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Tagged With "Polar bears"


Re: Greenland from six miles high!

Racing_snake ·
I agree it's a spectacular sight not to be missed and that there's more to Greenland that just the ice sheet. 2014 will see me on my 7th month-long visit in the last 9 years. I will again hike alone from Sisimiut on the west coast to a location north east of Kangerlussuaq (something like 110 - 120 miles) and then join colleagues doing wild goose research. By all means aim to set foot on the ground there and enjoy camping in the remote arctic landscape - being alone out there is a unique...

Re: Greenland from six miles high!

Racing_snake ·
Originally Posted by DrFumblefinger: The world's climate has a history of change. Ice ages have come and gone. Who knows what tomorrow's weather will be, much less next century's? But I do know the folks in Greenland would appreciate a little warming there. As I look out at the snow in my backyard today, Canada could use a little, too. If you look at the rate of retreat of Sermeq kujalleq, 2012's big thaw and recent GRACE satellite data analysis on mass loss, I think warming is the last...

Re: Greenland from six miles high!

Former Member ·
Exactly the sort of thing that I am talking about on this other thread Please Don't Shut the Shade ! The view out the window beats the movie, every time.

Re: Greenland from six miles high!

DrFumblefinger ·
Thank you for your comment, voyager. I shut the shade if it's clouded over, but I still peak form time to time. I shut the shade when we're over the ocean or if it's dark outside. But if the flight is over a scenic place, I like to study the geography and try to figure out where I am. It's interesting, often beautiful, and I enjoy it.

Re: Greenland from six miles high!

Former Member ·
Dark is not the end of the show. I have seen streaking meteors flash in view. There have been times when I could see a part of the Milky Way or had a view of the Big Dipper. Over the ocean, I have seen flotillas of fishing boats off of places like Newfoundland. Even at night, you can see the lights of the boats bobbing. Once, I even saw a pod of whales in the channel off of Molokai. I peek every chance that I get. You never know what you will see.

Re: Doctor List for Traveling

Mac ·
SueZee, wherever you travel in the world your hotel will find you a suitable doctor who will speak enough English for your needs - just like Dr.F says - and Italy will have plenty. Don't bother with lists as they will always be out of date by the time you might want to use them, plus it will no doubt not list a great doc that the hotel knows is just around the corner! At the worst the hotel will have an English speaking staff member sit with you to help translate. Conversely, I do think that...

Re: Greenland from six miles high!

GarryRF ·
The Vikings were the first to live in Greenland - they described it as a "Green and pleasant land - with pastures and animals" Maybe when we get some serious Global Warming we'll all go back with our Cameras and the latest Frommers' Guide .... Greenland - Land of the Surfers and the 24 Hour Sun

Re: Greenland from six miles high!

DrFumblefinger ·
The world's climate has a history of change. Ice ages have come and gone. Who knows what tomorrow's weather will be, much less next century's? But I do know the folks in Greenland would appreciate a little warming there. As I look out at the snow in my backyard today, Canada could use a little, too.

Re: Polar bears: Hard to live with, hard to escape

DrFumblefinger ·
While they seem cute, polar bears are one of the few animals that actively hunt humans as a food source. They are quite dangerous and very lethal. The Norwegian town reminds me of Churchill, Manitoba, another great place to polar bear watch.

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo, #60

PortMoresby ·
The flag looks familiar and if I'm not mistaken, that brown blob is the bear on the CA state flag. If so, I think that narrows down the search for type of tree considerably.

Re: A visit to Waterton National Park

DrFumblefinger ·
I love the pictures, Roderick. Part of what makes Waterton so special are its many wild animals. Almost like going on safari in America! I'm especially fond of the little bear. He looks so very lost without his mother. Hope you didn't get between her and the little one! And thanks for your first contribution to Travelgumbo!

Re: Signs of Aspen, Colorado

Travel Rob ·
Nice of the Bear to tell us to fight back if attacked

Re: Signs of Aspen, Colorado

DrFumblefinger ·
Originally Posted by Travel Rob: Nice of the Bear to tell us to fight back if attacked He is a nice bear to tell us, and that's good advice with BLACK bears only. There are no grizzlies left in Colorado, but the general advice for them is to "play dead" and not fight back. If a black bear attacks you he likely wants to eat you. If a grizzly attacks you he likely wants to dominate you. Of course, you need to use your judgement on the spot, if you've time to assess. A thin wasted grizzly might...

Re: Signs of Aspen, Colorado

Ottoman ·
I don't know what amazes me more...this cocky bear telling us we better be ready to rumble if he comes at you, or the fact that he posed with this sign in the first place

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, June 18th, 2014: Bears

Jean ·
Enjoyed your photos Still Country. Brought back many memories. Haven't been lucky enough to see one this year but it is really exciting for me when I see my first bear of the season.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, June 18th, 2014: Bears

DrFumblefinger ·
The black bears in Yosemite NP are among the most aggressive and clever in the world. They've been known to pull down a locked closed car door to get at a picnic hamper or cooler in the back seat. They are amazingly strong -- imagine the power needed to peel a locked steel car door off its hinges. And they share this knowledge from generation to generation! Once a bear has eaten human feed, they are "spoiled" forever and often become more aggressive in their hunt for food and may even need...

Re: Banff National Park: Hiking to Boom Lake

GarryRF ·
Beautiful piece of country you have there DrF. As someone who's never seen a bear - what precautions do you take ? Looks like excellent cycling country too. But the thought of a grizzly knocking me off my bike worries me !

Re: Banff National Park: Hiking to Boom Lake

DrFumblefinger ·
Thanks, GarryRF. Bear attacks are about as common as lightening hitting folks, but it does happen. I've never encountered a bear while hiking except at a distance (could see them across a valley for instance). Here's what you do to be bear safe 1) Follow the park rules. They're very good about placing warnings (eg. trail closed, bear hovering over a carcass) 2) Hike in tight groups of four or more. Bears have never attacked a group of people this large 3) Avoid baby bears. If you see one,...

Re: Airbnb now open for business in Cuba

GarryRF ·
Did it go Brrr....Brrr... or was that the Polar Bear without his coat on ? Yes party lines were great fun if you picked up the receiver when someone else was talking.

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo #209

George G. ·
Time for your next clue.... What’s black and white, and red all over? This is the most difficult clue, so bear down and look for a sign that will give you a bit of direction.

Re: Weekend getaways. Where's your favorite spot

Theodore Behr ·
That's a fun question! Living in SoCal, there's lots of great places to getaway to. But there are 2 I really like. In the winter I like Palm Springs. Great weather, wildflowers, the mountains and desert. It's great! In the summer I like to go to Big Bear in the mountains. Beautiful mountain scenery. Great trees and lots of cabins. Both places are great!

Re: A fall visit to Highwood Pass and hike in the alpine meadow of Ptarmigan Cirque

DrFumblefinger ·
Thanks for your note, Garry. I also prefer loop hiking trails. This particular place would be great to hike in the spring (which comes late this high up) because of its large numbers of wildflowers. The only time I was up here during that season the trail was closed because a grizzly bear was hovering over a carcass. But the fall colours are also lovely. And get out there and hike before you can't. Would love for you to share a hike from the Liverpool region with all of us.

Re: Yosemite National Park: A walk among Giants. Hiking in the Mariposa Grove

Jessica Meddows ·
I'm so jealous you got to see deer! We were there a couple of weeks ago and the most wildlife we saw were some birds and adventurous squirrels. I was hoping for a bear or deer. Random question - I've been trying to find out the temperature of the water in Yosemite. Mirror Lake in particularly. You don't happen to know, do you? I went swimming in Mirror Lake and everyone looked at me like I'd spontaneously sprouted a second head.
Blog Post

Gumbo's Pic of the Day, February 9, 2015: "Teddy Bear" Cholla

DrFumblefinger ·
  When you see a group of them at a distance in the "Cholla Cactus Garden" (Joshua Tree National Park), they're a memorable site.  With their arms outstretched, these cacti seem rather fuzzy, almost soft, and hence the name "teddy...
Blog Post

A Remote Canadian Village offers Indescribable Natural Discoveries

Marilyn Jones ·
  As I left the hotel in Winnipeg I was outfitted in all my brand new cold-weather gear headed for the airport and a two hour flight to the remote village of Churchill.  I prayed my preparation for facing the sub-zero temperatures and brutal...
Blog Post

Devils Tower National Monument

Ottoman ·
    Devils Tower is an igneous intrusion or laccolith in the Bear Lodge Mountains (part of the Black Hills) in northeastern Wyoming, above the Belle Fourche River. It rises dramatically 1,267 feet (386 m) above the surrounding terrain and...
Blog Post

The Bear Blog

59nationalparks ·
  I had a hunch when Shelly and I were planning our 59 National Park in 59 weeks tour that wildlife would be center stage.  I knew that the buffalo would roam in Yellowstone, that the tropical fish would dance...
Blog Post

Palm Springs Air Museum, California (Where Gumbo was #104)

DrFumblefinger ·
  Gumbo was visiting the Palm Springs Air Museum in the California desert, and specifically had the privilege of sitting in the cockpit of a B-17 Flying Fortress bomber (like the one in the above photo).  Congratulations to the many who...
Blog Post

Visiting Western Greenland. Part II – Western Greenland on Foot!

Racing_snake ·
Part I covered three Greenlandic towns I have visited but my real passion is being out in West Greenland’s wilderness.  So this part is about what it has to offer those willing to get out there on foot and under canvas!    I...
Blog Post

A Week in Uzès

PortMoresby ·
    After many stays in France, but never in the far south, I decided it was time.  But where?  I’d been offered an apartment somewhere in the “Souse”, by Maggie, my favorite Paris hotelier, pronouncing it in her...
Blog Post

Norway: Don't scare the bears!

Paul Heymont ·
Norway's Arctic archipelago of Svalbard is serious about protection for its endangered species.
Blog Post

Museums of Buffalo and Corning, New York

Jonathan L ·
At the end of Jonathan L's recent trip along the Erie Canal, he found time to take in a selection of upstate museums, and he shares them here.

How to Plan the Perfect Summer Festival

Ruby Daub ·
Summer is here and the time for festival-goers to once again enjoy a full schedule of festivals and events – including yours! But you need to get it right, as poor performance makes for a poor impression. With your festival’s reputation dented, it can be hard to gain support for future events. Here are a list of some of the do’s and don’ts of festival planning. What would you add to the list? On the DO list… Keep attendees and staff hydrated – and that means having plenty of refreshment...
Blog Post

Yellowstone: Old Faithful Inn & Geyser

PortMoresby ·
PortMoresby arrives in Yellowstone and begins her visit at the logical place, Old Faithful Geyser and its companion, the Old Faithful Inn.
Blog Post

Mar. 16, 2017: Liverpool UK Santa Dash.

GarryRF ·
One of Liverpool's newer traditions raises funds for charity and fun for the participants. GarryRF explains.
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Journey through Karnataka: Bangalore to Mysore

Professorabe ·
Professor Abe presents the first of a six-part series documenting a journey through Karnataka, India. Our journey begins in Bangalore.
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Top Long Distance Hiking Trails in the USA

Brian Bradshaw (Guest) ·
Like to go for a long distance walk? Then Brian Bradshaw has just the post for you. Check out some of these beautiful (and challenging) hikes!
Blog Post

Moraine Lake Rockpile Trail -- Banff National Park's best Short Hike

DrFumblefinger ·
If you like hikes that aren't too strenuous and filled with gorgeous views, this one should be on your bucket list.
Blog Post

Eastern Europe Rail Odyssey #5: Istanbul to Tbilisi

Wilbur's Travels ·
Wilbur takes us on another memorable train journey, this one starting in Istanbul, then on to Ankara, Erzurum, Batumi (bu bus), Yerevan and ending in Tbilisi
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Do you see what I mean ?

Amateuremigrant ·
Robert Cranwell likes to look at the little things when he travels in nature and explains why -- you will too once you've read his post.
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Walk the Redwood Forest of Muir Woods

Jonathan L ·
Jonathan L says "I am not much of a 'back to nature' kind of guy... But Muir Woods National Monument is a totally different experience." Share it with him!
Blog Post

Why I never get tired of Monet's gardens

Paul Heymont ·
On my most recent visit, I had to explain why I keep going back, and why it's not really about the 'cult of Monet.'
Blog Post

Apr. 17, 2017: Melting House at Gare du Nord, Paris

Paul Heymont ·
An art installation that accompanied the Paris Climate Conference serves as a reminder, and also mirrors its surroundings.
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May 1, 2020: Three Black Bear cubs

Chris ·
Chris finds a rare beary tree -- one rich in bear cubs -- in northern Alberta.
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Stockholm: Will cubs help boost recovery?

Paul Heymont ·
Stockholm's Skansen park and museum has a new attraction, but so far not many visitors are allowed to visit.
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Echo of Rebellion: The Resistance at Christiana

Paul Heymont ·
A small Pennsylvania town hangs out a sign "Freedom Began Here," its proud memory of a moment when its name was known everywhere.
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Four Tips in Choosing the Best Suitcase for Your Business Travel

Darren Wilson ·
Some suggestions on choosing the right luggage for your next trip (sponsored content)
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More rail competition: Now Belgium

Paul Heymont ·
Flixtrain's Brussels-to-Paris planned route highlights the growing role of private rail operators in Europe.
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A Church for All Seasons: Basel's Predigerkirche

Paul Heymont ·
PHeymont visits a church that's led an eventful life for nearly eight centuries.