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Tagged With "Hamden NY"


Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Nov. 16, 2015: Franklin Automobiles in Tucson, Arizona

Paul Heymont ·
The pictures I found on my quick look were all of NY and Montreal tourist buggy drivers...and I since realized that they must be a special case because...even more important than the whip, have to sit on the side where the lever for the brake is!

Re: Visiting My Backyard—Riverside Park

Paul Heymont ·
It was my backyard, too, for quite a while. We lived at 99th St and West End, a short walk away in the late 40s and early 50s, and my uncles used to take me for walks there. My father tried to teach me to ride a bike there (our family story is that I learned, but he didn't teach...go figure). Later, I went to Columbia for several years; aside from anything else, it's where I escaped from tiny apartments and roommates to spread the Sunday NY Times out on a bench. Glad to see it's alive and...

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Feb. 2, 2014: New York Harbor at Sea Level

PortMoresby ·
My only experience of being on the water in NY Harbor was a lesson in perspective and point of view, as this one is. Seen from a clear distance in this way, a great city is an entirely different beast.

Re: Biggest Apple Ever: NY Gets 54M Tourists, Expects More!

Paul Heymont ·
We'd have to compare the methods used by the two cities in counting. Tourism figures are notoriously difficult (are business travelers disaggregated? Regional visitors? etc.) It's possible that if Paris used the NY methodology, it would have a much larger figure.

Re: Biggest Apple Ever: NY Gets 54M Tourists, Expects More!

DrFumblefinger ·
Originally Posted by PHeymont: We'd have to compare the methods used by the two cities in counting. Tourism figures are notoriously difficult (are business travelers disaggregated? Regional visitors? etc.) It's possible that if Paris used the NY methodology, it would have a much larger figure. Gotcha. A bit of an apples and oranges comparison. Sort of whether to count all migratory birds or only the snowbirds.

Re: And the tallest US building goes to?

Former Member ·
The judges have chosen the "fairest in the land". I would be happy to tour both buildings. The ingenuity of architects and engineers never ceases to impress me. Some buildings that I have particularly enjoyed touring - the World Trade Center and the Rockefeller Center in NY, the dome of St. Peter's in Rome, all of St. Paul's in London, the Reichstag in Berlin and all of the small historical buildings at Greenfield Village, Michigan.

Re: WiFi on the way for international flights

FlashFlyer ·
Not sure I understand that. The plane is moving, but the data aren't, they are launched into geo-synchronous or its so they are always over the same patch of earth. So why should it matter whether the flight is ny to la or ny to London? Anyone know?

Re: Ryanair: Sell the Extras, Give Away the Tickets?

Paul Heymont ·
I certainly remember People Express...the only reason I became familiar with Newark Airport. We used to fly to Buffalo ($19, $29, $39) and then rent a car to visit family in Toronto. Then we snagged $49 specials from NY to SFO...and while we were sitting on the plane realized we could have gone to London for the same price! Which we did the next year, but it cost us a bit more. PE didn't always make its schedule, and other things could go wrong, but the staff were unfailingly friendly and...

Re: Airline fees hit new $7 billion record

GarryRF ·
I can get 2 weeks in an all inclusive Hotel in the Caribbean including flights for less than my Trans Atlantic flight UK - NY. Of course the US Traveler is getting ripped-off. The rest of the world is enjoying the benefits of cheap-fuel flights. The sooner Ryanair make inroads into the US the better. Maybe Mr O'Leary is guilty of copying the ideas mentioned above for adding on fees !

Re: Assiniboine Park, Winnipeg, Canada. Where Gumbo Was #36

GarryRF ·
You must be civilised in Canada too - cricket ! The original design for Central Park NY was made here - near Liverpool UK Birkenhead Park. Same guy did both. Just a bit smaller. We're a bit pushed for space over here !

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo (#38)

GarryRF ·
Here's a Station nearer to NY - Should be easy !

Re: Is it time to regulate airplane seats? Chris Elliott thinks so!

Paul Heymont ·
I'm not sure it's the case that mandating a decent space would raise the past, we've certainly seen that fares have a resistance point, and airlines have backed down from increases at times. Also worth noting that fares seem largely based on competition rather than actual expense involved; that's why it's often cheaper to fly NY to LA than NY to Kansas City! And, as Chris Elliott points out, having people fighting over seat space has led to expensive consequences, too...

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Feb 11, 2015: Fruit of the Vine

Paul Heymont ·
The Finger Lakes area in the center of the state has long been a big white-wine producer; Taylor is originally from there. There's been a growing industry on Long Island in recent years, where sandy soil in some areas has been good to the grapes. On the whole, NY wines range from extraordinary to oversweet. And, of course, it's home to one of my guilty favorites: Manishewitz Concord Grape wine, kosher for Passover!

Re: Marriott to offer free wi-fi to all its Rewards member

Paul Heymont ·
I think you're exactly right, PortMoresby. For quite some time, we've looked mostly at the inexpensive chains precisely because they offer clear and valuable perks: Free breakfast, free parking, free WiFi. Our occasional high-end hotels through Priceline have sometimes moved the per-room fee down to a lower tier, but after you've paid $20/day for parking, $11.99 a day for WiFi...not so lower! The two-tier WiFi issue is becoming a bug for me, too. I recently stayed at a DoubleTree by Hilton...

Re: Gallery: Signs of Toronto -- the City at Large

NonstopFromJFK ·
Being compared to NY is always a good thing! But I am biased. =P I do want to go to Toronto sometime, I've been there as a kid but I would like to actually explore the city as an adult.

Re: AirBnB vs New York. Update

Paul Heymont ·
Well, I see the point of your argument, but even without any liability on Airbnb's part it could work. Part A) If the local jurisdiction (NY or elsewhere) catches you in violation you can be fined, or whatever penalty. Part B) on notification by local jurisdiction that a listing is in violation, agency required to remove listing. I'm sure Airbnb and others would be able to work with that...they're willing to collect taxes and this would be far less burdensome than that!

Re: New York Taxis Debut App to Compete with Uber

Paul Heymont ·
Anything that pushes back at Uber is generally fine with me, but there are a few side issues here...starting with the "aging taxi fleet," which is actually newer than it's been in many years. The NV2000 boondoggle (and that's what it is) started with the previous mayor, Bloomberg, who decided that all owners should be forced to use the same cab..and then chose the NV2000, which does not, and cannot, meet ADA standards. For it to be wheelchair accessible requires an aftermarket conversion...

Re: Las Vegas Celebrates the Chinese New Year!

GarryRF ·
There are only a few destinations where all the family over in the US and us English can meet. Vegas, Florida and New York. So we all went to Vegas to meet up. Walking along the strip towards NY,NY. 9 Fine Irishmen looked like an attractive bar - so in we all went. They had real "Pint Glasses" - 20 ounce. Not the 16 ounce we've had to suffer ! But after a few minutes we were frozen. They do love AC in Vegas. Too much like Ireland. Freezing cold. So we moved outside and sat in the shade...

Re: Observatory of New York's One World Trade Center to Open May 29th

Paul Heymont ·
At those prices, they can certainly claim to be "sky-high!" That's $116 for a family of four for an elevator ride. And even at that, it's only a couple of dollars more than the Top of the Rock at Rockefeller Center, and the same as the Empire State Building charges for its 86th floor deck, with an additional charge for the top deck. It seems a shame that families on a budget have no access to the iconic "NY from the air" view that their children may be clamoring for.

Re: How do you see Airbnb? The Times keeps track.

Travel Rob ·
The NY Times wasn't so much negative, but I remember reports elsewhere that were strongly negative .I'm just not seeing the quanity of those negative stories .

Re: The newest, biggest, bestest airport: Aren't they all?

Paul Heymont ·
Far from Third World except In the minds of Gov. Cuomo and Joe Biden, but Laguardia is my favorite NY airport precisely because it's so much smaller.

Re: Longer Wait at Security? New TSA Leader Says They Will Focus on Screening

GarryRF ·
Reading the NY Times it appears the TSA still haven't got their act together. The most productive target is intelligence gathering and immediate action on it. No matter how high you build a fence - someone will crawl under it.

Re: Wadsworth Atheneum - Hartford CT

Paul Heymont ·
Nice! We've also enjoyed the Wadsworth...which makes a nice break in a trip between NY and Boston, as well. It's also hosted some interesting temporary exhibits that have made it worth a trip of its own.

Re: Chip Credit Cards to Change the Way US Tips at Restaurants

Travel Rob ·
According to that link I posted above, tipping is up for NY Taxis 10% with those default setting tips and they are expecting an increase at restaurants too now.

Re: Cooking from the Market in Valparaiso

Paul Heymont ·
We brought recipes and skills! Come to NY and we'll show you...

Re: Going to Heathrow? Well, it's NOT in London!

Paul Heymont ·
Good points, although LAX is actually in LA, it's just that nothing in LA is near anything else. Here in NY, both of our major airports are in the city, but too convenient for public transportation...

Re: Willis Tower and Our Skydeck Experience—Chicago

Paul Heymont ·
I haven't been on this one, but I have gone to a few, including Empire State and the old World Trade Center in NY. I always enjoy the view, but if there's an open observation area, I find myself with small chills and odd feelings in my legs as if I were going to matter how secure it is! So for me, it's the view plus a thrill ride!

Re: A visit to Great Basin National Park

Paul Heymont ·
No, I'm painfully aware of the past and present cuts...but I see more ahead. My concern is that there are loud voices (my own included) to speak out against cuts to parks that have a big "fan base," including Gateway here in the NY area. Because so many speak out for those parks, I fear that NPS will increasingly "hide the damage" by even more drastic cuts to others--perhaps even outright abandonment. And that's not so far-fetched an idea. For some 20 or more years here in New York, Prospect...

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo? #8

Paul Heymont ·
Goes to show! I didn't think the Helle Hansen logo was a giveaway (since I've bought their stuff in Lake Placid, NY!) but apparently the pink boat is more famous than I thought...I assumed (and you know what that does!) that it was a whimsical local owner... Again, congrats to the gang!

Re: The Library of Congress: Where Gumbo Was (#65)

Paul Heymont ·
Quite possibly for the same reason I've missed so many NYC spots...I lived for three years two blocks from the Washington Heights campus that includes the Hispanic Society Museum, the Audubon Museum and at that time the Museum of the American Indian. I always planned to go "some weekend soon..." I didn't go to the Library of Congress when I lived in the area in the early 60s; our visit earlier this month came about because a Catalan friend of ours who teaches in NY had taken her visiting...

Re: Flood of new agents to speed up Customs at JFK and Newark

GarryRF ·
The hold up in NY is that passengers - mostly just changing flights - have to enter the US. Then leave the US before getting an onward flight to other parts of the world. In non-US countries you can enter the International Lounge to wait for your next flight with no customs or visas. Just onward boarding card and passport. Quick and easy.

Re: Visitor Totals: The "Ears" Eat the "Apple"

Paul Heymont ·
I think Orlando is a big pull for overseas travelers as well, which bodes well for them. Length of stay is an issue, especially, for New York; I think we get people on a shorter stay because of the cost. For overseas travelers, I think NY and Orlando are often both on the agenda, based on the questions I used to see on other boards!

Re: As if you didn't know: NY Gov calls NYC airports terrible

Paul Heymont ·
Well, fortunately LGA hosts no international flights except to and from Canada, and hey, they're family, right? No need to do heavy cleaning. Seriously, though: It's actually my favorite of all the NY airports. It's compact, I can park easily across the road from the main terminal and the luggage comes faster than at either JFK or EWR. It's even got a Todd English restaurant and a few other amenities. It doesn't dwarf me or make me feel lost in future space. To me, it's like a pleasant...
Blog Post

More Frequent Flier changes in the air

Paul Heymont ·
The world of award travel and elite perks continues to shake and shift.   Delta, which like United, has switched for next year to awarding flight miles based not on distance but on price paid for ticket—a move that hurts many frequent...
Blog Post

Gulf rivals show off new fleets

Paul Heymont ·
It's sort of Fleet Week in the air this week...Qatar Airways took possession of the first Airbus A350 delivered to anyone and plans to put it in service Jan 15 on a Doha-Frankfurt route, followed by Doha-NY as more planes are delivered.  MORE...
Blog Post

Erasmus Hall, Brooklyn, NY: Where Gumbo Was (#81)

Paul Heymont ·
As my fellow New Yorker Jonathan L recognized right away, Gumbo was at Erasmus Hall High School, the oldest public school in New York, and certainly one of the most beautiful.     The exterior seen in the puzzle picture, in "Collegiate...
Blog Post

Airline Seats Shrink While Passengers Expand

Paul Heymont ·
Airlines have recently begun replacing many of their seats with lighter, slimmer seats that allow them to either offer more legroom or...surprise!...jam in more seats. As this article from the Sydney Morning Herald points out, it's not just that space...
Blog Post

AA/USAir: Justice Dept. May be More Open to Deal

Paul Heymont ·
Remarks by Atty Gen. Eric Holder, quoted in the NY Times Monday may indicate the AA/USAir merger might be moving toward a deal that would allow the merger and avert the anti-trust trial set for Nov. 25th. Read it HERE
Blog Post

Where are Americans going? NYTimes has lists...

Paul Heymont ·
This week's NY Times travel section has compiled data from several sources for a Travel section article. Some surprises...some not. 1. The most popular domestic trips...California, Texas, Florida, New York 2. a huge margin, Mexico...
Blog Post

52 Places for 52 Weeks

Paul Heymont ·
With a destination for each week of the New Year, the NY Times has laid out a banquet of places, some of them "of course" and some of them definitely "what the...?" Even the usual get a twist; the note on Paris talks of places beyond the...
Blog Post

Emirates adds Orlando; more fuel on Open Skies fire?

Paul Heymont ·
Emirates, the largest of the Gulf carriers, has announced it will start a daily flight between Dubai and Orlando, starting September 1, using a B777.   The expansion comes at a time U.S. carriers are lobbying hard for limits on expansion into the...
Blog Post

How a super-ship manages 12-hour turnaround

Paul Heymont ·
Today's (Mar 22) NY Times has a fascinating article on the "backstage" operation involved in getting 6000 passengers off a ship, washing 93,000 pounds of linens, loading up all the food and water, and getting the next 6000 passengers out to...
Blog Post

JetBlue to start NYC-Havana flights

Paul Heymont ·
JetBlue will fly scheduled direct service from NYC JFK to Havana each Friday, starting July 3rd. Like all U.S. flights to Cuba it will operate as a charter with one of the officially approved travel service companies, in this case Cuba Travel...
Blog Post

When the weather gives you lemons, try an icecycle!

Paul Heymont ·
No, that's not a misspelling, but it isn't the word the inventor of Ice Bikes used to describe her new-fangled winter contraption.   Photo: Water Bikes of Buffalo   Buffalo, NY is known for cold, and the Buffalo River and sometimes parts of...
Blog Post

A Taste of Fall and More: Ithaca Farmers Market

Paul Heymont ·
Everywhere I go, my wife and I seem to find ourselves wandering aisles of fruit, vegetables, meat and seafood, cheeses and breads and more. But most often, aside from our local weekend Greenmarket in Brooklyn, our stroll is in the huge and chaotic...
Blog Post

NY to DC in 40 minutes by train? Maybe!

Paul Heymont ·
A US rail promoter is trying to get funds and approval to build a maglev (magnetic levitation) train line between NYC and DC. TNEM, the company, has already applied for permits to build on an old right-of-way between DC and Baltimore.   Magnetic...
Blog Post

Ireland's Answer to NY High Line: 16-mile path to the sea

Paul Heymont ·
Scheduled to open in 2017, Ireland's gift to cyclists and hikers uses an abandoned rail  line from Glenbeigh to Cahersiveen along the wild and scenic Kerry coastline in remote south-west Ireland. It crosses Gleesk Viaduct, and gives views of...
Blog Post

NYC airports set records for busy...

Paul Heymont ·
The five airports operated by the Port Authority of NY and NJ (JFK, Laguardia, Newark, Stewart/Newburgh and Atlantic City) set a record for passenger traffic last year, with 117.1 million passengers, up 3 million from the year before.   And,...
Blog Post

Museums of Buffalo and Corning, New York

Jonathan L ·
At the end of Jonathan L's recent trip along the Erie Canal, he found time to take in a selection of upstate museums, and he shares them here.
Blog Post

Boeing makes first 737 MAX delivery

Paul Heymont ·
Boeing's first 737 MAX delivery goes to an unexpected customer