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Tagged With "Long Wharf"


Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Jan. 20, 2014: The Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco, California

GarryRF ·
I would recommend renting a bicycle at Fishermans Wharf. Take your time crossing the Bridge Stop at Sausalito - Starbucks - Take in the beautiful surrounds. Watch the Fishing Boats. Take the Cycle track and head for the Ferry at Tiburon. Come back to SF on the Ferry and watch as the City rises from the fog. Great day !

Re: Grand Central Terminal, New York (Where Gumbo Was #164)

GarryRF ·
Looks like you have a great liking for the good old days of the railroad. Loved the reference to the new complex - It was picking up steam in the 80s and 90s. Fascinating slice of architecture hidden away. But better a market hall than a memory.

Re: Grand Central Terminal, New York (Where Gumbo Was #164)

DrFumblefinger ·
Love the history and old photos! Nice post!

Re: Grand Central Terminal, New York (Where Gumbo Was #164)

Paul Heymont ·
And thanks to you, DrF, for suggesting it to me as a topic!

Re: Is there Danger in frequent, long-distance travel?

Travel Rob ·
I read about this in the Daily Mail and while I believe there are some medical reasons frequent flying can be dangerous, it failed to show the positives about travel. I too was not convinced about their emotional claims . I found the opposite in my life. "The researchers discovered that new friendships and romantic relationships forged through mobility have a tendency to be situational, expendable and short-lived" "The study found that loneliness and isolation are common among frequent...

Re: Is there Danger in frequent, long-distance travel?

Travel Rob ·
And I knew I remembered the health positives of travel being posted on TG !

Re: Is there Danger in frequent, long-distance travel?

DrFumblefinger ·
I think this study focused on the frequent long distant travelers -- say those who travel to and from Europe and North America every week. That intensity of traveling and disruption of biorhythm can definitely take its toll. The vacation traveler, who goes on a few trips a year, is not the focus of this study.

Re: Arctic Terns at Long Nanny

Marilyn Jones ·
Fantastic photos!!

Re: February 17, 2020: San Francisco Views

GarryRF ·
Go to Fishermans Wharf. Rent a Bicycle. Ride across the Golden Gate Bridge. Stop at all viewing spots. On to Sausalito. Stop for Coffee and a cake. Sit on the sea wall and watch the Fishing Boats cleaning their nets. The Seagulls will steal your piece of cake when you're not looking . Back on the Bicycles and on to Tiburon using the Cycle Tracks. Find the Ferry Terminal then back home to base. Wonderful days excersise !

Re: Touch a Shark at Aquarium of the Pacific, Long Beach

DrFumblefinger ·
I love visiting this aquarium, too, Samantha! The shark tank is extremely cool and there are lots of interesting exhibits to explore -- especially fun with kids. Still, my personal favorite is the Monterey Bay Aquarium.

Re: Where Gumbo Was #4.0: Queen Mary in Long Beach Harbor, California

Paul Heymont ·
Hey, everybody: Check in tomorrow for a new Where in the World! It will be on display at 5 am EST. Hope that doesn't put the West Coast at a disadvantage...but I don't think anyone is going to get it right away!

Re: Washington State’s Long Beach Peninsula

DrFumblefinger ·
I found the dinosaurs in Alberta, and the Wooly Mammoths in the Yukon, but more on that sometime in the future....

Re: Where Gumbo Was #4.0: Queen Mary in Long Beach Harbor, California

Theodore Behr ·
Wish I hadn't been away last week. I actually knew this one!

Re: Where Gumbo Was #4.0: Queen Mary in Long Beach Harbor, California

Paul Heymont ·
Don't get left out again! You can follow Gumbo on your mobile comes up formatted for tiny-screen use, but if you have enough screen (most smartphones do) click on settings and choose "standard view," or use the menu to select "Desktop view."

Re: Where Gumbo Was #4.0: Queen Mary in Long Beach Harbor, California

DrFumblefinger ·
I didn't even know that, PHeymont! About the cell phone view, I mean.

Re: Gallarus Oratory, Dingle Peninsula, Ireland

rbciao ·
Three more comments concerning Dingle: 1. Leaving the wharf/tourist area in Dingle and walking uphill into the central part of the town was very interesting in that we could interact with the locals and leave the hustle & bustle of the lower part of town. We stopped at a neat cafe for coffee called the Frog St. Cafe and we were the only non-locals in the place. 2. Between Dingle town and Slea Head is the Stone House Restaurant, which overlooks the bay and an ancient fort. The restaurant...

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo? (#74)

DrFumblefinger ·
Last clues of this puzzle. The discussion will go up on Friday morning. A slightly different view of the building shown above: And if you're in front of the building and look to the right, this is your view: So where in the world is Gumbo?

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo? (#74)

Roderick Simpson ·
The rocks and vegetation look more Californian than Gulf Coast. Now, what about Fisherman's Wharf, Monterey?

Re: Old Fisherman's Wharf, Monterey, California. Where Gumbo Was, #74

GarryRF ·
Looks a bit like the San Francisco Fisherman's Wharf. Lots of tourist attractions to help part you from your savings. But the Sea Lions waving their fins to catch some sunlight make it all worthwhile. Yes - I know - the kids love it - but watching who gets pushed off the floating boards to make room for the big fella is absolute poetry. Then he in turn pushes another Sea Lion off. Fine explanation of the "pecking order" Looks like a great location to spend the day - and pedestrian friendly...

Re: Old Fisherman's Wharf, Monterey, California. Where Gumbo Was, #74

DrFumblefinger ·
It's a much smaller Fisherman's Wharf than San Franciscos, and one I like a lot better. Also, crowds are much lighter and the atmosphere a little more relaxed.
Blog Post

Washington State’s Long Beach Peninsula

DrFumblefinger ·
 For most travelers, the southwestern corner of Washington state is easy to bypass.  It lies well over an hour’s drive from the busy I-5 Interstate Freeway.  The broad mouth of the Columbia River limits access from the Oregon...
Blog Post

A Road Trip Gallery: Fort Mason Community Garden & the Man in Pink

PortMoresby ·
  March 12, 2015   I discovered the community garden on this visit to Fort Mason, having missed it the first time I stayed at the hostel.  I walked in, looking around for possible subjects, and didn’t notice the thin man in a...
Blog Post

Road Trip, Day 4: Fort Mason, San Francisco

PortMoresby ·
    March 12, 2015   I drove south through Sonoma and Marin Counties, past the houseboats on the bay at Sausalito, across the Golden Gate Bridge into San Francisco, and arrived earlier than the hostel’s official 3:00 check-in...
Blog Post

Arctic Terns at Long Nanny

Ian Cook ·
A special bird preserve, Long Nanny is the breeding ground of several ground nesting species including the lovely arctic tern whose photos are highlighted in this post. Arctic terns have among the longest migratory route of any bird.

5 Top Destinations to Check Out When Visiting Sydney

Candice Larson ·
Sydney is the oldest and biggest city of Australia. It lies in between the intermingling of land and sea. In 1788, commander of the First Fleet Captain Arthur Phillip established the first British colony in Sydney Cove of Australia. Tourists can no visit Sydney's fabled history in the narrow cobbled laneways and historic buildings surrounding the area. After booking your flight and choosing the best hotel such as Four Seasons and Holiday Inn accommodation , it is time to explore the various...
Blog Post

October 11, 2017: Beautiful Boston Harbor and Long Wharf

Samantha ·
Boston's historic Long Wharf impresses Samantha for its views, and as a place to relax and watch the harbor and airplanes.
Blog Post

February 16, 2020: Sunrise at Long Branch, New Jersey

Jonathan L ·
Jonathan L got up before dawn one day to take some photos.
Blog Post

Is there Danger in frequent, long-distance travel?

DrFumblefinger ·
    We've all heard stories of people who develop deep vein thrombosis (DVTs) while flying.  The lack of leg mobility puts individuals prone to developing blood clots at risk because blood pools in the legs when sitting for hours on...
Blog Post

Gumbo's Pic of the Day, August 31, 2015: California Sea Lions, Fanny Bay

DrFumblefinger ·
  Fanny Bay  is a tiny oceanside town situated on pretty Baynes Sound, a sheltered, narrow strait.    It's a popular place for fishermen, scuba divers, kayakers and paddle-boarders to use as a departure point.    There's...
Blog Post

Boston's Beautiful Public Garden

Samantha ·
Samantha takes us to the crown jewel of Boston's Emerald Necklace.
Blog Post

March 19, 2018: Winter at Caraquet Wharf, New Brunswick

Travel Rob ·
Travel Rob shows us what winter looks like at the Port of Caraquet (Caraquet Wharf) in New Brunswick, Canada
Blog Post

Gumbo's Pic of the Day, May 28, 2014: Bergen's Historic Bryggen Waterfront

Paul Heymont ·
— Bryggen (it actually means waterfront) is the historic wharf area of Bergen, Norway, widely known for its brightly-colored warehouses and its long history. Most of the oldest buildings date to the heyday of the Hanseatic presence here from the...
Blog Post

Monterey's Fish House, California

DrFumblefinger ·
Most of us would agree that one of the greatest pleasures of traveling is discovering new and terrific places to eat.  I often research a few possibilities in advance of a trip but while visiting Monterey recently had not done so.  Traveling...
Blog Post

Unwanted landmarks? London's worst new buildings named

Paul Heymont ·
Building and Design magazine has once again named "Britain's Worst New Building" (above) and some runners-up.
Blog Post

Mark 2017 calendar: 1st October Saturday events

Paul Heymont ·
Paris and Austria have big late-night events going on today...add them to your trip planning calendar for next year!

Getting Started with Long Distance Bicycle Travel

ArronHidd ·
It is no secret that bicycles are getting increasingly popular – in the beginning of the 21 st century, people finally realized exercise benefits health. An increasing number of people cycling to work nowadays can serve as a proof of this raised awareness. However, a real cycling enthusiast might crave a challenge – they might want to travel by their two-wheeled companion. If you are keen on giving this a go, but unsure whether you are ready, this guide will hopefully provide a list of...
Blog Post

Maritime Museum, San Francisco

Lestertheinvestor ·
Gumbo was visiting the Maritime Museum in San Francisco. Situated in the Fisherman's wharf area, in a beautiful ship-like building, it offers interesting exhibits and great views of San Francisco and its Bay.
Blog Post

A Rambler's London

Paul Heymont ·
Every trip ends with too many pictures. PHeymont finishes his London with a gallery of leftovers: poignant, quirky, surprising, or just pleasant to remember.
Blog Post

Staunton, Virginia Ramblings

George G. ·
George G wanders the streets of Staunton and shares some interesting photos and observations about this historic city.
Blog Post

Is Venice finally due for cruise relief?

Paul Heymont ·
Italy's transport minister proposes an immediate move, but there's widespread doubt his plan is practical.
Blog Post

November 20, 2019: Long's Peak, Colorado

DrFumblefinger ·
DrFumbleflinger shares some images of Long's Peak, one of Colorado's more than 14,000 ft tall mountains.
Blog Post

Where Gumbo Was #4.0: Queen Mary in Long Beach Harbor, California

DrFumblefinger ·
  Here's the discussion to the picture puzzle posted nearly a week ago. Gumbo, like you, was enjoying the nice soft light of dusk over Long Beach's Harbor in Southern California.  He was studying the massive Queen Mary in the distance...
Blog Post

Grand Central Terminal, New York (Where Gumbo Was #164)

Paul Heymont ·
Gumbo was visiting New York City's Grand Central, one of the classics of the heyday of trains, and still a thriving center for local and commuter trains.
Blog Post

Deutsche Bahn offers new rail-to-road option

Paul Heymont ·
German rail operator DB is adding easy car rentals to its ticket options as part of its competition with long-distance buses, discount airlines and others.
Blog Post

Amsterdam opens up for superyachts

Paul Heymont ·
Amsterdam, which has lost some cruise business over its tourist tax is getting ready to welcome the super-rich and their super-yachts.
Blog Post

Faneuil Hall Marketplace and Quincy Market, Boston

Samantha ·
Samantha shares her visit to historic Faneuil Hall Marketplace and Quincy Market in Boston, Massachusetts.

Re: British "Ramblers" celebrate 80 years

PortMoresby ·
I'm familiar with the Ramblers, having once spent a few days walking with a member of the local Oxfordshire group and why there are pictures of me here . But I learned something new when I clicked on this link from the 80th anniversary article posted, that I'm "collecting" the Thames Path and the Kennet & Avon Canal. I hadn't known there was a term for what I was doing, silly me. There's a word, I'm sure, for everything and I'm thrilled to now know what I've been up to. I guess the good...

Re: British "Ramblers" celebrate 80 years

DrFumblefinger ·
I guess collecting a walk is sort of like bagging a peak. Good for the Ramblers. They've certainly put the name to better use than American Motors did with its car series.

Re: British "Ramblers" celebrate 80 years

Paul Heymont ·
Or, we could forget the bloated attempts, like the 1963 model you posted, to look like everyone else, and quietly remember the "little Nash Rambler" that not only invented the modern compact, but also beat out the Cadillac in the famous song (this YouTube version also has some great Rambler pics...)

Re: British "Ramblers" celebrate 80 years

PortMoresby ·
I'll dispute the analogy that collecting a walk is anything like bagging a peak. The latter, if I'm not mistaken, is done in one go, whereas collecting is done over time. I think that makes it sort of the opposite, although one could argue the similarity of putting one foot in front of the other. I'm sure some wandering Brit will happen by and correct one or both of us. Mac?