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I've recently seen quite a few people traveling with folding bicycles. I've always been scared away from taking a bike on a trip because of baggage fees and theft, but it seems  like a folding bike would really solve both of those issues.


Are there some cheaper options (under $250 )that meet the airlines luggage requirements? Any tips you have for the TG community would be appreciated  such as safety  tips and how to carry or tow  luggage while riding.



If you want a thing done, ask a busy man.

Last edited by Travel Rob
Original Post

I've never traveled with a bicycle myself, but on my last trip to Asia I met an Englishman who travels often on business to China.  We met in Yangshuo, in Guangxi, and he was traveling with a folding bicycle.  He seemed a very practical sort, a designer of medical instruments and when I saw him off as he left to go to the airport, he seemed quite comfortable with his bag and another with the bicycle, going into the back of the taxi.  


I know nothing about it except what I observed, a happy traveler and his bicycle folded into a bag and on his way.  Assuming one wouldn't want to necessarily need taxis for shorter trips, then I imagine the best plan would be to have what you need pared down to a not-too-large backpack that could be worn while riding.

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