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Tagged With "Honey Island Swamp Tour"


Re: Iceland: 'No we're not Disneyland'

DrFumblefinger ·
Iceland is a great destination, but it has limited tourist facilities. The population of the entire island is about 300,000 and there aren't all that many hotel or B&B choices in smaller places. I think the lack of infrastructure is the main problem. They certainly have the space and ability to handle more tourists, but need to develop services for them outside Reykjavik.

Re: Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument

Jonathan L ·
Thanks. this article brings back memories of my visit in 2005. The tour led by the Park Ranger was fascinating and very even handed. I had a great time.

Re: March 3, 2020: St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands

George G. ·
Booked a wedding anniversary trip to St. Thomas and we had a fabulous romantic time. If you get the chance, take the Red Hook ferry to Cruz Bay at St. John's and explore the Virgin Island National Park. Lots of plantation ruins from back in the day when Denmark ruled the Virgin Islands. We had a wonderful lunch and view from the Caneel Bay Resort, which I understand has not reopened after being pummeled by two hurricanes.

Re: Tips to help with packing no matter where you are going

Paul Heymont ·
Adding to Mac's point. A big turning point for us was when we started packing for 7 days, no matter how much longer the trip. Usually we have a washer in the apartments we rent, but when not, there's always a laundromat nearby, and usually one that will wash and fold while we tour. We don't often enough change locations to want to keep everything packed (and anyway, I'm a compulsive unpacker) so some of the tools are less useful to us...but I do remind everyone that shoes are actually...

Re: Boston in the fall - suggestions please!

Mac ·
Wow! HistoryDigger that is fantastic information, thank you, I will now 'dig' more (pardon the pun) on the web and put some plans into place around those excellent suggestions!! Please - a crucial question for us - would we be "safe" to just book hotels for the arrival and departure days of our tour and simply rely on finding local accommodation as we progress round - or is it really SO busy in this season that I must book every stop along the way? We prefer the 'flexible' approach as it can...

Re: Calabria to Sicily: A bridge too far?

DrFumblefinger ·
I like it when people take on huge tasks and succeed at them. The American Space Program was like that -- expensive, risky, exciting and one of man kind's greatest achievements. This bridge would be a great engineering triump. And I think it would be important to link Sicily more closely to Italy. It would make the island much more accessible and allow freer flow of people. 9 billion Euros is a lot of money, but is probably comparable to the debt the US government runs up in a few days, so...

Re: South America, part 3 - Nesting Leatherback Sea Turtles

DrFumblefinger ·
Fascinating! I was just visiting Cape Breton Island in Nova Scotia today and discovered that leatherbacks like to spend their summers off the coast feasting on jellyfish. Amazing what long journeys they make to lay their eggs.

Re: Experience Lalgarh Palace with Palace on Wheels Train

Professorabe ·
Without doubt this mode of travel appeals to some people. However, on our travels through Rajasthan we encountered tour groups from the Palace on Wheels on a couple of occasions and felt that going by road, with a car and driver, suited us much better. You simply saw a hell of a lot more, had much more contact with the local people, and were not tied to any schedule. We stayed at the Laxmi Niwas Palace, which is part of the Lalgarh site, and it was very pleasant indeed. (Whilst there are...

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo #14

DrFumblefinger ·
PortMoresby, I always knew you were just a romantic at heart. But I thought you more of a moon-lite stroll along the Seine than a sewer tour, but life is full of surprises!

Re: Where Gumbo Was #14: A Sewer Journey

TravelandNature ·
IslandMan - Good one ! Your island home of Malta is an interesting case in point of modern water and wastewater management. The limestone and clay geology there leads to rapid groundwater runoff during the winter rains. Because of this, precious water is reused after treatment in one of the two above ground sewer plants. Water has always been a very valuable resource on the island. Perhaps you might like to make a report sometime about the natural springs and history of the Maqluba doline in...

Re: Where Gumbo Was #14: A Sewer Journey

DrFumblefinger ·
And let's not forget the smell, Andredeya. That's what would keep me out of that tour!

Re: The Maltese Islands – Underrated gems or best kept secret ?

IslandMan ·
Thanks for your comments TatToo. Summer is the best time for water sports,from May to October. Most operators usually shut down over winter. There isn't much surf to speak of unless there is an exceptionally stormy day, but the northern parts of the island are more suited for windsurfing and paragliding as the winds from the northern Mediterranean tend to have more strength in them

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo? #11

Paul Heymont ·
Well, here it is Friday night, and I see everyone gathered around to see what's in the Gumbo (e)mailbag and here...because indeed, the mystery has again been solved. Gumbo was in the Roman Arena at Arles, deep in the heart of Roman France. First to point at the site (but not to actually claim it) was Port Moresby, who contributed a picture of it at 1 pm on Wednesday while others were pointing out other Roman arenas. PM was followed by TravelandNature at 11 pm that night—you'll have noted...

Re: Portland, Maine: The World's Longest Lobster Roll...and so much more!

Former Member ·
I can truly say that I will never think of lobster rolls in quite the same innocent way again. This was a fine tour of Portland, Maine. Thank you so much.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, April 5, 2014: Brocante

Paul Heymont ·
I, too, have a fondness for the 2CV, along with the MG T series. I used to hear the story that you could go into a hardware store in France, and come back with parts, a wrench to install them, and change from a 10-franc note... RBCiao, a Gumbo member, has even found a service in Paris that gives tours of the city in a Deux Cheveaux! He posted a picture of himself on the tour a few months ago.

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo? 21.0

Paul Heymont ·
Well, I didn't expect anyone to twig it quite that fast, and it's not just because of a polar route. Although we usually don't think of Hawaii extending north of Kauai, in fact the state includes the entire Hawaiian Ridge/Emperor Seamount chain, running up to the Aleutian trench, just off Alaska's Aleutian islands. Mostly underwater, mostly administered by Federal agencies as a preservation/conservation area. Kure Atoll and Green Island is the northernmost habitable place in Hawaii, and it's...

Re: Newgrange; Ireland’s ancient Passage Tomb

Paul Heymont ·
It's interesting how we perceive age. In the U.S., we have few buildings over 200 years old, while in other places buildings older than that are part of the housing stock. And here we have a building of intricate design and decoration old enough that we hardly know any of the history of its builders. A reminder to us how much there is to see and know that is beyond our daily lives. Thank you for the tour!

Re: Newgrange; Ireland’s ancient Passage Tomb

GarryRF ·
Walking the "Walls" that enclose the City - maybe 3 miles around - is a local ritual ! At frequent intervals there are Pubs to stop at. The idea being that you stop at each one , have a drink and proceed to the next. Its only the hardened drinkers who complete the circuit. A friend from Anna Maria Island, Florida sent his daughter to stay with us for a while. Same age as my daughter and they got along like a house on fire ! So when we arrived in Chester I told her our day was walking around...

Re: Ellis Island Finally Open a Year After Superstorm Sandy

Former Member ·
This is good news. Makes me want to go to NYC just to see Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty.

Re: Finishing college. Need help planning trip to U.K,

GarryRF ·
Starting to get things planned now Hank ! You have the choice of flying into Edinburgh in Scotland. Manchester in the North of England. Or Gatwick / Heathrow which both serve the London area in the South of England. You can get a Train to Paris to end your tour with a few days of Culture in a foreign language ! Fly back to the US from Paris will save you hundreds of Dollars because you wont pay the UK "Departure Tax" but not vital ! Liverpool is less than an hour on the Train from...

Re: Spring Honeymoon Help

DrFumblefinger ·
Congratulations SueZee! We're delighted in your marriage, and you've picked a great country in which to honeymoon. May is not too early to go to Italy, although pack a light jacket just in case. The crowds won't be there yet and you'll save some money when compared to the peak summer season. Where to go is very much a matter of taste. Most definitely you need to go to Venice and I'd say spend at least 5 days here, maybe with a day trip or two (such as to the glass making island of Murano or...

Re: Island Air: Even Billionaires Get Airline Blues

DrFumblefinger ·
Poor Larry Ellison. It's such a hardship owning your own Hawaiian Island.

Re: Island Air: Even Billionaires Get Airline Blues

Former Member ·
Billionaires are made, not born. Mr. Ellison seems to be making a business move - pressure the FAA to make things difficult for Hawaiian air, upgrade the Island Air service, achieve sole "Ohana" certification for Island Air. Ohana certification is keenly sought for this market. Here is a description.

Re: Island Air: Even Billionaires Get Airline Blues

Paul Heymont ·
Well, it's worth noting that Hawaiian has still not gotten Ohana off the ground, literally. They're citing FAA's cutbacks due to sequestration and then the shutdown as the reason. Island Air used to be a Hawaiian affiliate, flying Dash-8s and ATR-42s into small airports and feeding passengers into Hawaiian. Ohana was/is their plan to stay in that market with ATR42s. Island is unhappy with its ATRs (both the 42 and the larger 72), but doesn't seem to be able to solve any of its problems. I...

Re: Island Air: Even Billionaires Get Airline Blues

Former Member ·
Mr. Ellison plays hardball. He comes by his wealth through calculated strategy. It appears that the matter of securing better aircraft for his airline is part of a larger effort to corner the market for premium service to "his" island. Who knows, maybe the island is for sale ? Make him an offer. When you own the island, let me know; I will be glad to come to Lanai and run the canoe livery.

Re: Finishing college. Need help planning trip to U.K,

GarryRF ·
Hank, While you're in London you can get a Coach (Bus) Tour that will show you Stonehenge and Bath and The Cotswold Villages - very pretty and very old. Leeds Castle (not in Leeds, close to London). Stonehenge is not an overnight stop - remember what I said about distances in the UK being smaller? If you need to fill a gap take the Train (or Bus) to York. Very old - lots of History and a Museum that will take you back 150 years walking the streets of Victorian England. Go into Old Shops and...

Re: The Valley Island of Maui: 2) Haleakala National Park

DrFumblefinger ·
US Immigration is a bit of a hassle, although most Canadians receive about a smooth a ride as possible. In most Canadian airports, you can actually clear immigration within Canada, rather than the USA (infinitely preferable because the lines are so much shorter). Not sure if that's true of Montreal, though. Thank you for your kind words about the Hawaii blogs. Hawaii is a special place. I've always gone and explored it by myself, so in this setting I tend to drift to isolated places that are...

Re: A Visit to Ireland: Part 1) An overview of the Country and its People

DrFumblefinger ·
I didn't know that there were so many Irish in Liverpool. There are certainly many of them in Canada and the USA as well. One wonders how many more Irish live abroad than on their home island.

Re: The Tulou of Fujian Province

PortMoresby ·
HistoryDigger, I'll explain. At the end of the first day of tulou visits, the large tour bus rendezvoused with a small van and it was indicated that I should bring my things and come with a young man. Since no one could explain, I had to simply trust and go along, an interesting sensation. I later realized that I was the only one who had opted for the second day. The young man drove me to a very basic village of mostly new buildings built, I suspect but of course don't know, for...

Re: Doctor List for Traveling

Mac ·
SueZee, wherever you travel in the world your hotel will find you a suitable doctor who will speak enough English for your needs - just like Dr.F says - and Italy will have plenty. Don't bother with lists as they will always be out of date by the time you might want to use them, plus it will no doubt not list a great doc that the hotel knows is just around the corner! At the worst the hotel will have an English speaking staff member sit with you to help translate. Conversely, I do think that...

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, March 18th, 2014: Chihuahua Man of Marsaxlokk

PortMoresby ·
Island Man, just over a year ago I landed on Malta after my freighter trip from Singapore. I stayed first in Marsaxlokk for several days, at Duncan Accommodations, above the bar of the same name, which it appears Chihuahua Man is looking right at! I loved the town, especially fun on market day. Thanks for the memory.

Re: Family Friendly Attractions in Malta

GarryRF ·
On my first visit to Malta I was exploring the Megalithic Monuments when a group and their guide arrived. She was explaining to the folks the stones where blood sacrifices were made. So I stayed within earshot for a free tour - at a discreet distance. Then she turned and pointed at me ! " where that couple are standing is a Fertility Temple! " Whoooa !! We moved away quickly ! But too late - we had been chosen by the Goddess of Fertility ! That was on the 29 December - and on the 29...

Re: Family Friendly Attractions in Malta

IslandMan ·
Hello Jason and thanks for the interesting and informative post about family Malta. I am resident here myself and I agree with the family attraction side of the island. It's a fun place to visit and I do notice many families enjoying their time together.

Re: Legendary tours—–The Land of Dracula

Former Member ·
Oh i just saw i posted the pictures backwards D you can see them better here

Re: Google Relaunches Zagat, minus content and search

Paul Heymont ·
I know what I think: I think that the ads should be so distinct (and funny, or pithy, or whatever tone) that no one could ever mistake them for user content. I'd hate to have to explain over and over that no, Gumbo is NOT recommending luggage sellers or tour companies, or--for that matter--kitchen remodeling in Britain. The creep over the line is so evident in the newspaper sales pitches for "rare" coins and various remedies dolled up to look like news articles.

Re: London's Tower Bridge, inside and out

Marilyn Jones ·
It's been nearly 20 years since I took the wrote an excellent article and your photos -- especially the one of the entire bridge -- are wonderful!!!

Re: Walking through New Orleans...nibbling

Paul Heymont ·
Sorry...not on the tour (and frankly, not on my mind, either!)

Re: Foodie Fun on Arthur Avenue

DrFumblefinger ·
Now THIS is my idea of a great food tour! Wish I'd tagged along, and thanks for the advice on where to go for my favorite type of food.

Re: Scenes of Cesky Krumlov

GarryRF ·
Interesting tour and history lesson . Went down well with my first coffee of the day. Well presented Paul. Really enjoyed it !

Re: Back to Oaxaca: Hoofing It, El Picacho & Teotitlan

PortMoresby ·
Another interesting item from the OLL newsletter regarding the weaving village of Teotitlan: TOUR: ARCHEOLOGICAL RUINS in TEOTITLAN Presented by Dr. Robert Markens Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas—sede Oaxaca Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México THURSDAY, JANUARY 11 / 9 AM-4 PM MX$350 (M) MX$400 (NM) Local archeologist Dr. Robert Markens will lead a tour of the archeological ruins located in the ancient village of Teotitlan del Valle, world-famous for its woven textiles. This...

Re: Cables mapped: How you're connected to the world

PortMoresby ·
Very interesting. For those particularly interested in the history of the subject, there's a lovely little museum on Valentia Island in SW Ireland dedicated largely to commemorating the first successful transatlantic cable which I visited while staying with a friend there. Near the Skelligs if you need another reason to go.

Re: March 19, 2018: Winter at Caraquet Wharf, New Brunswick

Travel Rob ·
A lot of boats are dry-docked for the winter, but I did see others that were not. The Bay looks more like a field. That's an island out there!

Re: In Egypt: Up the Nile

Ron B. ·
Back in 1989, when TWA still existed, took their 14 day tour. I believe there were 35 of us. We started in Cairo - 4 days staying at Mena House opposite the pyramids A huge WOW! During our stay there we traveled to Sakkaha and Memphis. Boarded a bus that took us to Alexandria - 2 days staying at Montazah Sheraton. From there we took a train to Aswan (dirty dishes - everyone sick). In Aswan, we stayed on Elephantine Island's Loews Aswan Oberoi. Went to Temples of Philae and flew to Abu...

Re: A Culinary Adventure in Portugal

DrFumblefinger ·
Fantastic tour!

Re: Canada's 10 Best Kayaking Destinations

DrFumblefinger ·
Great suggestions! Another excellent place to Kayak is Johnston Strait, on the inside passage between Vancouver Island and the mainland. Several pods of Orcas live here so your chance of seeing them is excellent!

Re: Canada's 10 Best Kayaking Destinations

Floating Authority ·
Thank you for that Suggestion! I'll have to keep it in mind. Canada has so many amazing places to paddle there could be at least 50 that could feature on this list!

Re: Gallery: Jewel Cave National Monument, South Dakota

Travel Luver ·
Wow! Some amazing shapes and colors. How long was the tour? Was it cold down there?

Re: Gallery: Jewel Cave National Monument, South Dakota

Still Country Photo ·
If memory serves me correctly, the tour was about 90 minutes. Yes, it was quite cool down there but since I had made the trip in late August, it was quite refreshing to be there. At one point, the guide turned out the lights so the guests could see what true darkness really looks like. I have been in the dark before but not like this, it even seemed to mess with your equilibrium and I felt like I wasn't going to stay upright. Yes DrF, that is a "bacon strip" formation. Water running down a...

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day: May 6th, 2014. Cairo Roadside Cafe

Paul Heymont ·
I love these little slices of daily life, no matter what country, what city. Community rituals are so important to our being communities, not just populations! Thanks, Island Man!

Re: Wat Pho, Bangkok Thailand. Where Gumbo Was #40

Mac ·
Lovely photos and blog Karl. Refreshed my delightful memories of our visit there. One other word of advice for the end of your tour is to visit the Massage School which is in the temple complex and have a relaxing and rejuvenating massage - feet or more depending on time available.