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Tagged With "Berlin's City Hall"


Re: The Memorials of Berlin - Part 2

George G. ·
Excellent coverage and photos Jonathan. If I have a return trip to Berlin, these places will absolutely be on must see list.

Re: The Memorials of Berlin - Part 2

Jonathan L ·
Thank you.

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo? (#188)

Paul Heymont ·
Here's the Thursday clues...inside now. Inside a hall that's 30' x 80' and next to another nearly as big. Living large! And there's more upstairs...

Re: Berlin's Museum Island

George G. ·
Great Blog Story. I was at the Pergammon years ago and your story caused me to dig out the old photo album from the basement archives and relive our stay at Alexanderplatz and the museum visit. Thanks.

Re: Berlin's Museum Island

Jonathan L ·
Glad you liked the story. I hope you enjoy my next pieces on Berlin

Re: Notes and Noticings from the road

Paul Heymont ·
Actually, I think the banks have a fairly minimal (as small as I can make it) impact on my currency transactions, in part because I never deal with exchanges; I use bank ATMs. That way, the exchange takes place not on my account, but as an interbank transaction at the base rate banks use with each other. I used to use my ATM card from Citibank, but eventually they began charging a 3% foreign exchange fee even on withdrawals. At that point, I opened an account with Charles Schwab, a brokerage...

Re: Please Don't Squeeze the Passengers: Airbus

Paul Heymont ·
Interesting point, Mac. Large planes with bright decor somehow seem to me roomier, even if the seat is the same size. I think there's a balance between physical comfort and "feel" that airlines may not always recognize. On the other hand, I've been on 777s that had so little division of space that my mental image was sitting in a huge concert hall...and felt a bit uncomfortable from that!

Re: The Valley Island of Maui: 2) Haleakala National Park

arion ·
Yes, we will go through U.S.Immigration at Trudeau Airport in Montreal. At one time, the U.S. Immigration hall there had a huge banner across it emblazoned with the words "WELCOME TO THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA" It isn't there anymore. Someone must have figured out this was still, after all, Canada. Yes, 17 days is a long time on a ship. I am travelling with a friend who needs this type of getaway just now.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Dec. 22, 2013: Fantastic Skylight in Barcelona

Paul Heymont ·
That's gorgeous! By coincidence, I was in Cunard's New York booking hall from about the same period last is now a bank. I will try to find a picture.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Dec. 22, 2013: Fantastic Skylight in Barcelona

Paul Heymont ·
Well, turns out to be a moment of mis-identification. The building I was in, 1 Broadway, had been the offices of United States Lines; Cunard was up the street at 25 Broadway. I haven't a picture yet for the booking hall-turned-bank, but here are two shots of Cunard's Great Hall, which is now a postal facility.

Re: Sanssouci Park, Potsdam, Germany

siptrans ·
And where is the Chinese House? It is so beautiful!

Re: Sanssouci Park, Potsdam, Germany

Professorabe ·
Agreed - there is plenty more to see in the park than is covered here. The Roman Baths and the Belvedere are further examples. The website below provides some further information and photos:

Re: Grand Central Terminal, New York (Where Gumbo Was #164)

GarryRF ·
Looks like you have a great liking for the good old days of the railroad. Loved the reference to the new complex - It was picking up steam in the 80s and 90s. Fascinating slice of architecture hidden away. But better a market hall than a memory.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Aug. 2, 2015: Uncertain times

HistoryDigger ·
My family and I love this section of Berlin. Great pictures. You were there on a beautiful day. And by the way, this is where Reiner (of the Finding Reiner series) drank a beer in Zum Nussbaum, the oldest bar in Berlin (or so he said), before he was doomed to face the Russian Front.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Aug. 2, 2015: Uncertain times

Paul Heymont ·
Zum Nussbaum is there, in this picture, nestled at the base of the Nikolaikirche—although like the rest of the neighborhood, it is a reconstruction. But then, so much of life is...

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Sept. 6, 2015: Berlin Buskers

DrFumblefinger ·
Now I understand how fine arts graduates in Berlin make a living

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Sept. 6, 2015: Berlin Buskers

Ottoman ·
I think the guys in the top photo were classmates of Harry Potter

Re: More Art under Your Feet

DrFumblefinger ·
I usually keep my eyes up, but do glance down from time to time. These are on the sidewalk in the town of Banff. Probably not functional manhole covers, but "art under the feet".

Re: More Art under Your Feet

Paul Heymont ·
Those are not just beautiful, but functional in another way...if not as utility covers, then as guides for pedestrians. Do all the streets have them?

Re: More Art under Your Feet

DrFumblefinger ·
Originally Posted by PHeymont: Those are not just beautiful, but functional in another way...if not as utility covers, then as guides for pedestrians. Do all the streets have them? The streets crossing the main street in Banff (Banff Ave) have them, although I don't believe all the streets in town have them. I expect they're just up on the main pedestrian areas of town. But I agree, they are nicely done.

Re: More Art under Your Feet

Travel Rob ·
In Tokyo, They also use the covers for Fire Hydrants,something I haven't noticed before

Re: More Art under Your Feet

Travel Rob ·
Thanks to you Paul, I'm now taking a lot of photos of manhole covers and birds on statues. Really some interesting things I never paid much mind to before. Here's a couple more manhole covers. I'll add the my statue birds on your next story. In Oslo Fire Hydrant in Tokyo

Re: Museum Island, Berlin

GarryRF ·
An amazing collection of sculpture. Worth a few days exploring the Museums alone. Fly Liverpool to Berlin with Ryanair return ticket for a 2 day trip. £105. Serious thoughts ......

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo? #62

Roderick Simpson ·
I have never been to Iceland, although I've flown over it many times (usually covered in clouds), but looking at the Reykjavik Tourist wesite, the windows resemble those of the Harpa Concert Hall and Conference Centre.

Re: Above and Below at the beach

Paul Heymont ·
It’s actually a fairly long-standing program now…started in 2002, with just the one on Rive Droite, just below the Hotel de Ville. We first noticed it in 2005. By 2006, they had added one on the Rive Gauche, and in 2007 on the Bassin de la Villette. I don’t know how long they’ve been doing the on in front of the city hall, but when we saw it last week it was set up for beach volleyball!

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#50)

MAD Travel Diaries ·
Looks like it's in the US...a city hall perhaps? Hmmm...

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#50)

MAD Travel Diaries ·
I want to say it's in Philly or DC but I have stuck in my head Harvey Milk filmed at City Hall San Francisco and not progressing

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, June 29, 2014: Berlin's Fernsehturm

MAD Travel Diaries ·
Very nice. My only time visiting Berlin was for the Christmas Markets and I was too focused on mulled wine! I need to go back during the year and actually explore these monuments.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, June 29, 2014: Berlin's Fernsehturm

DrFumblefinger ·
Originally Posted by MAD Travel Diaries: Very nice. My only time visiting Berlin was for the Christmas Markets and I was too focused on mulled wine! I need to go back during the year and actually explore these monuments. I also know the impact of mulled wine on a cool day

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, June 29, 2014: Berlin's Fernsehturm

Paul Heymont ·
I guess I'll need to explore the mulled wine when I get back...we were focused on beer and currywurst!

Re: Prague: Fancy Rooftops, Flashy Facades

DrFumblefinger ·
I remember having the same feeling about Prague. A beautiful city of great architectural variety and all types of style. One of the more memorable views of the city is from up high, say from the observation deck of City Hall. The rooftops and towers are beautiful.

Re: Berlin's airport tragedy of errors continues

DrFumblefinger ·
It's hugely embarrassing to my German friends, and a farce of incompetence. What kind of architects and engineers are designing this place????? Correspondence school graduates? Perhaps the should just bull-doze the place and start over again. Might be quicker that way.

Re: Doors of Charleston

GarryRF ·
The very last act of the American civil war - Captain Waddell of the CCS Shenandoah (built in the UK), walking up the steps of Liverpool Town Hall surrendering his vessel to the Lord Mayor, after sailing 'home' from Alaska to surrender. The shipping offices in Rumford Place Liverpool were the Embassy of the Confederate States during the American Civil War. The CCS Shenandoah was the only Confederate ship to circumnavigate the world.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, February 25, 2015. St. Augustine, Florida

Travel Rob ·
The dining hall at Flagler College(in your last photo) is really something to see. The Tiffany Windows are incredible.I also love the concrete used to build Flagler college , former Hotel Ponce de Leon , made from the local coquina stone.

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#85)

Paul Heymont ·
A concert hall or theater?

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo? (#109)

Paul Heymont ·
The free-form shape and the large single entrance lead me to think of a concert for a big auditorium within. The windows are too irregular for offices or apartments, but might work for galleries or studios. Recent? Last 10-15 years? Hmmm...the grass rather than street setting makes me wonder if it's on a campus?

Re: The newest, biggest, bestest airport: Aren't they all?

GarryRF ·
I often find that better facilities and more relaxing just mean they've added a shopping mall and an entertainment area to extract more money between gates. So I now have further to walk - and drag my carry-on to get to the gate. Maybe developers see us customers as "Lambs to the slaughter" Squeeze us - until our pockets run dry. I'd be happy if all those moving walkways worked. The cartoon Jetsons never had a problem with them in the 60s. Before they were even invented I think ! Vey...

Re: The newest, biggest, bestest airport: Aren't they all?

PortMoresby ·
I confess to a preference for developing world airports - small, simple, friendly places, like the towns they get us to when we choose to fly at all. I realize that I'll likely need to go through one or 2 of these urban behemoths to get to them, and then I'm reminded I'm on the right track again when baggage claim is a few steps into the building and it's a couple of guys who just pushed a cart to an opening in the wall and I can still see the plane.

Re: The newest, biggest, bestest airport: Aren't they all?

DrFumblefinger ·
It's a nicely researched and well-written piece, PHeymont. Thanks. I'm with PortMoresby, though. Given a choice, I'd rather travel to a smaller airport, and avoid these mega-hubs if at all possible. I know at some level you agree with this (based on some of your past comments on Heathrow for example).

Re: The newest, biggest, bestest airport: Aren't they all?

Paul Heymont ·
Far from Third World except In the minds of Gov. Cuomo and Joe Biden, but Laguardia is my favorite NY airport precisely because it's so much smaller.

Re: Liverpool and Manchester

GarryRF ·
Trains run every hour between the two Cities Paul. You need to add Liverpool Anglican Cathedral and the Catholic Cathedral of Christ the King. We have two.The Anglican one was the worlds largest - but I think St Johns in NY had to beat it. Speke Hall. Chester. Here's a list to peruse at your leisure. Meanwhile I'll put a reserved in my diary. Liverpool Cathedral 360' tour: Liverpool World Museum

Re: Germans Reflect on Reunification

DrFumblefinger ·
I was in Berlin on Saturday, the day of the 25th anniversary of reunification. There were tons of people in the city, as crowded as I've ever seen any major city. The main activities were in the Tiergarten, especially around the Brandenburg gate. By the time we made our way there, the police had closed down the area and were not allowing more people in because it was overcrowded. Still, everyone seemed well behaved and having a nice time. I think most Germans feel reunification was a good...

Re: Sanssouci Park, Potsdam, Germany

DrFumblefinger ·
A memorable destination. Those gardens sure do look very inviting for a stroll. Thanks for making us aware of this special place.

Re: Stockholm's "blue hall", where the Nobel awards reception dinner is held each year

GarryRF ·
The Blue Hall has brick walls which are not plastered. The hall was originally supposed to have been plastered and painted blue, a colour scheme that would have resembled the water of the bay. But Östberg changed his mind during the construction of the hall after he saw the red brick.

Re: Stockholm's "blue hall", where the Nobel awards reception dinner is held each year

DrFumblefinger ·
Garry's got it right. It was initially to be painted blue (like the Swedish flag), but the architect so loved the look of the space he left it as it was when made. Still, the name stuck. Sort of like Tunnel Mountain in Banff, which was to have a railway tunnel blasted through, although the rail was diverted and no tunnel ever made.

Re: Town Hall, Manchester, England (Where Gumbo Was)

Roderick Simpson ·
Manchester City Hall featured in the news last night, as it was there that the Brexit Referendum result was officially announced.

Re: Town Hall, Manchester, England (Where Gumbo Was)

Travel Rob ·
Great piece! I loved Manchester. You showed some great details of Town Hall that I missed.

Re: July 14, 2016: Humboldt, University, Berlin, Germany

DrFumblefinger ·
Ottoman -- I notice your name is not on this list. What gives? Surely these men aren't any more distinguished that you?

Re: July 14, 2016: Humboldt, University, Berlin, Germany

Ottoman ·
Dr. Fumblefinger...thanks for noticing that my name didn't appear on the above alumni list. Although I believe I am just as distinguished and smrt as the gentlemen mentioned above, the university said that having one Otto on the list was more than enough.

Re: Ryanair boss: We'll crush German competitors

GarryRF ·
Most of Mr O'Leary's predictions are just attention seeking and looking for free advertising. If you look on you tube you'll see a list of his comedy acts and predictions for Ryanair from the past years. A very successful man with an Irish sense of humour.