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Tagged With "Solar Impulse"


Re: Sun will disappear Friday...but most won't notice

DrFumblefinger ·
I've only experienced one total solar ecclipse in my life and it was very memorable. I'd like to see at least one more in my life time. Thanks for the guide on future dates. There's actually one going across North America in 2 years, so might focus on getting as close to that as possible.

Re: Sun will disappear Friday...but most won't notice

GarryRF ·
My first Grandchild will be 1 year old on March 20th next week. The party venue has been booked for a 10am start. Then all outside at 10.30 for the eclipse. That will keep all the kids happy. But it took some planning ! My first total eclipse was in the Dom Rep. years ago. I was on a sun lounger. It went dark. It went cold. All the ants and creepy crawlies of the night came out. Thousands of them ! Very memorable.

Re: Airplane window to power USB charger?

DrFumblefinger ·
These are exactly the kind of innovations that can change energy production in a society. Imagine houses covered by the same film. Likely could capture enough power to generate a home. It's an exciting development.
Blog Post

Dream big! Designer thinks about huge zero-emission planes

Paul Heymont ·
Imagine a triple-decker plane that could carry 800 passengers, made almost no noise, and generated much of its own power in flight. Barcelona designer Oscar Vinals is working on that vision, and while much of it depends on whether technologies just...
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Flying Round-the-World with no fuel!

Paul Heymont ·
Two veteran Swiss pilots are at nearly the midpoint of a round-the-world flight on the Solar Impulse 2, a solar-powered plane with a wingspan greater than a 747's. Among other reasons for the huge wingspan is to make possible use of 17,000 solar cells...
Blog Post

Sun will disappear Friday...but most won't notice

Paul Heymont ·
Is that a teaser headline? Yes, but it has a real basis. There will be a total eclipse of the sun this coming Friday, March 20, 2015, but it will only appear as a total eclipse in a select section of the northern hemisphere: Parts of Norway, the Faroe...
Blog Post

Solar Eclipse 2017! The view from Baker City, Oregon

DrFumblefinger ·
DrFumblefinger shares his experiences with viewing the total solar eclipse of 2017. He experienced it in eastern Oregon and found the moments of totality to be an amazing -- even moving experience.
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Wyoming prepares for 2017 total solar eclipse visitors

Travel Rob ·
The first US mainland total viewable solar eclipse in 4 decades has Wyoming officials preparing for a tourist onslaught.
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Solar plane crosses the Pacific—at last!

Paul Heymont ·
Swiss solar plane Solar Impulse 2 completes its delayed trans-Pacific leg to arrive in California on a round-the-world flight without fuel.
Blog Post

Airplane window to power USB charger?

Paul Heymont ·
An aircraft interior firm patents a solar charger that would be built into aircraft windows. Click for more...
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Solar plane to resume its round-the-world trip

Paul Heymont ·
Solar Impulse 2, a sun-powered plane that has completed half of its intended round-the-world trip without a drop of fuel, is almost ready to tackle the second half of the trip. The Swiss-built plane which uses solar energy to fill its batteries and power the engine, has been grounded in Hawaii by battery damage suffered during a 5-day flight from Japan to Hawaii. Yes, it doesn't fly very fast! Project staff say that they've raised enough money for the repairs, and can be in the air again by...

Re: Dream big! Designer thinks about huge zero-emission planes

DrFumblefinger ·
If only that plane could also take us to the moon, then all my dreams would have come true. PHeymont, you and I will never see anything like this in our lifetimes. But I like dreamers and maybe in time technology will take us there.

Re: Dream big! Designer thinks about huge zero-emission planes

GarryRF ·
I couldn't sleep on a plane like that. The fear of hitting a storm and having to turn off all the lights to conserve energy. Or being stuck in Atlanta - again - waiting for days for the bad weather to clear - to charge the batteries.

Re: Solar plane to resume its round-the-world trip

DrFumblefinger ·
Let's hope they don't run into any cloudy days!
Blog Post

Colorado Scale Solar System Model, Boulder

DrFumblefinger ·
DrFumblefinger enjoys the great "hands on" scale model of the solar system in Colorado, situated on the campus of the University of Colorado, Boulder.
Blog Post

The Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico: A Sad Ending

Samantha ·
Samantha and her husband visited the Arecibo Observatory and the world's largest single-aperture telescope. A sad ending, though, years later.