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Tagged With "Circular Quay"


5 Top Destinations to Check Out When Visiting Sydney

Candice Larson ·
Sydney is the oldest and biggest city of Australia. It lies in between the intermingling of land and sea. In 1788, commander of the First Fleet Captain Arthur Phillip established the first British colony in Sydney Cove of Australia. Tourists can no visit Sydney's fabled history in the narrow cobbled laneways and historic buildings surrounding the area. After booking your flight and choosing the best hotel such as Four Seasons and Holiday Inn accommodation , it is time to explore the various...
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Five Top Things to do in Marseille

Michael ·
Michael Dehoyos offers a feature-packed itinerary for Marseille with plenty to upset any pre-conceptions you may have.
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Eiffel Tower: Looking Again

Paul Heymont ·
PHeymont takes a new look at, on and from a familiar place: The Eiffel Tower.
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Paris: Eiffel Tower wall almost finished

Paul Heymont ·
The new wall is protection against terrorist attacks, but also adds a less-than-comfortable element to the view.
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Rambler in Paris: Buildings and Grounds

Paul Heymont ·
PHeymont shares some more views collected while wandering Paris, this time focusing on structures and perspectives.
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Paris plans summer swimming in canal basin

Paul Heymont ·
Where swimming was banned as recently as last summer, Paris plans seasonal swimming pools starting next summer.
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Paris builds a wall, too—around the Eiffel Tower

Paul Heymont ·
Paris responds to the possibility of terror attacks at tourist sites by adding a glass wall around the Eiffel Tower.
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May 12, 2019: Circular Congregational Church, Charleston

DrFumblefinger ·
DrFumblefinger visits one of Charleston's oldest churches, of unusual circular design. The grounds contains one of the oldest cemeteries in the region.
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The Seine and Left Bank, Night

Paul Heymont ·
The Seine and Left Bank, Night
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Musee d'Orsay gets a new label

Paul Heymont ·
France continues its tradition of honoring Presidents at cultural institutions by adding the late Pres. Valery Giscard d'Estaing to the Musee d'Orsay.
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Eiffel Tower gets new paint, parks

Paul Heymont ·
Paris is getting its landmark ready for the 2024 Olympics with new landscaping and facilities
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How to Ruin a Great Museum

Jonathan L ·
Jonathan L was disappointed on revisiting one of his favorite Paris museums.
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Musée d'Orsay

Jonathan L ·
Jonathan L spends an afternoon delving through the art of the Musée d'Orsay
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Paris from Above and Afar

Paul Heymont ·
From high places across the city, PHeymont takes another look at one of his favorite cities.
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Floating hotel set to anchor in Seine

Paul Heymont ·
Paris is about to get perhaps its most unusual hotel, floating in the Seine near the Quai d'Austerlitz in the eastern part of the city. Built in Normandy almost as if it were a ship, it will be towed into place within the next few weeks.   The...
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Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Oct. 1, 2014: Canal Illusion

Paul Heymont ·
The Canal Saint-Denis, just a bit past its junction with the Canal Saint-Martin and the Canal de l'Ourcq in northeast Paris, appears to flow downhill to pass under a bridge. It so much appears to that I had to stand there for a few minutes to remind myself that it couldn't be.
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Strasbourg & Route Du Vin

HistoryDigger ·
My son, his girlfriend, and I spent four nights in lovely Strasbourg.    We had a wonderful time!
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Paris Looking Down: A View from the Eiffel

Paul Heymont ·
When the Eiffel Tower was built, as the centerpiece of Paris’ 1889 Universal Exposition, not everyone loved it. The writer Guy de Maupassant mocked it as a "high and skinny pyramid of iron ladders."
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Canal Saint-Martin: Where Gumbo Was

Paul Heymont ·
As reader Port Moresby guessed correctly, Gumbo’s Where in the World photo shows one of the cast-iron bridges crossing the Canal Saint-Martin in Paris—a popular attraction with a fascinating past, and familiar to millions through its movie roles.