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Re: Trains in Cuba

Paul Heymont ·
Great question...and possibly not an easy clear answer. Cuba's trains have generally been in poor shape in recent years as older equipment has run down and spares not available. However, according to Mark Smith (The Man in Seat 61), that's changing with the arrival of a fleet of new Chinese-built locomotives. On his site ( ) he has an extensive update of recent changes in schedules, routes and locations (that's important because Havana's main station is closed for a 3-year...

Re: Books That Sent You Packing (your bag, that is)

Paul Heymont ·
Detectives and espionage thrillers. George Simenon in France, Eric Ambler all over and especially in Istanbul, an expanding list of Scandinavians going back to Maj Sjovall/Per Wahloo and including Mankell, Nesbo and Larsson; Arnaldur Indridadsen and others in Iceland, Brunetti and Montalbano in Italy...the list is endless and appears to be a real driver of our travel. I've tried to think why, and I think it is in part because detective and spy novels, when well done, are of their time and...

Re: Books That Sent You Packing (your bag, that is)

DrFumblefinger ·
People always laugh when I tell them this but the book that most inspired me to travel was Arthur C Clarke's "2001 a Space Odyssey". It made me want to see the universe -- or at least Clavius Base on the moon. It wasn't until later that I learned I'd have to settle for staying on the planet. Little did I know those journeys would one day lead me to the home and friendship of the man who wrote the book that so inspired me.

Re: Books That Sent You Packing (your bag, that is)

PortMoresby ·
I get booksellers' e-newsletters and paper catalogs and run across interesting travel-related items from time to time. Many are on remainder sites so "quantities are limited" but when a post is fresh here, you'll likely get it if you want it. Spotted today in the Daedalus Books catalog is one by Ian Buruma, Bad Elements: Chinese Rebels from Los Angeles to Beijing , " a dissident's eye-view of the world's most secretive superpower, observing, "Strange things happen when Chinese dynasties near...

Re: Liverpool and Manchester

GarryRF ·
Trains run every hour between the two Cities Paul. You need to add Liverpool Anglican Cathedral and the Catholic Cathedral of Christ the King. We have two.The Anglican one was the worlds largest - but I think St Johns in NY had to beat it. Speke Hall. Chester. Here's a list to peruse at your leisure. Meanwhile I'll put a reserved in my diary. Liverpool Cathedral 360' tour: Liverpool World Museum

Re: How do you buy your travel?

Paul Heymont ·
Few more thoughts, following HistoryDigger and DrFumblefinger... 1. Definitely check all your affiliations on car rental; after years of getting better price through AAA than any other way I knew, I recently found that going to the same vendors through USAA (my car insurance) gets me even better. 2. Not only does Priceline have good pricing on cars, I've often found I can get 30-40% lower through their blind-bidding (Name Your Own Price) service. 3. RailEurope is something of a red flag for...

Re: Need help planning Morocco trip

PortMoresby ·
If you're passing through Europe and plan to go directly on to Marrakech, keep in mind that the low fare carriers more often than not use secondary airports which will add to your travel time if go straight on. For instance, if you fly into London's Heathrow airport a low fare airline will likely use either Luton or Stansted. I believe British Airways has flights from Heathrow so check on the variables and you may find that with time and costs involved to change airports a bit more expensive...

Re: Spain or Portugal?

Paul Heymont ·
Portugal's rail system feels a bit worn in places, and some trains look terrible from outside...but the interiors are clean and the system seems to work. Not a terribly large country, so that time between the two largest cities (Lisbon and Porto) is about 3.5 hours. If you add in getting to the airport early and getting in from the airport at the other end, it's probably faster than flying. Other significant points in Portugal also have reasonable rail service, including Coimbra, the...

Re: Spain or Portugal?

Travel Luver ·
I just visited and it seems a fabulous website for travelers wanting to catch trains in Europe! So many tips and price comparisons!! And thanks for your info on trains. I think I'll take them even if they're a little beat up looking, LOL You been wonderful with all your help, PHeymont! I might have more questions later. Do you keep an eye on these posts? How does that work? What's the best way for me to get in touch with you if I have more questions?

Books That Sent You Packing (your bag, that is)

PortMoresby ·
The book I always think of in this regard is ‘The Sheltering Sky’, by Paul Bowles. And the subsequent movie, with the devilish John Malkovich as, guess who, Port Moresby. It inspired me to take the plunge and travel outside Europe, to Morocco, a place I’ve returned again and again, sure that would be so as soon as I read the book. But there have been others - ‘The River’s Tale: A Year on the Mekong’, by Edward Gargan, added Yunnan Province in China to my first round-the-world destination...

The Ultimate Guide To Booking Your First Cruise

BoltPosts ·
Even though it’s a piece of cake compared to booking a conventional vacation, booking your first cruise might seem like an intimidating experience. Do you visit the Komodo national park ? Do you opt for an Amazon cruise? Or do you go for something completely else? There are decisions to be made – from where to sail, to which cruise line to opt for, and how to get the most for your money. So, is there something that can be done in order to make booking your first cruise an easier experience?


Udaipur Rides ·
Taxi services or Car Rental Services in udaipur have become an integral part our day to day lives! They facilitate you with travel options on the go and make your journey calculations little less traumatic! But before you pack your bags and hop in, make sure you remember these 6 rules of hiring a taxi! 1. Have A Price Check Before finalising your taxi service in udaipur, have a proper analysis of their fare criteria per kilometer. Check whether the overall bill fits in your budget. In order...

Indian Culture: Traditions and Customs of India

Pratima ·
An incredible country offering magical travel experiences to travelers from all over the world, India is unique. It is the same for its customs and traditions. India's rich cultural heritage is famous around the world and has fascinated many poets, writers and other personalities. The writer-traveler Mark Twain told us: " India is the cradle of humanity, the birthplace of the word, the mother of history, the grandmother of legends and the great-great -mother traditions. The country has a...

Proven Tips that Guarantee Unforgettable Train Travel during Winter

rohitthakur ·
Trains are the best mode of travel when going on a holiday during winter or any other season. It is fun to travel on a train since you do not need to put on your seatbelt throughout your journey. If you want to stand up, lie down or walk inside the train, you are allowed to do it as you travel. Train travel eliminates the limit on the amount of luggage that you carry. When travelling by train, you enjoy limitless storage spaces so there is no maximum weight limit on luggage. Don’t you just...

The Best Camping Gear to Bring When Camping or Backpacking

harry ·
There is nothing worse than finally leaving your job after what appears like the longest time ever, driving forever and a day to your camp spot and beginning to set up camp... and then realize, "Damn it! I forgot the headlamps within the lightbox in the garage area!" Right now it's getting darkish, your tent isn't yet set up and yes, you forgot the lighter to start out the fire, great. Planning a camping out trip is always exciting and stress filled. I discover that I could hardly ever rest...


Johnpeter ·
A number of reports hint towards a brighter future of the global aviation industry. Carriers are enjoying a golden phase where demand is increasing and the cost of operation is going down. As per experts, these market situations were much needed to bring equilibrium in the market that was slowed down in the previous few years due to various reasons. This is the reason that most of the service providers are adding capacity on popular routes or adding new international flight booking options...