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Tagged With "Budapest"


Re: Belles lettres et de belles choses: A wanderer's gallery

Paul Heymont ·
An apology...I mixed my files and misidentified the girl reading her stack of bronze books; we met her in Seville, not Lisbon!

Re: Belles lettres et de belles choses: A wanderer's gallery

Paul Heymont ·
Another find for the Belles Lettres category: The 19th-c sign atop the older part of Madrid's Atocha rail station.

Re: June 21, 2016: Medieval Budapest in the 21st Century

TravelingCanuck ·
Such an awesome post. For me one of the my favorite parts of travel is imagining the people who lived in the past and think of them in their daily lives. How much do we have in common with them and how much are our lives different then theirs were. Thanks for a great look at the history of Budapest.

Re: June 21, 2016: Medieval Budapest in the 21st Century

Marilyn Jones ·
Thank you TravelingCanuck! I feel the same way you do about wondering what it was like so any centuries ago. Our surroundings have changed, but I am sure they were concerned about the same things we are: love, finances, jobs, politics, religion, family and friends.

Re: June 21, 2016: Medieval Budapest in the 21st Century

Travel Rob ·
Great post and your photos are wonderful! Budapest is a great city and you've really captured the magic!

Re: June 21, 2016: Medieval Budapest in the 21st Century

Marilyn Jones ·
Thank you Travel Rob. I appreciate your kind words!

Re: Gumbo's World: The Exiled Statues of Budapest

GarryRF ·
Altough the Soviet Union liberated Eastern Europe from fascism, it brought along another yoke, that of communism. The implication being that nothing had basically changed because of that liberation. "History is always written by the Victor"

Re: Gumbo's World: The Exiled Statues of Budapest

HistoryDigger ·
Fascinating concept of moving all the statues to one site. Glad to know this.
Blog Post

Gumbo's Pic of the Day, December 13, 2014: Gödöllő

PortMoresby ·
  The Royal Palace of Gödöllő sits on the outskirts of Budapest and it was there I was taken one day by streetcar from the center of the city by dear friend, Zoli.  A serious photographer with a wonderful eye, he and I walked all...

Unmissable Sights in Budapest

NikOl-Bp ·
We often travel to other countries, other cities, but not always for sightseeing. Conference, meeting, maybe for some service. These trips sometimes takes several days, but we can also decide to connect the pleasant to the useful and look around the city. Here is a brief introduction for those, whose destination is Budapest. What is a must see, from the Hungarian capital. I recommend this article, which contains more than 100 sights, for those who want to spend more days in Budapest, or want...
Blog Post

March 8, 2020: Fatal Restaurant, Budapest

George G. ·
An unusual restaurant name is the focus of George G's Pic of the Day selection.
Blog Post

Cafe Gerbeaud, Budapest: Where Gumbo Was (#61)

Paul Heymont ·
  Let's not kid ourselves...after having the last puzzle demolished in a day, Gumbo needed a break and a morale boost—and where better for that than an elegant cafe with rich pastry and world-renowned coffee? In Budapest, for over 150...
Blog Post

Gumbo's World: The Exiled Statues of Budapest

Paul Heymont ·
This is, in a way, an essay on memory. Ever since ancient history, the winning side of history has erected monuments to itself, hoping to inspire greater love, respect or at least obedience. And, over time, newer rulers often change the script.  ...
Blog Post

Budapest's Great Synagogue

Paul Heymont ·
Commonly called the Dohanyi Street Synagogue, Budapest's biggest Jewish house of worship is also the largest synagogue in Europe, and one of the half-dozen largest in the world. But its significance goes well beyond its seating capacity (1500 men at...
Blog Post

Heroes Square, Budapest: Where Gumbo Was (#48)

Paul Heymont ·
  Lynn Millar and MAD Travel Diaries both identified where Gumbo was: Heroes’ Square, or Hosok tere, in Budapest. This giant square has served many kinds of memories and movements, beginning with its construction beginning in 1896 as a...
Blog Post

June 21, 2016: Medieval Budapest in the 21st Century

Marilyn Jones ·
Budapest's long history shows in its Castle District and the Matthias Church, where the medieval era can still be sensed.
Blog Post

Air Canada adds Budapest and more

Paul Heymont ·
Air Canada starts service to Budapest, just one of a string of international expansions for the carrier.
Blog Post

December 11, 2018: Nesting Doll Display on Budapest Street

George G. ·
George G shares memories and images of a cold winter trip to Budapest.

Re: Air Canada adds Budapest and more

DrFumblefinger ·
The 787 Dreamliner has really opened up options for Air Canada and other airlines. Vancouver-Delhi is another. With older 767s some smaller cities are also finding direct travel.
Blog Post

From the Shoebox, a Gallery of Details

Paul Heymont ·
The pictures in this gallery are mainly architectural details—rooflines, entrances, windows—noticed in years of walking in cities and having my eye caught by a strong line, an unexpected contrast, an extended shape...I don't even always know what catches me, and, as here, it's often not the most significant building.
Blog Post

Belles lettres et de belles choses: A wanderer's gallery

Paul Heymont ·
Beautiful letters and beautiful things...This is another shoebox selection, focusing on well-made signs and well-wrought details that just don't really fit somewhere else.