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Tagged With "flights grounded"


Re: The Best Things To Do In Boston

GarryRF ·
From Logan Airport you can take the Metro into the City. When you've seen enough at the first stop - get back on the Underground system and come up to ground level at the next stop. Repeat as often as time will allow. Great way to spend 8 hours between flights. Only the Bostonian's would drink green beer on Paddy's Day.

Re: August 5, 2017: The Potter and his Wife

DrFumblefinger ·
It may be throwaway, but it is clay and it returns to the ground to be reused again at sometime in the future.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Jan, 21, 2014: Raccoon, Vancouver, British Columbia

Paul Heymont ·
And they are smart. When my kids were young, we used to camp every summer in Maine, at a site where raccoons came every night to feast at the cans. One year I decided I'd had enough, and brought chain tethers to keep the lids on. Worked fine, the lids stayed quiet all night. But in the morning, when we left our tents, we found that our two stryofoam coolers (which were not in use) had been shredded, all the implements from the table were on the ground, and the ropes securing our storage tarp...

Re: Where Gumbo Was #14: A Sewer Journey

TravelandNature ·
IslandMan - Good one ! Your island home of Malta is an interesting case in point of modern water and wastewater management. The limestone and clay geology there leads to rapid groundwater runoff during the winter rains. Because of this, precious water is reused after treatment in one of the two above ground sewer plants. Water has always been a very valuable resource on the island. Perhaps you might like to make a report sometime about the natural springs and history of the Maqluba doline in...

Re: Crashing the geocache

Janine ·
Your welcome. I wish them a lot of fun. Of course dogs don't find geocaches but they are a good excuse to look on things in or on the ground

Re: World's scariest hiking trail?

PortMoresby ·
As a confirmed acrophobic, I had trouble even looking at the pictures. But then I can't have an accident if I can't even imagine doing the climb. I'll concentrate on not falling down the stairs in my home and maintain my preference for looking UP at mountains from flat ground or water.

Re: World's scariest hiking trail?

Dr.Y ·
Ha ha Port, if scattered from the "fish back", you will not likely reach the "flat ground or water" there. Most likely will be blown upwards towards the sky

Re: World's scariest hiking trail?

PortMoresby ·
Originally Posted by Dr.Y: " ...if scattered from the "fish back", you will not likely reach the "flat ground or water" there." Note I stipulated "in this lifetime". I figured if I'm to experience such a thing, it'll have to wait until I'm ashes. But better late than never, right?

Re: Space Shuttle Atlantis exhibit, Kennedy Space Center

GarryRF ·
Last launch I watched was from the East Coast of Florida - maybe near Cocoa Beach. The Sky was complete darkness, just a few stars and the moon. We were listening to the launch radio station from about T minus 15 minutes - as NASA described the last minute checks. A few seconds before launch time you could see the ground at Cape Canaveral illuminated like a bright white flare. The steam from the launch pad turned into a white cloud and on "Zero" the rocket was moving slowly into the air. For...

Re: Island Air: Even Billionaires Get Airline Blues

Paul Heymont ·
Well, it's worth noting that Hawaiian has still not gotten Ohana off the ground, literally. They're citing FAA's cutbacks due to sequestration and then the shutdown as the reason. Island Air used to be a Hawaiian affiliate, flying Dash-8s and ATR-42s into small airports and feeding passengers into Hawaiian. Ohana was/is their plan to stay in that market with ATR42s. Island is unhappy with its ATRs (both the 42 and the larger 72), but doesn't seem to be able to solve any of its problems. I...

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Nov 8, 2013 : The Sanctuary Knocker, Durham Cathedral, a World Heritage site

DrFumblefinger ·
It's an impressive image, Mac, made all the more interesting by the story behind it. One sometimes forgets the role the church played in "forgiveness" acts through the centuries. I'm always astounded at the quality of craftsmanship behind these thousand year old items. In many ways, we've lost ground, not improved on their skills. Thanks for the education, and sharing this photo!

Re: Idaho's Craters of the Moon National Monument

GarryRF ·
Quite an extensive piece of work DrF. Very interesting. And a pleasure to read. Is the site still hot below ground ? I've visited a few volcanos and climbed the crater. But knowing its been dormant for so long doesn't inspire me to overstay my welcome !

Re: Greenland from six miles high!

Racing_snake ·
I agree it's a spectacular sight not to be missed and that there's more to Greenland that just the ice sheet. 2014 will see me on my 7th month-long visit in the last 9 years. I will again hike alone from Sisimiut on the west coast to a location north east of Kangerlussuaq (something like 110 - 120 miles) and then join colleagues doing wild goose research. By all means aim to set foot on the ground there and enjoy camping in the remote arctic landscape - being alone out there is a unique...

Re: The Tulou of Fujian Province

PortMoresby ·
HistoryDigger, I'll explain. At the end of the first day of tulou visits, the large tour bus rendezvoused with a small van and it was indicated that I should bring my things and come with a young man. Since no one could explain, I had to simply trust and go along, an interesting sensation. I later realized that I was the only one who had opted for the second day. The young man drove me to a very basic village of mostly new buildings built, I suspect but of course don't know, for...

Re: AA Plans to Squeeeeeze More Seats into 737s and MD80s

Former Member ·
Everyone was right the other day when they suspected that BA was charging for the seat in the restroom. BA finds new Revenue Stream ?

Re: Capital of Culture Series: Liverpool

GarryRF ·
Here's a good quote Paul PORTRAIT OF AN UNHEALTHY CITY - NEW YORK INTHE 1800'S by David Rosner Columbia University When a horse died, its carcass would be left to rot until it had disintegrated enough for someone to pick up the pieces. Children would play with dead horses lying on the streets. In addition to lacking street cleaning, the city also had no sewage system and no flush toilets. Garbage--which included both human and animal waste--was basically thrown out windows and onto city...

Re: Whom did you say was flying this plane?

Former Member ·
Yes, Bling, but flying is a three dimensional activity, not a two dimensional one, at at gar greater speeds! And Google is not infallible by any stretch of the imagination. Sure, flying is three dimensional but the dimensions do not change. The ground is the ground, however you get to it. The airport runways do not move right and left. The skies are now virtual highways, with planes flying along set paths. That is data for the computer guidance system. Have there been problems with the...

Re: Watch the Boeing 787 Dreamliner in flight

Mac ·
Very interesting and what a wing shape! Have a look at this shorter clip (3mins) which appears to show a vertical initial climb - wow. We are scheduled to fly on one in October

Re: Born in flight, he now flies for a living

DrFumblefinger ·
Great story!!

Re: Water rationing set for Rome

PortMoresby ·
Fortunately, I've booked a ground floor apartment. But I know about rationing & conserving, having lived in the desert and through droughts more than once. I promise I'll be careful.

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo? #37

Paul Heymont ·
Looking sign of a bell, so not a church steeple. When you look closer, too many people (tourists?) for a firewatch station. Long walkway...must connect to some building? Otherwise, why so high off the ground. Can't be a pedestrian bridge; no way down from the walkway level. I'm stumped!

Re: Gumbo’s Pic of the Day, August 22, 2014: Postcards from Greece - The Donkeys

DrFumblefinger ·
Mac, I think your photo is using a tricky angle. I believe there's a small television in front of those 3 donkeys that you've cleverly concealed. Everyone loves World Cup football, even these three! Honestly when I first saw that image it looked to me like they were watching something small near the ground and a television was the first thing that popped into my mind!

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#72)

PortMoresby ·
Paris has the Metro & the RER and I've been in at least one above-ground Metro station, but I'd be hard pressed to remember which. I think the RER is entirely above ground outside the city, and the occasional one in town, at least one along the river.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Oct 16th, 2014: Isle of Man TT Week

Paul Heymont ·
I think you've caught the spirit of what attracts many to riding, a sense of breaking free of the ordinary, of the ground itself...but I hope you weren't standing too close in front of him!

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, February 23, 2015: Skógafoss, Iceland

DrFumblefinger ·
Thanks for the comment, Garry, and a good question. The waterfall is almost a sea level and only a few kilometers from the ocean. So it is very moderated by the Gulf stream. So far as I could tell, the cliff and ground around it are caked in ice in January and February and hard to navigate. Flow is down, but the water continues flowing even in the coldest months. This photo was taken mid-September. It was a cold and windy day, but most days in Iceland are.

Re: Gallery: The View From Home

GarryRF ·
It's good to see the California drought may be coming to an end. Even in the UK - where we get more than our fair share of rain- we get droughts. The 9 month drought of '76 gave us ground levels sinking and causing damage to buildings. Now the ground levels are sinking in California. The worst drought you've had since 1894.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, January 15th, 2015: Winter Flowers ?

DrFumblefinger ·
It's a beautiful flower, Garry, and wish that they were blooming out there now. I'm looking at a foot of snow on the ground as I write this. Last year in Calgary was one of the longest and coldest winters on record. This winter is somewhat milder, but still with enough cold days. What does this mean when added to what you describe? I have no idea. My own view is that we've only been studying the planet's weather for about a century with some detail now. That, in the scope of the history of...

Re: SkyMall's Business Dwindles With Increased Internet Usage In-Flight

Paul Heymont ·
Sorry, DrF, but they ARE gone. The name and remaining assets will be auctioned, and there's a fair chance a website under that name will survive, but the paper version in the seatback is doomed. Here's why. First, from the airline point of view, the small fees received from SkyMall no longer match the cost of having cabin and ground crew maintain the placement. That's why Delta stopped placing it a few months ago, and others seemed poised to follow. Second, SkyMall only looks like a catalog.

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo? (#105)

Paul Heymont ·
And so the ball rolls…but it is neither garden nor park. But the sharp-eyed doctor is correct: it is not viewed from ground level. And that’s the first day’s hint.

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo? (#105)

Paul Heymont ·
Let's get down to ground level. Not at the place, but in the same town. Toss me some more ideas, and tomorrow you'll get another clue!

Re: As scheduled Cuba service nears, charter operators face unknown future

Travel Rob ·
With a few exceptions, the charter prices for Americans were really expensive. So for those companies, the gravy train is over.

Re: As scheduled Cuba service nears, charter operators face unknown future

GarryRF ·
On leaving Cuba last year our flight home to the UK was delayed. We had to wait on the plane for 4 hours. The airport had run out of Jet Fuel A1. So a fuel tanker was dispatched to fetch some. I do hope the US embargo stops before I go again. I'm not fighting American Airlines for the last drop of Jet Fuel !!

Re: Airline scheduling: Hurry up and wait, or run like crazy?

Marilyn Jones ·
Excellent and informative article!!

Re: For $345 you can fly back to the 70s on Pan Am

PortMoresby ·
Make that the '70s - no 747s in the '50s.

Re: For $345 you can fly back to the 70s on Pan Am

Paul Heymont ·
Thanks! Editing error now repaired!

Re: For $345 you can fly back to the 70s on Pan Am

Travel Rob ·
We get some great Twitter responses to our articles. @ nichtvermietbar asks of this one: " including smoking?"

Re: For $345 you can fly back to the 70s on Pan Am

Paul Heymont ·
A good question, and it is mentioned on the site: that part is up-to-date, and no smoking is allowed.

Re: For $345 you can fly back to the 70s on Pan Am

DrFumblefinger ·
Perhaps they will compromise and allow e-cigarettes. Smoking without the tobacco smoke.

Re: U.S. plans big increase in "pre-clearance" sites

DrFumblefinger ·
If you've ever used one of the foreign country based US customs clearances, you know that this is easy to do. So this is a wonderful idea and will help improve tourism to the USA>

Re: U.S. plans big increase in "pre-clearance" sites

Paul Heymont ·
That’s especially true for high-volume areas like Heathrow…I’d far rather use my waiting time there to be cleared than have to spend extra time waiting AFTER my flight at JFK!

Re: Airline scheduling: Hurry up and wait, or run like crazy?

Jonathan L ·
Of course the king of "Banking" for years has been Icelandic Air. They have made their whole business plan around bringing planes from 10 different North American cities in the morning and having those same planes fly out to 10 different European cities 1-2 hours after landing. This allows 10 plane loads of passengers the ability to mix and match origins and destinations. Then in the afternoon they do the reverse run. For 2-4 hours a day the terminal is full as passengers switch planes, the...

Re: Airline scheduling: Hurry up and wait, or run like crazy?

Paul Heymont ·
Thanks for reminding me of that, Jonathan...since it's where I first noticed it. It's actually so bunched that most of the terminal employees work two short shifts a day, with a gap between.

Re: In-flight refueling for airliners? Worth a look!

DrFumblefinger ·
Existing planes can travel half way around the world now, without refueling. For example, from Texas to Singapore. I'm not sure I see the point to this. Having a plane full of fuel flying around waiting to refuel another craft has to be expensive, and while the low risk of fire and such for the military might be acceptable, I'm not sure it is for commercial aviation. I'd rather have my plane refueled in the usual manner.

Re: In-flight refueling for airliners? Worth a look!

Paul Heymont ·
I agree on the preference for not being refueled that way...I'm not going to be sitting in an ejection seat with a parachute attached. But the reason they're interested in doing this is not without merit. The idea is that the plane that flies that long route could take off on a shorter runway (reduce load on existing airports, more operations per hour, use other airports that are not now long enough), or replace fuel weight with payload (cargo or passengers). The tankers, obviously, wouldn't...

Re: Airline scheduling: Hurry up and wait, or run like crazy?

DrFumblefinger ·
Fascinating piece, PHeymont. And I've noticed how tight they are making these connections. For example, in Europe we had connections scheduled 50 minutes from the plane's landing, assuming it was on time. We were definitely running, and it seemed everyone else at Schipol was as well. We made the connection, but I'd rather have an extra hour for a more relaxed transfer. I'm like you -- book a direct flight if possible, even with a premium, and look carefully at where and how long those...

Re: Airline scheduling: Hurry up and wait, or run like crazy?

IslandMan ·
very informative and useful article, PHeymont. Yes, I can relate with most of this, especially trying to make connections with only minutes to spare. We've now taken to seeking alternative forms of transport like trains and buses just to avoid airports!

Re: Aw shucks. Danes are no longer the World's Happiest People

PortMoresby ·
The idea that the Danes, and other Scandinavians, are the happiest people has always puzzled me. A Canadian friend, who lived in Denmark for decades, described them as the most depressed people, with the social problems that come with such conditions. It makes me wonder if the criteria for such lists & studies have little to do with conditions "on the ground".

Re: Midland Provincial Park, Alberta

GarryRF ·
My Grand Father worked in UK Coalmines around the 1900s . Stories he could tell were both amazing and scarey. Miners were exempt from War Service during WW1 as they supplied an "Essential Service". Women were employed at the Mines but never went below ground. Mules were used below ground - pulling bogeys - and never came back to the surface during their lives.

Re: June 8, 2016: Dockweiler State Beach and Park, CA

Travel Rob ·
Great piece! One of my favorite things in California was taking a bike ride along the beach and seeing that side of LAX. The best part is it's pretty empty!

Re: Aarhus: Is it strictly for the birds?

GarryRF ·
Seagulls are just rats with wings. They ruin lake fishing when you scatter ground bait. Scare the fish. Take 12 inches of fishing line. Tie a hook at each end. Make a ball of bread at each hook. Shoot into the sky with your bait catapult. Catch a seagull at each end. The noise they make scares the rest of the flock. Instantly fly away !