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Tagged With "St. Catharines"


Re: Quebec — A Walled European Fortress In America

Former Member ·
This is spectacular. A good example of one of those places that is just sitting there, not really getting a lot of attention from US travelers.

Re: Quebec — A Walled European Fortress In America

DrFumblefinger ·
Thanks for the note, Chatterbot2. Yes, Quebec is relatively under-touristed, especially when compared to Europe. If you want to visit a 400 year old European stype fortress, don't want to fly across the Atlantic, want to go to place where French is the dominant language, want great food and friendly folks, then Quebec City should be at the top of your travel list.

Re: Quebec — A Walled European Fortress In America

Former Member ·
The Quebecois were very amused at my attempts to speak French. It is always great to see people laugh.

Re: Quebec — A Walled European Fortress In America

DrFumblefinger ·
They may laugh, Chatterbot2, but I can tell you with absolute certainty that your fumbling attempts to speak their language melted their hearts. You were a valued guest, if not one of them, after trying.

Re: Quebec — A Walled European Fortress In America

Former Member ·
Monsieur, vous êtes très gentil de le dire. I do try to make a stab at the local language wherever I travel. Around the world, people are amazingly patient with my mangling of their language. It does create good entertainment. Almost always, my puzzled efforts put people at ease. They are instantly willing to help "the poor confused thing".

Re: Verona: More than Romeo & Juliet

Former Member ·
There are places in Verona in which you can still see the Roman cart wheel ruts cut into the paving stones. We found that evocative and fascinating. Seeing physical evidence while on vacation from ages past gives the expression "time trip" new meaning.

Re: Verona: More than Romeo & Juliet

Paul Heymont ·
True...Verona is one of those cities where you can feel past and present in the same moment. It's a bit like the Allen Ginsberg quote that reflects my fascination with Paris: "You can't escape the past in Paris, and yet what's so wonderful about it is that the past and present intermingle so intangibly that it doesn't seem to burden."

Re: Verona: More than Romeo & Juliet

PortMoresby ·
For garden lovers, one of the best-preserved renaissance gardens in Italy, the Giardini Giusti:

Re: Verona: More than Romeo & Juliet

rbciao ·
Verona was definitely a highlight of our 2012 pilgrimage to the "old country." The city was modern and old at the same time. People watching in the Piazza Bra was like having a peak into the living room of the Veronese. It seems like a place on a secondary travel network: like a place to go after you've seen the "big 3." This trip was a return after not stopping here since 1982 and we were very pleased. The sites were interesting, the people were friendly, and the gelato was first-rate.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Oct. 4, 2013: St. Boniface Cathedral, Winnipeg, Manitoba

Former Member ·
Fascinating picture, with the sky as a rose window!

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Oct. 4, 2013: St. Boniface Cathedral, Winnipeg, Manitoba

DrFumblefinger ·
Thanks, Ready2Go! The photo doesn't do justice to the size and scale of the place, but it is a lovely setting. I never thought about the sky as a rose window, but why not?

Re: A Visit to Ireland: Part 2) the Rock of Cashel

Rosemary Collier ·
Dr. Fumblefingers, you take amazing photos! We can't wait to go. Reminds me of the sweet song my mother used to sing around our house when I was a girl: "It's a long way to Tipperary."

Re: A Visit to Ireland: Part 2) the Rock of Cashel

DrFumblefinger ·
It is a long way to Tipperary, but it's worth the journey! You'll love your visit to Ireland, Rosemary. It's just a fun destination.

Re: The St. Augustine Lighthouse

Travel Rob ·
GutterPup -Great job sharing about the lighthouse. Anastasia Island, or known as "the Island" there has some pretty cool sights, beaches and restaurants. It's friendly and relaxed atmosphere is commented upon frequently and I found it's really true.Many people come back year after year and stay for months at a time. The historic sights of downtown bring people in, but the Island brings them back.

Re: The St. Augustine Lighthouse

GutterPup ·
Thank you Travel Rob! St. Augustine is a place I visit once every couple of years, and I always include a visit to Anastasia.

Re: The St. Augustine Lighthouse

rbciao ·
GutterPup, You posted some great pics of the place. The St. Augustine Light is one of the 10 most beautiful lighthouses in the USA. I read that in a travel magazine, so this is not just my opinion. It's gorgeous! In another lifetime, ex-wife type other lifetime, we were going there for a winter interlude in February from 2002 until 2006 and we stayed on Anastasia Island, not far from the light. We joined the member society, bought bricks in our kids's names, and visited there frequently.

Re: The St. Augustine Lighthouse

GutterPup ·
I appreciate your kindness I did notice all the bricks at the entrance with folks names on them, pretty cool. I haven't been to many lighthouses I must confess, something I hope to change, but this one was really fun and had tons of history behind it - I'm a fan!

Re: The St. Augustine Lighthouse

DrFumblefinger ·
Here's a view of the exterior of the lighthouse, from Wikimedia/Jubileejourney

Re: The St. Augustine Lighthouse

GutterPup ·
Looks almost identical to the one I took.

Re: The St. Augustine Lighthouse

Jonathan L ·
I have never been, but my wife just spent 6 days in St. Augustine and it has been added to our list of MUST GO places. Thanks for the info on the lighthouse, it will be one of our stops.

Re: Fort De Soto Park, Florida – A Tropical Utopia

DrFumblefinger ·
A truly beautiful place! I imagine the kayaking and fishing are quite good. Are there any alligators about/ Is it a first come, first serve campground, or are reservations allowed?

Re: Fort De Soto Park, Florida – A Tropical Utopia

Travel Rob ·
Thanks!What an excellent beach GutterPup!

Re: Fort De Soto Park, Florida – A Tropical Utopia

GutterPup ·
Originally Posted by Travel Rob: Thanks!What an excellent beach GutterPup! You're welcome! My little secret

Re: Fort De Soto Park, Florida – A Tropical Utopia

GutterPup ·
Originally Posted by DrFumblefinger: A truly beautiful place! I imagine the kayaking and fishing are quite good. Are there any alligators about/ Is it a first come, first serve campground, or are reservations allowed? The kayaking and fishing are out of this world! No worries about running across any gators, they like fresh water and Ft. DeSoto is salt water, but there are sharks! Reservations are recommended at the campground, especially during the winter and spring months. The summer...

Re: Fort De Soto Park, Florida – A Tropical Utopia

Jessica Meddows ·
This is a beautiful beach. Is it a daft question to ask if there are alligators around? I'm Australian, and our more northern beaches get huge crocodiles as well as sharks, so I'm not quite sure if the same goes for alligators in Florida!

Re: Fort De Soto Park, Florida – A Tropical Utopia

GutterPup ·
Hi Jessica! While it is not impossible, it is quite rare to see a gator at this beach, I only know of one time that a gator was ever spotted there, and that was only a 3.5 ft long one. It is much more likely that you'll see a shark before seeing a gator

Re: Gallery: Signs of Quebec

Paul Heymont ·
Especially love the "Toilettes" sign!

Re: Gallery: Signs of Quebec

GarryRF ·
Were these pix taken in one area of Quebec or are they typical of the City ?

Re: Gallery: Signs of Quebec

DrFumblefinger ·
They were all taken in the historic area of Quebec City, Garry, which is not that large an area. Probably geographically in a square mile area or less.
Blog Post

Gumbo's Pic of the Day, July 18, 2015: The Winged Lion of Venice

DrFumblefinger ·
    The winged lion is a symbol you see everywhere in Venice -- palaces, flags, statues -- everywhere.  It seemed a somewhat unusual mascot for a seafaring power and made me wonder what the origin to the symbol was.  Turns out the...
Blog Post

The Sunshine Skyway Bridge – The Creepy and the Miraculous

GutterPup ·
  If you follow Interstate 275 south through the city of St. Petersburg, Florida until you run out of land, you’ll be greeted by a gentle slope of road that seemingly rises from the waters of the Tampa Bay. This...
Blog Post

Saguenay Fjord — Deep and Long but not very Tall

DrFumblefinger ·
I’d heard as a schoolboy that the Saguenay Fjord was one of the longest in the world.  Years later someone told me the area around Tadoussac was pretty, sparsely developed and inviting.  Given a spare day or...
Blog Post

Montreal: Je Me Souviens

DrFumblefinger ·
There are many great cities to visit in Canada, two of my favorites (for different reasons) being Vancouver and Montreal.  Vancouver has one of the most breath-takingly beautiful settings of any city in the world, and I’ll be discussing it...
Blog Post

Quebec — A Walled European Fortress In America

DrFumblefinger ·
Quebec, like New York, is both a city and a state (or rather, a province).  It’s an island of French heritage and culture within our Anglo-North American continent.   We combined this visit with stops in Montreal and...
Blog Post

Verona: More than Romeo & Juliet

Paul Heymont ·
  Verona from the hills, looking toward St. Anastasia and the Ponte Pietra   My visit to Verona last summer was almost an accident—but a lucky one. It wasn’t on the original plan for our three weeks in Northern Italy, but online...
Blog Post

A Visit to Ireland: Part 2) the Rock of Cashel

DrFumblefinger ·
 There are few places in Ireland with a richer history than the  Rock of Cashel .   Situated at the edge of the town of Cashel, the rock is a huge outcropping on top of which rests a complex of old buildings situated some 60m (200ft)...
Blog Post

Gumbo's Pic of the Day, February 25, 2015. St. Augustine, Florida

Marilyn Jones ·
  St. Augustine is celebrating its 450 th birthday in 2015 and everyone’s invited! It was in 1565 that Pedro Menendez of Aviles proclaimed the land for Spain. The first Catholic mass was held at what is now the Mission de Nombre de Dios by...
Blog Post

Gumbo's Pic of the Day, March 9, 2015: St. Peter's Basilica, Rome

DrFumblefinger ·
    While visiting Rome recently, one of our favorite cities anywhere, our day's walk through the Baroque section ended by the Tiber River just as the sun was setting.  We were a little lost, a state I like to be in while exploring...
Blog Post

Government St., Mobile: A Great Historic Street (Pt. 1)

Travel Rob ·
I haven't heard anybody else say this, especially in the local area, but Government Street in Mobile, Alabama is one the most spectacular historic streets in the world, even today. I had a chance to walk a good portion of Government St. in March of...
Blog Post

April 5, 2017: Pelicans, St. Augustine

George G. ·
Always ready for a hand-out, pelicans frequent many harbors and waterfronts. George G captured these images on the St. Augustine pier.
Blog Post

Ganong's Candy Bench, St Stephen, NB

Travel Rob ·
Travel Rob shows us Ganong's Chocolate Museum in St. Stephen, New Brunswick.
Blog Post

January 10, 2020: Octopussy, St Tropez

George G. ·
GeorgeG comes across a celebrity yacht while breakfasting in St. Tropez.
Blog Post

May 2, 2020: St. Peter's Episcopal Church, Seward

DrFumblefinger ·
A nicely preserved church that's 115 years old, St. Peter's is still an active parish. The church is listed on the Register of National Historic places.
Blog Post

Catania Cathedral (Where Gumbo was #347)

DrFumblefinger ·
Gumbo was visiting the Sicilian city of Catania, and exploring it's beautiful Cathedral. The Cathedral sits on a square which is a UNESCO World Heritage site.
Blog Post

February 1, 2020: St. Mary's Catholic Church, Red Deer

DrFumblefinger ·
DrFumblefinger visits an amazing church in the small prairie city of Red Deer, Alberta. The church was the very first work by famed Canadian architect Douglas Cardinal.
Blog Post

St. Louis Gateway Arch - Gateway to the West

Samantha ·
   If you’ve ever been to St. Louis, most likely you've been to the beautiful Gateway Arch and Jefferson National Expansion Memorial. It was definitely on our to-do list the first time we were in Missouri. We took the 630-foot ride to...
Blog Post

U.S. has a (nearly) ghost airport, too

Paul Heymont ·
We've written here before about Spain's Castellon airport, until recently marooned without flights since it opened several years ago. But USA Today has uncovered a U.S. airport in nearly the same situation.   Mid America Airport in Muscoutah, IL,...
Blog Post

Our 3 Favorite Beaches on Philipsburg, St. Martin

Samantha ·
At one point in time we had a time share in Saint Maarten (I know, I know) and have been there a few times. While we were there, we always had to spend some time in Philipsburg. Before heading there the first time we knew that Saint Maarten was a...
Blog Post

St Stephen's Green, Dublin. (Where Gumbo was #137)

DrFumblefinger ·
    (St. Stephen's Green, Dublin, 1899)   Gumbo was visiting the best known city park in Dublin, St. Stephen's Green.  Situated atop the busy pedestrian mall, Grafton street, it's the "green lungs" of the city. ...
Blog Post

Nov. 8, 2017: 8 Free Things to do in St. Louis (pt 1)

Samantha ·
Samantha shares half her list and pictures of top free things to do. Don't go yet, though: the rest will come your way soon!