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May 19, 2020: Pérouges, France


Pérouges, France (25 miles northeast of Lyon) is a medieval village overlooking the Ain River valley.


An exact date of construction isn’t known, but in 1167, Seigneur d’Anthon closed in the population of the walled settlement to defend against the troops of the Archbishop of Lyon. Seventy years later Pérouges earned communal freedom. It has never been under the direct rule of a lord. Citizens here were craftsmen, merchants and farmers.


Once past the church and through the high gate, the city opens up. It’s hard to know where to go first. There are so many houses and intricate details, so many streets and passageways.


Plan to spend several hours strolling village streets. There are a few restaurants and you’ll want to sample a Galette de Perougest; a thin sugar pancake. It is a wonderful way to spend the afternoon— in another time.



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