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Tagged With "German film institute"


Re: Frankfurt: Not Just for Business

George G. ·
I liked your description of the Rubens exhibit that tied together his inspirational objects and sketches. Adds so much more to an art exhibit instead of just hanging a painting with the title. I also fell into the trap of not visiting Frankfurt when I only lived about 20 miles away for about six years. I did really enjoy the Frankfurt Zoo and their Christmas Market.

Re: Interview: Orion Travel Tech's Gary German

vivie ·
Very ambitious man to say the least. Great interview. Thanks for sharing this interesting story.

Re: Interview: Orion Travel Tech's Gary German

DrFumblefinger ·
Great interview and obviously Gary German is a man of vision. I like Gary's ability to come up with win-win situations. One that benefits both consumers and his corporate clients. I expect we'll be hearing a lot more from Orion in the years to come and I wish the company great success!

Re: Interview: Orion Travel Tech's Gary German

Travel Rob ·
The part I like most about Gary's ads on luggage plan, is the bags will be distinctive. I've really had a hard time of late distinguishing my luggage from everyone else's and these bags should stand out. As for all of Orion's plans , I can't think of a company that has so many different startups planned for the next few year. It will be fun to watch and I thank Gary for the interview.

Re: A Visit to Berlin's Reichstag (Where Gumbo Was #186)

DrFumblefinger ·
I never received your guess, Garry. But from your comment I knew you knew. I'll add your name to the list of people who got it right. KA F

Re: A Walk through The Hague

George G. ·
I've added a few of my waterfront photos of The Hague. Most all of my photos that day turned out poorly back in the days of film.

Re: George Orwell Sights

GarryRF ·
Its quite scary watching "Animal Farm" How many people do you recognise in the animated film ? Human nature is not that pleasant ! Just repetitive.

Re: London In 1927, Recreated Shot For Shot.

Paul Heymont ·
Back to research, and found that between 1903 and 35 there were quite a few colored films, colored in the sense of dye being added (usually by mechanical, not hand, process). 1935's Technicolor Process 4 was the first true color film, made with 4 negatives (CMYK). Claude Friese-Greene, responsible for the London film, used a process (started by his father) that used multiple copies of black and white negatives, rephotographing them through different color filters.

Re: London In 1927, Recreated Shot For Shot.

PortMoresby ·
I do love film. Let me count the ways.

Re: London In 1927, Recreated Shot For Shot.

GarryRF ·
Many older buildings and structures in the UK get a Grade 1 or 2 "Listed Building" Preservation Order. Some orders include the interior too. Helps to stop the spread of faceless skyscrapers with no lasting architectural qualities. Enjoyed watching that film. Thanks PM.

Re: Your Favourite Travel Camera (or 2)

Paul Heymont ·
I see I'm in good company--I'm joining the two-camera brigade for the first time in years (years ago I traveled with two SLRs, one with color film and the other B/W, and then for a while with a film and a digital). I've been working for the last dozen years with a single compact (been through a Fuji, a Canon, Panasonic Lumix and recently a Nikon S9400 ). All have been good, and on an escalating curve of features. All the left-behinds are still in use elsewhere in the family. I actually...

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo? # 9

Paul Heymont ·
Considering that F. Scott Fitzgerald's only play, The Onion, features a character who is "the Ambassador of Irish Poland," Romanian Bollywood should not be a big reach! However...not so puzzling. Just as Iceland is Greenland and several other places in the new Ben Stiller "Walter Mitty" film, the film industry of India shoots in unexpected places...although in the video whose link is HERE , there's no attempt to play it as somewhere else.

Re: Walk the Nile and Take Awhile

PortMoresby ·
Rob, how did I miss this when you posted it? This is possibly the most interesting article I've read for quite a while. I'm pleased they'll be filming it and hope to see it one day. While I'm up for an adventure from time to time watching a film of this one is the closest I'll get to doing it. Thanks!

Re: February 28, 2018: Ait-Ben-Haddou, Morocco

Professorabe ·
As I said, quite a few films were shot here. Wikipedia has a list: Ouarzazate is the centre of Morocco's film industry. We actually visited one of the studios - but Ait-Ben-Haddou is far more interesting.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, May 7th, 2014: Bees

PortMoresby ·
Thanks SCP. I'm still a medium format B&W film photographer in my heart but cannot deny the lure of digital in many ways, and it's come so far I may ultimately succumb completely. I appreciate the willingness to share information.

Re: A House in Essaouira

Mac ·
Oh, and this was a very young Mac, complete with an Olympus OM2n film camera, sitting in the crenelations of Essouria's Portuguese fort all that time ago...

Re: Finding Reiner #8: Trail's End?

Travel Rob ·
Reiner is far from forgotten, thanks to all your research. Poland too holds special memories for me and from what you show of Świeradów Zdrój,it is spectacular. Thanks again Whitney for your incredible moving series.Reiner would be proud!

Re: Finding Reiner #8: Trail's End?

HistoryDigger ·
I have enjoyed sharing my search for Reiner with your readers. Joy!

Re: Finding Reiner #8: Trail's End?

HistoryDigger ·
Check out more of Pawel Wyszomirski's documentary photography here at

Re: Finding Reiner #8: Trail's End?

DrFumblefinger ·
It would have been so very nice for you to have found Reiner as an elderly man slowly walking home with the aid of his cane from his daily dip in the mineral spring, and joined him for a revitalizing sip of schnaps and shared with him your journey. How cool would it have been for you to say, "Hi, Reiner. I'm your nephew's wife, Whitney". I think he'd be tickled to no end to know how much you've cared and how hard you've tried to find him.... Sadly, the absence of an ending like this should...

Re: Where in the World is Travelgumbo? #57

DrFumblefinger ·
GarryRF -- all I remember about that film is kids falling into vast pools of chocolate. Seems rather heavenly to me. Was there a specific scene I don't remember?

Re: Finding Reiner #8: Trail's End?

HistoryDigger ·
Dr. Fumblefinger—your response moves me. And I agree with you about looking for wiser solutions to conflict. Travel leads me to see what connects us to each other, not what separates us.

Re: Finding Reiner #8: Trail's End?

GarryRF ·
I've travelled to Brisbane Australia looking for clues to my fathers war record. It was a hot summers day when I found Roe Street Barracks - still in use ! I was convinced it would have gone years ago to a development. I stood in the entrance and I felt a shiver run down my back. A feeling I've heard described as "someone walking on your grave"

Re: Finding Reiner #8: Trail's End?

HistoryDigger ·
I know that feeling, GarryRF. Though, in this case, I would call it walking on HIS grave.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Aug. 7th, 2014: Liverpool Eye UK

GarryRF ·
Don't worry Travel Luver ! No animals were harmed in the making of this film. You have to wait in the Bar until the "All clear" sounds in a storm ! But it actually caused no damage at all. It's fitted with a lightening rod to take the current to earth. Like all tall buildings.

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#50)

Paul Heymont ·
Alas, you won't see this part of the building in the all takes place in a courtoom set up in this building.

Re: Gumbo’s Pic of the Day, July 11, 2014: The Monkeys of Shimla

DrFumblefinger ·
I think I've seen these guys on the "Planet of the Apes".... Seems they were wearing eyeglasses on that movie, Mac. Maybe they just gather film props?

Re: Gumbo’s Pic of the Day, July 11, 2014: The Monkeys of Shimla

Paul Heymont ·
DrF: In the film, or the audience? They look like they are avid for entertainment!

Re: Gumbo’s Pic of the Day, July 11, 2014: The Monkeys of Shimla

DrFumblefinger ·
Originally Posted by PHeymont: DrF: In the film, or the audience? They look like they are avid for entertainment! I can say with some confidence that the audience of cowboys in Alberta I'd be viewing the film with do not look like this. Living in Brooklyn and the greater NYC area, you are much more likely to encounter folks groomed in this way, I should think!

Re: Prague's Jerusalem Synagogue: Where Gumbo Was (#129)

Paul Heymont ·
My apologies to the three Guessers who correctly identified Where Gumbo Was...when I wrote the blog, the guesses were not in yet. When I updated it with the congratulatory paragraph, I apparently failed to save it, and the older version went "live" this morning. Again, my apologies to Jonathan L, TravelingCanuck and PortMoresby, all regular (and often successful) participants. .....PHeymont

Re: Prague's Jerusalem Synagogue: Where Gumbo Was (#129)

Jonathan L ·
I visited Prague in Feb. a few years ago and had a wonderful time. Even in the cold middle of winter there was a vibrant outdoor life. A great place any time.

Re: How to Irk the Brits

GarryRF ·
The first thing that surprises me on this blog is how eager people are to believe any of the pure drivel that film makers produce. Yahoo send a team to London to be controversial. That's the script. They don't want to tell a story of people who are just like the folks you left behind in America. No. That's not going to grab anyone's attention. PHeymont has lived in both countries and knowingly avoids such divisive journalism. Wherever you travel in the world you find people who are giving ,...

Re: Airbnb now open for business in Cuba

Paul Heymont ·
Great film. Graham Greene novel and screenplay.

Re: Why You should visit Nevada's Valley of Fire

DrFumblefinger ·
You are correct, GarryRF. There have been a number of movies filmed in the park. Lifted straight from Wikipedia , here is a listing of these: Film History : Valley of Fire is a popular location for shooting automobile commercials and other commercial photography. It has provided a setting for the following films and television shows: The Professionals with Burt Lancaster , Lee Marvin , and Claudia Cardinale was filmed in 1966. As of November 2012 a piece of the movie set is still up for...

Re: Church of the Holy Spirit, Heidelberg (Where Gumbo Was #125)

HistoryDigger ·
Great piece. Thanks for posting the details about the church and Maas, which I find fascinating. Travel IS about story and exploration. Why else travel if not to learn?

Re: Church of the Holy Spirit, Heidelberg (Where Gumbo Was #125)

DrFumblefinger ·
That's a fascinating bit of history, PHeymont. I'm not sure I know of another church that was literally physically divided to serve two congregations. Anyone else know of any?

Re: Church of the Holy Spirit, Heidelberg (Where Gumbo Was #125)

Paul Heymont ·
Actually, I do know of another, and it’s been featured on TravelGumbo! But that was a different sort of division. St. Helen’s Bishopsgate, in London, has two parallel naves; one was used by the lay parish congregation, and the other by the nuns of the adjoining convent. The division there was by a ceiling-high curtain running the length of the church. The original blog was for Where in the World #23, almost a year and a half ago! Here's the LINK

Re: Tent? Trailer? Cottage? EcoCapsule could be all 3!

DrFumblefinger ·
The images of this egg-like contraption brought back memories of Woody Allen's classic film, "Sleeper". Not the orgasmatron, which this device seems to lack, the overall attitude and feel of it.

Re: Jiuxian Ancient Village, Guangxi, China

PortMoresby ·
Colorful they may have been but my film was black & white.

Re: World's most attractive libraries

seanmiller ·
At first these were shot by film. These are definitely great shots! I have plans in buying an action camera to start with my photography hobby. These are great subject to start with.

Re: Germans Reflect on Reunification

DrFumblefinger ·
I was in Berlin on Saturday, the day of the 25th anniversary of reunification. There were tons of people in the city, as crowded as I've ever seen any major city. The main activities were in the Tiergarten, especially around the Brandenburg gate. By the time we made our way there, the police had closed down the area and were not allowing more people in because it was overcrowded. Still, everyone seemed well behaved and having a nice time. I think most Germans feel reunification was a good...

Re: Small farm around Mariposa, California

Syd ·
Hi! I love this barn so much. Do you remember where exactly it was in Mariposa? I'm looking at locations for a film shoot and it looks perfect for our film.

Re: Airplane window to power USB charger?

DrFumblefinger ·
These are exactly the kind of innovations that can change energy production in a society. Imagine houses covered by the same film. Likely could capture enough power to generate a home. It's an exciting development.

Re: Mar. 26, 2016: Waiting for the big one...

DrFumblefinger ·
Sounds like the making for a good mystery novel! Perhaps even a Bond film.

Ian Cook

Ian Cook

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Nov. 26, 2013: Zhangjiajie National Park, China

DrFumblefinger ·
What a beautiful and magical place! It is like something out of a storybook or film, isn't it? Thanks for sharing this destination with us.

Re: Finding Reiner #5: Behind the Veil of Time

Paul Heymont ·
I am just now catching up on reading, and I continue to be touched by not only your persistence and care in searching for Reiner, but also helping us search for meaning in so much that has been left behind in our understanding, because it doesn't fit under the grand tags that "simplify" history for posterity. This summer commemorates the start of World War I, important events of the end of World War II...and yet, so little of the individuals and their fates. Even the exhibits we saw this...

Re: Finding Reiner #5: Behind the Veil of Time

HistoryDigger ·
I am finding the same is true for all wars I have studied. We know so little about the people in the trenches whose lives meant little to the leaders. I hope this bog series reveals at least one life. The journey to find Reiner has been life-changing for me, his nephew's wife.

Re: Finding Reiner #6: Frozen Grave

HistoryDigger ·
ALL of those. Wish I could sit down for lunch with you and hear the rest. I'm quite interested in using my Reiner research material for various genres—adult lit, young adult lit, and film.