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Tagged With "Tour Center"


Re: Casa Bacardi Rum Plant, San Juan, Puerto Rico

DrFumblefinger ·
I've visited the Bacardi plant too, and remember being quite impressed by it. As I recall, the original was in Cuba and the family moved to P.R. to escape Castro. And I'm proud to see you standing after those free samples! Thanks for the post.

Re: Wonders of the Modern World

Dan Carter ·
The London Crossrail picture looked amazing, but I wasn't sure just what the project is, so I looked it up on Wikipedia. It's really amazing, it's a railroad project that goes 89 miles from west of London through the city and out the other end to the south. In the center of London it's got 13 miles of the tunnel in the picture! You can see more in Wikipedia at

Re: Heidelberg Castle: Where Gumbo Was (#135)

PortMoresby ·
I'm interested in the darker stone or brick construction right in the center of the top photo. Did I miss a reference to it or is it an illusion?

Re: Heidelberg Castle: Where Gumbo Was (#135)

PortMoresby ·
No, in the lower left of that one, right below the individual tree on the left and below your circle. Put your finger dead center of the top photo and it's there, just above the 2 gothic windows, between the 2 halves of the castle. Looks like a modern construction and appears to be leaning left, 2 chimneys.

Re: London's Fabled Soho...with Food

GarryRF ·
Very interesting blog Paul. Well presented and colourful.

Re: Brooklyn Museum: Depth, Variety, Whimsy

Paul Heymont ·
One note to add: The 're-invention' of the Luce Center narrative also highlights how deep the museum's collections are. All of the many items reflecting Native American and Latin culture and history that were added were already in the museum's possession.

Re: Food walking tours: a great way to meet a city

Travel Rob ·
Great information ! You've convinced me to try one.

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo #6

JohnT ·
The tiles in the center of the bridge make wonder if a former Portuguese colony is involved. So i'm going out there and say this is a border crossing between Malaysia and Malacca built by the all works, you know...except for the architecture of the bridge itself....shrugs

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo? 21.0

PortMoresby ·
I suspected it might be a hotel, 2nd floor rooms, center left. And the crockery at the entrance. Now...where.

Re: The "Eiffel Tour" Only Starts with the Tour Eiffel

Travel Rob ·
Your piece will serve inspiration for many future trips,I'm sure of that.I had no clue as the extent of Eiffel's work but I now want to see several of them in person. This serves as an example of why TravelGumbo is so different and needed

Re: The "Eiffel Tour" Only Starts with the Tour Eiffel

WorkerBee ·
PHeymont, Your post reminded me that I had seen a pre-fabricated church designed by Eiffel in Baja, Mexico. It is in the small town of Santa Rosalia and still in use. There is more info here .

Re: The "Eiffel Tour" Only Starts with the Tour Eiffel

Mac ·
Absolutely fascinating, thank you. And I thought that UK's Isambard Kingdom Brunel was prolific!

Re: The "Eiffel Tour" Only Starts with the Tour Eiffel

Paul Heymont ·
Brunel has fascinated me since reading a book on the Great Eastern, an unlucky ship he designed. Perhaps someday I can find time to post about his work...unless I hear a volunteer? Thanks!

Re: The "Eiffel Tour" Only Starts with the Tour Eiffel

PortMoresby ·
I'm personally acquainted with one of Brunel's railway bridges, the Gatehampton Bridge over the Thames in Berkshire, England. I was advised by my Thames Path guidebook that I was approaching it. There was a strategically placed bench in a meadow where I sat, had a snack and looked at it from a distance for a bit before walking under it. Not at all knowledgeable, or even much interested, in bridges I tried to get at least a glimpse of what the guide meant when it said "one of Brunel's Great...

Re: The "Eiffel Tour" Only Starts with the Tour Eiffel

Paul Heymont ·
T&N, you make an interesting point about the air circulation and coolness of Eiffel's building. These days we are constantly reading about advances in "green design," intended to reduce excess energy use. Ironic how well some of those principles of making life bearable were known so long ago by those who didn't have the option of mechanical air-conditioning! Another example is in today's blog about Gaudi's Casa Battlo in Barcelona, which uses an open well through the center of the...

Re: Traveling for Local Food

Former Member ·
To be honest, Varsity ain't what it was when I was in college...there's better places around. Some good stuff on Marietta St. near the convention center, and lots of good places in Decatur area (we're near there). That's the kind of stuff I'm looking for to make up our road trip.

Re: And the tallest US building goes to?

Former Member ·
The judges have chosen the "fairest in the land". I would be happy to tour both buildings. The ingenuity of architects and engineers never ceases to impress me. Some buildings that I have particularly enjoyed touring - the World Trade Center and the Rockefeller Center in NY, the dome of St. Peter's in Rome, all of St. Paul's in London, the Reichstag in Berlin and all of the small historical buildings at Greenfield Village, Michigan.

Re: Capital of Culture Series: Liverpool

Paul Heymont ·
In a way, most of the places in the world worth visiting have some history of being "dirty, industrial" places--that's where people cluster and societies are forged. The ancient cities of the Middle East and Greece, and Rome itself were like that! We recently visited the excavated Roman city under central Barcelona, and were surprised to see how much of the area in the center of the ancient city was given over to commercial laundry, large-scale dye works and industrial-scale wine-making. The...

Re: Capital of Culture Series: Liverpool

PortMoresby ·
Originally Posted by PHeymont: According to JECH, there is an exhibit of reconstructed "back houses" at the Liverpool Museum of Liverpool Life. That must be a fascinating museum! And the author mentioned that while most of the back houses were town down in urban renewal, the few that remain have been turned into luxury housing! I visited a block of "back to backs" in Birmingham, the last left after thousands were demolished in the move to urban renewal in the city center. They've been...

Re: Foodie Fun on Arthur Avenue

DrFumblefinger ·
Now THIS is my idea of a great food tour! Wish I'd tagged along, and thanks for the advice on where to go for my favorite type of food.

Re: Foodie Fun on Arthur Avenue

George G. ·
Arthur Avenue is definitely a stop on my next NYC visit. Unfortunately my regional area has a dearth of generational family run restaurants and small butcher shops, bakeries and the like.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, July 20, 2015: Wise Owl

Jonathan L ·
So How many licks does it take to get to center of a Tootsie Roll pop?

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, July 20, 2015: Wise Owl

DrFumblefinger ·
Originally Posted by Jonathan L: So How many licks does it take to get to center of a Tootsie Roll pop? 973!

Re: California Gardens 2017: Gold Country, Part I

DrFumblefinger ·
Luv your garden posts! They've taught me to look at the micro of a garden, not just the overview. Thanks for this!

Re: California Gardens 2017: Gold Country, Part I

PortMoresby ·
A nice observation, DrF, both aspects of the "art" I speak of.

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo? #62

Lynn Millar ·
No conversation? Well, it looks limited in the yacht/marina element. Low industrial buildings or shopping center across the water? No signs of big shipping, though larger ships/ferries on other side. Fog bank in the distance. And a somewhat elaborate window from the observer's viewpoint.

Re: Memphis, Tennessee: 1) Graceland

GutterPup ·
What a wonderful write-up of one of my favorite performers ever! I grew up listening to Elvis and this article took me right back to those days! Fantastic photography too!

Re: Memphis, Tennessee: 1) Graceland

IslandMan ·
Thanks for the grand tour, Dr F. One place I remember very well. Must return one day...Graceland, Graceland, Memphis, Tennessee, I'm going to Graceland,.....

Re: Memphis, Tennessee: 1) Graceland

GarryRF ·
You've put together an interesting tour DrF. I never knew you got that up close and personal on a tour . You mentioned the 2nd floor. Do the family still live there ? I'm surprised to see there's no mention of his manager. 50% - wow - that's some fee. Heard stories but never knew that was the figure. There have been other cases of artists - of that time - being mis-used too.

Re: Memphis, Tennessee: 1) Graceland

DrFumblefinger ·
Originally Posted by DrFumblefinger: Hi Garry. Yes, the tour really gets you into the private corners of Elvis' life, with the exception of the second floor which has always been closed to the general public. In the early years that Graceland was open, Elvis' grandmother lived there but she's passed on some time ago. I believe that Priscilla (Elvis' ex) and Lisa Marie stay there from time to time - mostly because they have fond memories of life with Elvis here. The Colonel took 50% and Elvis...

Re: Memphis, Tennessee: 1) Graceland

Ottoman ·
Thank you DrFumblefinger for an excellent blog with photos to match. Reading this article and seeing these pictures makes me want to go back to Graceland for another visit. Again, thank you for such a wonderful job.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Feb 11, 2015: Fruit of the Vine

Paul Heymont ·
The Finger Lakes area in the center of the state has long been a big white-wine producer; Taylor is originally from there. There's been a growing industry on Long Island in recent years, where sandy soil in some areas has been good to the grapes. On the whole, NY wines range from extraordinary to oversweet. And, of course, it's home to one of my guilty favorites: Manishewitz Concord Grape wine, kosher for Passover!

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo? #56

DrFumblefinger ·
Yes, HistoryDigger, it is time to spill all because Lynn Miller figured it out (good for you, Lynn!) Please remember that these puzzles could be from anywhere in the world and rarely does one logically follow another in sequence. Gumbo is known to travel half way round the planet for the right puzzle questions These are closeups of a small portion of a large sports arena. The two statues do indeed represent "The Audience" -- cheering, booing, lifting kids to see better, eating hot dogs and...

Re: Catching the Tour de France 2014

DrFumblefinger ·
What fun! Glad your iPhone was working (hanging on to you was the least your hubbie could do) and am actually surprised at how fast its shutter speed is. These guys are really moving and most cameras would have caught them with a blur except in the sports setting (very fast shutter speeds). I think all big events like this are best enjoyed with new friends over a glass of one's favorite beverage! Thanks for sharing this moment. Most of us will never see the tour first hand, but now we know...

Re: Catching the Tour de France 2014

Travel Rob ·
I've missed it by days a few years ,but it sure looks like fun! Hopefully one day I'll catch it. Thanks for letting us enjoy the Tour from a distance!

Re: Catching the Tour de France 2014

Carlin Scherer ·
Love the pics, but we need one of "Hansie" holding you up. Such fun for you both!!!!!! xxxmoi

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#72)

Paul Heymont ·
Have the guessers given up? Perish forbid. Here's a hint to get the juices going... This station, in a city that has two rail mass transit systems, is near a well-known center of design and crafts.

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#72)

Paul Heymont ·
CALLING ALL GUESSERS! Tomorrow is Day 7 for this puzzle, and if no one has the answer by midnight, the Puzzler gets to gloat (just a little) and the answer will be revealed Sunday morning...but wouldn't it look good with your name as the solver? Let's see if you can get 'er done! Last hints/notes: 1. Two more cities with dual heavy-rail transit systems: Philadelphia and San Francisco. Not that that's relevant to the puzzle, because Gumbo is, yes, definitely in Europe. 2. Where (see early...

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#72)

Lynn Millar ·
Sorry, I've been on pain meds this week. All I see are Xs and Os. Design and craft center?

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#72)

Paul Heymont ·
The station shares a name and some history with a nearby center that houses numbers of design and craft spots, and whose design exemplifies some. But the station is not the center!

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#43)

PortMoresby ·
I see luggage, I see what looks like a big trash can, center through the trees. First thought is it's an airport atrium. Maybe a hotel but it seems to me a passage on the way out as the left end appears to be open. And if it is open that would imply an airport in a warm place. There's also an interesting buff colored wall with moorish-looking details on the very far side. Hmm. Andalucia? All shots in the dark, I really have no idea.

Re: Graffitimundo: Art from the streets of Buenos Aires

Paul Heymont ·
Graffiti is always a good way to start a hot conversation, because the line between art and vandalism is so hotly contested, as is some people's comfort level with work that is clearly art, but which confronts their vision both of art and society. That confrontation can be sharp, because street art often comes from people who don't have the resources to take part in the "conventional, comfortable" art world. Ironically, people are now paying huge sums for work by the late Keith Haring, who...

Re: Graffitimundo: Art from the streets of Buenos Aires

DrFumblefinger ·
Those are all interesting comments, PHeymont. And I do love the attached photo! I am not a fan of graffiti, although I love great street art of the type shown in this blog. But I do recognize the importance of the former as a type of political speech. For example, in Prague the "John Lennon" wall (see photos below) was an important symbol of the resistance to Soviet Communism. After the great singer/songwriter was assassinated, graffiti sprang up on one wall in the city mentioning him and...

Re: London- multiple questions

Paul Heymont ·
I can only help with one of the questions...but GarryRF, one of the TG Gurus, lives in Liverpool and can certainly help with that part. For Stonehenge without a car, there are really two main options. There are a number of tour operators who run coach tours from London to the site; or you can take a train from London to Salisbury and take a bus from the station to the Stonehenge visitor center. The visitor center is new since I was there; it's about 10 minutes by shuttle from the stones...

Re: Graffitimundo: Art from the streets of Buenos Aires

Andre Pur ·
Amazing graffiti, i like the ones with the children in it Buenos Aires is an interesting destination which reminds me of the loved "tellenovelas" i once watched

Re: How loooong does it take to get to your airport?

TravelGirlJenn ·
Originally Posted by PHeymont You just have to conclude that all this planning is done by people who have chauffeurs or helicopters to get them to the plane on time... Or progress is blocked by some politician or lobbyist... ;-) I did just get a chance to read the blog you linked. While I agree that public transportation is much more available in Europe, and perhaps Asia, however with the few examples he sites, there really are few cities that have that 15-20 minute from "airport to...

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#85)

Jonathan L ·
Today's hint - This complex is often compared to another cultural center built at the same time and in a similar style, but at the opposite end of their country.

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#85)

HistoryDigger ·
Palm trees and evergreens. Could this cultural center be in Florida and not in Australia or Spain. I have never seen it.

Re: Too real? Sicily Mafia boss son takes heat for tours

DrFumblefinger ·
I'm a little surprised he's "talking", which likely means very few details are forthcoming from the young Angelo. Seems someone is always offended by something, but if Angelo wasn't involved in the crimes I think he has the right to speak. The killing of these judges was a huge game changer in Sicily. Before this act the Mafia was not liked much, but tolerated. With the murders, the public turned against them and helped police finger the mob. Many arrests occurred and the mob has faded into...

Re: Observatory of New York's One World Trade Center to Open May 29th

Paul Heymont ·
At those prices, they can certainly claim to be "sky-high!" That's $116 for a family of four for an elevator ride. And even at that, it's only a couple of dollars more than the Top of the Rock at Rockefeller Center, and the same as the Empire State Building charges for its 86th floor deck, with an additional charge for the top deck. It seems a shame that families on a budget have no access to the iconic "NY from the air" view that their children may be clamoring for.