracts for the lowest fares so, short of a spectacular sale, will, as far as I can...







Rajiv Varma

Rajiv Varma