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Tagged With "Australian Parliament House"


Re: EU Parliament Ends Cell Phone Roaming Charges in 2017

Paul Heymont ·
Yes, it will apply to prepaid plans, which many Europeans as well as visitors use, but it's not as happily absolute as some of the celebrators make it sound. The final June 2017 step depends on a reform of the European wholesale roaming market in which carriers pay each other for roaming use, and is also subject to limits for those who roam "too much." Here's a quote from one of the Parliament members who was a leading proponent of the law (which also originally included provisions for net...

Re: EU moves to ban single-use plastics

GarryRF ·
Just another example of the European Parliament wasting my taxes on a Worldwide problem. The 25% of plastic waste is a good clue to the origin of the problem. Shipping. Cruise ships, cargo ships and container carriers have a choice to make. Pay to have the trash removed in port. Or dump it at sea while they are still off the Radar.

Re: Finishing college. Need help planning trip to U.K,

Hank ·
Again thanks, this is incredibly helpful!! So I think I'll look at trains for trips from bigger cities to other cities, and fill in the gaps with bus if the pricing works out. A little more planning is needed. Even though it's expensive, I do want to spend around a week in London. Being an architect, there's just so much to see and do there, like seeing the Houses of Parliament and Westminister Abbey. I plan on being on the go almost all day each day there -- can rest later, maybe in the...

Re: Kluge-Ruhe Aboriginal Art Museum, Charlottesville, VA

DrFumblefinger ·
No boomerangs?

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, June 11, 2014: At the Australian Embassy, DC

IslandMan ·
thanks for the pic PH. Nice to see the Aussie coat of arms in other parts of the world. You're right about the reputation for casualness too. We don't take anything too seriously and have a "she'll be right" attitude about life.

Re: Venice gets OK to tax day-trippers

Paul Heymont ·
It seems in line with the per-night local taxes that many, maybe most, cities impose on hotel rooms. And since it was approved by the parliament, perhaps that's an indicator that something may happen soon on plans to keep the huge ships away from the city itself. One hopes.

Re: It's Euro-official: No more time switches

GarryRF ·
Where I live in Northern England it's light around 3am in Summer. Which is pretty useless to most. Much better to move the clock one hour and have the daylight in the evening when we can go out with our Family after work. Like wise in the Winter months. We take the Hour off so we can take the kids to school and go to work in the daylight. The kids can come home before its dark at 4pm. The European Parliament is very slow to learn that "One size does NOT fit all"

Re: It's Euro-official: No more time switches

Professorabe ·
Two brief remarks: 1. At present there are actually three time zones within the EU. Greece is an hour ahead of Central Europe. 2. The decision to abolish the clock change is the result of an EU-wide public consultation and did not originate in the Commission or the Parliament. In the UK this public consultation was buried by Brexit-related news coverage. I, personally, do not worry too much either way, but I can understand both sides of the argument.

Re: The Ghan - an Australian rail journey of style and comfort

TravelandNature ·
IslandMan - A superb experience ! Thank you for sharing !

Re: The Ghan - an Australian rail journey of style and comfort

PortMoresby ·
This looks like a fantastic trip and any reason to go by train is good one to me. Wondering if the place names (Adelaide, Alice, Katherine) recall days of too few settler women for the number of men?

Re: The Ghan - an Australian rail journey of style and comfort

Travel Rob ·
Thanks for taking us on that journey! A wonderful piece!

Re: The Ghan - an Australian rail journey of style and comfort

Paul Heymont ·
M. Poirot regrets that he had necessity of leaving the journey before the end. An important affair required the attention of his gray matter...
Blog Post

Ottawa – NOT the coldest Capital in the world!

DrFumblefinger ·
Ottawa is a vibrant and charming small city — so pleasant that it’s hard to believe it’s home to soooo many politicians.  Of the national capitals I've visited, Ottawa seems the most livable to me (ie. if...
Blog Post

Quebec — A Walled European Fortress In America

DrFumblefinger ·
Quebec, like New York, is both a city and a state (or rather, a province).  It’s an island of French heritage and culture within our Anglo-North American continent.   We combined this visit with stops in Montreal and...
Blog Post

In wake of terror, EU considers airline security

Paul Heymont ·
Proposals in the EU Parliament calling for more information about airline passengers to be made available to national authorities are on the table; they would make the Passenger Name Record (PNR) of all passengers arriving and departing EU available....
Blog Post

UKs First National Civil War Centre to Open With Huge Civil War Re-Enactment

Travel Rob ·
Over 1,000 Civil War re-enactors and cannons from across the UK will be in Newark to help launch the National Civil War Center on May 3 and 4th  . The museum recounts the 17th century clashes between King and Parliament . The museum...
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Airbnb to be legal in London

Paul Heymont ·
Britain's Parliament is now considering a bill, proposed by the Housing Minister, to remove London-only restrictions that have made it illegal for tenants and homeowners to rent out their space for short stays without complicated planning permission...
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US-EU Visa Waiver war could get hotter

Paul Heymont ·
U.S. hints that Visa Waiver Program may get tighter, rather than complying with EU requirement to include all EU citizens.
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Eastern Europe Rail Odyssey: Budapest to Kiev

Wilbur's Travels ·
Do you love unusual train journeys as much as Wilbur does? Check out this fascinating adventure through eastern Europe.
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Europe won't end visa waiver for Americans...yet

Paul Heymont ·
Backing off from a deadline imposed by the European Parliament, the EU's executive won't end visa waivers for the U.S. as negotiations continue.
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So, what’s it worth ?

Amateuremigrant ·
Bob Cranwell shares a discussion and thoughts on the value of things using a memorable experience in Yemen.
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London Kerfluffle over silent Big Ben

Paul Heymont ·
Plans to keep London's famed bell silent for four years of construction work erupt in political infighting
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France, Germany want more taxes from Airbnb

Paul Heymont ·
Airbnb and others with their European headquarters in Ireland pay little tax where they do business. Germany and France intend to change that.
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Will Europe end Visa Waiver for Americans?

Paul Heymont ·
Europe is threatening to require visas if the U.S. doesn't extend the Visa Waiver program to the 5 EU member states that are excluded.
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Sweden still bans 'spontaneous dancing'

Paul Heymont ·
Moving with the music is a no-no in Swedish bars and restaurants, but Parliament says it's time to do away with the rule.
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Peace Tower, Parliament Hill, Ottawa (Where Gumbo was #375)

DrFumblefinger ·
Gumbo was visiting the Peace Tower, the tallest structure in Canada's Parliament buildidngs in Ottawa.

Unmissable Sights in Budapest

NikOl-Bp ·
We often travel to other countries, other cities, but not always for sightseeing. Conference, meeting, maybe for some service. These trips sometimes takes several days, but we can also decide to connect the pleasant to the useful and look around the city. Here is a brief introduction for those, whose destination is Budapest. What is a must see, from the Hungarian capital. I recommend this article, which contains more than 100 sights, for those who want to spend more days in Budapest, or want...
Blog Post

Why London Should be on your Bucket List this 2020

Simone F (Guest) ·
Need some reasons to visit London? How about a walk in the park? A Harry Potter tour? Shopping (sponsored content)
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Sweden trims parliament in crisis

Paul Heymont ·
Along with a host of other measures, Sweden's Riksdag will operate with only 55 members present, representing a spectrum of parties.
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Dec. 20, 2019: Tai Chi on Parliament Hill, Ottawa

DrFumblefinger ·
DrFumblefinger shares images of a group of adults enjoying the space of Parliament Hill's front lawn in Ottawa.
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EU Parliament: stop charger nonsense

Paul Heymont ·
Ten years after a call for a voluntary standard, the EU may legislate a common charger for tablets and mobile phones.
Blog Post

March 26, 2020: Strömparterren—Stockholm's oldest Public Park

DrFumblefinger ·
DrFumblefinger visits the oldest public park in Stockholm. While small, it's situated with wonderful views of the city.
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Europe: No more pennies for your thoughts

Paul Heymont ·
Europe appears to be on the verge of purging the small copper coins that now cost more to make than they're worth.
Blog Post

Gumbo's Pic of the Day September 9, 2013: Thingvellir National Park, Iceland

DrFumblefinger ·
(Oxara River, Thingvellir National Park, Iceland)  Thingvellir National Park is of great historic and geologic importance in Iceland.  This was the site of Iceland's first parliament more than 1,000 years ago.  The Icelandic...
Blog Post

A journey around Iceland: 1) Reykjavik

DrFumblefinger ·
  (View of Reykjavik, from Hallsgrimkirkja)   I love visiting places that are rich in scenery, mountains, rivers, waterfalls and hiking; Iceland seemed a good fit for me. Until a few years ago the cost of a trip to Iceland was...
Blog Post

A journey around Iceland: 2) The Golden Circle

DrFumblefinger ·
(Rainbow over Thingvellir National Park, Iceland)  The most popular day trip from Reykjavik is to the “Golden Circle” — three beautiful natural attractions which aren't golden or even vaguely circular.  The first of...
Blog Post

Aer Lingus/British Air tie moves closer

Paul Heymont ·
The bride and the groom have agreed...but a number of members of the wedding party still need to be satisfied. That's the story as Aer Lingus and IAG, parent of British Air, Iberia and Vueling, move closer to merger.   A big hurdle was cleared...
Blog Post

Europe: Say goodbye to roaming fees, but not so soon

Paul Heymont ·
Airport cellphone users...plans still underway to end their roaming charges.      Photo: Dmitry Rozhov   The previously-announced plan to rid Europe of cellphone roaming charges is still on track, but delayed at the station for...
Blog Post

Palazzo dei Normanni, Palermo, Sicily

DrFumblefinger ·
The Palazzo dei Normanni (in English, Palace of the Normans) was the seat of the Kings of Sicily during the Norman domination and todays houses the Sicilian parliament.
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Italian pizza-makers demand license law

Paul Heymont ·
A spinach pizza from Torino                                       Photo: Nova / Wikimedia   Amar, the association of Italian pizza-makers is demanding...
Blog Post

EU Parliament Ends Cell Phone Roaming Charges in 2017

Travel Rob ·
The European Parliament  approved a plan to ban roaming charges from being imposed on consumers when they travel within the EU with their cell phones.   An interim period starts next April when roaming should...
Blog Post

Aer Lingus/British Air deal in last stages

Paul Heymont ·
Last pieces appear to be falling into place for Ireland's Aer Lingus to become part of IAG, the holding company that also operates British Airways, Iberia and Vueling. Final approval could come as early as this Thursday.   One of the biggest...
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April 26, 2018: Kilchurn Castle, Scotland.

Ian Cook ·
Ian Cook shares the history of Kilchurn Castle in the Scottish Highlands, along with some memorable monochrome images.
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A Day in Rouen, France

Paul Heymont ·
Normandy's capital, with much more to offer than Joan of Arc and the much-painted cathedral.
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Exploring Namibia – Part 1

Professorabe ·
Professor Abe takes us on the beginning of a great safari adventure in Namibia, through some dramatic desert scenery.
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Canada puts its 150th on ice

Paul Heymont ·
Canada finishes up its 150th birthday year with events featuring snow, skating and lights.
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UK asks OK for Heathrow expansion

Paul Heymont ·
After years of discussion, the British government is putting Heathrow's expansion to a vote.
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Heathrow expansion gets OK but issues remain

Paul Heymont ·
Heathrow is approved for a third runway and major expansion, but the path is not clear for landing.
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New rules coming for travel to Europe

Paul Heymont ·
Europe gets set to require electronic travel authorization for travelers from visa waiver countries.
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Portugal has a new plan for ride-hailing apps

Paul Heymont ·
Portugal moves to regularize and regulate Uber and other ride-hailing app companies.