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Tagged With "Adams County"


Re: Walking the Freedom Trail in Boston

GarryRF ·
Must be 15 years since I walked most of your journey through Boston. The mix of old and new buildings are fascinating as you walk the city. Many of the older buildings look like they have shared an architects plan with older buildings here in Liverpool UK. I do find it odd that 5 Bostonians were stoning a single Redcoat then you call them unarmed ! A situation that would bring about the same end results today. I enjoyed your Blog. Thanks.

Re: Walking the Freedom Trail in Boston

Jonathan L ·
Thanks Gerry. Liverpool is definitely on my list when I get back to the UK. And congratulations on a great 2nd place finish in the EPL.

Re: Strasbourg & Route Du Vin

Paul Heymont ·
We had a two-day flying visit to Strasbourg (pre-TGV) a few years ago and loved it...and now you've pushed it way high up the re-visit list! Thanks...

Re: Strasbourg & Route Du Vin

Travel Rob ·
Wonderful photos and descriptions! I'll be adding Strasbourg to my travel list!

Re: Strasbourg & Route Du Vin

DrFumblefinger ·
What a beautiful and great destination! I've also not visited it before but it's definitely on my radar. How much time would you recommend for a first time visit?

Re: Strasbourg & Route Du Vin

HistoryDigger ·
DrFumblefinger— A few days could be enough in Strasbourg itself, but if you want to tour the vineyards, I'd stay a week in the area. You could stay two nights in Strasbourg and then a night or two in Riquewihr and beyond. And I'd suggest renting a car to go at your own pace. For my next trip, I will plan at least full week in the region because I want to stop at the vineyards and visit more of the museums. And don't forget Chateau Haut Koenigsburg.
Blog Post

March 22, 2017: Touring Westminster, Colorado

Samantha ·
Sometimes we forget that our home towns are someone else's touring destination... Here, Samantha welcomes us to her home town!
Blog Post

Jan 24, 2018: Rockies Diner - Boise Idaho

Samantha ·
At a diner seen on Man vs Food with Alan Richman, Samantha gets to watch a challenger attempt a real eating challenge.
Blog Post

Walking the Freedom Trail in Boston

Jonathan L ·
I had to think a long time before writing this entry. We live in a time where "The Founding Fathers" are quoted to justify almost every point of view . So I had a lot of second thoughts before I sat down to put pen to paper (or finger to keyboard in...
Blog Post

Strasbourg & Route Du Vin

HistoryDigger ·
My son, his girlfriend, and I spent four nights in lovely Strasbourg.     We picked a perfect apartment right on Quai St. Nicholas (5 minute walk into town), which you can check out on here . Our friendly hostess (who speaks...
Blog Post

April 28, 2016: Main Square, Krakow, Poland

Ottoman ·
If you ever have the opportunity to visit Krakow, be sure to see the main square of the Old Town.
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Faneuil Hall Marketplace and Quincy Market, Boston

Samantha ·
Samantha shares her visit to historic Faneuil Hall Marketplace and Quincy Market in Boston, Massachusetts.

Re: April 28, 2016: Main Square, Krakow, Poland

Ava ·
I just love the tiny Church of St. Wojciech. I'm glad that now I'll know what it is - and to look for it!

Re: April 28, 2016: Main Square, Krakow, Poland

Ottoman ·
Hi Ava : ) You are going to love Krakow. The locals are very friendly, the scenery is beautiful, and the food is excellent and very reasonably priced. Enjoy your visit. I hope you share your adventures (along with pictures) with TravelGumbo upon your return...I (and our entire TravelGumbo family) would love to see them. By the way, if you have time, take a day to visit the Wieliczka Salt Mine, and another day to visit Auschwitz-Birkenau Concentration/Extermination camps. Your best bet to see...

Re: April 28, 2016: Main Square, Krakow, Poland

Ava ·
Thanks Ottoman! I'm really excited to hear all of the positive things about Krakow. We have already booked a tour at Auschwitz, but I don't know if we will have time to visit the salt mine (although it looks amazing). I'd be happy to share some photos.

Re: April 28, 2016: Main Square, Krakow, Poland

GarryRF ·
The Salt Mines are one of the most amazing things I've ever seen. It would be a shame to miss seeing them. When you are in town you will see this building. It's the Rail Station. The salt mines are just a few stops along the line. 10 minutes. So easy to find. So worth it.

Re: April 28, 2016: Main Square, Krakow, Poland

GarryRF ·
In the main square, school children perform dances and theatre for passers by. Adults perform parades and fashion shows. During the summer when I was a visitor there was something on display most afternoons. Krakow is a beautiful city to walk around.
Blog Post

Where Cheers Was: Faneuil Hall, Boston

Samantha ·
Samantha shares a fond, and sad, memory of the place "where everybody knows your name."
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Sri Lanka: A Land Like No Other (Part 10) Adam’s Peak

DrFumblefinger ·
Adam’s Peak (also known as Sri Pada, or “holy footprint") is located in the southwestern part of Hill Country.  It’s 2,243 meters (7,359 ft) high, the tallest mountain in this region .