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Tagged With "Lakeside"


Re: Finding Your Hike in Prospect Park

GarryRF ·
Great photos Paul. Looks an amazing place. Is it located in the City where most folks can walk to it, or on the edge of Brooklyn ? Good to see it's becoming popular again with kids enjoying nature. Is parkland safe from developers in the States ?

Re: Finding Your Hike in Prospect Park

Paul Heymont ·
Garry, it’s right in Central Brooklyn, surrounded by residential neighborhoods that range from quite poor to distressingly wealthy. Unlike Brooklyn Bridge Park, born in an age when it somehow seems acceptable to people to make condos part of a park, there would be huge opposition to messing with Prospect Park; in fact, even small changes can generate lots of discussion. But let’s not think parks are always safe; a few years ago, the Yankees were allowed to swap park land parcels for their...

Re: Finding Your Hike in Prospect Park

GarryRF ·
Sounds very familiar! Old money, big houses and the park becomes a buffer zone. But for now it's a great place to fill your lungs and for the kids to run wild - like kids need to !
Blog Post

Finding Your Hike in Prospect Park

Paul Heymont ·
  If my title seems puzzling, let me explain. Prospect Park, Brooklyn, is a 585-acre unnatural wonder, shaped by its builders to represent rural values and spaces in a growing 19th-century city. From farmland and hillside, Olmsted and Vaux...
Blog Post

Oštarija Peglez'n, Bled

DrFumblefinger ·
DrFumblefinger visits a charming lakeside restaurant in Bled, Slovenia.
Blog Post

Gumbo's Pic of the Day, September 8, 2015: Jiaxing ( 嘉兴), a small Chinese town

DrQ (Guest) ·
A few recent pictures from another Southern China lakeside town, "Jiaxing ( 嘉兴).            