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Tagged With "Calle Ocho"


Re: Delta Hangs Up on Inflight Calling

DrFumblefinger ·
Delta just moved up on my list of preferred airlines! I can see it coming -- calling and non-calling sections in planes.

Re: Delta Hangs Up on Inflight Calling

PortMoresby ·
Times change and along the way, behavior once deemed unacceptable, often becomes the norm. I've noticed this principle at work especially where phones are concerned. I'm so pleased to see a CEO take a stand for simple courtesy, even when it seems to fly in the face of popular notions of what's acceptable. I hope now other airlines' managements have the gumption to follow Delta's lead.

Re: Staying In Touch on the Road: Part 1

Mac ·
It's a nightmare! A fair chunk of my packing now includes various chargers, connection cables and mains power adaptors for phones, iPads, Kindles. cameras.... Oh, plus a universal backup power supply battery (RAVPOWER - good value) in case I cannot get to a mains socket - just to keep in touch! I have to say that the Euro proposal to have ONE single charger for all devices has some merit!! PS - watch out that chargers that are sold as suitable for iPhones are often not powerful enough to...

Re: Staying In Touch on the Road: Part 1

Mac ·
The RAVPOWER unit that I went for is shown on the following link (a real mouthful): This model has enough power to fully recharge an iPad! Currently available from Amazon for USD 36.00 They also do more powerful packs. (Hope this doesn't cut across any "No Advertising" policies

Re: Staying In Touch on the Road: Part 1

DrFumblefinger ·
No, Mac, that doesn't cross any sort of policy. We want to help travelers get good honest feedback about products that might be helpful to them on the road (or conversely that aren't worth the money). What's not tolerated is people paid to promote products on our website and providing dishonest information. Ravpower is exactly the kind of unit I'm looking for. Need to go order it soon.

Re: Staying In Touch on the Road: Part 1

Paul Heymont ·
In the Duel of the Devices, I'm going to declare the RAVPower unit the winner. Both of these devices are essentially external batteries, something that's becoming more popular as more phones come with non-removable batteries. There are two critical differences, however: capacity and output. The PowerStick has a capacity of 750mAh (about half the power held by an average cellphone battery) and a maximum output current of 700mA (phone chargers usually supply 1000mA). The RAVpower device has a...

Re: Staying In Touch on the Road: Part 1

Paul Heymont ·
By the's my solution to the other charger issue (plugging in at home). It's a 5-port USB host that has a short cord to plug in (no brick to get in the way at the outlet) and takes 5 standard USB cords for your devices...the kind that come with your device, although more are available cheaply. The five outputs include 2 2100mA for iPad, 2 1000mA for most phones, and 1 1300mA for Samsung. All can be used for any device up to the designated output (that is, you can plug your phone...

Re: Staying In Touch on the Road: Part 1

Former Member ·
PowerStick only charges from a USB port. The PowerStick has a capacity of 750mAh Perfect ! That is all that I need for my modest travel needs - just a little juice for a camera or my old flip (!) phone, if needed during a day of sightseeing. The PowerStick is only about the size of a pen, takes no thought to use and does not involve batteries. My kind of tool. Travelers who carry a lot more toys have greater needs than little me.

Re: Staying In Touch on the Road: Part 1

Former Member ·
Well, I understand the urge for simplicity and not getting tied down...but both the PowerStick and the RAVPower ar e batteries. The RAVPower isn't big; about the size of a cellphone. But it costs 30% less, and will actually put a full charge on a phone, which the other won't. In fact, it will put a full charge on about 6 phones.

Re: Staying In Touch on the Road: Part 4

Travel Rob ·
Great Info! Skype is great but I found Magic Jack versatile when the other person is not sitting on a computer. I am also a fan of Google Voice ,but I don't think I'm using all their features.

Re: Staying In Touch on the Road: Part 1

Former Member ·
Ran across this device for charging smartphones

Re: Azucar Ice Cream in Little Habana, Miami

One Tiny Leap ·
The shop & ice cream look fantastic. I'm pretty sure the cuatro leches would be right up my alley, so we'll be sure to pop over when we visit Miami in March.

Re: Azucar Ice Cream in Little Habana, Miami

Mac ·
I love visiting quirky and delightful places like this! Many years ago we used to visit a little restaurant in Casablanca which served great food prepared by it's French 'patron' whose rudeness and abuse of his customers (never nasty) was an absolute scream! Ah travel! We love you....

Re: Azucar Ice Cream in Little Habana, Miami

Travel Rob ·
The flavors sound great and I'll definitely go next time I'm there! Miami is such a friendly city with so much energy .

Re: Azucar Ice Cream in Little Habana, Miami

Suzanne Batlle ·
Thank you Katy!!!! Love the blog

Re: Don't Expect Things to Work Like Home

GarryRF ·
Sounds like the unplanned cultural excursion that I prefer. I hate being shoulder to shoulder when its peak time. So like you I go the opposite way to the rush. Good pix too ....

Re: Don't Expect Things to Work Like Home

PortMoresby ·
It's been long enough since my residence in PR that I seem to be craving a trip back. Having lived in Isla Verde & Santurce, I've wanted to return for a stay in Old San Juan. You've just added fuel to that desire, JL.

Re: Don't Expect Things to Work Like Home

Jonathan L ·
Garry and PM You are right, I hate being caught in crowds - it's why I have spent 1.5 weeks in Florence and I have never been to the Uffizi. I look for the smaller museums and out of the way towns. That is my favorite way to travel.

Re: Don't Expect Things to Work Like Home

IslandMan ·
Hello Jonathan L, What a day! Sounds like a case where changing horses midstream is a good thing. I guess that's what traveling is all about. Taking the good with the bad and expect the unexpected. Cruise ships can be a nuisance especially when they unload all their passengers on unsuspecting adventurers like yourself. Glad to hear it worked okay in the end. Love the pics too.

Re: Don't Expect Things to Work Like Home

Paul Heymont ·
Old San Juan is my February destination for next year, so thanks for the preview! I hope you'll be writing more about it in coming months...
Blog Post

MSC adds accessible shore tours

Paul Heymont ·
The cruise line announces a whole slate of shore excursions in 20 ports designed for people with varying mobility issues.
Blog Post

Joaquin shifts cruise itineraries, may affect flights

Paul Heymont ·
Four cruise lines have made changes in itineraries in the Caribbean for the next few days because of Hurricane Joaquin, which is presently centered over the Bahamas, and will likely be in the area throughout Friday before moving north.   The...
Blog Post

Delta Hangs Up on Inflight Calling

Paul Heymont ·
Now that you can keep your devices on gate-to-gate, attention has turned to inflight calling. Since the FCC announced it's getting ready to legalize inflight calls there's been a storm of controversy, with many saying they don't want to spend 8 hours...
Blog Post

Staying In Touch on the Road: Part 1

Paul Heymont ·
PICKING THE RIGHT TECH FOR YOUR NEEDS   This is part 1 of a 4-part report on communication for travelers.   Years ago, traveling meant being out of touch with home, and struggling with unfamiliar pay phones for local calls for...
Blog Post

Staying In Touch on the Road: Part 4

Paul Heymont ·
ET—HERE’S HOW TO CALL HOME! Right! I promised you alternatives to paying high cellphone call rates for calling back home. Using one of these low-cost strategies lets you spend more on data (or dinner!) and lets you choose a SIM by the best...
Blog Post

5 Miami Landmarks to Visit During the Summer

Katy ·
Sometimes we get wrapped up in our crazy lives and I forget what a great city I live in. Not only is Miami filled with mouth-watering food, but also some pretty cool landmarks and spots everyone should spend some time in.   Before the summer is...
Blog Post

Azucar Ice Cream in Little Habana, Miami

Katy ·
Not too long ago I took a field trip over to my dad’s hood –  La Pequeña Habana , or Little Havana. While I was walking around looking for content I stumbled upon quite the gem –  Azucar Ice Cream .   The Azucar...
Blog Post

TV's 'Loveboat' returns for mass wedding

Paul Heymont ·
For those who remember their romances and the TV series The Love Boat, a chance for nostalgia at sea.
Blog Post

Don't Expect Things to Work Like Home

Jonathan L ·
Some days consist of changing plans and crowd avoidance. One day The Amazing Ms. D and I had planned to go to Museo de las Americas in Old San Juan. This is a new museum in the building of the Instituto Cultura puertoriqueno near El Morro....
Blog Post

Oct. 7, 2018: Sombrillas over Calle Forteleza, Old San Juan

Jonathan L ·
Jonathan L takes us to a colorful art installation in Old San Juan

Re: Oct. 7, 2018: Sombrillas over Calle Forteleza, Old San Juan

George G. ·
Phenomenal capturing of colors. I may use for my computer screen background!
Blog Post

Volgograd 2006: The Battle of Stalingrad

Jonathan L ·
Jonathan L takes a look back to his 2006 trip to Volgograd, and to the historic battle of Stalingrad, a turning point of World War II.

Re: Volgograd 2006: The Battle of Stalingrad

Roderick Simpson ·
Thank you for a very informative post. We are used to seeing the Battle of Stalingrad in TV documentaries, but it is very interesting to see the city as it is now, and how the monumental events of 1942-43 are commemorated.

Re: Volgograd 2006: The Battle of Stalingrad

George G. ·
Superb account.