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Tagged With "hiking"


Re: Hiking Mt. Takao in Japan

HistoryDigger ·
I love Japan and hiking. This gives me a great place to go to escape the crush of Toyko on our next visit. Thanks for this. I didn't know about it when we lived in Japan.

Re: Diamond Head State Monument, Oahu (Where Gumbo Was #230)

GarryRF ·
On my last visit to Diamond Head we left near to the closing time. A large Limousine was waiting to take us back to Waikiki. I hadn't ordered one but the driver insisted we used him to take us back. "I will charge you the same as the Taxi fare you paid to get here" Sounded like an offer too good to refuse ! Before we arrived back in Waikiki another 4 couples had joined our Taxi ride. Had to admire the driver for ingenuity. Very good earner !

Re: Cunyan Crags and Dunmoor Hill, Northumberland

DrFumblefinger ·
Lovely fall scenery, Ian!

Re: North Georgia Hikes for Every Season

Amateuremigrant ·
Can't beat woodland walks to excite and to settle the spirit within !

Re: North Georgia Hikes for Every Season

Marilyn Jones ·
So beautiful!! Thank you for sharing the beautiful Georgia hiking trails!

Re: Walk the Nile and Take Awhile

PortMoresby ·
Rob, how did I miss this when you posted it? This is possibly the most interesting article I've read for quite a while. I'm pleased they'll be filming it and hope to see it one day. While I'm up for an adventure from time to time watching a film of this one is the closest I'll get to doing it. Thanks!

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day September 9, 2013: Thingvellir National Park, Iceland

DrFumblefinger ·
I like the idea! We'll put the idea out there as bait for our members. Anyone want to write about the origin of their country (or some countries that interest them), especially from a modern travelers perspective?

Re: Hiking Angel's Landing in Zion National Park

DrFumblefinger ·
Great hike, Nate! I'm not sure I could have made it those last few hundred meters because I dislike walking along sheer drops, especially when they're on both sides!

Re: Hiking Angel's Landing in Zion National Park

Nate Alger ·
Dr.FumbleFinger I hear you! It was not an easy one for me and I was quite nervous doing the last few hundred meters. Others did it with ease, but I was holding on for dear life.

Re: April 4, 2018: Mother sheep and lamb, Wales

PortMoresby ·
Whether landowners are in favor or not, public access to footpaths and other rights-of-way are protected by law in the UK in perpetuity. Any landowner who tries to fence them off or otherwise deny access will soon find an angry mob of activists helping them correct their "mistake". Lovely photo!

Re: April 4, 2018: Mother sheep and lamb, Wales

GarryRF ·
It's been a long struggle to get open access to the countryside - so we wont let it go easily !!

Re: Finding Your Hike in Prospect Park

GarryRF ·
Great photos Paul. Looks an amazing place. Is it located in the City where most folks can walk to it, or on the edge of Brooklyn ? Good to see it's becoming popular again with kids enjoying nature. Is parkland safe from developers in the States ?

Re: Finding Your Hike in Prospect Park

Paul Heymont ·
Garry, it’s right in Central Brooklyn, surrounded by residential neighborhoods that range from quite poor to distressingly wealthy. Unlike Brooklyn Bridge Park, born in an age when it somehow seems acceptable to people to make condos part of a park, there would be huge opposition to messing with Prospect Park; in fact, even small changes can generate lots of discussion. But let’s not think parks are always safe; a few years ago, the Yankees were allowed to swap park land parcels for their...

Re: Finding Your Hike in Prospect Park

GarryRF ·
Sounds very familiar! Old money, big houses and the park becomes a buffer zone. But for now it's a great place to fill your lungs and for the kids to run wild - like kids need to !

Re: Montmorency Falls (Chute Montmorency), Quebec. Where Gumbo was #52

Jonathan L ·
It is beautiful. I think I was there about 38 years ago on a family trip after the Olympics. The cliffs and height of the fall gave me the St. Lawrence (after your last clue), but I could figure the exact place. Good Job!

Re: Banff National Park: A hike along Lake Louise and the Plain of Six Glaciers

GutterPup ·
Gorgeous views and a wonderful article! Thank you.

Re: Hiking Sani Pass, Lesotho, on a Budget

DrFumblefinger ·
That sure looks like an amazing (and very difficult) hike, Travel with Lamb! I wished I'd been using trekking poles starting with my teens. They take tremendous strain off your knees, especially when carrying a heavy load like you were. My knees sadly show the effect of decades of hiking and backpacking. Given how far this is from home and such, I know I'll never do this hike, but you've taken me there so I thank you for that!

Re: Banff National Park: Hiking up Tunnel Mountain

Travel Rob ·
I can see why it's such a popular trail! It really is nice to see people enjoying the outdoors.

Re: Banff National Park: Hiking to Boom Lake

GarryRF ·
Beautiful piece of country you have there DrF. As someone who's never seen a bear - what precautions do you take ? Looks like excellent cycling country too. But the thought of a grizzly knocking me off my bike worries me !

Re: Banff National Park: Hiking to Boom Lake

DrFumblefinger ·
Thanks, GarryRF. Bear attacks are about as common as lightening hitting folks, but it does happen. I've never encountered a bear while hiking except at a distance (could see them across a valley for instance). Here's what you do to be bear safe 1) Follow the park rules. They're very good about placing warnings (eg. trail closed, bear hovering over a carcass) 2) Hike in tight groups of four or more. Bears have never attacked a group of people this large 3) Avoid baby bears. If you see one,...

Re: An introduction to Alberta's Badlands: Hiking in Horseshoe Canyon

Paul Heymont ·
The visible geological processes, and the stubborn persistence of life among them, are just fascinating...Thanks for the view!

Re: Why Missouri is Not just a Fly Over State

Travel Rob ·
Thanks! What a fantastic piece on Missouri. It really is a great state and you've give me ideas for several trips!

Re: Why Missouri is Not just a Fly Over State

DangTravelers ·
Thanks Travel Rob! We are from Chicago, but we've spent a lot of time in Missouri the last few years. We've really grown to appreciate all it has to offer.

Re: Why Missouri is Not just a Fly Over State

Travel Luver ·
Great post! America has lots of great out of the way places worth exploring and I'd like to get to this one someday. I love to canoe and the Current River sure looks inviting. Is there a long stretch of the river you can paddle? Can you rent a canoe there?

Re: Why Missouri is Not just a Fly Over State

DangTravelers ·
The Current River is amazing. It's around 185 miles, but in the area we were (in Salem) they do canoe trips as long as 65 miles or so. There are multiple canoe rental places near there, doing everything from short 4 hour canoe trips to multi-day camping canoe trips as well.

Re: May 23, 2016. Springtime Hike at Lake Minnewanka

Travel Rob ·
Its just spectacular!

Re: The Queen Charlotte Track

Travel Rob ·
An incredible hike Dan! Great descriptive piece and beautiful photos!

Re: The Queen Charlotte Track

DrFumblefinger ·
What a great place for a hike! I envy you the experience. Beautiful photos BTW.

Re: The Queen Charlotte Track

Samantha ·
Hi Dan, great post and amazing pictures. Would love to see this one day. Thanks for sharing.

Re: East Beach Trail, Naikoon Provincial Park, Graham Island

Marilyn Jones ·
Wow; what a wonderful post! So interesting and your photos are creative and beautiful!!

Re: East Beach Trail, Naikoon Provincial Park, Graham Island

Travel Rob ·

Re: To the top of Mount Teide, Tenerife, Canary Islands.

Professorabe ·
Superb photos!

Re: To the top of Mount Teide, Tenerife, Canary Islands.

GarryRF ·
Tenerife is an all year resort and has its peak season around Christmas. One of the rituals on Christmas Day is driving up Mt Teide in a rental Jeep. Take a couple of cooler box's and fill them with fresh snow. Drive back to Playa de las Americas and have a snow ball fight on the sunny 75'f beach with the sunbathers. Something that leaves a lasting memory of Christmas Day.

Re: A visit to Great Basin National Park

Travel Luver ·
Never been anywhere in Nevada except Vegas. Didn't know they had beautiful places like this. Can you get there from Vegas as a day trip? Was it hot?

Re: A visit to Great Basin National Park

DrFumblefinger ·
Well, for a start, make sure you visit Reno, Travel Luver. It's a much small town than Vegas but still has all the casinos, restaurants, etc that you'd expect from a Nevada City. From here it's easy to do a day trip to Lake Tahoe and the Sierra Nevada Mountains, or down to Carson City. Reno is actually the closest major city to Great Basin National Park, say about a 3-4 hour drive. Vegas is 6-7 hour drive away. Salt Lake City is closer to Great Basin than Vegas. But you really can't do it as...

Re: A visit to Great Basin National Park

PortMoresby ·
A friend who was a park planner for the National Park Service said his favorite park was Big Bend in Texas. He's a lover of desert landscapes, wide-open spaces and, in the case of this park too, almost no visitors. Another orphan, no doubt.

Re: A visit to Great Basin National Park

DrFumblefinger ·
Thanks for the note, PortMoresby. I've visited a lot of the US parks, but Big Bend is still on my "to do" list. They do white water rafting trips there, which appeals to me. One of the things that a lot of folks enjoy about these "orphans" is that they are so sparsely peopled, with few tourists. I think the US Parks system is the USA's biggest tourist asset. I'm certainly a huge fan. Seems whenever I'm in a US Park, more German is spoken than English. The German folks certainly are aware of...

Re: A visit to Great Basin National Park

Paul Heymont ·
The comments on "orphan parks" made for some interesting thoughts. How do we (as a society) choose what to save for parks? When you consider urban parkland, the point is obvious: people who have no land of their own need areas for public recreation. In other cases, individuals with wealth and influence have created parks in areas important to them personally (think of Acadia and the Rockefellers, Palisades Interstate Park and Morgan partners). But setting aside and maintaining areas like...

Re: A visit to Great Basin National Park

PortMoresby ·
Pheymont, you speak as if budget cuts are in the future when in fact the Park Service has been functioning with less and less for years now. The Service has a mission to which they're dedicated but less funding has meant "deferred" maintenance on buildings, trails, you name it. And when features of a park are deemed unsafe or there isn't personnel to oversee visitors then parts are closed. I've experienced that myself recently when a trail I've visited in years past was closed. I have no...

Re: A visit to Great Basin National Park

DrFumblefinger ·
Costs for the existing parks is mostly maintenance and salary. In the face of a broke federal government, I would favor increased user fees. $10-20 for a family to visit a national park for a week is the greatest bargain out there. People who love the parks would happily pay twice as much and I don't think the extra cost would be a deterent. Also, it's reasonable for those with concessions to pay up more than they are. They are given a monopoly and some of those profits should go back to the...

Re: A visit to Great Basin National Park

Paul Heymont ·
No, I'm painfully aware of the past and present cuts...but I see more ahead. My concern is that there are loud voices (my own included) to speak out against cuts to parks that have a big "fan base," including Gateway here in the NY area. Because so many speak out for those parks, I fear that NPS will increasingly "hide the damage" by even more drastic cuts to others--perhaps even outright abandonment. And that's not so far-fetched an idea. For some 20 or more years here in New York, Prospect...

Re: A visit to Great Basin National Park

DrFumblefinger ·
PHeymont, I don't believe we disagree. I think the problem is that the park system relies on "federal handouts" and when a government is broke, there's less to hand out. As I said, I sort of favor them being self-funded by their user and concession fees. That's a lot of money already (if it was all kept in the parks) and people would be willing to pay more IF they knew the money stayed in the parks and didn't get diverted back into the Washington's general budget. Orphan parks would be...

Re: Sri Lanka: A Land Like No Other (Part 9) Horton Plains

Former Member ·
It is hard to absorb all of this information. This truly is a land like no other. Thanks for telling us about Sri Lanka.

Re: Capital of Culture Series: Marseilles

Former Member ·
The pictures are so nice. We never thought that Marseilles looked like this. We thought it was a dreary port town. This makes us rethink any trips to the south of France. If we were to go hiking, how many days would be good there ? 2 ? 3 ? Thanks.

Re: A Walk through Florida's Everglades: Big Cypress Bend boardwalk at Fakahatchee Strand Preserve State Park

Paul Heymont ·
Looks like a great place for a walk and a learn! You might just be putting Florida on my map...

Re: A Walk through Florida's Everglades: Big Cypress Bend boardwalk at Fakahatchee Strand Preserve State Park

Travel Rob ·
What a great walk.I really enjoy the boardwalks that are all over Florida.Really let's you get on top of some interesting things that you don't want to walk through.

Re: Pesuta Shipwreck, Naikoon Provincial Park, Haida-Gwaii, British Columbia

Former Member ·
These photos are evocative. Makes me very glad not to be a sailor back in the day. I have seen some of the many trees washed up on the beaches of the Pacific Northwest. Those are also very impressive. Did you find any glass floats ? I used to have a number of the ones used by Japanese fisherman to hold up their nets. You never know what will turn up.

Re: Pesuta Shipwreck, Naikoon Provincial Park, Haida-Gwaii, British Columbia

DrFumblefinger ·
The glass floats tend to wash up on the west (windward) side of the Pacific. This hike was on the leeward (eastern) side, where these floats tend not to come. But there were a gazillion trees, like these.

Re: Pesuta Shipwreck, Naikoon Provincial Park, Haida-Gwaii, British Columbia

Former Member ·
Like the tree pics. I picked up all of my glass floats a bit farther south - on the seaward side of Vancouver Island and on the western shore of the Olympic Peninsula. I think it was always in the summer. Maybe the tides and winds bring different material at different times of the year.