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Buildings of Key West


Key West is an interesting and easy city to walk around in.  It's an island that's essentially completely flat and not very large (population of <30,000).

My brother and I spent a couple of days rambling about Key West.  It's hard not to find yourself walking in residential areas as you explore.  Key West's homes vary from simple and functional, to large and elegant.  We found the varying neighborhoods and architecture to be interesting.  The vegetation was tropical and lush due to the warm and humid climate.

Here's some of the images we took while we rambled about:

01 Key West, Florida

02 Key West, Florida

03 Key West, Florida

04 Key West, Florida

05 Key West, Florida

06 Key West, Florida

07 Key West, Florida

08 Key West, Florida(This small home had a nautical figurehead installed near the crest of the roof, shown in more detail below)

09 Key West, Florida

10 Key West, Florida

11 Key West, Florida

12 Key West, Florida

13 Key West, Florida

14 Key West, Florida

15 Key West, Florida

A few art deco buildings added to the interesting architectural mix...

16 Key West, Florida

17 Key West, Florida

18 Key West, Florida

19 Key West, Florida

Last Saturday's One Clue Mystery featured the photo shown below.  It's of the Harvey Government Center at Historic Truman School.  Congratulations to George G,  who recognized where we were visiting!

The trees with the massive roots framing the front of the Harvey Center are Kapok trees, the largest in Key West.  The Kapok is the national tree of Guatemala and Puerto Rico.

20 Key West, Florida

21 Key West, Florida

Present around many of these buildings are generic island chickens, which you seem to find on almost every island in the world; these colorful birds maintain a healthy population in Key West.

22 Key West, Florida


Images (24)
  • 00 Key West, Florida
  • 01 Key West, Florida
  • 02 Key West, Florida
  • 03 Key West, Florida
  • 04 Key West, Florida
  • 05 Key West, Florida
  • 06 Key West, Florida
  • 07 Key West, Florida
  • 08 Key West, Florida
  • 09 Key West, Florida
  • 10 Key West, Florida
  • 11 Key West, Florida
  • 12 Key West, Florida
  • 13 Key West, Florida
  • 14 Key West, Florida
  • 15 Key West, Florida
  • 16 Key West, Florida
  • 17 Key West, Florida
  • 18 Key West, Florida
  • 19 Key West, Florida
  • 20 Key West, Florida
  • 21 Key West, Florida
  • 22 Key West, Florida
  • One Clue mystery - Copy

Twitter: @DrFumblefinger

"We do not take a trip, a trip takes us".  John Steinbeck, from Travels with Charlie

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