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Tagged With "Marriott Hotels"


Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#128)

PortMoresby ·
Had no idea who John Portman was and now discover that I stayed in his first atrium hotel, the Atlanta Hyatt Regency, within a year of it's opening '67 or '68. Then at the one at Chicago O'Hare, which I assume was his too, in 1971. I sat in front of a window in our room in one of the silos, which looked out over the runways, amusing myself counting the planes back to infinity as they lined up to land, while I cared for my infant son. Thanks for the memories, John.

Re: Spotted on the Road, Winnipeg, Canada

Jonathan L ·
When i lived in Canmore Alberta for a year, it didn't pay to install a block heater on my car. The house we were living in had a heated garage, and The car was never going to be out in the cold for that many hours. BUT it change one aspect - making hotel reservations. Out first question throughout the winter was- "Do you have indoor parking?"

Re: Airline fees hit new $7 billion record

GarryRF ·
I can get 2 weeks in an all inclusive Hotel in the Caribbean including flights for less than my Trans Atlantic flight UK - NY. Of course the US Traveler is getting ripped-off. The rest of the world is enjoying the benefits of cheap-fuel flights. The sooner Ryanair make inroads into the US the better. Maybe Mr O'Leary is guilty of copying the ideas mentioned above for adding on fees !

Re: Leadville, Colorado. One of many attractive older buildings in town

Paul Heymont ·
The Delaware Hotel! We stayed there overnight in 2007, and carelessly ignored the sign in our room warning us that the effects of alcohol could be magnified at high altitude. Half of my cocktail at dinner was enough to make me tipsy!

Re: Abbaye Royale de Fontevraud, France

PortMoresby ·
Another walk down memory lane. I visited Fontevraud after a long walk from chateau to chateau that ended in Chinon and stayed in the recently opened hotel within the abbey. I knew about it from a personal association but don't believe it's generally well-known and maybe, in part, what makes it as lovely a place to spend some time as it is. Thanks, DrF.

Re: Is it time to regulate airplane seats? Chris Elliott thinks so!

GarryRF ·
This debate seems to accept that the profit margins of Trans-Atlantic Flights are squeezed by costs outside the carriers control. The only solution they have is squeeze more seats in to control income. Last month I paid £759 ($1245) for 1 seat UK to Philadelphia - Return - with an American Airline. 7 hours in the sky. Each way. My £759 will also get me a flight to the Caribbean from the UK. 10 hours in the sky. 14 nights in a hotel. Food and drink included. And flight back. The Caribbean...

Re: Sylvia Hotel, Vancouver, British Columbia

Travel Rob ·
The outside of the hotel is remarkable! Did you happen to get any photos of the lobby. ?

Re: Marriott Teleports Guests to a Marriott Future

DrFumblefinger ·
It looks quite cool! If someone actually goes to one of the places its being displayed, please post a comment so we can hear directly how the experience was.

Re: Marriott Teleports Guests to a Marriott Future

PortMoresby ·
The "bleeding edge"? Ouch. Is that akin to hair-brained? Maybe not.

Re: Marriott Teleports Guests to a Marriott Future

Paul Heymont ·
I can’t remember who coined the term, but it was intended to convey a sense of being so far out on the “leading edge” that one might easily cut oneself on some unfortunate reality…

Re: Notre Dame: Everlasting, yet Ever-Changing

Travel Rob ·
Thank you for such a wonderful piece on Notre Dame. It is spectacular and I learned a lot! A few years ago I stayed at Hotel Hospitel Dieu across from Notre Dame. Notre Dame is so peaceful in the early morning before the crowds have assembled and hearing the church bells ring.

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo, #60

Lynn Millar ·
Aha! This one had me because it looked so familiar, but I couldn't place. Yosemite, Sequoia, King National Parks? The fountain must have been turned off the day I was there 3 years ago, because I didn't notice it. Busy sipping tea in the lobby and on the verandah, watching children Easter egg hunt? And yes there is a tennis court on the property along with a swimming pool. It's in the circle in front of the Wawona Hotel south of Yosemite. After a stop there, I had a nice walk in the meadow...

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo, #60

DrFumblefinger ·
After a busy day at the Vail Jazz Festival yesterday, I was surprised this morning to log on and see that this puzzle is already solved. Lynn Millar, you are correct, this is the fountain in front of the Wawona Hotel in Yosemite National Park. I'll have a discussion of the Wawona tomorrow. PHeymont will have a new puzzle for you tomorrow as well!

Re: A Visit to Saudi Arabia: Part II

DrFumblefinger ·
Excellent post, Lester, thanks! Two questions: 1) Is that black form in the photos your lovely wife? If so, I have to let the audience know this form of dress should be banned or, minimally, optional. 2) How many hotel staff did it take to drag you from that Presidential suite?

Re: Above and Below at the beach

Paul Heymont ·
It’s actually a fairly long-standing program now…started in 2002, with just the one on Rive Droite, just below the Hotel de Ville. We first noticed it in 2005. By 2006, they had added one on the Rive Gauche, and in 2007 on the Bassin de la Villette. I don’t know how long they’ve been doing the on in front of the city hall, but when we saw it last week it was set up for beach volleyball!

Re: Heads Up for Travelers: Iceland's Volcanoes May Disrupt Travel Again

Travel Rob ·
I happened to travel to Europe in 2010 fairly soon after air traffic was started back up and there were a lot of hotel bargains to be had whole summer as many people canceled in advance. Then I traveled again in May of 2011 and another volcano disrupted some traffic for a few days and similar bargains were out there.

Re: Watch Those Fees at Hotels!

Travel Rob ·
Seems like both the airline and hotel industry keep learning from each other on introducing new fees. I remember how outraged people were about the fees on RyanAir. Now those fees seem mild in compared to other companies .

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#50)

Lynn Millar ·
The Christmas tree threw me for a public building in the US. I was thinking a hotel. Alas, that's not it. Ha! I think I found the documentary via the magic of my trivia machine (computer+Internet), but can't find an image. Will I have to watch the whole movie?

Re: Marriott buys Canada's Delta hotel chain

Paul Heymont ·
Hotel deals seem to be a trend...only a few days ago, Intercontinental picked up the Kimpton chain of quirky boutique hotels...

Re: El Rancho Hotel - Gallup NM

DrFumblefinger ·
What a cool and uniquely American place! If the bed was comfortable, you've just given me the name of my next hotel when in New Mexico.

Re: Gallery: City of Balconies

IslandMan ·
Great set of pictures, PM. The balconies are fascinating to look at and I certainly never tire of them. As you mentioned, the old and new buildings are similar in appearance and structure which is what makes Malta unique. I see you also stayed at the Castille Hotel, excellent choice!

Re: Marriott to offer free wi-fi to all its Rewards member

PortMoresby ·
In my experience, loyalty is built with perks the customer doesn't have to think about or read the rules to decipher. I always stayed at the same hotel in Tucson prior to flying out because they were happy to let me leave my car indefinitely. I didn't have to figure it out. The wifi issue is the same, just give it to everyone. Nickel & diming leisure travelers will, I suspect, often lead them to look at other options every time they book a hotel.

Re: Marriott to offer free wi-fi to all its Rewards member

PortMoresby ·
And let us not forget the dreaded "resort fees". Defined as meaning anything the hotel wants it to mean. And charged whether we use the facilities it's said to cover, or not. Look in the dictionary for the definition of "chicken shit" and you'll find "resort fees". If everyone must pay it, it should rightly be included in the room rate. Even my favorite, AirBnB, makes options available for hosts - cleaning fee, security deposit, a charge for more than 1 person and even possibilities for...

Re: Marriott to offer free wi-fi to all its Rewards member

Paul Heymont ·
I will say one thing for Airbnb, as compared to hotel resort fees: With Airbnb, before you click, you see the total of what's included, and what goes to whom. The resort fee and some of the others are often a surprise on arrival...

Re: Hotel rooms for Millennials

DrFumblefinger ·
I have seen the future. And the future has hotel rooms that are 90% bed (by surface area), 9% flat screen tv, 1% room for walking. No room for anything else. Except for the TV part, it could have ben Caligula's design.

Re: AirBnB vs New York. Update

DrFumblefinger ·
Bloomberg is a big business type publication so I believe they would tend to favor the big corporate guys. And the unions they employee. And the government officials these big corporations tend to grease. I personally believe in free choice. Let people decide where they want to stay. New York City, being one of the most expensive for hotel rooms in the world, needs more consumer choices in my opinion. AirBnB is one of the most innovative products to hit the travel market in a long time.

Re: AirBnB vs New York. Update

Paul Heymont ·
As a frequent Airbnb renter (about 16 times) I obviously think it's a valuable thing and want it to succeed. I also think that there's room for reasonable regulation that's sensitive to local needs, and that a reasonable compromise can be found. Let's take the case of New York City...there is a real shortage of affordable housing. While it's not caused by Airbnb, but rather by a series of market issues that I won't rehearse here, it's reasonable for the city/state to ban short-term rentals...

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, March 25, 2014: Waterton National Park, Alberta

GarryRF ·
Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, March 25, 2014: Waterton National Park, Alberta

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, March 25, 2014: Waterton National Park, Alberta

DrFumblefinger ·
DrY is vacationing this week in Cuba, GarryRF, which we know to be one of your favorite hangouts. He'll get to you when he has reliable internet connections. I posted some photos of the great Prince of Wales hotel on my blog last summer which addresses some of your questions. Here's that link if you're interested

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#43)

PortMoresby ·
I see luggage, I see what looks like a big trash can, center through the trees. First thought is it's an airport atrium. Maybe a hotel but it seems to me a passage on the way out as the left end appears to be open. And if it is open that would imply an airport in a warm place. There's also an interesting buff colored wall with moorish-looking details on the very far side. Hmm. Andalucia? All shots in the dark, I really have no idea.

Re: How loooong does it take to get to your airport?

TravelGirlJenn ·
Originally Posted by PHeymont You just have to conclude that all this planning is done by people who have chauffeurs or helicopters to get them to the plane on time... Or progress is blocked by some politician or lobbyist... ;-) I did just get a chance to read the blog you linked. While I agree that public transportation is much more available in Europe, and perhaps Asia, however with the few examples he sites, there really are few cities that have that 15-20 minute from "airport to...

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, February 25, 2015. St. Augustine, Florida

Travel Rob ·
The dining hall at Flagler College(in your last photo) is really something to see. The Tiffany Windows are incredible.I also love the concrete used to build Flagler college , former Hotel Ponce de Leon , made from the local coquina stone.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, January 19, 2015: Tango Goemba Monastery, Bhutan

GarryRF ·
I was surprised to find the teachings of Buddha in my hotel bedroom bedside draw.. During a tropical rainstorm I was stuck in my room for a few hours. What a fascinating read it was ! Never had time to finish it. Had to buy a copy when I got home. My favourite quote was: "Man who commits adultery likes licking jam off a sharp knife"

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, January 19, 2015: Tango Goemba Monastery, Bhutan

MAD Travel Diaries ·
Originally Posted by GarryRF: I was surprised to find the teachings of Buddha in my hotel bedroom bedside draw.. During a tropical rainstorm I was stuck in my room for a few hours. What a fascinating read it was ! Never had time to finish it. Had to buy a copy when I got home. My favourite quote was: "Man who commits adultery likes licking jam off a sharp knife" Lol, I love that quote, I'm going to have to use it.

Re: Thinking Cuba? Tickets not so easy yet!

DrFumblefinger ·
I've also heard that there are concerns not enough hotel rooms exist in Cuba for the expected flood of American tourists. Besides flights, it's important to have a room reservation at hand. I truly hope the flood of tourist money will be of benefit to the Cuban people whose plight I have great empathy for.

Re: Thinking Cuba? Tickets not so easy yet!

GarryRF ·
Many Americans travel to the Capital - Havana. Its a big - overgrown and mostly poor city. Not really a flavour of the real Cuba and its people. Wherever you go on the Island they do 2-3 day trips to Havana. The stores are mostly empty and food is strictly rationed to the locals. So you'll be better going to one of the hundreds of All Inclusive Hotels that line the coast. Inclusive vacations fly from Toronto to Resorts all around the Island. Very much like Dominican Republic - without the...

Re: Budget airlines pushing seat squeeze on new planes

GarryRF ·
Thomas Cook do charter flights - they sell you a complete vacation. Hotel, food, car rental, adventure tours from your hotel and flights. Probably find something in there that's not up to scratch. But complain ? No... not I. I'm looking forward to your report from Berlin. Maybe we'll do a long weekend from Liverpool to Schoenefeld (nr. Berlin) Easy Jet do it for £25 - £45 each way. And for that price I'll sit on the wing for 2 hours !! Would TravelGumbo sponsor you to write a report on this...

Re: How do you see Airbnb? The Times keeps track.

Paul Heymont ·
In the beginning, it wasn't so much not positive, as puzzled by what this strange new thing was. All the early articles try to explain by comparing with hotels, couch-surfing, etc. These days, things are often described as being "Airbnb-like." One of those Times articles, in late '09 or early '10, was the first I had noticed and it was a revelation, because we simply don't like hotel rooms. We love being able to be in two or more rooms, and do some cooking and feel like we're living...

Re: La Chocolatta, Puenta Arenas, Chile

Ron B. ·
Visited the city as a port stop 28 January 2003. Cloudy when we arrived but soon the rain pounded us. Here's a pic of the maid's room in the Museo Regional Braun Menedez. A really outstanding lunch was at the Hotel Jose Nogueira's La Pergola restaurant while the rain showered its glass roof.

Re: Visiting Cuba.

GarryRF ·
Hi HistoryDigger. We always get the leader of the Animation Team - he organises the shows and dancing inside the hotel. He knows all the local places of interest. Obviously It depends on which region you'll be visiting. He'll organise a 12 seat Hyundai van for the day 8 - 4pm. Including gas and driver it costs us around $200 equivalent. (Divide that by 10 in the group) Lunch in a restaurant another $15 each. Nice tip for the driver when you start off and he'll be your friend for ever ! The...

Re: Max Gate - home of British author Thomas Hardy

PortMoresby ·
It was right at the end of about a week walking on that killer path, the Southwest Coast Path, and isn't SO far from Dorchester. But you don't need to be impressed, Mac, I ran out of gas just as I was leaving Hardy's Cottage to start back and instead of returning on foot, called the hotel and had them send a taxi to fetch us. But walking does put me in the mood to visit historic places. Arriving by car, which I've done with friends and in rental cars, just isn't the same. There's nothing...

Re: Another Vegas Landmark Hotel to be Torn Down

DrFumblefinger ·
The Riveria was one of the oldest hotels remaining in Vegas and I'm not surprised that it's on the chopping block. I am a little surprised that the convention center is expanding that much. Many of the hotels in Vegas have their own (smaller) convention centers, in addition to the large center that is near the old Hilton hotel, so there seems to be no shortage of convention space in town. Always I wonder where they'll get the people to fill these places, but somehow they keep coming....

Re: Do Airlines offer the Best Loyalty Rewards Programs?

Paul Heymont ·
A very interesting interview...and one of the points that comes clear from it is the one I've always made: What are you looking for? He gives examples, for instance, of how younger people may want low-cost rewards (dinner, say) that they can get immediately. Others may be mainly interested in the free wifi, lounges and upgrades some hotels offer. And others, like I, who seldom stay in hotels (Airbnb, thank you!) are interested mainly in convertibility to air travel. For those in my...

Re: Do Airlines offer the Best Loyalty Rewards Programs?

DrFumblefinger ·
Agreed, especially if you are clever enough to find a great back door to use your points the way you like. I think the point of the video was that your hotel gives you a lot more for the money you spend there than airlines do. I use a generic rewards card in Canada that builds up a dollar amount of bonus. I buy the hotel, flight, car rental I want and the money is returned to me. That way it's simple and easy.

Re: Venice gets OK to tax day-trippers

Paul Heymont ·
It seems in line with the per-night local taxes that many, maybe most, cities impose on hotel rooms. And since it was approved by the parliament, perhaps that's an indicator that something may happen soon on plans to keep the huge ships away from the city itself. One hopes.

Re: A Month in Chiapas

PortMoresby ·
I think I'd have to say, probably not. Neither was perfect and we're always looking for some sort of perfection, aren't we? I am certainly, not a member of the "it's only a place to sleep" club. It's my home for the time I'm there & even on a paltry budget, I'm fussy. I liked the 1st place, in part because I had it to myself nearly the entire 2 weeks. But the bed wasn't great. The 2nd place (located on, my other favorite site) was very comfortable but the noise would rule it...

Re: Shelter in hotel: New trend?

Paul Heymont ·
For those with money to burn and a bit of disdain for 'the rest of us,' there's an alternative in Zurich: Le Bijou Hotel and Resort, formerly a luxury apartment building and now renting out as "quarantine apartments" for $12-14,000 a night. As an add-on, the hotel is offering a $500 virus screening test by a local clinic: "You don't need to expose yourself to infected patients and hospital infections: Together with our healthcare partner Double Check, we provide medical check-ups and...

Re: Hotel desks disappearing in mobile age

DrFumblefinger ·
I like having a desk in my hotel room. A sofa or easy chair would work, but I dislike working in bed. I hope we're given some options.

Re: Apr. 7, 2016: Budget Vacation in France

GarryRF ·
We enjoy camping here. And we have our own equipment. And we can put it up in 10 minutes too. But going to an area of Europe and getting budget accommodation that's central to exploring Paris - Berlin - Munich - Marseilles - St Tropez - Brussels - the Spanish Costa's etc and all at a budget price. With toilets - showers - hairdryers - on site stores for wine and food - then even the Ladies can't complain. And a car park so you can be off touring the caves and vineyards. Staying in a Budget...

Re: More trouble for Turkey: Delta cancels service

GarryRF ·
Hotel Voyage. Beach and Golf Resort. Belek. Turkey. Turkey is still a bargain. Don't deny yourself a visit to a beautiful country. The people are educated. well mannered and courteous. I'd be back there tomorrow if I could.